
GOP gubernatorial candidate distances himself from President Trump during KOB 4 interview

During a Monday KOB 4 interview, the latest Republican to jump into the 2022 governor’s race, financier Greg Zanetti, was asked about his support for President Donald J. Trump, and he did not give a traditional answer, such as candidates Jay Block and Karen Bedonie, who have been quick to embrace the 45th president.

Zanetti said, “This isn’t about Donald Trump. It’s not about one person, it’s about a bigger message.” 

KOB contrasted Block and Zanetti in their support for Trump, writing, “Republican voters will find that Block and Zanetti differ on some key issues. For example, Block has aligned himself with former President Donald Trump. Zanetti, however, appears to be distancing himself from the polarizing ex-president.” 

It is unclear if Zanetti, who describes himself as a “pragmatic conservative,” supported Trump publicly in 2016 or 2020 as he has not shown support on social media for the president. Bedonie attended the 2019 Trump rally in Rio Rancho and Block greeted President Trump as he deplaned at the airport ahead of the rally. 

Although the candidates all agree that Gov. Lujan Grisham’s botched pandemic response led to an economic catastrophe, questions still remain regarding Zanetti’s support for Trump, who won the most votes in 2020 than any Republican in the country’s history. 

Read more about Zanetti and his announcement for governor here.

Watch the KOB interview:

Lujan Grisham bribing people, including children, with $100/each to take the jab

On Monday, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Department of Health announced it will be bribing people with an “incentive” of $100 upon injection of the “vaccine series” or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson jab through June 17.

The added bribe comes after the Governor has been waving $10 million cash prizes through a “lottery” (of taxpayer funds) to those who get inoculated, and that appears to not be working since she is adding the extra incentive to sweeten the deal.

“All New Mexicans who have received at least one shot are also eligible for the Vax 2 the Max sweepstakes, including a total of $10 million in cash prizes and other awards. On June 18, New Mexico will conduct its first drawings – four prizes of $250,000 each. New Mexicans who wish to participate can sign up,” wrote Lujan Grisham’s Department of Health.

“Eligibility is limited to New Mexicans receiving a booster shot or the J&J shot from Monday, June 14 to Thursday, June 17” 

“To qualify for the $100, New Mexicans must bring the following to their appointments:  New Mexicans must provide proof of residency (e.g. an identification card, pay stub or utility bill). Those who are receiving a second Pfizer or Moderna shot must provide a CDC vaccine card or other proof of vaccination that they have received a primary shot. New Mexicans can locate their vaccination records at” 

According to the release by the Department, “New Mexicans will receive $100 either on-site or at their home addresses. For New Mexicans eligible to be vaccinated who are under 18 years old, a parent or guardian must be present to qualify for the $100.” 
The caveat that allows parents to get $100 for their children to get the vaccine may end up in added coercive tactics from parents strapped for cash. Children are the lowest population to die from the Chinese Virus, with a 99.997% survival rate and less than 1% of children with the virus require the jab. Find more information on children and the pandemic by clicking here.

Haaland hoists ‘Progress Pride flag’ above Interior Department

On Monday, far-left Department of the Interior secretary Deb Haaland tried to outdo other “woke” members of Joe Biden’s regime by not just putting up the usual leftist “LGBT Pride” flag with the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colors. 

She and staff members trekked to the top of the Interior Department for a photo-op with the “Progress Pride Flag,” which includes the additional colors black, brown, and different light blue and pink.

On Twitter, Haaland wrote, “Today we celebrate love. For the first time ever, the Progress Pride Flag is raised over @Interior. Happy Pride!” 

According to the Progress Pride flag’s gender-confused creator, Daniel Quasar, who reportedly uses the pronouns “xe/xem,” said the “5 half sized stripes representing trans individuals (light blue, light pink, white), marginalized POC communities (brown, black), as well as those living with AIDS, those no longer living, and the stigma surrounding them (black).”

Joe Biden’s U.S. embassy to the Vatican (Holy See) erected a “Pride” flag on the building, a direct affront to the Roman Catholic faith, which believes pride is one of the seven deadly sins. However, embassies to Muslim countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, or Afghanistan did not erect the loud-colored flags. 

Haaland putting up the even more radical “Pride” flag follows embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham who posted a 2019 photo of her on a rooftop with Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) where they hoisted the usual “Pride” flag on the New Mexico Capitol. 

In 2019, Lujan Grisham wrote, “Kicking off the #Pride parade in Santa Fe on the Capitol roof with @BrianEgolf! I don’t know if we were technically allowed up here, and I don’t care! Happy #Pride2019 New Mexico!”

Third Republican, financier Greg Zanetti, jumps into NM governor’s race

On Monday, Republican Greg Zanetti of Albuquerque announced his candidacy for governor of New Mexico, being the third to throw his hat in the ring after Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block and businesswoman Karen Bedonie.

According to an interview with Bob Clark of KKOB, Greg Zanetti, an Army National Guard veteran, announced his candidacy for the governorship of New Mexico. Zanetti previously announced his intention to run for the 2010 governor’s race but ended up leaving the race to take a job with Bill Gates in Washington state.

