Action Alert

ACTION ALERT: Submit comments against MLG’s racist PED social studies proposals, attend Friday meeting

As reported on extensively by the Piñon Post, scandal-ridden alleged sexual predator Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s new New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) social studies standards are chock-full of the racist Critical Race Theory, anti-Hispanic hate, the “LGBTQI+” agenda, among other frightening curricula. 

Some of the proposed standards, as previously reported include: 

Students are to “[a]ssess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement,” writes one of the proposed rules, a key tenet of the racist Critical Race Theory. The rules ask students to assess this and to “Identify and analyze cultural, differently abled, ethnic, gender, national, political, racial, and religious identities and related perceptions and behaviors by society of these identities.” 

CRT is blatant in the rules, especially where the students are to learn how America is supposedly racist in its very framework. Students are to “[d]escribe how inequity in the United States laid the foundation for conflict that continues today.” 

The standards include alarming new benchmarks, specifically targeting Spanish settlers in the United States, writing regarding historical thinking that students should “Compare the patterns of exploration, destruction and occupation of the Americas by Spaniards.”

The proposed draft notes that it wants to “Demonstrate how diversity includes the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identities and cultures” Regarding the territorial period of New Mexico, the rules aim to “Determine the role of race and racism in the acts of land redistribution during the territorial period.”

These are just the tip of the iceberg, as the full set of rules weave in socialism, racism toward non-minority groups, extreme environmentalism, and globalism. These benchmarks have students “develop pride in his/her/their identity, history, culture, region by incorporating a community based approach while preparing students to be a part of a global environment.” 

While these new changes are angering parents over the proposed racist standards from NMPED, elitists like the Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board claim these concerned parents have “fake outrage.”

Parents and concerned citizens who do not want these racist and divisive standards taught in New Mexico schools are encouraged to read more about what is in them here:

Once citizens read what is in these racist new standards, they are encouraged to act by contacting the NMPED in the following ways:

Comments are to be taken electronically by email to,  by fax to 505-827-6520, or by regular mail addressed to John Sena, Policy Division, New Mexico Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Ave., Room 121, Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

Then most importantly, parents are encouraged to attend an open “virtual” meeting held by the NMPED this Friday, November 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Even though the Department canceled the in-person meeting in fear of hearing what New Mexicans have to say, citizens are encouraged to attend via the Zoom information below:

Meeting ID: 876 7045 7282

Passcode: 183313

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,87670457282# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,87670457282# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 876 7045 7282

Find your local number:

Updates for meeting times and other information can be found on the NMPED website.

ACTION ALERT: Submit comments against MLG’s racist PED social studies proposals, attend Friday meeting Read More »

ACTION ALERT: Attend Friday NM redistricting meeting to support fair maps

On Friday, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee is set to meet in Farmington to discuss redrawing state House, state Senate, congressional, and Public Education Commission maps. 

This redistricting year is the first in the state’s history where citizens are allowed to submit their very own district maps along with written testimony for free.

Far-left extremist groups seeking to expand seats to fulfill their partisan advantage, such as the Center for Civic Policy, have proposed heavily gerrymandered maps that would cut communities of interest into sections and partition seats into strange shapes to meet a partisan advantage. One such map is Concept H, which is an extreme partisan gerrymander, making all three congressional districts in New Mexico solid blue by chopping up the South Valley of Albuquerque into the southern Second District and taking away the oil patch from the Second to add to the Third District, making it stretch all the way from Eddy and Lea Counties to Santa Fe and west to McKinley and San Juan Counties. 

Concepts A, B, C, or G should be advocated for at the meeting for their non-radical changes to the congressional plan. 

In the group’s state House and Senate maps, districts would be heavily gerrymandered to span across many counties. In the extremist dark money group’s state House plan, Clovis is chopped up into three districts while District 49 on the western side of the state would span four counties. District 67 would span five counties while many other districts have twisted shapes, indicating an extreme partisan gerrymander. 

Citizens are encouraged to attend this vital meeting (in-person or via Zoom) to oppose these extreme gerrymandered plans, which are proposed and funded by dark money groups to skew the maps politically — a grave violation of the Committee’s purpose: to create fair maps. State House maps to advocate for include Concept B or the Megan Richardson map proposed in the application “Districtr,” which would all create fair maps. Please show up to attend via in-person in Gallup or Farmington or via Zoom.

