
Lujan Grisham, NMPED outed as ‘child abusers’ following landmark study

A new scientific study by Brown University scientists, in conjunction with the global consulting firm Resonance, shows that young children’s development is expected to drop by 23 percent during the pandemic due to masking.

Sean CL Deoni, Jennifer Beauchemin, Viren D’Sa, and Alexandra Volpe wrote the review, collecting data from 1,600 children and their caregivers who have been enrolled in the study between the ages of 0 and 5 on a rolling basis. 

The Daily Mail reports, “The probe analyzed the cognitive development of the youngsters through infancy, childhood and adolescence, and looked at how average development scores in three key areas had been affected during the [pandemic] era – with shocking results.” 

Researchers first watched 1,070 assessments administered on 650 children before March 2020 when lockdowns and masking started. 

“Then, a further 154 assessments from 118 kids administered between March 2020 and June 2021, during the height of the pandemic, were carried out. Meanwhile, 39 children born in 2018 and 2019 were analyzed over the course of the pandemic, into 2021,” The Daily Mail notes. 

The tests included measuring three “widely accepted” measures of child development, including the early learning composite (ELC), verbal development quotient (VDQ), and non-verbal development quotient (NVDQ)…. A child’s early learning composite is derived from their fine motor, visual reception, receptive, and expressive language scales, and [in] the early years equivalent to an IQ score.”

The shocking results revealed that the mean ELC dropped by 23 percent from a high under 100 in 2019 to approximately 80 in 2020, then 77 in 2021. The VDQ dropped from an average of 100 in 2018 to below 90 in 2020, and around 70 in 2021. The NVDQ also showed negative results. It dropped from a mean score of around 105 in 2019 to 100 in 2020 and around 80 in 2021.

The study said that “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.”

“[M]asks worn in public settings and in school or daycare settings may impact a range of early developing skills, such as attachment, facial processing, and socioemotional processing,” the report concluded. 

However, in New Mexico, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has forced masking of children in schools, as well as masking required in all indoor settings, which has outed the embattled Governor and her New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) administering her edicts as apparent “child abusers” who have stalled child development. 

Lujan Grisham’s mask mandates have extended even to school sports, with children over three forced to “mask up,” which is stunting their development. These mandates forced children to wear masks at school, even recently as younger children have been approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to get the jab. Masks are required for all regardless. 

One Twitter user branded Lujan Grisham and NMPED as “child abusers” and others added onto that: 

Lujan Grisham, NMPED outed as ‘child abusers’ following landmark study Read More »

Keller roasted online for once again skirting MLG’s indoor mask mandate

While New Mexicans are being forced to abide by scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s indoor mask mandate, with the threat of her sending the State Police to enforce the edict, Democrat politicians feel they need not abide by the rules she is forcing upon the public.

Over the weekend, socialist Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller was spotted shopping around Albuquerque on Small Business Saturday, but in one of the photos he posted online, it showed him maskless while patronizing an indoor shop. Although he was maskless, in non-compliance with Lujan Grisham’s edict, his daughter Maya was spotted masked-up standing beside him.

This is the second time Keller has skirted the Governor’s public health orders, despite being an ally of Lujan Grisham and a supposed proponent of these mask orders. Keller was previously spotted at the wedding of Shaun Peña, the son of Democrat Albuquerque City Councilor Klarissa Peña.

When challenged on Facebook over the maskless event, Bernalillo County Clerk Linda Stover, who also was in attendance at the maskless wedding, claimed, “[W]e were all vaccinated – [D]on’t jump so quickly to try and make a nice moment look bad.” 

But with Keller’s latest failure to wear a mask indoors despite the Lujan Grisham mandate, New Mexicans raked him over the coals as a “rules for thee but not for me”-type ruler.

One account wrote, “Don’t wear your masks anymore people!!! Keller isn’t wearing his and @GovMLG doesn’t wear one. So why keep it on?”

“We’re really worried since our leaders exhibit this type of behavior,” wrote another.

“Hey you are not wearing a mask indoors there…come on man!,” wrote one Twitter user, while another opined, “We don’t have to wear masks indoors now @GovMLG? Or only the Mayor gets a pass? For thee but not for me?” 

