
TONIGHT: NM March for Life Holding Emergency Pro-Life Webcast

As Democrats in the New Mexico Legislature are working to ram through two anti-life bills, HB-27 (assisted suicide) and SB-10 (abortion up-to-birth), New Mexicans can tune in tonight for an emergency New Mexico March for Life webcast to see what they can do to try and stop this legislation. 

The webcast, which will be streamed tonight (January 22) at 7:00 p.m. MT, will have notable faces from New Mexico and across the nation, including Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, U.S. Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (NM-02), Deacon Steven Rangel of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life, Ethel Maharg of the New Mexico Right to Life Committee, Bud and Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico, Mike Siebel of Abortion on Trial, among others.

During the event, experts will inform attendees about what they can do to stop these two anti-life bills in their tracks and reveal news about the “even worse” versions of these pieces of legislation. Abortion survivors and others will also give testimony about their experiences with abortion. 

Since the  New Mexico Capitol building has been militarized and New Mexicans have been barred from the “People’s House,” the New Mexico March for Life could not happen in-person this year, but the emergency webcast will give critical information to people across the state about what they can do to protect life in the Land of Enchantment.

The link to register for the event can be found below:

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NM Catholic Bishops oppose abortion, assisted suicide bills

Two anti-life bills have been proposed for the 2021 Legislative Session, in another Democrat attempt to kill humans of all ages, from in the womb to terminally ill individuals.

SB-10, the abortion up-to-birth bill sponsored by Sens. Linda Lopez and Peter Wirth will flatly strip critical life-saving statutes from state law, which protects mothers, babies in the womb, and medical professionals. The bill would take away requirements for a physician to do abortions, allow minors to get abortions without their parents, opening the door for human traffickers to exploit child mothers, and take away “conscientious objection” statute, meaning medical professions would be forced to perform abortions. 

HB-27, the assisted suicide bill sponsored by Reps. Deb Armstrong and Dayan Hochman-Vigil aims to kill terminally ill patients with poison. One particularly startling portion of the law is a disclosure patients who choose to kill themselves will be forced to sign which acknowledge the following:

 “I understand the full import of this request, and I expect to die if I self-administer the medical aid in dying medication prescribed. I further understand that although most deaths occur within three hours, my death may take longer.” 

New Mexico Alliance for Life said the bill “would usher in assisted suicide in the state with the highest suicide rate already. It is also considered the most radical bill in the nation by the medical community.” Their bill analysis can be found here.

The two bills aim to distinguish human life of all ages, and thus, the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops reinstated their opposition to the bills. A spokesman for the Conference reiterated, “The Catholic Bishops of New Mexico oppose SB10 and also the assisted suicide bill. The Bishops are actively lobbying the legislators to oppose these bills. Please pray for the success of our work. Please call your Senator and Representative to vote no.” 

Other groups, including the New Mexico Alliance for Life, are already organizing pro-life New Mexicans to contact their legislators, and the Piñon Post is organizing people to email senators in the New Mexico Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee to oppose SB-10. 

To email these senators, click the button below:

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MLG skipping Biden swearing-in after being snubbed for HHS cabinet post

On Monday, it was reported that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham will not attend the inaugural ceremonies of former Vice President Joe Biden in Washington, D.C. on January 20th, citing her discouragement of “non-essential travel during the pandemic,” according to KOB 4 News. the Nation’s Capital is a restricted area, per the Governor’s executive orders.

However, the Governor’s orders have never stopped her from violating them before. Despite demanding New Mexicans stay home during the Christmas holiday, Lujan Grisham went with her financé to visit her mother, a violation of her public health orders.

Grisham also purchased luxury jewelry from a shuttered “non-essential” business back in May of 2020, a clear violation of her orders. She also allegedly had salon visits during this time, which also care clear violations of the public health mandates. 

The Governor’s supposed reason for not going to the Biden inauguration could very well be just an excuse, since Biden previously snubbed her for a role as Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary after she declined a Department of the Interior secretary post. 

The move came after Ben Ray Luján, Lujan Grisham’s alleged cousin, and other far-left members of Congress begged Biden to consider the New Mexico governor for the HHS role. 

Once news got out that the Governor was “no longer favored” for the post, leftist members of Congress blasted Joe Biden’s incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain for rejecting Lujan Grisham so publicly.