The meeting details are below:

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Friday, October 8, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

Satellite locations that will be broadcasting this meeting and providing opportunities for public comment are as follows: 

University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Calvin Hall Auditorium, Room 248
425 N 7th St, Gallup, NM 87301
For more information, click here

To submit a public comment, or statewide district plan online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.

For in-person attendance at meetings:

Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below: 

Agenda & Meeting Materials: 

Please click this URL to join:

Webinar ID: 835 5053 9072

No Password

Dial-in Numbers:

+13462487799,,83550539072# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,83550539072# US (San Jose)

CRC Rules of Procedure 

The Gallup meeting on October 8 from 3-7 p.m. at the University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Calvin Hall Auditorium, Room 248,  meeting is a satellite location happening simultaneously with the CRC meeting taking place in Farmington, NM meaning that the CRC members will not be physically present in Gallup. The CRC hosts satellite locations to provide community members the opportunity to make public comments or provide testimony on redistricting issues in person with other community members when they cannot make it to the CRC’s in-person meeting locations and or have limited internet access.

ACTION ALERT: Attend Friday NM redistricting meeting to support fair maps Read More »

ACTION ALERT: Attend Thursday NM redistricting meeting to oppose extreme partisan maps

On Thursday, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee is set to meet in Albuquerque to discuss redrawing state House, state Senate, congressional, and Public Education Commission maps. 

This redistricting year is the first in the state’s history where citizens are allowed to submit their very own district maps along with written testimony for free.

According to the committee staff, “Use the public input portal to submit a map or written testimony.  The link to do that is here. Submit a Public Comment or Map – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee ( This is the first time that communities have had access to this kind of FREE mapping technology during redistricting to help policy makers better understand and respect what we want and need in terms of representation.”

In order to ensure fair districts are drawn, New Mexicans are encouraged to submit their maps to keep communities of interest together and to ensure the maps do not give any side a partisan advantage. The Committee will listen to concerns from voters and make determinations based upon the public’s input, which makes attending these meetings extremely important.

Far-left extremist groups seeking to expand seats to fulfill their partisan advantage, such as the Center for Civic Policy, have proposed heavily gerrymandered maps that would cut communities of interest into sections and partition seats into strange shapes to meet a partisan advantage. One such map is Concept H, which is an extreme partisan gerrymander, making all three congressional districts in New Mexico solid blue by chopping up the South Valley of Albuquerque into the southern Second District and taking away the oil patch from the Second to add to the Third District, making it stretch all the way from Eddy and Lea Counties to Santa Fe and west to McKinley and San Juan Counties.

In the group’s state House and Senate maps, districts would be heavily gerrymandered to span across many counties. In the extremist dark money group’s state House plan, Clovis is chopped up into three districts while District 49 on the western side of the state would span four counties. District 67 would span five counties while many other districts have twisted shapes, indicating an extreme partisan gerrymander. 

Citizens are encouraged to attend this vital meeting (in-person or via Zoom) to oppose these extreme gerrymandered plans, which are proposed and funded by dark money groups to skew the maps politically — a grave violation of the Committee’s purpose: to create fair maps.

Here are the meeting details:

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, October 7, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

Satellite locations that will be broadcasting this meeting and providing opportunities for public comment are as follows: TBA

To submit a public comment, or statewide district plan online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.

For in-person attendance at meetings:
Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below: 

Agenda & Meeting Materials: 

Please click this URL to join:

Webinar ID: 835 5053 9072

No Password

Dial-in Numbers:

+13462487799,,83550539072# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,83550539072# US (San Jose)

CRC Rules of Procedure 

With it being offered in-person or virtually, there is NO reason you should not be in attendance. The future of our state relies on your action.

ACTION ALERT: Attend Thursday NM redistricting meeting to oppose extreme partisan maps Read More »

MLG’s draft PED social studies rules full of CRT, anti-Hispanic, anti-police sentiments

The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) recently published its draft social studies standards for teachers, which are chock-full of racist Critical Race Theory (CRT), anti-Hispanic hate, the “LGBTQI+” agenda, among other frightening curricula. 

The Michelle Lujan Grisham’s NMPED claims the current social studies standards “do not address the increasingly diverse perspectives and histories of the peoples of New Mexico.” The rules want students to demonstrate “respect for the feelings of people who are similar and different from me.”

