
Trump Campaign official says up to 180k ballots in question in New Mexico

On Wednesday, Boris Epshteyn, a member of President Donald Trump’s 2020 advisory board, appeared on Real America’s Voice News with Steve Bannon to talk about election fraud across the country and the campaign’s efforts to expose the true results of the 2020 election in key battleground states.

Among the states Epshteyn mentioned were Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Bannon pushed Epshteyn on mentioning New Mexico, to which he replied:

“I was alerted to the fact that in New Mexico, outside of Bernalillo County, which is the county where Albuquerque is, there was an issue with observers not being allowed to observe that has impacted, I believe, up to 180,000 ballots — 180,000 ballots. Do you know what the difference in the state of New Mexico between Sleepy Joe Biden and the President of the United States?… It’s 99,000. That’s what it is. So, the State of New Mexico, which has always been ripe with all kinds of fraud and all kinds of issues, is definitely another state where we’re taking a hard look at.” 

The state Republican Party shared the video on social media, writing, “[The Republican Party of New Mexico] is working overtime to get answers and we will not stop until we do. We are exposing the Democrats’ fraud scheme and working to get the TRUE results from the November 3rd Election.” 

The Piñon Post has been the leading news source in New Mexico uncovering the fraud happening across the state, from the irregularities occurring with Dominion Voting Systems to Democrats harvesting ballots from senior citizens and everything in between

There has not been an official statement from the Trump Campaign or the Republican Party of New Mexico yet on the findings of fraud in New Mexico. However, there are three races across the state still in the balance, and the results could tip many races in the Republicans’ favor, especially if the fraudulent ballot count is anywhere near 180,000. 

Trump Campaign official says up to 180k ballots in question in New Mexico Read More »

Española holds gun ‘buyback’ in attempt to disarm the public, will remold guns into gardening tools

This week, the Española Police Department announced a new gun buyback program in an attempt to disarm citizens of the city. The event is being sponsored by the anti-gun group New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence (NMPGV), a fringe organization that has lobbied for just about every anti-gun measure proposed in New Mexico.

The buyback, titled “Guns for Groceries” will be held on Thursday, November 19 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Española Police Department, and anyone with a gun can bring it in and exchange it for a gift card to Amazon, Center Market, Food King, Target, or Walmart.

The amounts of the cards vary between the type, with semi-automatic firearms that the group calls “assault weapons” going for $250, semi-automatic handguns and semi-automatic rifles going for $200, and long guns and pistols going for $100. The guns will then be “dismantled on-site” and “forged into gardening tools.” Españolans can turn in as many guns as they would like as long as they are in working condition and unloaded.

While introducing the measure, NMPGV co-president Miranda Viscoli said, “There are too many guns,” also saying, “There was one woman who brought in 10 guns, she said she had eight more at home.” 

“Once a firearm is surrendered and a gift card is issued, EPD will conduct a National Crime Information Center inquiry on the firearms to make sure they are not stolen. Police state that if a firearm is determined to be stolen, it will be entered into evidence, and the rightful owner will be contacted,” reports KRQE 13.

According to Governing Magazine, gun buybacks are “ineffective” in curbing crime and are a massive failure. “In Seattle, there appeared to be no statistically significant change in gun-related homicides after its gun buyback. A 2002 study in Milwaukee found that handguns sold back to local police didn’t fit the profile of handguns used in homicides. Buybacks, the studies seemed to say, don’t work,” wrote the publication.

The event held by Viscoli’s group appears merely to be a gun-grab, where as many firearms as possible are confiscated from legal owners, while it is unlikely any criminals would willingly turn in their illegally obtained firearms.

Española holds gun ‘buyback’ in attempt to disarm the public, will remold guns into gardening tools Read More »

NM legislator who disrespected police brags about buying luxury Hermés products: ‘Treat yo self’

Over the weekend, state Sen. Jacob Candelaria bragged on Instagram about his new purchases from the expensive French fashion house, Hermés. The legislator is known for mercilessly berating State Police officers who he called to help him with hate mail. 