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, a member from New Mexico, spoke up first, according to Grijalva, but was followed by a chorus of members in the CHC about the harm it had done to Lujan Grisham’s reputation and other women who had been interested in positions in Biden’s Cabinet.

“You can’t be cavalier with this stuff. Their reputations are on the line and when something comes up like, ‘We offered her something and she didn’t take it,’ it puts a bad light on her and on other candidates,” Grijalva said.

Grijalva said that members were also frustrated that it had hurt Rep. Deb Haaland, a Democrat from New Mexico, who had expressed an interest in the top job at Interior.

“Most of us interpreted it as a slap in both their faces,” Grijalva said. He added that Klain “shared both the concern and sometimes the anger that members were expressing.”

Now, the move for Lujan Grisham to sit at home and watch the inauguration “virtually” appears to be a strategic one, as the may not want to align with an incoming administration that publicly shunned her–most likely due to her absolute failure during the COVID-19 pandemic to lower case numbers, while simultaneously wrecking her state’s economy to shreds.

Governors from all across the country, including from bordering states, are attending the Biden inauguration, even RINO (Republican in name only) Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona is making the trek to D.C. for the event. 

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MAGA patriots don’t protest at Capitol over the weekend—dealing blow to MLG, lib media narrative

In an overreaction to the January 6th incursion of the U.S. Capitol, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham erected massive fences around what was once known as the People’s House–the New Mexico State Capitol. Now, the building looks more like a militarized zone, complete with National Guardsmen and State Police surrounding the perimeter and its adjacent streets, plus massive concrete blocks keeping the public away from visiting their own state capitol building.

The Capitol’s militarization came at an opportune time for the Governor, as an illegitimate and allegedly fraudulently elected liberal figurehead, Joe Biden, comes into power on January 20th, while the New Mexico Legislature convenes “100% virtual to the public” via Zoom video on January 19th. This is an opportune time for the Governor and her cronies in the Legislature to block the public out from the political process, allowing Democrats to ram through as much extreme legislation as possible, without so much as a visit by a constituent.

During her weekly COVID-19 press conference last week, the Governor appeared to be goading on New Mexicans to break the rules and resist her commands to stay home around the time of the presidential inauguration by repeatedly invoking former Vice President Joe Biden’s name and telling people to protest “from your living room.” 

“No violence–domestic terrorism will not be tolerated here–and everyone who participates, if they participate, in any of those efforts in this state–they will be held swiftly and firmly accountable. And we will use the full extent of the law to do just that,” added the first-term Governor.

Usually, language like this would provoke a reverse psychological response from the public. However, pro-Trump patriots heeded the warnings of many Trump allies urging MAGA people to stay home over the weekend and not engage in “false flag” events, which the liberal media has been trying to promote as havens for “violence.” 

Leftist news sources, such as the Washington Post and others, were stirring the pot last week, looking to catch Trump supporters storming capitols across the country on January 16-17. The move would help the Democrats’ narrative in trying to demean and demonize Trump supporters by labeling them inaccurate terms such as “insurrectionists,” “seditionists,” and their favorite, “domestic terrorists,” as Lujan Grisham has parroted. One far-left state representative, Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo), even went so far as to demand every Trump supporter be “forever branded with a scarlet S for seditionist.” 

But Trump supporters did not take the leftist bait and stayed home over the weekend. Only a few peaceful individuals prayed in front of the fence at the Capitol, while one Christian worship leader, Philip Renner, led a handful of people in worship on Saturday morning. Some leftist news outlets bemoaned the lack of protests, but Trump supporters support Law Enforcement and the Military, which is likely why no protests to counter the tyrannical governor occurred.

Also, the Legislature was not in session over the weekend, which is also likely why no one protested. However, it is unclear if peaceful protests will begin in other places around New Mexico this week. KRQE 13 News reported that the now-fortressed New Mexico Capitol will be barricaded from the public at least until the end of the 60-day Legislative Session.

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NM ‘domestic terrorism’ bill may endanger firearms instructors

This week, the Piñon Post reported on a leftist bill, HB 70, which cloaks itself as a reasonable proposal aiming to more sharply define what an act of “domestic terrorism” is. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D-Bernalillo) and William Rehm (R-Bernalillo).