Republican gubernatorial candidate and Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block wrote,“Will @GovMLG fine him or call out Mayor Hypocrite? If she couldn’t call out her BFF sex predator Cuomo, you really expect her to slap Timmy on the wrist? Nope.”

Ironically, in a previous video done for Gov. Lujan Grisham, Keller claimed “a simple mask is key to literally saving lives and to reopening our local business.” 

Those words are now coming back to bite Keller, who was just reelected to a second term.

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After killing over 40% of NM small businesses, MLG celebrates ‘Small Business Saturday’

On Saturday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham celebrated the “Small Business Saturday” tax holiday, in which Americans saved the tax when shopping on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. 

“It’s #SmallBusinessSaturday, and in New Mexico that means a tax holiday for shoppers! Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and it’s more important than ever to to #shopsmall and #buylocal. Save money and support a New Mexico small business today!” wrote the embattled Governor. 

The holiday was first created by American Express, which partnered with the non-profit National Trust for Historic Preservation, Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, and Roslindale Village Main Street in 2010. 

However, in New Mexico, Lujan Grisham is responsible for killing at least 40% of New Mexico’s small businesses with her harsh lockdowns and mandates that forced many small businesses into failure. Her lockdowns included a months-long blackout of what she claimed to be “non-essential” businesses, forcing them to stop opening their doors. 

As well, her clampdown on small businesses included allowing Big Box stores to open while mom-and-pop groceries and convenience stores were shuttered. Restaurants and hotels may have been the hardest hit, with out-of-state travel being prohibited with forced testing at hotels and restaurants either completely closed or allowing only outdoor dining, with businesses especially hit hard over the 2020 winter. 

During the holidays, Lujan Grisham forced New Mexicans to stand in cold breadlines to buy food and basic goods, with elderly, disabled, and children forced to face the cold while the Governor feasted on taxpayer-funded $200/lb Wagyu steaks and skirted her pandemic orders to buy luxury jewelry.

The few businesses and religious organizations that defied Lujan Grisham were plunged into even further financial ruin with fines of up to $60,000 and State Police ordered to shut businesses down.

At the time that the Governor was killing jobs and it was revealed 40% of New Mexico small businesses had died, the owner of Nob Hill bar Happy Accidents in Albuquerque told KRQE 13 News, “My industry means everything to me.” She said, “Knowing independent businesses are suffering kills us.”

While ruling during the pandemic, Lujan Grisham constantly bashed people across the state, even publicly shaming people in places like Española and Hobbs who she saw did not wear masks driving or eating at a restaurant.

However, now Lujan Grisham would like New Mexicans to forget how she treated citizens and how she continues to belittle with an election right around the corner in November 2022. But it is unlikely that New Mexicans will forget what happened to them, especially in the heat of the pandemic, with countless small businesses dying forever. 

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Far-left ABQ City Council candidate whines about pastor endorsing opponent

A far-left Albuquerque City Council candidate in the December 7 runoff election is crying to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Attorney General Hector Balderas because her opponent was endorsed by a local pastor. 

Tammy Fiebelkorn, the leftist candidate whined, “I have always been told that nonprofit 501(c)(3)s are not supposed to engage in political discourse.” She added, “I really hope that the AG and the IRS look into this and see if what he did violated the church’s nonprofit status. More importantly, I really hope that the District 7 voters get out and make their voices heard.”

Her desperate comments came after Albuquerque pastor from Legacy Church, Steve Smothermon, said in a November 16 video, “We need people like her (Robertson) on the City Council to make sure this crazy guy they call mayor doesn’t continue to push his agenda,” referring to the Republican candidate, Lori Robertson.

Apparently, to Fiebelkorn, she thinks Pastor Smothermon no longer has the right to the First Amendment and is demanding bureaucrats investigate him for merely having an opinion. 

Responding on Wednesday, Robertson said, “My opponent is trying to fabricate a scandal that does not exist.”

“What I can say is I appreciated the opportunity to share my faith and to meet with voters and discuss my solutions for our city’s problems,” Robertson said to the Albuquerque Journal.

