According to a post shared by New Mexico Republican House Leader Rep. Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) from Shauna Abney of the “United Conservative Movement,” Democrats are “changing their tune,” and will call for a remote special session.
According to the statement from Abney, Democrats will make up the rules of the session “along the way,” and will be using the special session for “political gain” rather than the COVID-19 pandemic.
“There is no intention of addressing the vital concerns regarding the economic crisis that small businesses, the people or the state are suffering from. Instead, this session will only be focused on trying to change legislation to allow for the Democratic agenda of all mail-in ballots.
This is a strong arm push to corrupt our election process and silence our voices. We are a state notorious for election fraud and the mail-in ballot only process has absolutely NO checks and balances to ensure that mass voter fraud doesn’t happen,” writes Abney.
In an opinion piece by Rep. Townsend in the Carlsbad Current-Argus, “Under the guise of the current public health emergency, there is a coordinated attempt to create an all- mail-in ballot system for future elections. No one should confuse a mail-in ballot with an absentee ballot, there are substantial differences. Under absentee voting, registered voters must request a ballot with proof of voter eligibility, and then return that ballot to the county clerk to be counted. However, in a mail-in election, country clerks would simply send ballots to every registered voter based on where their address is listed, even if they did not request a ballot.”
“Tens of thousands of ballots will be sent to addresses where the voter no longer resides which could result in thousands of registered voters never receiving a proper ballot, or equally troubling, people could vote under another person’s name,” Townsend added.
Last month, when Republican lawmakers urged Gov. Lujan Grisham to call a special session to respond to budgetary concerns, they were met with pushback from Democrats, despite state revenues plummeting due to lower oil and gas production due to the oil price war with Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Amid the prospect of the Governor calling for a special session, New Mexico House Speaker Rep. Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) said he’d consider holding a potential session with the bare minimum amount of members (36), or the use of internet meetings. “If we feel comfortable about the constitutionality of not meeting in person,” Egolf said, “I think the way we’d do it is through Zoom or something like it.”
But according to Rep. Rod Montoya (R-Farmington), web-only sessions would not be legal. “We don’t have anything in our Constitution that allows us to do a virtual meeting,” Montoya said. “That’s not something we can do. (Egolf) doesn’t seem to care what the Constitution says.”
If the Democrats call the special session to mandate all mail-in voting, it could open the doors to massive voter fraud in the state, as we saw in 2018 with New Mexico’s 2nd District election, where massive signs of fraud were found.
Abney is urging citizens to contact Gov Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office, writing, “Please call the governor at (505) 476-2200 or fill out a contact form at the link: and tell her we will not stand for an all mail-in primary election and IF a special legislative session is convened, it better be held to address the state, business and people directly or indirectly hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic!”