The proposed rules weave in socialism, racism toward non-minority groups, extreme environmentalism, and globalism. These benchmarks have students “develop pride in his/her/their identity, history, culture, region by incorporating a community based approach while preparing students to be a part of a global environment.”

Students are to “[a]ssess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement,” writes one of the proposed rules, a key tenet of the racist Critical Race Theory. The rules ask students to assess this and to “Identify and analyze cultural, differently abled, ethnic, gender, national, political, racial, and religious identities and related perceptions and behaviors by society of these identities.” 

CRT is blatant in the rules, especially where the students are to learn how America is supposedly racist in its very framework. Students are to “[d]escribe how inequity in the United States laid the foundation for conflict that continues today.” 

The standards include alarming new benchmarks, specifically targeting Spanish settlers in the United States, writing regarding historical thinking that students should “Compare the patterns of exploration, destruction and occupation of the Americas by Spaniards.”

The proposed draft notes that it wants to “Demonstrate how diversity includes the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identities and cultures” Regarding the territorial period of New Mexico, the rules aim to “Determine the role of race and racism in the acts of land redistribution during the territorial period.”

Also, students are to use “evidence from primary and secondary sources to compare and contrast the impacts of European colonization on Indigenous populations.”

The proposed curriculum appears to attempt to demonize conservatives, having students “Assess the short- and long-term social and political impacts of conservatism in the United States on diverse groups of people.” 

Also apparently demonized in the new curriculum are guns and gun owners. The rule states, that students are to “Examine the history of guns in America as compared to other world powers and the consequences of gun violence on American society past, present, and future.” 

Included in the proposed rule is a move to have students examine “anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States over time and the experiences of diverse immigrant groups past and present.” 

Action steps urged for students to take through the new social studies curriculum include the following: 

Create an action plan for a more just and equitable America for diverse groups of people including Native Americans and African Americans.

Evaluate the effects of the representation of diverse people in the US government including race,
gender, sexual orientation, and disability

The “civics” section of these rules includes benchmarks for students to “cite evidence investigating the relationships between equality, equity, justice, freedom, and order in American constitutional democracy.” The United States is a constitutional republic, not a “democracy.”

The Constitution is demonized for what groups are allegedly left out of it and students are to “determine which narratives were excluded from the original document; and use text evidence from the Bill of Rights and supporting texts to support a student developed argument by citing specific evidence to track whose rights were added over time.” 

Students are also to “Explore the movement against police brutality.” Also, they are to evaluate the “effects of diverse ideologies and the process of political socialization on oneself and society.” 

Regarding the environment, among many other factors, students are to analyze “US government policies to reduce climate disruption.”

As well, students must evaluate the economic framework of America, which the curriculum sheds in a bad light for its capitalist structure. They are to “[c]ritique inequalities that exist in economic systems.” while using “economic data to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of American capitalism in relationship to other economic systems.” 

These policies are full of new racist, anti-capitalist, anti-police, anti-gun, anti-conservative, anti-Hispanic, and anti-American sentiments while only mentioning the Constitution to claim it is a racist document full of “inequities.” This is the latest assault on education by the Lujan Grisham administration, but parents are urged to take action.


Comments are to be taken electronically by email to,  by fax to 505-827-6520, or by regular mail addressed to John Sena, Policy Division, New Mexico Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Ave., Room 121, Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

Please take action and make your voices heard about the bad policies enclosed in this new proposed social studies rulebook. New Mexicans have until 5 p.m. on Nov. 12 to provide commentary and to make their voices heard before the rules are adopted in December.

MLG’s draft PED social studies rules full of CRT, anti-Hispanic, anti-police sentiments Read More »

ALERT: Attend upcoming NM Redistricting Committee hearings

There are still opportunities to weigh in on the New Mexico redistricting process, many of them coming up in the next few days. If citizens are interested in sharing input, there are multiple ways to contribute testimony online and in person. 

Here are some dates and times of upcoming meetings. Please mark your calendars. There are several meetings. You can track the details here and learn how to join in person or remotely. Meetings & Transparency – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee ( If you click on the more information button on this page, you can find the Zoom link.

