Recently, a new account has appeared on Twitter called “Respect NM Fans,” which is weaponizing the conservative “Respect NM” branding to spread left-wing propaganda.
The account, which says it was created in July, is utilizing the “Respect NM” campaign’s images, logo and fonts to nefariously trick people into thinking the account is the real thing, but it isn’t. Instead of “Respect New Mexico,” the logo has been slightly changed to “Respect New Mexicans,” and other slight changes.
Some of the messages promote the use of solar energy, all mail-in elections, expanding welfare, and mandated mask-wearing.
So, before you share that “Respect NM” meme, make sure it came from the genuine Respect NM account (@RespectNM), and not the leftist campaign Respect NM Fans (@RespectNMFans). Also, it is encouraged to report the account for impersonation.
This is what a genuine Respect New Mexico meme looks like:
No one has been immune to the effects of the lockdown. It may not be business as usual, but we've got to get back to business. Now is the time to come together and support one another in every creative way we can.
It’s no secret that during her entire time in public life, Xochitl Torres Small rarely, if ever, has answered a question with a straightforward answer, consistently pivoting, deceiving, and even lying to the voters of New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District.
I spoke to Torres Small at one of her carefully-orchestrated events in Deming in August 2019. I posed a straightforward question regarding her refusal to sign onto the bipartisan Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which gives an infant born alive after a failed abortion basic medical care.
I asked her, “if [a] baby survives an abortion, don’t you think it deserves the same standard of medical care [as] any other baby?” Torres Small answered, “That already exists. If a child is born, they have the right to – that exists.”
I pushed back, explaining to her how “in Albuquerque, there was a case that showed that this baby… did survive an abortion, and it was left to die on the table there, and it didn’t get that standard of care that we need to have.” She responded, “The law already exists to protect them. So, I deeply appreciate your advocacy on this issue, and we are in more agreement than we realize.”
But she did not tell me how infants who survive abortions are already protected. Despite being given examples of infanticide in our state where babies have succumbed to the horror of a botched abortion without proper medical care, she refused to acknowledge it.
To make matters worse, Torres Small used to work for Planned Parenthood, which takes the lives of thousands of babies every day and spoke at fundraisers for the organization while in Congress. She called abortion a “life-saving procedure,” and is a member of the “pro-choice caucus,” as well as a co-sponsor of extreme pro-abortion bills.
But Torres Small often says, “let’s work together,” or some iteration of that phrase intended to push difficult issues under the rug. However, Torres Small has proven to us that she says one thing and does another.
For example, despite her gun-toting 2018 campaign ad implying she supports the Second Amendment, she voted for H.R. 8, also known as the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019, the partisan anti-gun “universal background check” bill. Now, Emily Caccamo, an ex-lobbyist for Michael Bloomberg’s dark money anti-gun group “Everytown” is her new campaign manager.
Torres Small also voted to impeach our duly-elected President, despite President Donald Trump winning the Second District by 10 points in 2016. She supports New Mexico’s version of far-left New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal,” which would eliminate all oil and gas production by 2050 in New Mexico, annihilating lucrative industry in the Second District. Torres Small helped strip away religious liberty by supporting H.R. 5, also known as the Equality Act, which would put men in women’s sports, disadvantaging biological females, enabling sexual assault, and violate First Amendment rights of businesses, charities, and other organizations.
New Mexico’s Second Congressional District has so much potential, from the sprawling forests of the Gila and the Sacramento Mountains to the blinding beauty of White Sands, the towering spires of the Organ Mountains, and the desert prairies alive with diverse wildlife and fertile farmland. However, Torres Small’s corrosive leadership, which has taken the path of partisanship (voting with Nancy Pelosi over 94.5% of the time), is proof that she has no interest in “working together” to solve issues that affect us all. We must take back the Second Congressional District and elect someone who has the people in mind – not Washington, D.C. bureaucrats.
On Monday, the Santa Fe New Mexican’s loudest mudslinging columnist Milan Simonich wrote an op-ed trying to pit Republican against Republican in the apparent attempt to hurt the GOP in their strong efforts to take back the New Mexico state House and Senate.
In the op-ed, Simonich tries to pit Sen. Stuart Payne against Rep. Gregg Schmedes, who is running for the New Mexico Senate, claiming Schmedes is “waging war on the opposition without regard to decency,” although he is asking tough questions and loudly standing up for the rights of the marginalized, and that includes the unborn.
