NM Redistricting Committee holding Monday meeting at San Juan College in Farmington
On Monday, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee will be holding a meeting in Farmington to discuss redistricting plans in the San Juan County area, including state House, state Senate, congressional, and Public Education Commission maps.
This redistricting year is the first in the state’s history where citizens are allowed to submit their very own district maps along with written testimony for free.
According to the committee staff, “Use the public input portal to submit a map or written testimony. The link to do that is here. Submit a Public Comment or Map – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee (nmredistricting.org) This is the first time that communities have had access to this kind of FREE mapping technology during redistricting to help policy makers better understand and respect what we want and need in terms of representation.”
In order to ensure fair districts are drawn, New Mexicans are encouraged to submit their maps to keep communities of interest together and to ensure the maps do not give any side a partisan advantage. The Committee will listen to concerns from voters and make determinations based upon the public’s input, which makes attending these meetings extremely important.
You can attend via Zoom or in-person, so it is even easier to join the meeting.
Here are more details about Saturday’s event:
WHERE: San Juan College, Henderson Fine Arts Building, Room 9008
The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Monday, August 9, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony with the Committee before they begin the development of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.
Satellite locations which will be broadcasting this meeting and providing for public comment are as follows:
(Gallup) University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Calvin Hall Auditorium, Room 248425 N 7th St, Gallup, NM 87301
To submit a public comment, district plan, or community of interest online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.
For in-person attendance at meetings:
Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below:
Agenda & Meeting Materials: Click Here
Join Zoom meeting through internet browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83881073190?pwd=Y2ZRMW1FTnlEZzVjNk9zYU1MWmVoZz09
Meeting ID: 838 8107 3190
Dial-in Number: 1 (346) 248–7799
Passcode: 247365
NM Redistricting Committee holding Monday meeting at San Juan College in Farmington Read More »