Karen Bedonie

Libertarian candidate Bedonie: GOP’s Ronchetti ‘cannot win with me in the way’

On Sunday night, a video began circulating showing a Republican-turned-Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie saying her Republican rival Mark Ronchetti “cannot win” with her in the race. Both are running to unseat Democrat first-term Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

In the video shared on Twitter, Bedonie says, “The only comfort I find in this race is that man (Mark Ronchetti) cannot win with me in the way. That man cannot win this race. He will never be governor as long as I am alive and well and in this race. 

The snippet appears to be taken from a previous live stream Bedonie made, where she claimed around the 22:30 mark, “It’s amazing some of the phone calls that come in. Like, what does it take for a person to really hate somebody to call the campaign and to yell at our campaign team and telling them that Karen’s gonna split the vote? How crazy are you really thinking this is because it’s impossible to split a vote that was never his? Ronchetti is not a conservative, he’s not a New Mexican. The only comfort I find in this race is that man (Mark Ronchetti) cannot win with me in the way. That man cannot win this race. He will never be governor as long as I am alive and well and in this race”

She then added, “MLG — she is sweatin’ it because you know what? She’s gonna have to literally try and hope — and I don’t even know if that woman knows how to pray — that we don’t beat her, but I think we’re gonna beat her because we’re looking at 85% of Democrats that can’t stand her. We were in the belly of the beat of the Democrats. The People — not the party — the people. And they were excited. They took pictures with us. They talked to us. People say, ‘Oh, the Democrats and Libertarians are merging. No! It’s not about party.”  

The original full video from Bedonie can be viewed here.

Many New Mexicans responded with shock after watching Bedonie’s remarks. One person wrote, “Infuriating! Imagine being so bitter & making New Mexicans have to deal with MLG for another 4 yrs.” 

Another person chimed in, “Well at least she comes out and admits it. She’s full on admitting she’s trying to screw over New Mexicans. [Michelle Lujan Grisham] won’t even admit that.”

One commenter wrote, “I’ve been really nice. I literally haven’t said a thing. But this is f****d up and egotistical and you KNOW IT!!! you know it!!!! I feel disgust tbh.” 

Bedonie told the Piñon Post in an interview following the video being posted on Twitter, “In regards to this whole thing, I think the Republicans were looking for a doorway to attack me on because we are so clean. They took it out of context, and they chopped it up just like they did to Trump.” She added, “It’s out of context. I will stand by my words. Ronchetti can’t win. Ronchetti can’t save New Mexico without McClesky pulling the strings.”

“I can’t split something that was never his. He never had the vote.”

As of publication, Bedonie’s remarks in the video have reached around 5,000 views on Twitter. Others have shared it via Facebook and other social media platforms.

Bedonie released a 35-minute video explanation on Monday, saying what she meant was she believed Ronchetti was splitting the vote. Watch her full response here.

Bedonie responds after Stop MLG PAC files ethics complaint

On Thursday, it was announced that Stop MLG PAC, a political action committee associated with a Republican Party of Santa Fe County Vice-Chairman Brett Kokinadis, filed an ethics complaint against Republican-turned Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie over “unlawfully coordinated independent expenditures.” 

The complaint also targeted “Private Persons of New Mexico,” a group that is purported to have paid for advertisements, including billboards but does not have registration with the State of New Mexico as a political committee. 

According to Stop MLG PAC:

The candidate has posted on her individual and campaign’s social media other works similar to the Billboard and signs marked as “Paid for By Private Citizens of New Mexico” (“PCNM”), indicating that the candidate’s committee has potentially:

1) Coordinated with Private Citizens of New Mexico in the production of the advertising materials or;

2) Created the advertising materials for Private Citizens of New Mexico or;

3) The candidate’s campaign committee is operating as Private Citizens of New Mexico and attempting to conceal the true and unreported funding source for paid advertisements or;

4) Coordinated with Private Citizens of New Mexico in the production and paid placement of advertisements and collateral.