September 16, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., zoom meeting to discuss the issuance of initial map concepts to be published for public input

September 28, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Rio Rancho, County Commission Government Administration Building

September 29, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Crownpoint, Navajo Technical University

October 1, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Albuquerque, National Hispanic Cultural Center

October 2, 2021, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Las Vegas, New Mexico Highlands University

October 4, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. New Mexico State University, Corbett Student Union Building

October 4, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Satellite will be WNMU Silver City

October 5, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Roswell, NM Eastern New Mexico University

October 5, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. Satellite will be ENMU Student Union

October 7, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Albuquerque, Indian Pueblo Council Center

October 8, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Farmington, San Juan College

October 8, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. Satellite will be UNM-Gallup

October 15, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Zoom meeting to adopt maps to be recommended to the Legislature for its consideration

October 29, 2021, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Zoom meeting to adopt evaluations of maps to be recommended to the Legislature for its consideration

Stay tuned for a special legislative session by following postings at

Submit a Public Comment or Map – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee ( You can also check out the gallery tab on this link to see other input that has been submitted.  If citizens have comments that go beyond the word limit or have used other drafting software, e-mail them to and she will send them to all of the Citizen Redistricting Committee members, the team at Research and Polling, and the Ethics Commission team to get them posted.

ALERT: Attend upcoming NM Redistricting Committee hearings Read More »

Hundreds of LANL employees calling out from work due to forced COVID-19 vaccine mandate

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is now forcing all employees to take the COVID-19 inoculation, which is sparking extreme pushback from workers.

According to a press release from Sarah Smith at the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance, “hundreds of workers will be Calling Out on Tuesday, September 7th and will gather in a Freedom Assembly at Ashley Pond in Los Alamos from 11 am-1 pm. The Call Out is a demonstration of how many LANL workers could potentially leave the organization if the rule-makers do not rescind the vaccine mandate, and thereby force many workers off the job permanently.” 

Employees wrote the following in an open letter to management: 

“We believe in our inalienable Constitutional rights as Americans to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; our civil rights pursuant under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and our basic human rights as accepted under Codes of Medical Ethics, including the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki. We believe that it is our God given and legal right to make our own health decision without fear of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or Coercion. 

“The existence of COVID-19 does not justify the numerous violations of fundamental individual, economic and religious liberties. These include the rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, and the right to accept or reject the various COVID vaccines based on religious belief or other grounds…

“WE have faced discrimination, harassment, bullying and coercion from YOUR management and other employees without any consideration for our rights…

“We ask you to stand by us the way we have stood by you in the hardest time we have seen in our careers. Support us in making the best choices for ourselves. Show us that we are valued as humans, not only as employees. Show us that we are appreciated as employees and for our dedication. We are asking you to uphold our rights to bodily autonomy, without forced vaccination. We will continue to accomplish our missions the same way we have for the last 20 months.”

“No government or institution can know what is best for any other human being’s medical choices. People have diverse healthcare needs, and one-size-fits-all medical solutions are not appropriate,” the group notes. 

All who support the right to bodily autonomy are invited to join the Freedom Assembly in Los Alamos at Ashley Pond from 11 am-1 pm on September 7th. 

Hundreds of LANL employees calling out from work due to forced COVID-19 vaccine mandate Read More »

Citizens protesting Friday at Roundhouse against forced shots, in ABQ to support small business

This week, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham mandated that healthcare workers must receive the shot by August 27th. The order required that “all workers in New Mexico hospitals and congregate care facilities are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with only limited exceptions.” She wrote these edicts in response to what she calls a deadly“Delta variant” of the virus.

In response, health care workers and New Mexicans from across the state are teaming up for a protest on Friday at 11:00 a.m. at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to oppose the mandated inoculations with a peaceful protest. According to organizers, nurses, paramedics, and anyone affected by these unjust mandates will be there, with at least 40 medical workers confirmed to be in attendance.

The mandate will no doubt cause harm and likely termination for medical workers who for nearly a year were forced to work on the frontlines of the pandemic without the option of a shot because it was not developed for experimentation yet. Now, those same workers who risked their health by saving lives during the pandemic could be fired because they choose not to take the jab.  

According to a post from Legacy Church in Albuquerque, the organizers of the protest “are inviting all church members from everywhere to stand with them and attend.” 

Also, on Friday, August 20 there will be a peaceful protest at Backstreet Grill in Albuquerque at 11:00 a.m. on 1919 Old Town Rd NW #6, Albuquerque, NM 87104 to support local businesses.

Lujan Grisham’s administration killed 40% of small businesses in New Mexico.

Backstreet Grill is one of the small businesses that stood up to the Governor and won in court against her oppressive mandates.