“Separation of church and state was originally intended to protect the church from government persecution. Indeed this country was in great part founded by those seeking religious freedom,” Pastor Smothermon said.

But despite the crying from Fiebelkorn, the AG’s office has not received a complaint from her and the IRS said it does not comment on individuals or organizations, according to the Journal.

Fiebelkorn is endorsed by scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a far-left extremist. She also has the endorsements of Sen. Martin Heinrich, Bernalillo County District Attorney Raúl Torres, and socialist Mayor Tim Keller.

The December 7 runoff will also take place in District 9, where Republican Renee Grout and Democrat Rob Grilley are vying for the seat. Early voting ends on December 4.

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Thanks to Biden, Lujan Grisham, the average price per gallon of gas in NM hits $3.35

In Joe Biden’s America and in Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico, Democrat socialism is costing citizens where it hurts — their pocketbooks.

As the holidays arrive, and families look to save their money for presents to fill their loved ones’ Christmas with cheer, it is a lot direr in New Mexico, one of the most heavily impoverished states in the nation. Thanks to Lujan Grisham’s strict lockdowns, 40% of New Mexico’s small businesses are gone. 

And at the pump in MLG’s New Mexico, due to anti-energy policies instituted in the state like the “Green New Deal,” as well as the Biden regime’s job-killing edicts, gas prices are soaring to record levels we haven’t seen since the devastating Obama years.

The lowest average gas price in New Mexico right now, according to AAA is $3.20 in Quay County. However, in places like Harding and Catron Counties, New Mexicans can expect an average gas price that is much steeper. For Catron, an average gallon of gas will cost $3.89, while in Harding County, it will cost $3.71. 

This makes the average gas price in New Mexico, according to AAA’s figures, $3.35. Joe Biden and Michelle Lujan Grisham did that. 

And Lujan Grisham’s allies in the Legislature this year proposed a bill that would result in a 20 cent per gallon gas tax that would hurt the poorest New Mexicans. Thankfully, the bill died due to public outrage, including that of the Piñon Post. However, far-left legislators have promised to bring the bill back in the 2022 Legislative Session, if not the 2021 Special Session rumored to begin on December 6, 2021.

As families hurt during the holidays, Gov. Lujan Grisham, an alleged serial groper, and Joe Biden, a failed political hack, are living large while New Mexicans and all Americans suffer under their dictatorial reign.

Thanks to Biden, Lujan Grisham, the average price per gallon of gas in NM hits $3.35 Read More »

ABQ pro-lifers to hold Dec. 1 ‘OverturnRoe’ rally as SCOTUS considers pivotal case

To commemorate the U.S. Supreme Court hearing arguments on the case Dobbs v. Jackson, which is “​​the most significant challenge to Roe v. Wade to rise up in the courts in more than a decade,” pro-lifers in Albuquerque are joining a national movement started by OverturnRoe.org

The group is a national coalition of pro-lifers voicing their encouragements to overturn the rabidly pro-abortion 1973 ruling that legalized abortion on demand in the U.S. 

On December 1, citizens will gather to rally at Tiguex Park in Albuquerque to urge the repeal of abortion on demand in America.


WHAT: OverturnRoe Rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico

WHEN: Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 10 a.m. (Mountain)

WHERE: Tiguex Park, 1800 Mountain Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104

MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/YeMSUBaFuQPCJoHy6

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: https://overturnroe.org/blog/site/tiguex-park/ 

Roe v. Wade is outdated, it’s bad law, and it’s been responsible for the ‘legal’ murder of more than sixty-two million children,” explained Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League and a key coordinator with the OverturnRoe.org coalition, according to Patch.

A final ruling in the Dobbs case is expected in Spring 2022.

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Totalitarian rule at the Roundhouse: Jabs, masks required for the public

In a move to further keep the public away from the Roundhouse during the Special Session of the Legislature rumored for December 6, “proof of full vaccination will be required for any member of the public to enter the Capitol building in Santa Fe during the upcoming special session and regular session,” according to KOB 4.  The reconvening of the Legislature is meant for redistricting, which is done every ten years following the Census.