“Dark money has no place in New Mexico or politics. Ensuring compliance and remaining transparent and honest with voters is required by law and is every candidate’s responsibility. Like Governor Grisham, Karen Bedonie demonstrates that her campaign believes it is excluded from complying with state law.”, Kokinadis said.

Kokinadis continued, “Bedonie’s campaign appears to be operating under her official committee and with the support of coordinated dark money under the unlawful Private Persons of New Mexico label, potentially to conceal funding sources. Voters are entitled to know who’s funding Bedonie’s campaign.”

The complaint alleges that the Independent Expenditure is unreported, unlawfully coordinated, and attempts to conceal the true identity of the responsible person(s) and funding sources. The PAC told the Piñon Post its case in under preliminary review with the Commission.

Following the complaint and requests for comment submitted by the Piñon Post, Bedonie posted a statement on social media. It reads, in full:

​​Today, we are faced with another carpetbagging attempt to drive fear, tarnish and impede the people’s campaign by wanting to control our dedication to our New Mexican life. The will of this stunt is to stop the only conservative candidate in the race. This highlights the underlying mission of the infiltrated Republican Party. The STOPMLG organization and PAC (controlled and misrepresented by transplant Kokinadis) are peculiarly aligning to stop the only true New Mexican candidate that can beat the incumbent. His organization should stop lying and rename it STOPBEDONIE. 

Let this statement dismiss accusations of “Dark Money” being used to support the Bedonie Campaign based on the simple respect of the First Amendment of the Constitution. It is with great appreciation and enjoyment that I congratulate you on the execution of your FREEDOM and LIBERTY to show your dedication and inspirationtional acts of your beautiful American voices the best way you see fit. 

The criminalization of such acts of FREEDOM shall now take foreground and the accused will now fully realize the dirty hands of the players of their Republican Party of New Mexico. You have done nothing wrong. Rest your worries and know, they can not take my candidacy based on exercising your constitutional right(s). 

This complaint launched as well as the support of the salivating media shows the willingness to silence the “will” of the people and your voices. If this complaint is entertained, let them try to weakly criminalize every New Mexican that chooses the First Amendment from the private proclamations, to the youth who lovingly designed the media in question, to the children who use their allowances to paint rocks. There is no difference, your voice, big or small, matters. Do not let them discourage you. You are the PEOPLE. With all my spirit and confidence, onward we will move. 

The complaint can be read here.

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie

On August 25, 2021, Republican gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie had a one-on-one interview with Piñon Post editor John Block to discuss the 2022 governor’s race to take out Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, current events, and what Bedonie brings to the race. Karen Bedonie is a small businesswoman and former candidate for Congress in New Mexico’s Third District. 


If the video is not showing up for you, please visit the video here.

Find out more about Karen at BedonieTough.com.

All Republican candidates for governor are scheduled for interviews and these interviews are being posted in alphabetical order by their last names. The next batch of one-on-one interviews will be posted this week featuring Rebecca Dow and Ethel Maharg. 

The Piñon Post has made it a policy of not endorsing candidates. 

In desperate ploy, embattled Gov. Lujan Grisham lashes out at GOP challengers

On Friday, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has been criticized far and wide for her scandal-ridden tenure full of crotch-grabbing settlements and mismanaging taxpayer funds, is now lashing out at the Republican candidates for governor who are working to fire her in 2022.

In an email to supporters asking for money titled “calling out far-right extremism,” Lujan Grisham, who previously called anti-MLG protesters “QAnon lizard people,” has once again devolved to name-calling and gaslighting. 

She wrote, “[A]ll our progress could be wiped away if Trump’s allies take control of the governorship.” 

Her email continued: 

I’ll be frank: The GOP candidates for Governor are a danger to our state’s progress. These candidates parrot Trump’s lies about the 2020 election and are hellbent on disenfranchising voters. Many of the GOP’s top picks also cater to far-right extremist groups – pushing hateful agendas to take away LGBTQ rights and reproductive freedom and threatening to roll back all of the progress we’ve made in the last two years.  

We’ve seen what divisive, radical agendas do to states and their economies. The GOP’s slate of candidates for Governor are out of touch with New Mexicans. If they are elected, it would be disastrous for the people of New Mexico and our state’s economic progress.