According to his business, Zanetti Financial, “Greg was offered a job managing assets for Bill Gates. Thus, Greg and his family moved to Washington State in 2009. Greg managed money for both Bill Gates and Randy Talbot (the former CEO of Symetra) until 2016.”

On Zanetti’s campaign website, he claims to be a “pragmatic conservative” and veteran who graduated from West Point and Boston College, and his wife, Teresa, graduated from Harvard University. 

Zanetti has focused his campaign against current embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s harsh COVID-19 lockdowns, cutting the tax burden for New Mexicans, and creating what he calls a “kids first mentality.” 

On crime, Zanetti’s position is vague, however, he says “We must also get the crisis on our southern border under control. New Mexico was built by immigrants, and we all love our rich culture.  But it is too easy for those wanting to hurt New Mexicans to illegally cross our borders.   The result is people don’t feel safe in our cities.  And the damage done to our farmers and ranchers in rural New Mexico has been ignored for far too long.”

Enviro-Marxists push for a 500% increase in ‘zero-emission’ cars in NM

A group of fringe enviro-Marxist groups, including the Sierra Club, Conservation Voters New Mexico, the Center for Civic Policy, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, and others are demanding that the State of New Mexico enact stricter standards mandating that car manufacturers supply New Mexico dealers with a 500% increase in “zero-emission cars such as battery-driven vehicles and low-emission cars such as plug-in hybrids,” reports the Santa Fe New Mexican.

The coalition of extremist eco-left groups claims the move “will help tackle the climate crisis” and build “a clean car infrastructure in the state.”  

According to Tammy Fiebelkorn of the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is supportive of the stricter standards. The standards also include those “pertain[ing] to tailpipe and other emissions from vehicles.” 

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation told the New Mexican that battery-electric and plug-in hybrid cars made up about one percent of the New Mexico market in 2020. According to the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, the increase that the policy, if enacted, would be at least six percent of new vehicle sales being plug-in hybrid and battery-powered electric cars by 2026 — a 500% increase.

“Adopting this rule would make more plug-in vehicles available in New Mexico, which would make it easier for consumers to buy them and increase market share,” said Travis Madsen, the transportation program director for Southwest Energy Efficiency.

But many contend that the use of electric vehicles is even less “green” because regardless of the car not directly using fossil fuels, it is still being charged by power supplied from fossil fuels, and thus its supposed purpose is defeated. 

Also, electric vehicles have extremely short ranges, from 226 to 258 miles per charge, meaning many people in rural New Mexico who must drive long distances for work or even just to get supplies from the next closest town cannot viably use an electric car. 

The lack of range mixed with the extremely high cost of electric vehicles, slow charging times, constant replacement of batteries (not “green” at all), and subpar performance, the push from these enviro-Marxist groups to force “zero-emission” cars into New Mexico’s economy appears hollow and only targeted to a select few city dwellers who can afford the inconvenience and price of such a vehicle. Also, it is impossible to have “zero-emission” vehicles because of the power needed to charge them that can only come from reliable fossil fuels. 

The push for these unreliable vehicles comes after Democrats in the Legislature pushed for a 20-cent gas tax on the poor through fuel emissions standards for energy producers, although it was defeated after it did not make it past its last vote in the House of Representatives .

PHOTOS: Patriots from across NM join together to celebrate Flag Day

On Saturday, organizers across New Mexico celebrated the American flag ahead of Flag Day on Monday. Events happened all around the state, in Bernalillo, Chaves, Doña Ana, Eddy, Grant, Luna, Otero, Sandoval, Sierra, Torrance, Valencia, and a few other counties. 

One of the largest events in the state was the Flag Day celebration in Otero County, which featured speakers including Otero County Sheriff David Black, Sierra County Sheriff Glenn Hamilton, activist Sarah Smith, state Sen. Bill Burt, New Mexico State University law professor David Clements, the New Mexico Right to Life Committee’s Ethel Maharg, among others. Despite the over 100-degree heat in many areas of the state, New Mexicans came from far and wide to honor the American flag. 

At the events, speakers talked about the need for civic engagement to protect what the American flag represents and stories of the importance of the heroes who fought to protect it.

Check out some photos from across the state and how each county celebrated:

See more photos from the statewide Flag Day celebration at the NM Flag Day Rally Facebook page.

Alleged crotch grabber MLG defends paying off accuser, cites ‘pandemic’ as cover

During a Friday press conference, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has been ducking the media for weeks, faced tough questions regarding her $62,500 payoff from her campaign fund to an ex-staffer, James Hallinan, who accused Lujan Grisham of pouring water over his crotch and then grabbing it at Democrat state Rep. Deborah Armstrong’s house. 

When posted with questions regarding the inappropriate behavior, which she appears to have admitted to by the hush money payments, she said, “I was focused on the pandemic, and I’ll stand by that decision [to settle] every minute of every day.”