However. Simpnich’s column, which appears to be another desperate attempt at staying relevant, mercilessly critiqued Schmedes for questioning the New Mexico Supreme Court’s unprecedented rapid action last week to overturn a lower judge’s ruling in favor of the NM Restaurant Association that eateries could open for indoor dining. The lawsuit against Gov. Michelle Luja Grisham’s office was not even warned by a response from Lujan Grisham, which is partially why the lower judge ruled in favor of the restaurants.
However, Simonich took issue with Schmedes asking relevant questions about the Supreme Court’s ruling with came within hours of the lower judge’s. Schmedes wrote on social media, “Bad news: New Mexico Supreme Court just overturned the restraining order issued against the governor. Must be nice to be able to pick up the phone and influence the judicial process. Corruption?”
Simonich critiqued, “Schmedes had no evidence of anything illegal, unethical or corrupt. Proof isn’t a standard he adheres to. Innuendo will do. Schmedes’ use of it was clumsy, even for a novice politician.”
The bottom-of-the-barrel straws Simonich is grasping for don’t seem to stick, especially since Schmedes never alleged anything. He asked questions, and also, it does appear that the Supreme Court has a back-channel to the Governor, especially with such swift action on the case that, if upheld, would be a striking blow to Lujan Grisham and her cruel reign upon the people of New Mexico — not allowing most businesses to open while corporate out-of-state big box stores like Walmart, Costco and Sam’s Club are allowed to stay wide open.
Furthermore, the Supreme Court Justices on New Mexico’s Supreme Court are, indeed, party insiders, such as the Lujan Grisham-appointed David K. Thomson, who was the Santa Fe judge who just so happened to rule the unfair “ranked-choice voting” system in favor of Democrat politicians who would benefit from it, i.e., now-Mayor Alan Webber. Also, the lawyer on that case just so happened to be the current Democrat nominee for U.S. House of Representatives in New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District, Teresa Leger de Fernandez. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is backing both Justice Thomson and Leger de Fernandez in their respective races. Coincidence that these party insiders all work together? Highly doubtful.
Simonich’s accusations against Rep. Schmedes as a radical right-winger with no regard for facts and careless slander fall flat on their face, as Schmedes has worked with Democrats before on multiple bills and has stood up for Republican values even when times get tough. In times of crisis some more squirrely, “moderate” Republicans in safe Republican districts abandoned their party, such as some who were conveniently absent on votes such as on New Mexico’s “Green New Deal” or “Energy Transition Act,” or straight-up-voted for the radical leftist measure that would annihilate the oil and gas industry. Schemes has loudly and proudly stood up to debate on critical issues, and it is clear that the washed-up opinion column at the Santa Fe New Mexican has shriveled up and died after the departure of Steve Terrell, a more likable, talented, and less pretentious columnist who shewed left but did make good points from time to time.
On Thursday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham held a press conference, which escalated into more of a rant against people she claimed were causing the spread of COVID-19.
During the presser, she claimed New Mexicans were “breaking ranks,” with public officials questioning inaccuracies in her Health Department’s data while berating those leaders for claiming Lujan Grisham’s mask mandate is a way to “control or manipulate individuals in our state.”
She insisted, “I need folks to not do that!” She went on to claim President Donal J. Trump “didn’t meet his responsibility” to force every American to wear a face mask, as the Governor has done.
Lujan Grisham then went on to compare random photographs from Taos and Hobbs, one showing a sunny, bright day in Taos, where people were wearing face masks as far as the eye could see. However, the other photograph Lujan Grisham showed was one of an unnamed establishment in Hobbs, which appeared to be a snitch photo submitted to her office picturing people eating inside and not wearing masks.
She said the actions in the picture were “not allowable,” touting how her team had altered the snitch photo to add blue/purple masks onto the subjects. Lujan Grisham also claimed, “those workers” in the photo “are not wearing masks. You cannot tell, but I can tell,” she said in a paranoid tone.
As well, she said, “I don’t think the individuals were trying to support a local business,” then claiming “we’re getting… those photos and many calls and many complaints, and we’re going out.”
Other than threatening local law enforcers with fines and citations after her rant at the Hobbs business, Lujan Grisham then claimed, “Nobody wishes that restaurants have a situation where they have a situation where they are challenged to make it. Every business — every small business is worthy of New Mexico’s attention and support.” It may not appear that way, with the New Mexico Restaurant Associaton estimating that 20% of restaurants across the state will close forever.