… Please, friend, donate $10 – or whatever you can spare – by midnight tonight to help me keep our state safe from far-right extremism:

The latest attacks by Lujan Grisham appear to grasp for straws, bashing Republican opponents as “extremists” for wanting to fight election fraud and trying to claim Republcians’ economic policies would cripple New Mexico, despite her very own policies plunging New Mexicans into poverty while Republican-led states, such as North Dakota and Florida that did not lock down their citizens during the pandemic have rebounded tremendously, outperforming New Mexico’s snail-like recovery. 

Three Republicans have announced their runs for governor, including business Karen Bedonie of Mexican Springs, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block of Rio Rancho, and Albuquerque financier Greg Zanetti of Albuquerque.

Gov. MLG forcing masks on toddlers, jabs for teens to attend campaign event

Embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is poised to formally launch her 2022 campaign for governor on June 3rd at the Albuquerque Museum on Mountain Road in Albuquerque.

However, for fans of the scandal-ridden governor to get through the door, attendees must both be fully vaccinated and wear masks, which goes against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. 

“This will be a limited capacity event due to COVID-19 restrictions. You must register in order to join us in person. Registrations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis and general admission tickets are sold out for now. By registering for a waitlist ticket, you will be notified as soon as spots become available. Vaccinations are required for attendees over the age of 12. Masks are requested for those older than two,” reads the invitation.

In the invite for the event, Lujan Grisham’s campaign writes, “New Mexico has accomplished so much — but we’re not done yet.” 

The Governor also tweeted out an invitation video to the 2022 campaign launch, saying, “You’re not gonna want to miss this.” 

One concerned New Mexican who lives in the Albuquerque area recently wrote a letter to the Albuquerque Museum concerned over the event’s requirements, which go against the CDC guidelines. 

“It is particularly concerning that anyone over the age of 12 needs to mask and be vaccinated to enter. Children are considered at low risk for covid, both in terms of transmission, contraction and long-term effects. As a parent myself, I would not sign my child up for an experimental, non-FDA approved shot for a virus that likely would not affect them. I may reconsider once it is FDA-approved and/or research shows that it is risk-warranted. The governor has been recommending masking and vaccinating children against the advice of national experts, and by hosting her event, your organization is complicit in replicating this unethical recommendation,” they wrote. 

“I have long been a patron of the museum and am shocked and disappointed that you would tarnish your otherwise upstanding reputation by hosting this event under the present conditions. I urge you to either reconsider hosting this or revising the guidelines for it. As a taxpayer, patron and one who hosts visiting guests in my business work, I will not be visiting or recommending the museum to others any longer, should this go forward. Medical discrimination in a public facility, perpetrated by a political figure that should be acting in the best interests of her constituents is not something I wish to support,” the letter continued.

Lujan Grisham already has two Republican challengers, including Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block and businesswoman Karen Bedonie.

Underdog to big dog: Will Karen Bedonie be New Mexico’s next governor?

Everyone loves a good underdog story. If Americans have a story genre, that has to be it. Even with all its faults, America still is the Land of Opportunity. We’re not born in a caste system; we have no official royal class. Our very Declaration of Independence states:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

It’s not hard to find voices that point out ways in which the United States and its political leadership has and does fall short in its interpretation of the rights named above. Conversely, it can be challenging to find people who celebrate the founding principles of the United States, actively exercise them in a way that benefits communities, and seek public office. If you’ve not been watching New Mexico political races on Facebook in the last two years or so, you may have missed a loud, proud American who has just become a serial political candidate. Her name is Karen Bedonie. 

The race that put Bedonie on my social media radar was the most recent race for the Third Congressional District. It’s not even my district, but that didn’t stop Bedonie from putting energy into understanding the Second Congressional District, where I live. She never lost steam after running a tireless campaign that resembled a combination of a university-level cultural research project and TripAdvisor restaurant tour—sans the negative food service feedback. Bedonie’s tenacity in logging miles, meeting, and listening to people statewide is remarkable. 