Citizens protesting Friday at Roundhouse against forced shots, in ABQ to support small business Read More »

TAKE ACTION: Contact NM school boards and urge them to pass ‘mask-choice’ resolutions

The group New Mexico Freedoms Alliance (NMFA) is asking New Mexicans to reach out to their school boards to take after Floyd Municipal School District and pass resolutions to make mask-wearing optional. 

Despite the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) trying to use Floyd as an example and “suspend” the five duly elected members of the board from service to the community that elected them, the Floyd School Board contends that the NMPED does not have the authority to do such a thing.

“This is State Government overriding the rights of parents to be represented by their local school board officials, who are closely familiar with the community, and elected by the parents,” NMFA contends

Here is a list provided by NMFA of people to contact to urge a “mask-choice” resolution:


  • Kevin Summers, Superintendent –, 505-334-9474
  • Fran Dobey – 
  • Jimmy Dusenbery – 
  • Laci Phillips – 
  • Paul Bandy – 
  • Amanda Miller – 


  • Dr. Gerry Washburn, Superintendent – 575-234-3300
  • Ron Singleton – 
  • David Shoup – 
  • Simon Rubio – 
  • Robbie Chacon – 


  • Ray Maestas, Superintendent –, 575-374-9611
  • Kim Leal – 
  • Rick Baker – 
  • Owida Franz – 
  • Levi Irwin – 
  • John Trujillo – 


  • Tana Daugherty –, 575-601-4416 ext. 177
  • Gerold Green – 
  • Kody Adams – 
  • Lance Wright – 
  • Dan Hughes – 
  • Danny Ward – 


  • Dwain Haynes, Superintendent – 575-394-2524
  • Rosendo Caballero – 
  • Matt Coy – 
  • Ashley Davis – 
  • David Gallegos – 
  • Kenneth Reed – 


  • TJ Parks, Superintendent –, 575-433-0100
  • Gary Eidson – 
  • Peggy Appleton – 
  • Patricia Jones – 
  • Joe Calderon – 
  • Terry O’Brain – 


  • LeAnne Gandy, Superintendent –, 575-739-2200
  • Dymorie Maker – 
  • Mara Salcido – 
  • Greg Maxie – 
  • Pattiann Ancell – 
  • Dale Dunlap – 


  • Jeff Gephart, Superintendent –, 575-533-6242 ext. 1023
  • Sharon Armijo – 
  • Sam Nicolds – 
  • Bobby Ricks – 
  • Linda Cooke – 
  • Jaqueline Fryar – 


  • Brian Luck, Superintendent –, 575-627-2500
  • Milburn Dolen – (575) 420-9018
  • James Edwards – (575) 420-0559
  • Mona Kirk – (575) 626-4049
  • Hope Morales – (575) 626-3437
  • Hilda Sanchez – (575) 317-3469


  • James Sanborn –
  • Mark Flores –
  • Whitney Goler –
  • Susan Trujillo –
  • Pascualito Maestas –


  • Rusty Henard – 
  • Travis Glenn – 
  • Daniel Palacios – 
  • Dan Partin –

Suggested talking points provided by the group are below:

  • Stand up for our children.  Vote to make masks and social distancing optional in our school district.
  • Local school districts need to be able to represent the families in their districts. We need to take back local control of our schools.
  • My children are suffering XYZ (PUT YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE HERE) from wearing masks in school. Please vote to make masks optional in our school district. 
  • NM children are suffering from the mask mandates. Although some children have no problems wearing masks, there are others who are suffering from blackouts, nosebleeds, headaches, dizziness, and vomiting due to masks. You can see some NM children telling their experiences with masks here:
  • My child cannot learn properly while wearing a mask.  (ADD PERSONAL EXPERIENCE HERE)
  • Masks make it very difficult for children to learn reading and spelling.  They cannot hear the letter sounds properly when voices are muffled due to masks.
  • A German study of 25,930 school children found that 68% had negative health impacts from wearing masks, including headaches (53%), dizziness (27%), shortness of breath (30%), fainting (2%), vomiting (2%) and impaired learning (38%).
  • A recent analysis by a University of Florida lab, which tested facemasks worn by schoolchildren, identified 11 dangerous pathogens on the coverings, including bacteria that cause diphtheria, pneumonia and meningitis.
  • School districts around the world and in USA states such as Florida, Texas, South Dakota, and Idaho have demonstrated that mask mandates are not required for safe operation of schools or athletics.
  • Nationally, children have a 99.997% survival rate from COVID-19.  
  • In New Mexico, only 0.7% of child COVID-19 cases have resulted in hospitalization.
  • All students must be allowed to unmask, regardless of their immunization status.
  • Organizations, schools, school boards, school nurses, and government officials who impose mask mandates can be held personally liable for any injuries or damages that occur as a result of these policies.