Lujan Grisham continued, saying, “And I know that New Mexicans also know we are also debating these issues in front of fact-finders — judges — statewide, and I believe in the independence and authority of judges. And we will adhere to whatever judicial action comes down any number of these. But we are citing. We are closing, and I will tell you this. For local law enforcement: where you are also — it’s bad enough that you won’t help us cite folks who aren’t wearing masks and organizations and businesses and restaurants following public health orders — if you are violating a public health order, there are civil and criminal tools at our disposal. And local law enforcement — including the sheriffs who have been posting photos of themselves eating returns — should expect to be cited as such and to be held accountable.”
The statement seems a bit hypocritical that Lujan Grisham “beleive[s] in the independence and authority of judges,” when the New Mexico Restaurant Associaton’s lawsuit to allow in-person dining was met with radio silence from her office. Not only that, right after the Court sided with the Association, Lujan Grisham had the New Mexico Supreme Court fast-track the case — shutting down the lower Court’s ruling within hours. Is that what Lujan Grisham claims is being respectful toward the “independence” of judges?
As well, Lujan Grisham’s targeting of Sheriffs, claiming her State Police will have to turn on fellow law enforcers and cite them, undermines the duly-elected sheriffs and local law enforcement operations trying to uphold the written law — not necessarily Lujan Grisham’s edicts. But Lujan added insult to injury, and said, “shout out to the State Police” for putting the hammer down and prioritizing her mandates as gospel. She continued, “We don’t want to do it — New Mexicans are making us do it. And so are out-of-staters who are being cited.”
But despite the bad optics of the forcible masking, she claims the militant tactics have “increased mask-wearing” while berating Texas and Arizona, which she claimed were not wearing as many masks as New Mexico.
At the end of her press conference, Lujan Grisham said “New Mexicans are traveling out-of-state. They are not adhering to a 14-day quarantine — and you’re not supposed to be going out! Why are you going out of state? Vacations, family gatherings, unnecessary, unrequired business travel — I can see you at the airports, I can see it on Facebook. Our modelers and folks who look at that aggregate data, we know about it and we can see it coming up in contact tracing. You are taking the virus to other places, you are bringing that virus back. You are being unfair to New Mexico’s economy. Worse, you are putting new Mexicans in the hospital and some of them are losing their lives. Unacceptable.”
.@GovMLG presser reel 2/3: MLG claims she supports “independence and authority of judges” despite having NM Supreme Court overrule local judge MLG claims State Police will cite Sheriffs and local Law Enforcers MLG says militant mask enforcement increases mask-wearing.@GovMLG presser reel 3/3: MLG goes on a rant against New Mexicans leaving the state, citing her tracking of peoples’ phones to know where they are coming from and going to.
New Mexicans’ latest scolding by the Governor proves that there is no telling what the Governor will do to take control and usurp power from local law enforcers, as well as shame small businesses and citizens she deems as threats to her political plans.
On Friday. Lujan Grisham claimed she had a “heartbreakingly hard” decision to stave off opening New Mexico’s public schools, despite not seeming remorseful or heartbroken in the slightest in her Thursday press conference.
On Tuesday, it was revealed that Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales was meeting in Washington, D.C. with President Donald Trump to discuss the implementation of the President’s “Operation Legend,” which according to the Department of Justice, will be “a sustained, systematic and coordinated law enforcement initiative across all federal law enforcement agencies working in conjunction with state and local law enforcement officials to fight the sudden surge of violent crime.”
Upon news of the Sheriff’s upcoming meeting with the President to discuss a benign measure to ensure safe streets, the far-left Democrats in New Mexico’s Congressional delegation and at New Mexico liberal groups exploded with immediate fits of rage.
Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), who has a permanent residence in Maryland, said in a statement, “Sheriff Gonzales wasn’t representing Bernalillo County when he opposed body cameras. He wasn’t representing Bernalillo County when he opposed efforts for common sense gun violence reforms. And he isn’t with us now.”
Heinrich demanded, “Instead of collaborating with the Albuquerque Police Department, the Sheriff is inviting the President’s stormtroopers into Albuquerque,” continuing to say, “If we can learn anything from Portland, it’s that we don’t need this kind of ‘help’ from the White House. The President is currently using federal law enforcement agents like a domestic paramilitary force. That’s precisely how fascism begins and none of us should ever encourage or accept it.”