Her Facebook account is populated with pictures from the state’s more-populated as well as its obscure corners. There are nearly countless pictures and heartfelt accounts of exchanges with people of every age, socioeconomic status, and skin tone. There are snippets from frank conversations over red-checkered tablecloths and views from the insides of sometimes gritty but functional business establishments. Follow her long enough, and you’ll get the feel of holding a gigantic family album. Aside from the numerous travelogues, Bedonie’s honest portrayals of her personal and family history, based in the Navajo Nation, have been alternately heart-wrenching and inspirational. If you’ve not yet seen it, take in “A Long Walk in Socialism,” a Turning Point USA video that includes interviews with the Bedonie family. 

Now, in 2021, Bedonie has announced her candidacy for Governor under the GOP flag. After a short hiatus, she’s been back on the highway, sometimes with her daughters or husband riding shotgun, visiting New Mexicans and their businesses across the state. Bedonie, a small business owner and operator, has bootstrapped herself and her family up from the socialistic structure and expectations of reservation life and, despite the scourge that Covid restrictions put on some aspects of her businesses, it appears she and her family have adapted and thrive, even as they prioritize charity on many levels along with her ambitious getting-to-know-New Mexico travel schedule. 

Speaking of charity, Bedonie’s goes beyond people. While traveling New Mexico’s eastern tier last month, she visited a city animal shelter and adopted a dog—a Corgi, now named Darlene. When asked why she chose Darlene, Bedonie said,

We wanted a female dog for my big boy Crash to hang out with. I also am a very slow runner and needed a short-legged sweetheart to accompany me while Crash logs miles and miles with my daughters that run. Darlene was available and she was older. I love older dogs, because they are mellow and decent. We have a fireplace they can curl up at. Our home is loving and friendly. Darlene was so happy to get in the car. She rode well. So far, she loves our businesses and has been going everywhere with my girls. She’s a great companion. Eastern NM is as good as any. I have always rescued my dogs. I have one from Santa Fe, Los Lunas, Belen, Farmington, Albuquerque, and now Portales. My two cats are from Albuquerque and Gallup. Opening our home to more has airways been easy.

What she didn’t mention is the fact that she likely saved a furry life by creating an open spot, however temporary, in a busy shelter. Animal Control agencies in eastern New Mexico struggle to place burgeoning numbers of animals in communities where the pet-to-human resident ratio is especially high. And while no one outside of dog and cat rescue circles talks about it much, many animals’ lives end prematurely as a result. 

Rugged tenacity and almost boundless kindness are rare qualities in the same person. Combine these with a thorough understanding of the founding principles of our United States, and a proven ability to keep multiple budgets with an eye toward conservatism and respect for nature, and a picture is painted that strongly resembles Karen Bedonie. Critics within her own party have decried her inexperience, but her life experience and understanding of history and politics are a glimmer of hope in comparison to what career politicians and bureaucrats have accomplished—or not—in New Mexico. 

Yes, she has on at least two occasions had an unflattering moment of overreaction pursuant to taking a well-intentioned comment as an insult, but each time has shown a quick recovery. In more than two years of watching Bedonie fairly closely, I’ve not known her ever to wag a finger at anyone, to brush off a question with a haughty laugh, to have security called to her hotel room for a loud party, to grope, or….surely you get the picture. 

Is there a perfect candidate for governor? Of course not. What’s for certain is that professional politicians of both parties have given us a load of trouble related to their behavior both on and off the clock, not to mention various digressions from the Founders’ written intentions. Bedonie has already shown she’s not the type to stir the kind of trouble we’ve seen enough of. She’s gone toe-to-toe with some of the crustiest elements of the state over just about all the issues. At day’s end, she manages to be a Constitutional thinker and principled, compassion-filled human being. 

I, for one, am weary from seeing our state fail and flail. Karen Bedonie may hold the vision and capacity for action New Mexico needs. I’m ready to give her a chance.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

Karen Bedonie announces candidacy for New Mexico governor

On Saturday, businesswoman Karen Bedonie of Mexican Springs, north of Gallup, entered the 2022 race for governor of New Mexico, making her the second Republican to announce their candidacy following Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block who announced last Saturday. 

