
MLG’s alleged sexual assault victim breaks silence, implicates other Dems

On Friday, the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Daniel Chacón dropped an interview with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s alleged sexual assault victim, James Hallinan, where he finally broke his silence on the incident after threats to his life. This comes as Hallinan signed a non-disclosure agreement and was paid, through his lawyers, $150,000 in hush money.

Hallinan told the New Mexican, “I’m tired of the continued death threats on social media and everybody trying to muscle me. I’m real tired of it. They’ve pushed me too far.”

He disclosed that directly after the incident, where Lujan Grisham poured a bottle of water over his jeans and then groped his penis through his pants, he immediately contacted Democrats Lt. Gov. Howie Morales, Attorney General Hector Balderas, and State Auditor Brian Colón for help. The New Mexican’s requests for comment were denied by all but Balderas, who said he would leave the matters up to the two parties’ attorneys. 

Hallinan told the paper, “It’s a weird thing to talk about, you know, that a male is going to be abused by a female, right? But it’s a female in power,” adding, “Why is it OK for a female to treat a male like she did and it’s not OK for females getting molested by men? … That really frustrates me. It’s my [expletive] life. Why is it OK for Michelle to do the bad things that she did but [Democrat ex-New York Gov.] Andrew Cuomo and everybody else has to go away?”

“Think about this,” he said. “If I was a female and the governor was a male, oh my God, it’d be like the biggest scandal in the the world. She’d be done.” 

He said he wouldn’t put it past Lujan Grisham to try and “claw back the money,” but he said he doesn’t care about that because it never was about money.

“They’ve ruined my life so much and my family’s life so much, I don’t [expletive] care anymore,” he said.

The New Mexican detailed more of what happened at the meeting where the alleged crotch grab took place. After Hallinan criticized two of Lujan Grisham’s ads, one about crime where he said she came off as elitist for wearing fancy designer shoes, and one with her hair bleached blonde, which she did not look Hispanic enough, in his opinion.

“That’s when she grabbed the water bottle, which was probably about 75 percent full, and dumped it on my crotch … and then she does the slap and grab,” he said.

He said, “She is getting the free pass, and it’s ridiculous,” he said. “Just because I’m a manly homosexual does not mean I don’t matter for being molested.”

Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign and official office have been contacted for comment, but they have not yet responded. If they do, their statements will be added to this report. 

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Far-left legislator tries to lie about abortion, gets smacked with facts

On Thursday, far-left state Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe) shared a screenshot of a tweet from Piñon Post editor and state representative candidate John Block, claiming his assertions about abortion were untrue.

Block wrote regarding Democrat Gov. Lujan Grisham’s discussion with Kamala Harris during her trip to New Mexico, “That one in the middle is FULL-TERM abortionist Eve Espey, who oversees infanticide at UNM Hospital. She trains future abortionists on how to kill babies up to and AFTER birth,” referring to the woman in the middle of the picture. 

The Republican Party of New Mexico retweeted the post, which spurred McQueen to angrily tweet, “This is obviously a lie, and it’s as dangerous as it is disgusting. The fact that the New Mexico Republican Party would promote this trash is a testament to how low they’ve sunk.”

However, he was quickly fact-checked by Block, who brought receipts with him, including evidence from the official U.S. House of Representatives report showing that babies were, indeed, born alive and left to die at UNM Hospital. 

The report notes how Espey was asked in a deposition, “I’m trying to understand if any of the doctors that were on the fellows program that . . . went to Southwestern Women’s Options, or any of the doctors from the University of New Mexico that were on a fill-in rotation at Planned Parenthood, or any of the doctors at the University of New Mexico reproductive health center, or any of the doctors at the University Hospital ever told you, reported to you, or discussed with you, that an abortion failed and a live birth resulted?”

She responded by acknowledging that babies were born alive and left to die at UNM Hospital, saying, “There are situations in the hospital where a planned abortion, an induction of labor for a fetus, for example, with severe anomalies is born alive.” 

When pressed on what procedures existed to deal with children being born alive and left to die at the hospital, Espey answered “No” to such policies existing, adding, “OB/GYN doctors do not resuscitate neonates.”

Congress referred the evidence to the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office, which has not acted upon it for prosecution. 

Lujan Grisham is proudly endorsed by Espey, a notorious late-term abortionist who specializes in training future abortionists to kill babies up to and after birth.