The revised definition of terrorism, according to the bill, reads as follows: 

Terrorism consists of committing any act that causes great bodily harm or death with the intent to: (1) intimidate or coerce a civilian population, including committing mass violence in a place of worship or public accommodation; (2) influence the policy of a state entity or political subdivision of the state; or (3) affect the conduct of a state entity, political subdivision of the state or public accommodation by mass destruction, assassination, kidnapping or an act of violence enumerated as a serious violent offense in Section 33-2-34 NMSA 1978. Whoever commits terrorism is guilty of a second degree felony.

Making a terroristic threat involving a school, community center, place of worship or public accommodation consists of unequivocally, unconditionally and specifically threatening to commit any act of terrorism pursuant to Subsection C of this section, whether that threat is made online or otherwise, against a person at a school, community center, place of worship or public accommodation, or against a school, community center, place of worship or public accommodation with the intent to: (1) cause a reaction to the threat by an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies; (2) place a person in fear of great bodily harm; or (3) prevent or interrupt the occupation or use of a school, community center, place of worship or public accommodation. Whoever commits making a terroristic threat involving a school, community center, place of worship or public accommodation is guilty of a third degree felony.

In an KOB 4, Hochman-Vigil tried to clarify what this bill would do. She said, “So if you put something on social media saying, ‘Oh I’m really upset about this and I think these people should be hurt, or I’m going to go protest at the Capitol in Santa Fe and I’m going to beat someone up’ – that I don’t think rises to that standard. It has to be very specific: ‘Rep. Hochman-Vigil, I’m going to go to the Capitol, I’m going to kidnap you, and I’m going to torture you until you die.’ That is a specific threat that I think could meet the standard of putting me in fear of great bodily harm.”

So according to the bill sponsor, saying “I’m going to beat someone up” at the Capitol does not qualify as a terrorist threat, while telling a specific individual (such as a state representative) that they are in danger of a specific threat does qualify. It appears to be a quite vague portion of the bill since the text does not necessarily line-up with the description Rep. Hochman-Vigil has given. The legislation appears to be creating a further grey area in the definition of “domestic terrorism.” 

However, portions of the bill will increase penalties not only for the individual who commits a terrorist act, but it may hold a firearms instructor liable for merely teaching someone to handle a firearm that may be used in an act of terrorism. The bill says that any firearms teacher may be charged with a third-degree felony if someone they taught may at any time use the weapon for the bill’s definition of “terrorism.” 

Any person who teaches or demonstrates the use, application or making of any firearm, destructive device or technique capable of causing injury or death to any person with the intent that the knowledge or skill taught, demonstrated or gained be unlawfully used to commit terrorism as defined in Subsection C of this section in furtherance of a civil disorder is guilty of a third degree felony

Any person who trains, practices or receives instruction in the use of any firearm, destructive device or technique capable of causing injury or death to any person with the intent that the knowledge or skill taught, demonstrated or gained be unlawfully used to commit terrorism as defined in Subsection C of this section in furtherance of a civil disorder is guilty of a [fourth] third degree felony

The narrow definition may endanger gun stores, ranges, and firearms instructors, as they may be accused of being an accomplice to domestic terrorism, even if they are not. The legislation says these penalties come if an instructor teaches the skill “with the intent that the knowledge or skill taught, demonstrated or gained be unlawfully used to commit terrorism.” 

There is no timeline of when an instructor can be held liable, meaning if a client who was taught how to operate a firearm a year ago suddenly goes off the deep-end and shoots up a business in a “domestic terrorism” act, there is no part of the legislation which safeguards the instructor from being charged with a felony.

The very nature of teaching firearms comes with the knowledge that the firearm has the capacity to cause bodily injury and death. So, the vagueness of the bill, which does not offer protection for instructors, could hold the wrong people accountable in this legislation, instead of the bad actors the bill sponsors may be trying to bring to justice. 

It should also be noted that the bill text in one section outlines that anyone committing a terrorist act is subject to a second-degree felony. Still, in a subsequent section, the bill outlines that any terrorist threat involving “a school, community center, place of worship or public accommodation” is a third-degree felony. A firearms instructor would be liable for a third-degree felony, meaning the instructor may be punished even harsher than the terrorist if the terrorist’s actions don’t occur in any of the aforementioned places.

Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil received a $1,000 contribution in the 2020 election cycle from anti-gun lobbyist Vanessa Alarid, who is married to a far-left lawmaker, Rep. Mo Maestas. Alarid lobbies on behalf of Everytown For Gun Safety Action Fund, billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing initiative.