In an announcement video, Bedonie says, “I am a woman of courage and I have worked tirelessly to formulate a liberating plan for the beautiful state of New Mexico.”

“The heaviest burdens that weigh my mind are what we need to do to save our state: energy, safety, law enforcement support, education, reducing taxes, cutting the red tape for small businesses, freedom, independence, jobs, agriculture, forestry, and all of our very precious industries here in New Mexico. And we also need to keep God in our endeavors.” 

“I have respect for the moderate Democrat[s] that are also the same as my Democratic parents. The common ground is based on conservatism. It’s the teachings that have shaped my life to become a loving person and a hard worker.”

The announcement video, which features inter-spliced photographs of Bedonie holding a rife, posing with law enforcers, her husband, and her family, portrayed her campaign’s focuses on a family, faith, and freedoms-based message.

“I believe the Second Amendment of the Constitution is absolute, written so beautifully that the builders of this nation installed these rights to withstand tyranny and the trampling of our liberties and freedoms. As a mother of five daughters, we will bear arms to protect ourselves. Missing, murdered, and indigenous women is real and is also unresolved,” Bedonie said in the announcement video. 

Bedonie’s formal announcement took place at Allen Hall in Grady, New Mexico, where people from across the state, including Albuquerque-area and Hobbs, gathered to support the candidate. At the event, Bedonie and her daughters served fry bread to attendees and spoke with supporters about issues to turn the state around. She previously ran for Congress in 2020 for the Third District, which covers most of northern New Mexico.

If Bedonie wins the GOP nomination, she will face embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled $62,500 for sexual assault. Lujan Grisham has been a controversial figure in New Mexico, grabbing national headlines for her hostility toward New Mexicans during COVID-19 and her penchant to ram through extreme far-left legislation to further her agenda.

Candidate Interview: Karen Bedonie, New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District

In April, the Piñon Post had a conversation with Republican congressional candidate for New Mexico’s open 3rd District, Karen Bedonie to discuss her run for the U.S. House of Representatives. The seat is being vacated by Rep. Ben Ray Luján, a Democrat seeking a U.S. Senate seat. The full, unredacted interview with Karen Bedonie is below:

Why are you running for New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District?

The reason why I’m running is because we need peer representation for CD-3. It seems like all the rural families and people: the hard-working individuals — the business owners, the wood haulers, the water haulers, all of us are not getting what we need to be done and our voices are not heard. We are gun-carrying, family-oriented people and it’s really important for us to finally stand up — especially at a time like with a silent war happening out there. And we need our voices heard and we need to be able to make those decisions and have that effect where it ripples back across the district and lets us know that, you know, we are important and we can make the difference in our country, and also our state. So, I’m running because we need peer representation to happen from the grassroots. I’m tired of the, you know, the politician representing me, the lawyer representing me, you know, the people that have no idea what I’m really going through representing me. I’m very exhausted. So I’m running to give a voice to all those people who feel forgotten and that’s why I’m running.

Tell me about your experience and how that will translate if elected to Congress.

Being a business owner you start to see what America really does. Small businesses are the biggest employers of the country, and we make everything go round from your truck driving to, you know, plumbing services, to everything that we do. And so when you start out your business, you start to understand what you’re doing it for. It’s hard work. It’s also risky and takes a lot of courage to do it, and when you venture into business ownership, you take your family with you and you work so hard because you want something to be successful so that you can have something to hand down to your children. 

So it becomes very important about legacy and it basically harnesses the American Spirit and the American dream. And when you lay it upon what our country was built upon: the Constitution and the rights that we have, the liberties and freedoms, it all tends to make sense. And you realize, ‘Wow, I need America to be the best America she can be so that we all can strive the best that we can.’ 

And the way of direction that our country is going right now is going to kill small businesses and we’re going to turn into a socialist society if we’re not careful. So, this business ownership has given me the groundwork of never forgetting, also not being able to be bought. If you get a lot of these politicians that take money from these big companies and corporations that are owned by him, other businesses. And you start to track it and you realize it’s a huge mess and they’re not family-oriented any longer. They’ve crossed over into a whole different realm of corruption, and it’s starting to impact us. 