When the officers arrived at Candelaria’s home, which appears to be an apartment building, he repeatedly mentioned that he was a state senator, that he would call Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on the officers, and finally kicked them out after he did not receive the answers he was looking for.

He also filmed a 30-minute-long video where he dramatically cried about the issue and claimed that he did not feel safe, later saying in a tweet that he now has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from the experience. The Governor’s office appears to have blocked out Candelaria and dismissed his melodramatic tirade.

Now, after the experience, it appears the state lawmaker, who also likes to mention in his Twitter bio that he attended the Ivy League Princeton University, has decided to treat himself to luxury goods that range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars from Hermés, one of the most expensive fashion houses in the world.

In a post showing off the signature orange and blue boxes with the company’s logos, Candelaria wrote, “Treat yo self. The road is long and the fights are hard—-celebrating your joy is a seditious act.” 

Although the image does not disclose what specific products the state lawmaker purchased, the box’s large size means he may have purchased any number of items. Men’s scarves on the site range from $455 to $870, belts range from $825 to $5,435, and wallets range from $590 to upwards of $20,200. 

Candelaria’s likely $1,000+ purchase of luxury French goods comes as New Mexicans are feeling the effects of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s strict COVID-19 lockdowns, which now threaten even more businesses with having to close for good. Working families are still struggling to put food on the table, small businesses are not allowed to operate due to their “non-essential” status, and families are not allowed to gather for the Thanksgiving holiday with more than five family members. Candelaria has supported such lockdowns.

NM legislator who disrespected police brags about buying luxury Hermés products: ‘Treat yo self’ Read More »

New Mexico’s use of Dominion Voting Systems raises more questions than answers

After the November 3rd election, with results still in the balance in critical battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and others, questions have been raised regarding the use of Dominion Voting Systems machines, which reportedly have switched votes from Republican to Democrat, notably 6,000 votes in one Michigan county. 

New Mexico also uses the Dominion voting machines, which can be programmed to glitch, according to a report by NBC News

According to a 2018 report by The New York Times:

Many of the products they make have documented vulnerabilities and can be subverted in multiple ways. Hackers can access voting machines via the cellular modems used to transmit unofficial results at the end of an election, or subvert back-end election-management systems — used to program the voting machines and tally votes — and spread malicious code to voting machines through them. Attackers could design their code to bypass pre-election testing and kick in only at the end of an election or under specific conditions — say, when a certain candidate appears to be losing — and erase itself afterward to avoid detection. And they could make it produce election results with wide margins to avoid triggering automatic manual recounts in states that require them when results are close.

Sidney Powell, a member of President Trump’s legal team, said in an interview, “We’re beginning to collect evidence on the financial interests of some of the governors and secretaries of state who actually bought into the Dominion Systems, surprisingly enough. Hunter Biden-type graft to line their own pockets by getting a voting machine in that would either make sure their election was successful or they got money from their family from it.” 

Powell said the Trump team had identified at least 450,000 blank ballots in the key states “‘miraculously’ have only have a mark for Joe Biden and no other candidate.”

“She listed the approximate numbers of ballots that were found primarily in the battleground states: 98,000 in Pennsylvania; 90,000 in Georgia; 42,000 in Arizona; 115,000 in Michigan and 62,000 in Wisconsin,” according to one report.

According to the Secretary of State’s website, there are no contributions from Dominion Voting Systems, affiliated companies Smartmatic, Premier Elections Solutions, or Sequoia Voting Systems, nor any of their executives in the past ten years to any candidate in state government. 

According to a legal document from Dominion, New Mexico adopted the voting systems in all 33 counties in 2014, during the term of corrupt ex-Secretary of State Dianna Duran, who was convicted on four counts of felony embezzlement and four counts of misdemeanor money laundering and campaign report violations. She reportedly embezzled $14,000 from her campaign account, which went into her own pocket.