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Streets surrounding NM Capitol barricaded off from the public indefinitely, ID required for all entry, exit

On Friday, it was announced to Downtown Santa Fe businesses that they should expect roads closed all around the New Mexico Capitol Building as Gov. Lujan Grisham plans to fortress the area in, not allowing the people of New Mexico in or out of the People’s House. 

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) released in a statement that “DPS hereby gives notice that the intersections hereinafter identified, allowing ingress and egress to the area of the state capitol and the state capitol complex, will be closed to the public, beginning Saturday, January 16, 2021, at 8:00 am until midnight or as needed, and continuing day to day thereafter, until such time as the NMSP believes that it is safe to reopen the areas in and around the New Mexico State Capitol.”

The portion “until such time as the NMSP believes that it is safe to reopen the areas in and around the New Mexico State Capitol” makes it clear that the Governor is preparing to block off streets indefinitely, as she sees fit, which will indeed hurt small businesses in the Downtown area. It is a miracle many of them still remain today, as they were shuttered for months as “nonessential” businesses.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, these barriers blocking off the surrounding Capitol streets are “Jersey barriers — long, 2,000-pound concrete blocks used for highway construction projects.” 

For those in the area the intersections to watch out for are:

  • Paseo de Peralta at Old Santa Fe Trail
  • Paseo de Peralta at Don Gaspar
  • Avenue Paseo de Peralta at Webber
  • Manhattan Street at Galisteo Street
  • Galisteo Street at Cerrillos Road Cerrillos Road at W. DeVargas
  • W. Alameda Street at Don Gaspar Avenue
  • E. DeVargas and South Capitol
  • E. DeVargas and Old Santa Fe Trail

This will at least hamper an impromptu weekly protest on the corner of Paseo De Peralta and Old Santa Fe Trail, where Trump supporters have been waving flags at 12:00 noon. This area is now prohibited for them to protest. Two weeks ago, the Governor’s State Police scolded protesters to “social distance.” Now, they won’t be allowed to protest at all. 

These measures come after Gov. Lujan Grisham erected a fence around the Capitol and declared a state of emergency, claiming there is a “threat of riots of insurrection.” She also instructed New Mexicans not to go outside and not to protest the inauguration, saying the people should “do that from your living room.” 

DPS’ press release adds that “proper credentials” are required for entering the perimeter, which consists of “a government issued identification, such as a driver’s license or passport and proof of residence or employment in the restricted area.” This is more than what is required to vote in the state of New Mexico, as no ID is required for that. 

Barriers will be erected at these intersections. NMSP Officers, City of Santa Fe Police Department officers, and Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office deputies, as well as members of the New Mexico National Guard, pursuant to an emergency authorization by the Governor, will staff these posts and advise those attempting to enter or leave these areas that ingress and egress will be denied. An exception will be made to the prohibition on ingress and egress for properly credentialed members of the New Mexico Legislature and their staff, the media, residents (home owners, renters and those residing temporarily in hotels), business owners and employees.,. Proper credentials consist of a government issued identification, such as a driver’s license or passport and proof of residence or employment in the restricted area. Upon request, a driver, bicyclist or pedestrian shall present the proper credentials to a law enforcement officer before being allowed ingress and egress to the area within the perimeter of the aforementioned intersections. 

In addition to the intersection closures, a fence has been erected around the State capitol, within the restricted area. Members of the public, except those members of the legislature and their staffs and the media, are strictly prohibited from entering or exiting the capitol and the capitol complex until such time as the area is reopened to the public.

Anyone violating the prohibitions on ingress and egress set forth above, is subject to citation or arrest and prosecution for violations of the New Mexico Criminal Code, including but not limited to Section 30-14-1, et.seq., criminal trespass, inter alia.

According to the New Mexico Criminal Code, punishment could be a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in a county jail for violating these dictates.

The New Mexico Capitol and its surrounding areas are now a police state, where any passersby will be stopped by the National Guard and forced to give their credentials.

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NM pro-abortion org compares not aborting to not being able to own a credit card

On Thursday, the New Mexico Right to Life Committee released information it received that the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood had been shipping out misleading flyers to folks all across the state claiming New Mexico’s current abortion restrictions (which are dormant due to Roe v. Wade) are comparable to women not being able to own a credit card or rent property. 

The flyer reads, “One of these outdated laws are still on the books today,” adding, “Women aren’t allowed to own credit cards, rent property, or access abortion.” By virtue of Roe v. Wade, legally every single item Planned Parenthood lists is legal in New Mexico and can be obtained on-demand, including abortion up-to-birth.