And so when you think about business ownership and the person who you are, that’s the person you need to put into office because you end up fighting the fight that needs to be fought. That’s why Trump is so good at what he does because he is the purest form of business. You know, he thought. People make fun of him because he went bankrupt, but I see that as success. Every time you fail, you get back up and keep going at success. It just screams it — that you’re just not going to be beaten. So, that in itself is a quality. And being family-oriented — the conservatism that reverberates through there. Trying to save your children or babies, vaccinations. They all become issues heavy in the heart. So you tend to legislate. Be better than the next guy who has none of these experiences that you bring to the table. So the struggle is what I stand upon and I’m still coming. So that’s what I bring to the table.

CD-3 is a Democrat +8 district. How do you plan on winning over Democrats in November? There are many Democrats in Santa Fe and going up all the way to Taos.

Right, that corridor is interesting, right? Because they celebrate Native American everything. And every decoration you can possibly find. You’d think I would belong on those walls, but I’m not very well received there at all. None of the delegates would actually meet with me. I don’t know what was told to them or what is going on there. I’m not being received from that corridor. 

So when I went on my campaign run to build my foundation from the grassroots level, I started in the East and Clovis, went up to Tucumcari and Portales, all the way up to Clayton. All the little, bitty towns — San Miguel — all the way through there. And I realize those people are just like me. We might not look the same, but they struggle just as hard as I do. Business ownership is big. Socialism is not wanted anywhere. So when you start to see how it plays out, you start to begin to see that we are all one people. 

So then, when you come across to my side of the mountain — on the West Side, you look on the map. That’s the bluest part of the state. I mean, it is almost navy blue. That’s McKinley County. That’s the Navajo Nation, and that’s my tribe. And so, my work is cut out for me because I have to re-educate. Now, that blueness is there not because they are loyal to it. It’s because that’s what we’re told to do. Once they understand that conservatism is actually in our cultural aspects and our prayers, and the way we do things is actually conservative, I’d be able to build a following.  

And right now, I believe that Trump Victory has actually identified that there are over 100,000 unregistered Native American Navajos on our reservation. So, when you’re looking at the numbers, I think that we can completely smash Santa Fe if they don’t want to listen. I’m going to be sweet and understanding and still keep trying, but you can only lead a horse to water so many times before they drink. But I’m going to keep going on the outside because our population is big on the outside. 

What legislation would be your top priority in your first months in Congress, if elected?

I want to do an energy bill where we actually start to boost the economy through our energy. New Mexico needs to have that first and foremost. If our wonderful president wants to have America first, then we need New Mexico first. And I want him to know New Mexico, New Mexico, New Mexico — and I want to beat New Mexico into every plan that he has and the first legislation would beat them back what he’s doing. I believe in the energy that we have. I believe that we still have 75% of our coal resources in the ground and we still have tons of oil and gas across the state. And I’m looking to the Future in energies. I also understand there are different energies that have not been released. I want to legislate to be at the forefront of energy. That’s the first one.

The second one would be to buy local. I want labeling of beef and also other animal products to be hyperlocal because they’re mislabeling it. I know China is starting to purchase our animals from here, ship them, slaughter them in another country, and then ship them back.

So, it makes no sense. So what I want to do is to cool the country of origin labeling system, but I need it more detailed because I want to know exactly what I’m feeding my family, and antibiotics and things that went into that piece of meat. Because in order for them to preserve it, they have to pump it full of chemicals. So I think buying local is a big, big thing for me.

What is the biggest misconception about you that you’d like to clear up?

The gossip is going around about me that I’m for abortion, which is wrong because my cultural aspect is, you know, that’s against our culture — you don’t do it. But when you legislate across the country as a blanket effect, you have to be aware of the different laws that are already in place. So what can be done about Roe v. Wade?

And we’d have to present it to the Supreme Court and I’m severely hoping that we get enough conservative judges in place so that we can either be able to pull that back up again because New Mexico is the abortion capital of the United States, and it’s horrible. At the same time, there’s a lady named Janet Porter, who I’ve been following for many years, and she wrote the ‘Heartbeat Bill,’ and it’s something that I can stand with her.