Despite scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham claiming “fully vaccinated” is “three shots” — two regular shots and a booster — the Piñon Post has learned from the Legislative Council Service (LCS) that they are going by CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines define“fully vaccinated” as two weeks following the second Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 shot. It will not require a COVID booster shot.

Raúl Burciaga, director of the New Mexico Legislative Council Service said, “Given the high number of COVID-19 cases across the state and the strain this continues to put on state resources, it is incumbent on us to protect everyone in the Capitol complex while conducting the state’s business,” He added, “I believe the measures being taken for the special and regular sessions will allow for the work to get done while greatly minimizing the risk for COVID spread.”

The new rules according to KOB:

  • The Roundhouse will remain open to members of the public for the special and regular sessions.
  • Proof of full vaccination will be required for any member of the public to enter the Capitol.
  • The Rotunda will not be used for displays, booths, presentations, special days, etc.
  • Pages will not be used by the House or Senate. 
  • No tours will be conducted or allowed in the Capitol. 
  • Masks will continue to be required throughout the Capitol Complex. 

As well as the extreme “COVID” mandates at the Roundhouse, leftist legislators rammed through a gun ban on most firearms at the Capitol, which can be read more about here.

According to the LCS, the special session will be held both in-person and virtually.

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Republican jumps into 2022 BernCo sheriff race

On Monday, Republican Joshua James Ryan Lawrence posted that he had announced over the weekend that he will be running for sheriff in Bernalillo County in 2022.

“As a Constitutionally Bonded Sheriff, I will be Constitutionally putting the Constitutional authority back in the hands of ‘We The People’,” he declared.

“Under my supervision, Bernalillo County will have a forensic audit of our votes, we will be auditing the financial books, and will be cleaning house of all unnecessary spending in the BCSO. There will be no more corruption in Bernalillo County so long as the people put me Constitutionally in charge.”

From Joshua James’ announcement:

From the time I take my constitutional oath, and then bond that oath per the constitution of New Mexico Article 22 Section 19, we will have a 30-day countdown from the time every elected candidate takes their Oath of Office, any candidate that fails to bond their oath, they will be forfeiting their elected office, and the Bernalillo Sheriff’s department will be escorting those people out of that office, and we will hold a protected special election to Constitutionally fill those seats. Also, we will have paper [ballots], and no DOMINION cheating machines.

All Vets/LEOS will be constitutionally guaranteed a job with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s department per the Constitution, and I highly suggest all constitutional Americans here in Bernalillo County come get vetted and deputized as a Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy in order to protect your neighborhoods. All deputies/police will be designated to the neighborhoods/vicinity where they live. It’s vital LEOS know their neighbors, fore they are the jury of your peers.

Sheriff is also the head officer of the Courts, so no more games.

ALL Covid mandates and restrictions will be eliminated completely. There will be no more violations of our Bill of Rights, and we will only Enforce The Constitution.

I will work with all Bonded Sheriff’s in the State to make Constitutional corrections collectively.

Note to APD, the Mayor will no longer be your Police Chief, fore your authority comes from the County Sheriff, and we will hire a Constitutionally Bonded Police/Patrol Chief. We will make the Constitution precedent again. May God bless us all through this journey, we will bring God back to New Mexico, and our Local Government.

Lawrence, who goes just by“Joshua James,” has long been an advocate for Constitutional rights and has shown up at many pro-freedom rallies across New Mexico, including at the Roundhouse against the Governor’s Green New Deal, in Alamogordo for a“33 Counties” rally, among other places. With his conservative credentials, he will be a frontrunner in the Republican primary.

The announcement comes as Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales failed in his run for mayor against socialist Mayor Tim Keller. His seat appears to be open unless Gonzales once again seeks the Democrat nomination for the seat.

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NM Senate bully targets another senator in apparent vindictive rage

Over the weekend, far-left Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo), who has not always towed the party line and gone along with the Senate Democrats’ wishes, is being targeted by the Senate bully, Pro-Tem Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo), according to his tweets.