The flyer then instructs those who receive the mailer to “be bold” and “remove the ban” by tearing off a portion of the flyer requesting personal information and placing it in the mail to send to state legislators. This  portion reads, “Remove the old abortion ban and oppose any amendments that restrict access to abortion.” 

“There are also many good people who I personally know who are registered Democrats who are Pro-life and find this material offensive,” said Ethel Maharg of the New Mexico Right to Life Committee. “Many I’m told were confused about this flyer and automatically filled it out and sent the card back. Do NOT mail the card back. It will serve as a petition for them,” she said. 

“What I do want you to see is that it is manipulative and degrading to women as if they are stupid. They are glamorizing it with using owning credit cards and property, while we know they target impoverished minorities who will have neither, but will have an abortion because it has been paid for by your and my tax dollars. Since when is it ‘outdated’ to love life? Pay attention to this word. They are using it repeatedly as part of their messaging.” 

Gov. Lujan Grisham has outlined legalizing abortion up-to-birth as one of her top legislative priorities in the 2021 Legislative Session, so New Mexicans should begin calling and emailing their legislators requesting they oppose any amendment or bill that would try to repeal protections for women, as the Governor has proposed. In 2019, the Governor failed to ram through her extreme abortion bill, HB-51, however, due to the unexpected death and primary losses of pro-life Democrats in the Legislature, it is more probable she may have the votes to push this agenda forward.

The 55th Legislature opens on January 19 and it is closed to the public. Recently, the Governor erected a fence around the Capitol to prohibit the people of New Mexico from entering the perimeter.

If New Mexicans do not know who their legislators are, they can look them up by address here.

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MLG warns New Mexicans not to protest Inauguration: ‘Do that from your living room’

On Thursday, Gov. Lujan Grisham held a COVID-19 briefing for the first time in a month, going over her plans for increased testing and administering the COVID-19 vaccine. She also was asked about the upcoming Inauguration and her decision to declare a state of emergency while erecting a massive fence around the state Capitol

“We’re seeing a drop-off in appetite for testing and we can’t have that,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham, who appeared to want to boost testing numbers. She also said the following regarding her preparations for security ahead of the presidential Inauguration on January 20th:

We’ve taken seriously all of the intel, which is not public even to some governors, right? There’s some very secure information that the FBI and others have. But they are certainly alerting us that being prepared is prudent–that there are calls to action to domestic terrorism groups all across the country and that those groups might try to travel into your state, some members of your state may be part of those groups, and I take that incredibly seriously. 

So, the safety of every single New Mexican during this next week and and beyond is first and foremost on my mind, and I believe, to date, that we have taken effective precautions for everyone.

Earnestly, there isn’t a governor in the country, including me, who doesn’t wish that we weren’t having to take these precautions and to do this preparedness and planning. My message to New Mexicans is… stay safe, and stay home. This is a week where if you’re celebrating the Inauguration, you can do that from your living room. If you’re displeased, then you do that from your living room. That we watch a peaceful transition of power, which is what this country is built on. 

And my last message is I ask for people to really work hard to keep everyone safe because no violence–domestic terrorism will not be tolerated here–and everyone who participates, if they participate, in any of those efforts in this state–they will be held swiftly and firmly accountable. And we will use the full extent of the law to do just that. But we are preparing every day. 

Earlier in the day, the Governor issued a melodramatic emergency declaration order due to the “threat of riots of insurrection.” It should be noted that the Inauguration of Joe Biden as president on January 20th is allegedly illegitimate due to widespread voter fraud across the United States.

It should be noted that during the summer, violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests erupted, resulting in the Governor giving these individuals a free pass to loot and riot in the streets, saying, “This is a violation of the mass gatherings, no doubt, but we’re just going to take a leap of faith in protecting protesters who have no other way, quite frankly. Right? There’s no other way to be seen, to be heard, to be respected, and to be clear about your message.”

Later in the presser, Gov. Lujan Grisham shoved local sheriffs and officials under the bus for not following her COVID-19 guidelines. She said the following:

I am still disappointed. I don’t think that we’re getting enough cooperation from local law enforcement on any of the public health orders, and you know, we recently received a complaint about a local mayor who continues to show up without a mask and engage in violations against the public health order. And we have an opportunity, and we have a court action that we have against this particular mayor to make sure this mayor is held accountable. 