 And it’s the first thing that can begin to impact before Roe v. Wade comes back and it smashes into pieces. So, when you start to legislate you have to make sure you can take it up the line as far as you can so that Roe v. Wade doesn’t completely stop it. So the Heartbeat Bill is one where you identify when the heartbeat starts. And from my understanding, as a Native American, that’s when your soul, your spirit — you’re sent into the body from God himself. So, that’s how we believe it to be. So the Heartbeat Bill is something I can stand with. 

But for me, that’s why legislating across the board — and it’s frustrating because if you research the abortion sits — they cannot handle the Heartbeat Bill because the baby is still so small that they cannot profit off of it because every time you run a business, you have to have a product. So, the product is unusable at the heartbeat. So, basically will completely extinguished abortion. So, it’s the beginning of it. It’s a fight, and It’s going to be probably the fight of the world that we have to push it and push it.

Once we get past that, then we can push it further. And I’m all about pushing that line all the way to one hundred percent. But logically, we can’t just sit here and say ‘Oh, I’m one hundred percent.’ But then when you have a little girl who’s 11 years old who’s been raped, and now she’s pregnant because she had an early menstrual cycle because of all the hormones in the different foods that we eat. And it is happening, and these are real people I’m talking about. I’m not making these things up. So, when you think about it, would you want that child to endure a pregnancy and then go through birth? 

Because I died in childbirth in 2014, and luckily I came back. So, I know what it is to go through that. I have eight children, and so to bring them all into the world took a lot of labor pain. So, to put a child through that — through a second traumatic experience and her not understand[ing] what’s happening to her and why she’s a mom, and for people to treat her from rape. So, the 100% can’t be unless you’re going to make that child go through that. And I think those kinds of decisions need to be left up to the parents. And because as a parent, I don’t know if I could leave a decision like that into the hands of a politician. It’s crazy. So that’s where I’m at, but for me personally and for my daughters, I had every one of my children. And I also demand and tell my girls that ‘if you make that mistake or something happens to you or you do it out of your choice and you become impregnated, then you will have your child.’ 

So abortion is something that I can’t even fathom. I can’t even look at the pictures. It freaks me out. But at the same time, there’s a whole America you’re talking about and if we want to reach across the aisle, the Heartbeat Bill is the only thing that both sides can agree on. There’s a compromise. If you say 100%, you will not even touch across the aisle to the Democrat Party. They won’t even look at you. So, you end dead-locked again. So that’s what I want to go with it. And I want to push it and I want to find that open door. 

Once they get through there, then we can push the line further. So that was the gossiping. So, it’s very difficult and it’s a very big thing, but it goes to spirituality, physical being, mental and emotional. And unless we have many hours to discuss it and debate it, then then no one can really understand what I’m talking about. 

On the issue of the sanctity of life, does that also extend to euthanasia and end-of-life?

I don’t believe in that. Euthanasia, no. Life is life. As a spiritual being in understanding the journey and the gift of life, that doesn’t carry over at all, no. 

What is your stance on the Second Amendment? 

My Second Amendment stance runs deep. It goes back to when my people were conquered for me — understanding the oral history from my family that went on the long walk. And the understanding of what the United States government did. The first thing you do to conquer a people is you have to disarm them and it happened in Germany when the Nazi’s take over. They disarmed everybody and as you start to see in other countries right now, a lot of them are disarmed and are not allowed to carry. So, there’s an actual engineered pass that happens to socialism and then eventually turns into communism, but the first step is disarming the people. 

And so when you carry your Second Amendment, that is the biggest right you have and that’s amazing that they thought of it ealy on when they were creating the Constitution —  how it shall not be infringed upon — it doesn’t matter what’s going to happen yesterday, today, or tomorrow. That right should always be there for us. It’s against the government that would come in to control us and take over. So, my Second Amendment right matters because if we can’t keep our citizens, empowered then everything else falls to the wayside again. Because if we’re controlled like, you know, you can’t do anything after that. 

