Pro-abortion Dems planning showdown at pro-life Edgewood meeting
The Town of Edgewood is expected Tuesday to pass a pro-life ordinance mandating compliance with the federal Comstock Act, which prohibits the illicit transport of “abortion pills” or “abortion-related paraphernalia.” The town Commission is meeting at 5:00 p.m. to discuss and vote on it appearing on the ballot.
However, the pro-abortion side of the aisle is rearing its ugly head, looking to stir the pot in the pro-life community.
Fringe legislators, such as state Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe), says she will be in attendance, declaring on Twitter, “I’ll see y’all in Edgewood, NM tomorrow. We will not stand down,” adding, “I will be standing in strong opposition to this proposal and will be standing firmly for the laws we passed to ensure that EVERYONE in New Mexico has access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare!”
However, chemical abortions, which Romero calls “reproductive healthcare,” are extremely dangerous, according to scientific studies.
A 2021 scientific study found from FDA data between 2000 and 2019 that there were many deaths and adverse medical events directly linked to the use of mifepristone. The researchers found in their research that “[s]ignificant morbidity and mortality have occurred following the use of mifepristone as an abortifacient.”
Romero voted for all the pro-abortion bills that passed during the 2023 Legislative Session, including H.B. 7, which forces public bodies, including schools to facilitate abortions while attempting to ban localities from passing life-affirming laws.
The Piñon Post has learned that Galisteo-area state Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe) is also planning on attending. McQueen, like Romero, supports abortion up to birth.
The town meeting will be held at the Townhall of Edgewood Commission Chambers at 171A, State Rd. 344. A Zoom link to join is here. Find the agenda for the meeting here.
Pro-abortion Dems planning showdown at pro-life Edgewood meeting Read More »