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Pres. Trump shares Torrance Co. 2022 Primary audit findings: ‘Out of control’

Recently, Torrance County performed an audit of its 2022 Primary Election result, which was reported by The Gateway Pundit to have shown differences between hand-counted ballots and those run through machines.

The audit, which was done by the New Mexico Audit Force led by David Clements, was reported by CD Media to have shown “a stunning 25% difference between machine and hand count results.” 

On Clements’ Telegram page, he wrote, “All 24 of the Dominion tabulator SD cards from the 2022 Primary have been entered into evidence with the Sheriff’s office.” 

In another post, he noted regarding the audit, “Torrance County 83 voters were no longer on the rolls one month after the primary. They may never have been there in the first place. Only 1,600 votes in this county – i.e. they’re missing 5% of their voters. 44 addresses could not be found by the County’s assessor’s office. Oops.”

He noted how it appeared Democrat primary votes were “pretty close,” but issues ran into those of Republican candidates.

“Democrat votes were pretty close. Republican votes were way off. All of the ballots were processed on the same tabulators. These party-specific errors happened on all the tabulators across the county regardless of whether the voter voted absentee, early or on election day. I’d call that machine manipulation, wouldn’t you?”

The story appeared to strike a nerve, with even President Donald J. Trump posting about it via his Truth Social account. He wrote, “New Mexico was out of control in 2020!”

As Election Day rolls around, Republicans are expected to make sweeping gains across the country and in New Mexico, with the governorship and many other races looking good for the GOP. Election Day is November 8th, and early voting has already begun, ending on November 5th.

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Ronchetti team trolls Kamala Harris amid NM campaign stop for MLG

As Kamala Harris visits Albuquerque Tuesday to support far-left pro-abortion Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s re-election efforts, Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti’s campaign is bringing up her past tweets that say sexual abuse accusers must be heard.

Lujan Grisham paid a former staffer, James Hallinan, $150,000 in hush money and forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement after he claimed she mocked his manhood after she poured water over and groped his crotch.

Harris, in previous tweets, claimed she supports “all survivors of sexual assault or abuse. We won’t let them be silenced or ignored. #BelieveSurvivors.” Yet she is campaigning for Lujan Grisham, who not only was accused but paid off money to alleged abuse victims. 

Ronchetti’s campaign had a mobile billboard with Harris’ tweets drive around the event venue at Keller Hall on the University of New Mexico campus. The billboard also asked, “Kamala, #ItsOnUs to stop sexual assault, so why have you not called out MLG for committing sexual assault?”

The Ronchetti campaign wrote on Twitter, “Right now, @Michelle4NM is campaigning with VP Kamala Harris in Albuquerque. In the past, the VP has taken a strong stance against sexual assault. So, we sent a mobile billboard to their event to ask her if she still supports sexual assault victims.”

See what it looks like: 

Ronchetti is currently polling ahead of Lujan Grisham, whose scandals are taking a toll on her re-election prospects. Instead of debating issues, she has pivoted almost exclusively to talking about abortion.

The in attendance for the event included far-left U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Luján, U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury (CD-3), state Sen. Leo Jaramillo (Rio Arriba), and lame-duck state Rep. Roger Montoya, also from Rio Arriba County — all Democrats.

Some views from inside the event, per the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Daniel Chacón:

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New poll shows Ronchetti leading Lujan Grisham

On Monday, the renowned Trafalgar Group released its latest poll in New Mexico, showing Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti leading Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham by 1.1 percent, with a margin of error of 2.9 percent. 

Ronchetti led Lujan Grisham 46.6 percent to her 45.5 percent, while Libertarian Karen Bedonie garnered 3.9 percent, and four percent remained undecided. 

The poll, which oversampled Democrats (47.6 percent) versus Republicans (36.3 percent) and oversampled women (52 percent) versus men (48 percent), is a clear indicator that Ronchetti has made up the small gap shown in other previous polls, showing him trailing by only single digits.

The survey was conducted between October 19 and October 21 with 1077 respondents, a very generous sample size. 

Lujan Grisham has been taking a great amount of heat in recent weeks over her numerous scandals while in office, most notably the violent criminals she released from prison early and her $150,000 payoff to a former staffer over claims she groped his crotch.

Expanded early voting has already begun in New Mexico, with 83,433 ballots cast so far, as of Monday morning, according to the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office.