The junior senator is referring to the arrests made in portland of Antifa domestic terrorists which sparked fire on Twitter after videos showed Federal agents calmly arresting provocateurs
Could someone in law-enforcement comment as to whether this Portland arrest looks real. Is it a Barr/Trump stunt? Rental cars? No IDs? Where are local police? Is the protester actually cuffed? Why wasn’t he patted down? Oregon is a concealed carry state.
Far-left Rep. Deb Haaland who represents Albuquerque in the First Congressional District wrote on Twitter, “President Trump and AG Barr are trying to deploy federal law enforcement officers into Albuquerque to harass our communities & divide us. Sheriff Manny Gonzales is their accomplice. We will stand united against this threat.”
President Trump and AG Barr are trying to deploy federal law enforcement officers into Albuquerque to harass our communities & divide us. Sheriff Manny Gonzales is their accomplice. We will stand united against this threat.
Far-left fringe group “ProgressNow NM,” which has actively supported the local Antifa chapter, started an unhinged petition demanding Sheriff Gonzales resign, claiming he is letting in “Trump’s Gestapo.” ProgressNow previously endorsed a series of tweets from Antifa doxxing fellow citizens they disagreed with on political views.
Sheriff Manny Gonzales is a disgrace to our community. He's coordinating to bring Trump's Gestapo to Albuquerque.
Law and order by the Bernalillo County Sheriff appear to be universally rejected by the leftist mob, hell-bent on destroying the Police Department, the Sheriff’s Office, and any other type of peace-keeping agency from doing their job. If merely meeting with President Trump can trigger such a response, it is inconceivable what lengths these people will go when the Sheriff begins implementing “Operation Legend”
On Friday, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign sent out an email touting the Governor’s supposed work she’s done to “mitigate COVID-19.” It then goes on to say, “So first and foremost, welcome to this online community. Now let’s hit the ground running – with a face mask!”
The email also boasted about the Governor’s penchant for pursuing “moonshot” spending on public education, the state’s raising of the minimum wage, and the passage of New Mexico’s “Energy Transition Act,” also referred to as the state’s “Green New Deal” to combat the “climate crisis.” The email then asks respondents to “take a survey” to let Lujan Grisham know what the email openers’ “top priorities” are, closing with “I’m dreaming big in these trying times because I know my work won’t end anytime soon, and there’s so much I can do to help.”
Once respondents click the survey, they are met with the question, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think Democratic Governors have led where national leadership has failed?” The confusing-sounding item appears to checkmate people into either agreeing that every Democrat governor is leading during COVID-19 or not.
The next question asks, “Under Democratic leadership in New Mexico, we’ve passed so many important pieces of legislation. Which ones are you most excited about?” Multiple vague choices are given, such as “protecting our seniors” and “creating new job opportunities,” which also appears to be another catch-22 for respondents. None of the options show specific bill names, and they trick the respondent into thinking the Governor has done close to miraculous things. However, the jury is still out on the options given — especially on job creation — as families are suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next page says, “New Mexico Democrats are on a mission to deliver a moonshot for our public education system. We’ve already passed several landmark bills that will invest in public education, increase educator salaries and establish a framework for community schools that will serve New Mexico’s families.” Then the question “Do you think it’s important that we keep fighting for our children and educators” is posed, forcing the respondent to either be against children and teachers by clicking “no” or agreeing that Democrats have somehow created an education paradise with “yes.”
After the education question, the next page gives a blank box for respondents to answer what their priorities are, with the final question asking, “How important is it to you that we have a Democratic Governor leading New Mexico and fighting for our communities this year?” The answer choices range from “extremely important” to “not at all important.”
Then, a page pops up asking — or more accurately — begging for a $5 donation, even though the survey says “times are tough.” No option is given to opt-out of giving, with either the option “Yes, I’ll give $5” or “Yes, and I can give more!”
The Donation page features a photograph of Lujan Grisham with her arms crossed and the text “Donate now to help Michelle Lujan Grisham defend New Mexico values.” It is unclear what Lujan Grisham believes are “New Mexico values,” however, using COVID-19 in a hook to get people to donate to one’s campaign in a non-election year doesn’t appear to be a value shared by many New Mexicans.
As Lujan Grisham has closed down the state with crippling bans on most activities, including restaurants, the ramifications of the strict mandates are increasing rapidly. The New Mexico Restaurant Association estimates that 20% of restaurants in the state will close for good due to the Governor’s ban on indoor dining and only 50% capacity outdoor dining allowed, while hotels are facing abysmal occupancy rates due to the governor’s strict 14-day quarantine mandate for out-of-state visitors. Massive demonstrations have erupted across the state in protest to the Governor’s lockdown.