Every time these ‘red flag’ deals go through, it’s a chipping away at it, and it’s hard to get those back once you lose your right. It weakens it and we lose it. It’s hard to get it back. So, that’s where I stand. The Second Amendment is near and dear to my heart and I don’t believe it should even be touched. They need to leave it alone and let us have what we feel we need and they shouldn’t restrict it because they’re afraid of guns.

What is the one thing that separates you from all of your opponents? And why should people vote for you above someone else?

I think peer representation is is the one. Also the fact that I am not a politician. I am a mom of eight. I’m a business owner. All the boxes get checked when you’re looking at a politician to run for this seat. All the boxes are checked. But the thing with me is that I am not a politician.  I’ve had to work for everything that I have even to turn on the light switch has been something to get the light poles in for the ground. Even for heat, I have to go in to get wood and haul wood and even purchase wood from other wood haulers because it’s so difficult. Because the hardship that we’re going through, we can’t lose. 

I’m basically the biggest weapon that the Republican Party… you know, if they could dream it up, I would be it. Because everything that they’ve hit our President with for being a ‘misogynist’ a ‘sexist,’ a ‘racist,’ ‘hes a Nazi.’ All of these things  that they apply to him — when you have me standing there with him advocating for him and protecting him, then you realize that he’s not any of those things. So, that’s what kind of differentiate. I can stop some of this liberal labeling that happens. The mainstream media tries to take down our President. 

So, the Republican party needs me and the people need me. We need to take our country back. So, that’s why I’m doing this and I think that’s fine. I’m the only time they can actually do this. But I’m not a politician, when I listen to the other two talk, I am uninspired. That’s why I am still in this race because they cannot lead me. I haven’t been really campaigning right now out of respect for my culture. We don’t do anything like this, like politics and any asking for money during anything that has to do with death and illness. That goes back to our our creation stories. So, out of respect for who I am, I really backed off of campaigning during this time. But we start seeing America come out of it and when that light shows through the clouds, then I’m going to come back full-blown. We will start with social media and start to move from there. 

More information can be found about Karen Bedonie at her website Bedonie2020.com

Interviews with the two other Republican CD-3 candidates, Alexis Martinez Johnson and Harry Montoya will be released shortly. Karen Bedonie’s interview has been released as it appears first in the list of candidates by alphabetical order. 

RPNM pre-primary results: Martinez, Herrell, Garcia Holmes, Montoya to appear first on primary ballot

On Saturday, the Republican Party of New Mexico held its pre-primary convention at the Hotel Albuquerque in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the convention, candidates for federal races made the case for their candidacy with short pitches to the audience. With 20% of the delegates, candidates will advance to the primary ballot in June.

Results trickled in a little after 12 noon, with U.S. Senate candidate and pro-life advocate Elisa Martinez coming out strong with 241 delegates, ex-weatherman Mark Ronchetti receiving 198 Delegates, and shooting range Calibers owner Louie Sanchez with 113 delegates. 2018 nominee for U.S. Senate Mick Rich received 72 delegates, while Las Cruces resident and 2018 nominee for Secretary of State Dr. Gavin Clarkson got 66 delegates. Martinez and Ronchetti will be the only candidates to appear on the ballot, unless the other candidates submit additional signatures to the Secretary of State’s office.

In New Mexico’s First Congressional District, 2018 nominee for lieutenant governor, Michelle Garcia Holmes, received 135 delegates, lawyer Jared Vander Dussen received 64 delegates, and ex-Democrat Brett Kokinadis received 14 delegates. Holmes and Vander Dussen will advance.

In New Mexico’s Second Congressional District race, former New Mexico State Rep. Yvette Herrell annihilated her competition, earning 168 delegates to her closest competition, Claire Chase’s 83 delegates. Another candidate, Chris Mathys received 3 delegates.  Herrell and Chase will advance.

In New Mexico’s Third Congressional District, former Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya led the field with 86 delegates and small business owner Karen Bedonie received 69 delegates. They will both advance.

The primary election will occur on June 2, 2020, where the final nominees will be selected by Republican voters.

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