Candelaria wrote, “Have been informed that Sen Mimi  Stewart will remove me from Senate Finance Committee, on account of my opposition to Gov control over federal ARPA funds.” 

In a subsequent tweet, he wrote, “This move will require full senate approval before final, let’s see if Mimi can pull it off. One things [sic] for sure though—Mimi Stewart is not morally or ethically fit to lead the Senate. Our legislature needs better and actual leaders.”

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, “But Senate President Pro Tem Mimi Stewart, D-Albuquerque, says that’s not true. She said if she removes Jacob Candelaria, who also represents Albuquerque, from that position, it will be because he has pulled away from his party and no longer caucuses with other members.”

“It’s no big surprise to me that this is coming on the heels of the decision of the Supreme Court on Wednesday,” Candelaria said. “This in no way has dampened my spirits. If leadership wants to act in this sort of retaliatory fashion, that’s their decision, just as it will be the Senate’s decision as to whether it will go along with this childish behavior.”

“He’s completely wrong. What he did this week [before the Supreme Court] has nothing to do with what I might have to do,” Stewart countered. While she said it is “possible” she may move to remove him from that committee, “it will have nothing to do with his great performance in front of the Supreme Court.”

Stewart has long bullied other members she disagrees with, including many in her own party. She bullied Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Bernalillo) in committee hearings, then subsequently refused to answer Ivey-Soto’s questions on the Senate floor on a bill she sponsored. Because she refused to answer, she claimed Ivey-Soto was being “sexist.”

In a previous committee hearing, Ivey-Soto claimed “leadership” (meaning Stewart) told him he could no longer debate on House bills, so he left the meeting and claimed he would not hear House bills in his Senate Rules Committee for the foreseeable future. This came after Stewart accused Ivey-Soto of not emailing her the proper bill, which he countered with a time and date the bill was sent to her email.

In committee hearings, Stewart bashed the public who had concerns over her extremist bill that would add on at least 20 a cent per gallon of gas tax that would harm poor New Mexicans the most.

“Two cents a year — That is nothing,” she said, claiming, “I am not concerned about that because I do believe this is kind of fear-mongering…. I want to answer honestly because that’s how I feel about it.”  

Stewart clapped back at concerns with her bill, “I don’t have concerns. I’m certainly proud that you all are concerned about low income. I don’t think it’s going to impact us,” she said, adding, “We’ve got two years to phase this in. We’re going to do it right.”

Stewart’s spat with Candelaria appears to be her latest move in her nasty tirades against other members of the Legislature, both Republican and Democrat.

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ACLU threatens Estancia with lawsuit over ‘legally armed’ town meetings

Following the assault at the New Mexico Capitol against the Second Amendment, where nearly all firearms are banned from the premises, the town of Estancia in Torrance County is fighting back by holding town meetings where recipients are required to be “legally armed.”

“‘Legally armed’ is everything from showing up with the knowledge, willing to fight. The pen is mightier than the sword – to actually carrying, open-armed. Or, concealed carry,” Estancia Mayor Nathan Dial explained.

However, the far-left dark money group the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has blackmailed Dial and the Town of Estancia with a hostage letter “demanding they rescind a town rule that requires individuals to be armed in order to attend a council meeting or conduct business in a town building.”

The fringe group claimed, “The rule will create a chilling effect on the exercise of their fundamental rights under the First Amendment. The ACLU-NM is prepared to intervene if they do not rescind it.”

However, the rule does not require anyone to physically carry a firearm into the town meeting. But the ACLU appears to have misinterpreted the rule, as it has done in other municipalities to strong-arm local officials.

“We are a Second Amendment city within a Second Amendment county,” Dial said.

“It’s not designed for someone to have to have a firearm. It’s designed to tell the state that, ‘No, what you did unconstitutionally at the state level will not come down in the municipality of Estancia,’” Dial added, according to KRQE 13.

Previously, the ACLU has threatened municipalities such as the Alamogordo Public School (APS) Board of Education with a lawsuit over a proposed piece of legislation to ban transgenders from school sports. The APS Board, which is run by a majority of leftists, caved to the ACLU and the bill was taken off the agenda. 

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