During her term, Dominion’s ImageCast Evolution unit was adopted, which according to Dominion, “is a precinct-level, digital scan, ballot marking device and tabulator that is designed to perform three major functions: • Ballot scanning and tabulation • Ballot review and second chance voting • Accessible voting and ballot marking.” 

Also adopted were Dominion’s ImageCast Central machines. According to Dominion, “Central scanning is typically used to process absentee or mail-in ballots. The election definition is taken from EMS, using the same database that is utilized to program any precinct scanners for a given election. Multiple ImageCast Central scanners can be programmed for use in an election. The ImageCast Central application is installed and later initialized on a computer attached to the central count scanner. Ballots are processed through the central scanner(s) in batches based on jurisdictional preferences and requirements.” 

Another machine adopted under the corrupt Duran administration at the New Mexico Secretary of State’s office was the ICP-BMD machine, a ballot marking device that is supposed to be used for people with disabilities. 

These machines can be manipulated, according to reports from other counties. According to the County of Santa Clara, California, the Dominion central count scanners “[a]llows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images.” 

In a sworn affidavit from Melissa Carone, an IT contractor for Dominion in Michigan, she “witnessed nothing but fraudulent actions take place,” with testimony that  she “witnessed countless workers rescanning the batches without discarding them first which resulted in ballots being counted 4-5 times.”

It is still unclear if any of these vote swaps or double-counting of ballots occurred in New Mexico. Still, the state’s voting machines certainly have the capability of “glitching” or counting ballots multiple times.

Due to the newly implemented voting procedures passed in the Special Session by the Legislature, with many Republicans in the Senate voting with Democrats on the measure, it did not clearly define procedures for poll watchers, which allowed counties like Doña Ana to falsely claim GOP poll watchers were being disruptive and kick them out of an absentee vote counting warehouse. While they were kicked out, could ballots have been changed, scanned multiple times, tossed out, or vote counts “glitched”? There is at least a possibility that any of these scenarios could have occurred while poll watchers were not allowed to inspect the process.

Democrat Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver claimed after the election that any potential for rigging an election was “next to impossible,” and that “no votes were changed or ‘glitched.’” No evidence from her office has been produced to prove these points, especially given the state’s long-documented history of voter fraud.

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NM patriots join in national ‘Stop the Steal’ rally with huge pro-Trump events held across the state

On Saturday, New Mexicans joined in on the national “Stop the Steal” rallies being held in Washington D.C. and other places around the country in support of President Trump and election integrity.

One event was a “Patriot Ride and Rally” in Albuquerque, featuring Cowboys for Trump and Bikers for Trump, meant to support the President, as well as pray for the nation and appreciate Military veterans. The ride started at Icon Cinema on Central, where cars and trucks lined up behind a patriotic Army truck. 

Photographs from the event show hundreds of patriots in attendance, if not more, proudly holding American Flags and Trump flags.

Trump supporters in Roswell participated in a “Trump Integrity Train,” while Carlsbad residents held a #StopTheSteal rally and prayer event. 


NM patriots join in national ‘Stop the Steal’ rally with huge pro-Trump events held across the state Read More »

MLG locks state down over Thanksgiving, shames mourners for attending funerals

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham held her weekly COVID-19 press conferences, where she locked down the state for two weeks beginning Monday, November 16 and ending on Monday, November 30th. The lockdown coincidentally goes through Thanksgiving weekend.

Only five people can congregate together, and the Governor urged people not to gather whatsoever. The lockdown includes a total ban on in-person dining and a return to “essential” and “non-essential” businesses, with Big Box Stores allowed to stay open, while mom and pop shops will be closed. Houses of Worship can only operate at 25% capacity, and “non-essential” businesses are forced to reduce in-person activity by 100%.

During her presser, she also shamed mourners for attending funerals for loved ones, telling them their attendance of such solemn occasions were a “catastrophe.” She added that they should have said goodbye to dying loved ones over “FaceTime.” 