I think this movement where people are confused that states are somehow using public health orders to thwart elected independence. It’s just frankly shortsighted and nonsense. Nobody wants a public health emergency. Everyone is required to do their part. Governors, in different fashions, absolutely have the power to declare emergencies and to work cohesively to do it. So I remain disappointed. That doesn’t mean that I don’t keep trying to do two things: engage more law enforcement personnel, including duly elected sheriffs, to work with us, not against us. Two, to make sure that they know that they don’t get to pick and choose which laws to enforce and not to enforce, and three to make all of our lawmakers clear that we have to be on the same page.

I do hope as this nation heals and figures out ways to have a better platform to debate and disagree and be professional and work through that, I hope that also roots itself in law enforcement, all elected officials all across the country. This is just not how we ought to be working together. And again, it’s a violation of their oath. We pay attention. We see that blatant facebook and other posts or statement, and we give them to the Attorney General and others, and I expect folks to do all of their jobs statewide, but I remain a little frustrated that that’s where we still are a year later.

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NM Capitol fenced off ahead of Legislature, NM National Guard troops sent to DC for Inauguration

On Wednesday, it was reported that New Mexico National Guard soldiers and airmen were deployed to Washington, D.C. to act as security during the January 20th Inauguration. They reportedly will be among the 15,000 other troops from other states deployed for the event. “They will assist in areas like security, communications, and medical evaluation,” one report writes. 

“I am grateful to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for authorizing the New Mexico National Guard to work on this mission,” said Lujan Grisham-appointed Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico. “This mission provides our Soldiers and Airmen the great opportunity to work and experience our democracy at work as they assist with a peaceful transition of power.”

Gov. Lujan Grisham faced harsh criticism early in her term as governor when she removed National Guard troops from the Southern Border helping in various capacities to assist federal authorities with securing the perimeter and administrative work. She called their presence there a “charade.” 

According to one National Guardsman who declined to give the Piñon Post his name in fear of retribution, he said that he was ordered to report Tuesday night to his base on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. to be sent off for his post in Washington, D.C.

The move to lock down the Nation’s Capitol comes after alleged Antifa and fringe groups led the charge to breach the poorly secured U.S. Capitol during President Donald Trump’s January 6th speech. During the speech, the President told his supporters to march to Congress and peacefully protest the stolen election. 

Trump said at the event, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” 

Now leftists are using the breach as an excuse to haul off tens of thousands of Army National Guard troops to Washington, D.C. to “protect” the Nation’s Capitol from the American people.

In similar form, at the New Mexico Capitol in Santa Fe, a large fence has been erected around the perimeter of the building, shutting the public out ahead of the 55th Legislative Session set to convene on January 19th, one day before the presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. The entire 2021 Legislature will be 100% virtual, meaning no public is allowed in the building. Speaker Brian Egolf cites “COVID-19” as the reason for this.  

It is unclear if there are any formal protests being organized on January 20th or the days running up to the inauguration in New Mexico, but the liberal media outlets are sure to be looking for rambunctious behavior from Trump supporters to attempt to damage the conservative movement, so peace is key.

President Trump said last night in a video statement, “No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect Law Enforcement or our great American flag. No true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow Americans. If you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement, you are attacking it and you are attacking our country.”

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FULL TEXT: Congresswoman Yvette Herrell’s speech against impeachment

On Wednesday, Congresswoman Yvette Herrell from New Mexico’s Second District rose, along with her colleagues, to speak out in opposition to the Democrats’ second impeachment attempt of President Donald J. Trump, this time erroneously accusing him of “incitement of insurrection.” 

The Congresswoman’s full floor speech reads as follows:

“Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise in opposition to these articles of impeachment. Political violence has no place in our constitutional republic and those who assaulted police officers and forced their way into the Capitol are responsible for their criminal actions. Leaders in both parties have a responsibility to condemn such violence, whether in the halls of Congress or the streets of America. I don’t believe, Madam Speaker, that the American people have an appetite for this. They are expecting us to do the will of them–those who sent us from each state around the nation. Right now, Madam Speaker, we’ve seen this body impeach once before–trying to do it a second time. Two wrongs do not make a right. We’ve got to stand for the American people because we will not get a second chance to get this right the first time. 

Watch the live session below: 

FULL TEXT: Congresswoman Yvette Herrell’s speech against impeachment Read More »

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