FiveThirtyEight rates the Trafalgar Group as an A- pollster, making it one of the most accurate around.

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‘The Nation’s Report Card’ shows abysmal NM education scores

According to The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a congressionally mandated large-scale national assessment of education in America, New Mexico’s education scores are the lowest in the nation in multiple categories. The NAEP assessment is dubbed “The Nation’s Report Card.”

NAEP’s assessment shows from 2019 to 2022, the post-pandemic recovery for New Mexico’s already failing education system is not looking good. 

Fourth-grade mathematics scores for New Mexico children are ranked 50th out of all 50 states, being beaten only by the territory of Puerto Rico. Eighth-grade mathematics scores ranked 49th, being nearly tied with Washington D.C. and West Virginia while only beating Puerto Rico in that category.

In the category of reading, New Mexico fourth-graders ranked once again took the bottom spot, with no jurisdictions ranking higher in the category, but the District of Columbia, West Virginia, and Alaska coming close. New Mexico eighth-graders also scored the lowest in the nation, with the exception of Puerto Rico. Other states with similar low eighth-grade reading scores include Oklahoma, Alabama, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Only 19 percent of New Mexico fourth-graders are proficient in math, while 13 percent of New Mexico eighth-graders are math proficient. 21 percent of the state’s fourth graders are proficient in reading, while 18 percent of New Mexico’s eighth graders are proficient in the same category. 

In both mathematics and reading, New Mexico’s children did not change in the rankings, while all other states and jurisdictions improved post-pandemic. 

Fourth-grade math scores are the lowest in 17 years, while eighth-graders scores are the lowest in 30 years. In reading, New Mexico fourth graders had the lowest scores in 13 years, while eighth graders in the same category had the lowest scores in 15 years.

During the current administration of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, her Department of Education has gone through three education secretaries in four years. During the pandemic, Lujan Grisham locked down the state, leaving New Mexico children without education for months and years. Thousands of students were “missing” from getting an education during the pandemic.

In 2021, New Mexico ranked as the state with the highest suicide rate in the United States, with the rate for children ages 4-15 increasing by 88%.

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ABQ Journal endorses Ronchetti, snubbing MLG and her ‘sketchy’ record

On Sunday, The Albuquerque Journal, a left-leaning paper, refused to endorse Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for re-election, instead endorsing Republican nominee Mark Ronchetti.

The news comes as a major snub to Lujan Grisham, who is the only top Democrat on the ticket not to earn the Journal’s endorsement. Democrats, including Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Second Congressional District candidate Gabe Vasquez, Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of the Third District, and Rep. Melanie Stansbury of the First District, among others, all have the stamp of approval from the paper. The Journal has the largest circulation of any other print paper in the state.

The paper wrote in its editorial, “Violent crime is harming, traumatizing and quite literally killing too many New Mexicans. Property crime, paired with the national economic downturn and pandemic closures, continues to hurt residents and business owners financially. Not enough of the record billion-dollar revenues from oil and gas has been invested in lasting infrastructure that will improve lives for decades to come. And four years into her administration, our governor’s promised ‘education moonshot’ has yet to launch as our children, especially our minority and low-income children, fall further and further behind. We simply cannot afford four more years of the same.”

The paper chided Lujan Grisham for her failure on education, public safety, the Children, Youth & Families Department, emergency powers, the border, divisiveness, checks and balances, and more.

“Lujan Grisham has contributed to the toxicity of our politics by name-calling those who have disagreed with her policies. In four State of the State speeches, she has never mentioned the contributions of the oil and gas industry or acknowledged its 42,000 direct and 134,000 indirect workers in New Mexico,” wrote the editorial board.

The paper called Lujan Grisham’s education plans “sketchy” while blasting her for going through multiple education secretaries, which has led to uncertainty in the Public Education Department, not to mention lower educational scores for children. 

“Ronchetti is a meteorologist and television weatherman who, unlike Lujan Grisham, has not served on a county commission, in a state Cabinet post, in Congress or governed from the fourth floor of the state Capitol. But we have to look at what all her experience has actually delivered. First on too many of the bad lists. Last on too many of the good ones,” The Journal added. 

Lujan Grisham has gotten the support of far-left papers that have almost exclusively endorsed Democrats, such as the Santa Fe New Mexican and the Santa Fe Reporter.