“The funerals [are] hard. You, know. I had to give a eulogy to someone who was really important to me. They did a 5-person funeral,” said the Governor. “We had a contact potential problem in the residence, which I disclosed…. I had to give a eulogy to someone I love while keeping out a family member over a telephone over a microphone,” she added.

⁩ shames New Mexicans for attending a loved one’s funeral, tells them to say goodbye to them over FaceTime

She acknowledged that the holiday quarantine was a “terrible blow” to the hospitality industry, and also acknowledged that her lockdown was hard to enforce. She says “you really shouldn’t be here” and you should “eat in your hotel room” if you are staying in New Mexico over the holiday weekend. 

“We hate what it does to our economic partners. They did not create this pandemic. They are caught up in a pandemic with very few tools to reduce the spread,” added Lujan Grisham. Future restrictions will be based on county-by-county gating criteria based on COVID-19 cases and counties’ enforcement measures. 

“They aren’t giving states money to support their constituents and residents,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham, bemoaning the Federal government’s inaction to send even more money to the state, despite her squandering the first round of stimulus funds. She said, “Congress failed…. It’s not like they didn’t know.” 

The Governor also noted that she hopes for the Legislature to have a special session soon beginning within “days” to grant state funds for “unemployment support in a specialized state program,” among other things.

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NM Secretary of State claims rigging an election is ‘next to impossible’

On Thursday, New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver wrote on Twitter a strange statement defending her office’s work to ensure the integrity of election results. She claimed that it was “next to impossible” to “rig” an election and that there were multiple “safeguards” to endure elections were free and fair.

She wrote, “The layers of transparency, accountability & complexity involved in the election process make the act of “rigging” an election next to impossible. Every ballot in #NM is accounted for & every step of the process is layered w safeguards to ensure accuracy.” 

The photograph included in the tweet claims that each election has a county canvass, a canvas by the Secretary of State’s office, an independent post-election audit, and a review by the State Canvassing Board, which Toulouse Oliver notes include Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, the Democrat Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Michale E. Vigil, and the Canvassing Board. 

However, her office’s so-called “layers of transparency” don’t appear to add up, given that in 2018, there were thousands of irregularities in the Second Congressional District race when there was an independent audit done, which her state-run audit did not find. 

According to the report conducted after the election, “These anomalies are not simply organic. Reviewing the historical returns in the CD2 district, over the last five election cycles, the same degrees of variation between absentee votes and EV/ED votes do not exist in CD2 in any cycle to the degree found in the 2018 race.” 

Other major anomalies occurred, but the most malevolent of them is the 25% of absentee voters who requested ballots in Doña Ana County and never returned them — a number that rarely reaches 5%. According to the report:

“it is probably the strongest purely statistical red flag present in this whole election  — of the possibility that someone was submitting absentee ballot applications for Democrats. There is also a significantly high number of duplicate applications — where one voter supposedly submitted more than one absentee ballot application or submitted an absentee application after the absentee ballot had been received, or the voter had voted in person. In many of these cases the signature on the duplicate applications do not match each other.”

No information on these eye-opening irregularities came out in 2018 from the Secretary of State’s office, the state Canvassing Board, or any other supposed group that reviewed the election results, which was only found in an independent candidate-funded audit.

However, earlier in the day, the Secretary of State claimed that conspiracy theories” needed to be addressed, where she claimed Dominion Voting Systems do not glitch and that such assertions arecategorically false.” She also claimed any issues with Sharpie pens and voting are false.

The statements being made about Dominion Voting Systems are categorically false. No votes were changed or ‘glitched.’ There’s no secret CIA program for vote fraud. There are no issues with Sharpie pens being used to mark ballots,” she said.

