ALERT: NM House Committee holding last-minute hearing on legislative maps TODAY at 3pm
After ramming through H.B. 8, a far-left New Mexico state House map, in the New Mexico House Government and Indian Affairs Committee on Wednesday, the Democrats in the House have announced that they will hold a last-minute hearing on the maps at 3:00 p.m, just a little over an hour after the news was broken on the House floor.
Testimony is urgently requested against these maps, which are a rendition of the far-left dark money George Soros-funded group, Center for Civic Policy’s maps.
Background on the maps, as we previously reported:
The Center for Civic Policy (CCP), a dark money group funded heavily by out-of-state billionaire financier George Soros, who destabilized the British Pound at the Bank of England, and millionaire Rob McKay, whose foundation had its non-profit status revoked in 2018, is trying to partisanly gerrymander the map to favor one side.
The CCP’s state legislative map (Concept G) does much of the same, achieving an extreme partisan gerrymander while also erasing rural representation. It would chop communities like Clovis into thirds while not taking into account the needs of energy-producing, farming, ranching, and other communities that are the backbone of the state’s economy. The map also takes into account at least 8 Native American-majority districts to ensure fair representation. The CCP’s map does not have this many Tribal districts.
Members of the public are urgently requested to call into the meeting to voice opposition, although it is unclear if the Democrat-led commission will even allow public comment. The committee announcement on the bill can be found here.
The Zoom details are below:
Or One tap mobile: +13462487799
Or Telephone Dial: +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 841 0738 5314
Title | Name | District | Party | Role |
Representative | Gail Chasey | 18 | D | Chair |
Representative | Micaela Lara Cadena | 33 | D | Vice Chair |
Representative | Eliseo Lee Alcon | 6 | D | Member |
Representative | Zachary J. Cook | 56 | R | Member |
Representative | Brian Egolf | 47 | D | Member |
Representative | Daymon Ely | 23 | D | Member |
Representative | Georgene Louis | 26 | D | Member |
Representative | Matthew McQueen | 50 | D | Member |
Representative | Greg Nibert | 59 | R | Member |
Representative | William “Bill” R. Rehm | 31 | R | Member |
Representative | James G. Townsend | 54 | R | Member |
Talking points:
Use the far-left Democrats’ words against them. This is what we previously reported regarding New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee members’ comments on redrawing maps. Members Curtis and Rhatigan broke their word. Will NM House members?
Board Member Curtis said, “It seems like a radical change to any of the districts — since we’re not an elected body — … the public would have to say ‘we want a radical change.’” Member Curtis said, “there would have to be overwhelming support for a radical change from the current districts” and “We are imposing something on people if we’re doing radical change without the public jumping up and saying ‘this is what we want.’”
Board Member Rhatigan added, “…unless there’s overwhelming public consensus to change the general composition of our three congressional districts, I’m inclined to draw districts that we have one [representative] in Albuquerque and we have one northern district and a southern district.”
This map has clear gerrymandering, with strange, snake-like districts that are shameless partisan redrawing for political gain:

ALERT: NM House Committee holding last-minute hearing on legislative maps TODAY at 3pm Read More »