Would it surprise you if I told you @GovMLG is raising money off of COVID? Here's the survey she sent me, followed by a donation page. MLG IS RAISING MONEY OFF OF THE 'RONA, PEOPLE!
During Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Thursday press conference, she announced new regressive restrictions on New Mexicans, this time banning indoor dining at restaurants, banning contact sports for kids going back to school in the Fall, forcing people working out to wear face masks (both at in-person facilities and outdoors, and banning out-of-state visitors from state parks.
During the press conference, she blamed New Mexicans for a recent spike in cases, which Human Services Secretary David Scrase claims shot up 79% in a recent 16-day period. Lujan Grisham said, “Unfortunately, our state’s dramatically rising case numbers reflect that those behavior modifications and precautions have either not been taken seriously or taken up by enough people.”
The Governor continued, “Too many of us are still congregating in groups, taking risks with our own lives and endangering the health of our family members, our neighbors and our state.”
However, some of the Governor’s advice seemed to conflict, particularly that about gathering in groups. Lujan Grisham said, “Please wear facemasks. Please don’t gather in large groups without them,” while later tweeting “Wear a mask. Stay home. Do not gather in groups. Take the risk seriously”
So, which piece of advice are New Mexicans expected to follow? Are they supposed to not gather in groups, or are they supposed to gather in large groups but only if they have a face mask? The Governor’s advice appears all over the place.
Every death due to COVID-19 is a terrible tragedy.
Two of today's announced deaths are young women in their 30s.
Young people are not immune from the consequences of this virus.
The new restrictions come as new cases of COVID-19 appear to be affecting younger populations more, Secretary Scrase saying that dults in their 20s are an increasing share of the infections.
Coincidentally, protesters, which Michelle Lujan Grisham applauded for protesting for “racial justice,” some in violent means, are still taking to the streets in protest. Just this week, KRQE 13 reported on a Black Lives Matter protest in uptown Albuquerque. But Lujan Grisham vehemently rejects the notion that these protests are spreading the virus, despite indicators showing otherwise.
According to Pew Research, 41% of those who recently attended a protest focused on race were younger than 30. Nationwide, only 19% of people are in this age group, so statistically, they were overrepresented by over 100% at protests. It just so happens that people contracting COVID-19 are in their 20s and 30s, which lights up directly with the spike in recent cases. However, Lujan Grisham denies it being a factor in the spread of coronavirus. And with the Governor’s conflicting advice, it may give protesters and rioters justification for taking to the streets in protest.
Full details about Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s latest restrictions can be found in the press release from her office linked here.
On Wednesday evening, Rep. Xochitl Tores Small’s campaign sent out a fundraising email introducing Emma Caccamo as Torres Small’s new campaign manager. The email, which was signed by Caccamo, reads as follows:
“If we haven’t met yet, I’m Xoch’s new campaign manager Emma! I wanted to reach out today to introduce myself, and say how excited I am to be part of the team working to re-elect Xoch. I joined this team because I believe in the work you and Xoch have been doing for southern New Mexico, and because I know we’re making a difference here. This is one of the most competitive, targeted races in the entire country. The best way to keep up our fight for lower prescription drug costs, improved access to health care close to home, and all the other things we care about is to keep this seat. And on top of that, we’re making sure southern New Mexico has the voice we deserve in Congress.”
The email goes on to ask for money and to get supporters to forward the email to their friends.
Caccamo previously worked as the campaign manager on Teresa Leger de Fernandez’s race up in the 3rd Congressional District, where Leger de Fernandez won against disgraced ex-CIA operative Valerie Plame, state Rep. Joseph L. Sanchez, District 1 District Attorney Marco Sernce, and a handful of others.
During the race, Leger de Fernandez was criticized heavily by her opponents for the “dark money” abortion up-to-birth group EMILY’s List pouring tens of thousands of dollars into the race to support her. At the time, Caccamo said the campaign didn’t know “anything about any other groups and saw their ads when everybody else did.” However, EMILY’s List endorsed Leger de Fernandez, held in-person fundraisers with her and the organization’s founder, and invested heavily in the race. It’s impossible for the campaign to “not know anything about” dark money EMILY’s List’s involvement in helping sway the election toward her.
Far-left, abortion up-to-birth Rep. Xochitl Torres Small is also another benefactor of EMILY’s List, which has endorsed her for her unashamed abortion up-to-birth policies, previously when she worked for Planned Parenthood, and currently as she serves as an anti-life member of Congress.