NM Secretary of State claims rigging an election is ‘next to impossible’ Read More »

Ted Cruz says New Mexico still ‘vigorously contested’ state in presidential election

On Sunday, Texas’ U.S. Senator Ted Cruz appeared on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the election and the media’s continual urge to want to “coronate Joe Biden as the next president.” 

Cruz mentioned New Mexico in the states that are being hotly contested for the presidential race, saying, “The American people get to elect our president. And, and at this point, we’ve got numerous states that are, that are very closely and vigorously contested from Pennsylvania to Georgia, to Arizona, to New Mexico, to Michigan, to Wisconsin.” 

New Mexico uses Dominion Voting Systems to tabulate votes, the same software which has “glitched” in states like Michigan that changed thousands of Republican votes in swing districts to Democrat. 

It is unclear if similar irregularities happened in New Mexico elections, as just minutes after the polls closed at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, Joe Biden was prematurely declared the winner of New Mexico, despite zero votes being counted yet.

There are multiple races that face recounts, including in the 13th Judicial District’s district attorney race where Democrat Barbara Romo and Republican Joshua Joe Jimenez are facing off for the seat with a razor-thin margin.

“The Sandoval County Clerk’s Office had around 700 additional ballots to tally up Tuesday that were not included in the totals on the Secretary of State’s website. Jimenez leads Romo by around 100 votes,” reports KOB 4.

As well, Republican former New Mexico state Rep. Ricky Little faces a recount where he leads Democrat Rep. Willie Madrid by a handful of votes in the 53rd House District. Madrid erroneously and without evidence claimed Otero County “wasn’t prepared” for the election, alleging voter suppression. 

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4.5-mile-long caravan of patriotic Trump supporters parade into Santa Fe for ‘Stop the Steal’ rally

On Saturday, as part of the nationwide “Stop the Steal” rallies in support for a legal and fair election, patriots paraded into Santa Fe to the state Capitol to back the President as Democrats have been “finding” ballots in key swing states helping former Vice President Joe Biden. 

On the way to Santa Fe from Albuquerque was a 4.5-mile caravan of patriots, ready to rally for a free and fair election. 

Once the parade got to Santa Fe, it featured included notable figures in the state, such as Cowboys for Trump’s Couy Griffin, also an Otero County Commissioner, who rode into the Capitol on his horse, Red, and carrying a flag emblazoned with a Republican Party elephant.

Many folks carried Trump flags and signs, “Come and Take It” flags, and many American flags. 

4.5-mile-long caravan of patriotic Trump supporters parade into Santa Fe for ‘Stop the Steal’ rally Read More »

Santa Fe Crime Stoppers offering $1k reward for tips after latest Santa Fe obelisk suspect arrested

On Friday, the Santa Fe New Mexican announced that a new suspect had been arrested following October’s toppling of the obelisk in downtown Santa Fe by supposed “Indigenous activists.” 

The press release reads as follows: 

Dawn Furlong (46 years old), was charged with Criminal Damage to Property (over $1,000), Conspiracy, Unlawful Assembly, Criminal Trespass, and Unauthorized Graffiti ($1,000 or less). 

The Santa Fe Police Department, Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office, New Mexico State Police, and the District Attorney’s Office continue to work together in the identification, location, and charging the individuals involved in this case in accordance with the judicial process.

At this time, we are continuing to identify individuals who will be facing charges for their involvement in the destruction of the Obelisk.

The Santa Fe Crime Stoppers is now offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of those involved.

If you have information related to the damage to the obelisk or know of people who were directly involved, please contact Captain Anthony Tapia by calling 505-955-5286 or by emailing him at matapia@santafenm.gov .

If you were involved in the Obelisk destruction and would like to provide your statement to detectives, please contact Captain Anthony Tapia by calling 505-955-5286 or by emailing him at matapia@santafenm.gov.

The latest arrest comes as two individuals, Lily Sage Schweitzer and Ryan Witt were arrested and charged with similar counts, and more are expected to be arrested for the violent desecration of the downtown Santa Fe landmark.

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