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Bloomberg anti-gun PAC spending big to stop GOP BernCo sheriff candidate

It was recently reported that the far-left anti-gun group “Everytown for Gun Safety” is spending big bucks to stop Republican Paul Pacheco, a former state representative, from being elected Bernalillo County sheriff. The gun-grabbing group that is backed by billionaire Mike Bloomberg will spend $300,000 combined in New Mexico and Massachusetts to defeat Republicans in two sheriffs races. 

The rabid anti-Second Amendment group told NBC News that it is “leaving no stone unturned” to snatch guns from law-abiding gun owners. 

Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund’s John Feinblatt erroneously claimed the two GOP candidates they are targeting are “hell-bent on using the office to suit their own ‘guns everywhere’ agenda.”

But in the ad attacking Pacheco, it cites decade-old Facebook posts to claim he was “proud” of being endorsed by pro-Second Amendment groups. 

The ad also claims Pacheco is pushing to “flood our communities with weapons of war,” showing footage of revolvers and rifles. The ad also erroneously claimed that guns are “making our streets more dangerous,” despite statistics showing most guns used in crimes were obtained illegally, with even PolitiFact acknowledging this fact. 

Despite Pacheco serving as an Albuquerque Police Department officer for 27 years and previously working for the FBI, the anti-gun group claims instead of fighting for citizens, he stands with the “gun lobby.” 

Pacheco is endorsed by the Albuquerque Police Officers Association, the Fraternal Order of Police, former police chiefs, and the Albuquerque Journal.

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MLG will push to ‘codify’ abortion up to birth into NM law if re-elected

In 2021, far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a radical law stripping all protections from women, babies, and healthcare professionals, legalizing dangerous, unregulated abortion up to birth in New Mexico.

But now, Lujan Grisham is working to go even a step further — “codifying” abortion up to birth into state law. 

The Albuquerque NPR affiliate KUNM’s Nash Jones asked Lujan Grisham, “While you repealed a dormant ban last year, a right to an abortion has not been further codified in state law. Will you pursue that if you’re reelected?”

She replied, “Absolutely. And I’ve made clear that the reason abortion is safe and legal in New Mexico is because I’m the governor…. New Mexico will continue to be a place that supports women’s health in all aspects and be a beacon for women all across the country.”

The news comes as Kamala Harris is expected to visit New Mexico on Tuesday, October 25 to campaign for Lujan Grisham while also promoting abortion up to birth policies. 

Harris will “participate in a moderated conversation on protecting reproductive rights (abortion),” according to her office’s press announcement.

The former California senator officiated Lujan Grisham’s lavish wedding in Washington, D.C., earlier this year while much of the state was plagued with forest fires.

Lujan Grisham is a rabid proponent of unlimited abortions, even holding a rally in Las Cruces last Saturday, where she danced alongside other pro-abortion leaders to gleefully promote abortion. 

She has also pledged $10 million in state taxpayers’ money to open a new abortion mill in Las Cruces if she is re-elected.

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MLG appears to admit attack ads about groping claims are true

On Thursday, it was reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign attempted to yank attack ads from the air that outlined how she released violent criminals back on the street. 

“KOB must pull this ad from the air immediately given your own admission it is false,” attorney Courtney Weisman of the Washington, D.C.-based Elias Law Group demanded in a letter to KOB 4’s station owner, citing a fact-check from KOB that didn’t come up with much.

“I don’t usually get into the details of our review,” station manager Michelle Donaldson said. “I will say that we followed our process that we always do. We asked for the substantiation from the party that purchased the ad. We spent a great deal of time reviewing that, asked for follow-up materials … and made our decision.”

The ad featured claims that the governor twice released a criminal, Christopher Beltran, out on the street, resulting in the murder of his ex-girlfriend Dominique Gonzales of Roswell. 

KOB reporter Ryan Laughlin did a fact-check of the ad that appeared to confirm everything the ad said was true since, under Lujan Grisham’s administration, he was released twice. That resulted in the brutal death of Gonzales.

The ad, paid for by RGA New Mexico PAC, will stay on the airwaves. 

But Lujan Grisham’s protest against the ad is telling since she did not demand an ad run by the Mark Ronchetti campaign come down after it mentioned the governor’s $150,000 sexual assault payout to a former staffer who claims she groped his crotch. 

The Ronchetti campaign has since released an ad featuring her family saying, “The governor absolutely should be held accountable for [Beltran’s] early release and feel ashamed.”

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