TAKE ACTION: Contact NM school boards and urge them to pass ‘mask-choice’ resolutions Read More »

NM Redistricting Committee holding Thursday hearing at Highlands University in Las Vegas

On Thursday, August 5, 2021, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee will be holding a hearing in Las Vegas, New Mexico to discuss redrawing state House, state Senate, congressional, and Public Education Commission maps.

This redistricting year is the first in the state’s history where citizens are allowed to submit their very own district maps along with written testimony fo free.

According to the committee staff, “Use the public input portal to submit a map or written testimony.  The link to do that is here. Submit a Public Comment or Map – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee ( This is the first time that communities have had access to this kind of FREE mapping technology during redistricting to help policy makers better understand and respect what we want and need in terms of representation.”

In order to ensure fair districts are drawn, New Mexicans are encouraged to submit their maps to keep communities of interest together and to ensure the maps do not give any side a partisan advantage. The Committee will listen to concerns from voters and make determinations based upon the public’s input, which makes attending these meetings extremely important.

Tomorrow’s Las Vegas, New Mexico meeting information is below:

New Mexico Highlands University, Student Union Building, Governance Room SUB 320

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, August 5, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony with the Committee before they begin the development of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

To submit a public comment, district plan, or community of interest online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.

For in-person attendance at meetings:

Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below:  

Agenda & Meeting Materials: Click here

NMHU COVID notice 

Join Zoom meeting through internet browser: 

Meeting ID: 874 5445 7724

Dial-in Number: 1 (346) 248-7799 

Passcode: 247365

CRC Rules of Procedure 

The Redistricting Committee meetings begin this week. The first round of eight meetings can be accessed here: Meetings & Transparency – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee ( There will be a second round of meetings in late September and early October. All meetings should be Zoom accessible if you cannot attend in-person. 

NM Redistricting Committee holding Thursday hearing at Highlands University in Las Vegas Read More »

NM Redistricting Committee meeting Monday to consider congressional, state House, Senate plans

On Monday at 3:00 p.m., the New Mexico Redistricting Committee will meet at the Santa Fe Capitol to consider congressional, state House, state Senate, and Public Education Commission plans, among other items.

Redistricting has become contentious in the state, despite the “independent” commission, with far-left Democrat lawmakers having a lot to gain by gerrymandering seats to favor Democrats. However, the redistricting process will now have the ability to at least hear the citizens’ petitions and requests for redrawing district maps. 

Speaker of the House Brian Egolf already noted how he aims to draw out Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell from ever winning the Second District again.

Previously on a Zoom call with a left-wing group, Retake Our Democracy, Egolf blasted the idea of an independent redistricting commission, saying, “I think that it puts at unacceptable peril a woman’s right to choose, environmental protection, fairness in taxation.” He added, “It puts at tremendous peril all of the progressive causes that we care about.”

During House floor consideration of the bill, the measure passed 64-2 with Rep. Eliseo Alcon (D-Cibola & McKinley) and now-disgraced former Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo) voting against it. 

Fair districts are important for New Mexicans, especially to keep partisan extremists from influencing the process. To keep these political bad actors out of the process, the Committee must hear from everyday New Mexicans that want fair districts drawn to reflect the cultural, economic, and geographical communities of interest that our state deserves — not to meet partisan ends by far-left groups.

In order to join, you can either attend in-person or via Zoom. 

All the information you will need to attend is below, including the agenda, Zoom link, and rules of the committee: 

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Monday, August 2, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony with the Committee before they begin the development of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

For in-person attendance at meetings:

Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below:  

Agenda & Meeting Materials: View or Download Here

Join Zoom meeting through internet browser:

Meeting ID: 858 2257 4375

Dial-in Number: 1 (346) 248-7799

Passcode: 247365

CRC Rules of Procedure 

Citizens are also encouraged to draw their own district maps and submit public comments via the New Mexico redistricting portal, which can be found here.

NM Redistricting Committee meeting Monday to consider congressional, state House, Senate plans Read More »

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