Another issue both Teresa Leger de Fernandez and Xochitl Torres Small share in common is their unashamed pro-gun control stance. Torres Small has voted for sweeping gun restrictions while in the House, including a “universal background check” bill. Teresa Leger de Fernandez shares Torres Small’s anti-gun stances, telling the Los Alamos Daily Post, “In Congress I will vote for background checks on all gun sales, a red flag law, reinstating the assault weapons ban, and repealing PLCAA, which gives the gun industry unprecedented legal immunity.”
Torres Small’s new campaign manager, Emma Caccamo, is also a friend to gun-grabbing policies, as she worked for nearly five years, part of that time as a lobbyist, for the Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety” dark money group, which advocates for extreme, unconstitutional gun bans, such as 2020’s SB-5 in New Mexico, the “red flag” bill. The measure allows the confiscation of firearms merely under the suspicion of another person that a gun owner is “dangerous” and therefore should lose their constitutional right to bear arms and their due process rights.
Xochitl Torres Small’s former campaign manager in 2018 was Brian Sowydra, a Boston native, who currently is her Chief of Staff in Washington, D.C. Torres Small’s new campaign manager, who hails from California, is surely in-line with Torres Small’s radical far-left agenda and is another clear indicator that Torres Small will spare no expense and go to great lengths to remain in Congress to further Nancy Pelosi’s anti-gun, anti-life agenda.
On Monday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham posted what some are calling “virtue signaling propaganda” on her Twitter account, urging New Mexicans to “mask up” by wearing face coverings.
The 26-second video features far-left politicians, including Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, Lujan Grisham’s cousin, Rep. Ben Ray Luján, Rep. Deb Haaland, among other unidentified people, presumably from the Governor’s “Mask Madness” competition, where New Mexicans submitted entries of them wearing unique masks.
The video features slogans such as “everyone is masking up,” “protect NM,” “protect yourself,” “protect others,” and “it saves lives” flashing in front of the screen. It is not clear if the Governor got permission from those featured in the video before posting.
So, does this appear to be propaganda or just a benign campaign video promoting mask use? You be the judge:
Lujan Grisham deleted the tweet a little over an hour after it was posted, however, people had already retweeted and shared their comments about it, as the below tweet reflects. The video was then pulled down a second time.
On Wednesday, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced “aggressive enforcement” of her mask order, mandating $100 fines for all who dare defy it, with businesses up against the threat of being charged with a misdemeanor.
And on Thursday, New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham took to Twitter to scold people under the age of 40 for spreading COVID-19, citing how “60% of COVID-19 cases reported since Sunday are New Mexicans under the age of 40.” She reprimanded them, writing, “Act right. Do not gather in groups. Wear a mask.”
Young New Mexicans – you are NOT IMMUNE.
60% of COVID-19 cases reported since Sunday are New Mexicans under the age of 40.
However, that’s a complete shift from her previous position, where she applauded and praised the “thousands of New Mexicans who peacefully protested in Albuquerque” in late May after the death of George Floyd sparked protests and riots nationwide. She went on to announce that “The state of New Mexico will stand ready to assist local governments in facilitating peaceful protests.”
She also acknowledged that these protests were a violation of her strict mass gatherings policy, but said they were fine she was going to “take a leap of faith” in protecting the protesters blatantly violating her rules.
She said, “This is a violation of the mass gatherings, no doubt, but we’re just going to take a leap of faith in protecting protesters who have no other way, quite frankly. Right? There’s no other way to be seen, to be heard, to be respected, and to be clear about your message.”
But now, after she has applauded these “thousands” of protesters, some of whom did not wear masks or social distance, she’s backtracking after she’s allowed these mass gatherings of people.
While scolding young folks for spreading coronavirus, she wrote, “Young New Mexicans – you are NOT IMMUNE.” And these young people she’s blaming for spreading COVID-19 most likely spread it because they were at a protest.
According to Pew Research, 41% of those who recently attended a protest focused on race were younger than 30. Nationwide, only 19% of people are in this age group, so statistically, they were overrepresented by over 100% at protests.
Now, the Governor is doing damage control, trying to distance herself from her previous praise of the protesters taking to the streets in the thousands, saying, “I encourage them to continue demonstrating in a peaceful and safe fashion.” Clearly, they did not heed her advice to protest in a “peaceful and safe fashion,” especially since photographic evidence shows many protesters did not wear masks and were not standing six feet apart.