When asked if Hallinan’s claims had ever been independently investigated, Grisham said she had “not seen anywhere in the country where there’s an independent investigation over an employment claim.”

The New York Attorney General and the State Assembly are currently investigating sexual assault allegations against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. 

Lujan Grisham opined on the accusations against Cuomo, saying, “I’m, frankly, in that group of elected leaders, that you believe the individual, you give real credit and credibility there, if you don’t, we are revictimizing brave men and women who come forward.” 

The Governor’s former senior advisor Dominic Gabello, who was accused of pressuring Hallinan to stay quiet, resigned from his $143,769 position in the administration in the heat of the revelations that the disgraced Governor paid off her accuser. 

But the Hallinan incident is by no means the first time Lujan Grisham has been accused of similar behavior. According to a video made by a man named Eddie Dehart, Lujan Grisham allegedly grabbed his genitals during a birthday party in 2005. 

According to Dehart, attendees of the party were playing pool when Lujan Grisham was alleged to have groped him in front of his then-girlfriend, saying, “you have a man here” after touching his genitals through his clothes.

Lujan Grisham kicked off her campaign announcement last week, and it has already hit a rocky start. Anti-MLG protesters drowned out her speech, and in anger, the Governor called the New Mexicans fed up with her governorship “QAnon lizard people.” 

Since the insult, New Mexicans have co-opted the jab and now own the title “lizard people,” to Lujan Grisham’s chagrin. Now, the Governor is playing defense, trying to claim victimhood by saying she took the “high road.”  

The Governor is also battling an ethics complaint against her regarding the use of over $6,000 in campaign dollars to pay her daughter, a cosmetologist, for hair and makeup, a direct violation of state statute. The Secretary of State’s office has until Sunday, June 13 to respond to the complaint.

MLG claims she took the ‘high road’ after calling protesters ‘lizard people’

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham sent out an email to supporters trying to play the victim and erroneously claiming the protesters she called “lizard people” during her announcement speech tried to “threaten” her. Videos from the event prove otherwise, with people like Democrat former Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, an avid Lujan Grisham supporter, getting aggressive with protesters.

“I’ve been able to start off my reelection campaign strong – even in the face of harsh pushback. During my reelection speech last week, I was interrupted by a group of disruptive and abusive protesters who threatened me, our supporters, and journalists covering the event. But I was undeterred because I know thousands of strong, caring grassroots supporters like you have my back,” she claimed.

She went even further, telling her supporters in the email, “I’ll never be silenced by opponents aiming to disrupt democracy, and I’ll never stop fighting for New Mexico families. I know that our campaign represents real New Mexico values of fairness, equality for all and hard work. Together – we’re taking the high road, and we’re going to win fair and square.” 

It is unclear what Lujan Grisham means by taking the “high road” since she branded anti-MLG protesters as “Qanon lizard people” at the event. 

Lujan Grisham also claimed she would never be “silenced,” but she canceled an event in Española in fear of lizard people protesters. That cancellation came after she told supporters she would not be “intimidated.” That proved to be a lie as well. 


Heinrich pushes for no-compromise ‘climate’ proposal, claims NM faces ‘driest year on record’

Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress are intent on ramming through a far-left $2 trillion “infrastructure” proposal that would institute extreme anti-energy standards, force through large investments into “climate change” programs, and leave the American taxpayers to pay for it.

One of the most fervent supporters of the most extreme “climate change” policies in the bill is Democrat New Mexico Sen. Martin Heinrich, who has completely chucked “compromise” out the window, instead, going for a “sky is falling” approach.

During a virtual Wednesday conference call with Climate Power, Heinrich doubled down on his no-compromise approach. “We just cannot allow this opportunity to pass us by,” he said. “We should not allow ourselves to get so bogged down in bad-faith negotiations, or to accept deals that would frankly short change or entirely leave out meaningful climate action.”

The Biden regime may be planning on leaving out some of the more extreme policies from the infrastructure bill to appease moderate Democrats and even some left-leaning Republicans, as reported by POLITICO. 

But Heinrich, who used to claim to be a “moderate,” has shown his extreme anti-energy ways through his time in Congress. He responded to the POLITICO report by writing that a weakened anti-energy infrastructure bill “goes light on climate and clean energy should not count on every Democratic vote.”

He said, “If you’re going to pass an infrastructure plan, there aren’t many Republicans on the table. So you are going to need every single Democratic vote to pass an infrastructure plan.” But, he added, “I think there is little appetite in our caucus for an infrastructure plan that ignores the greatest crisis, the most existential crisis, that we face.”

Also, on the Wednesday call, Heinrich raised eyebrows as he claimed, “We are experiencing the driest year on record in New Mexico.” Many were quick to point out that the Maryland-based senator represents a state located in the desert, where it tends to get hot in the summertime. 

As NM projects $350M revenue increase thanks to oil and gas, leftists target critical industry

A new report released on Wednesday detailed that New Mexico sees a forecasted $350 million increase due to oil and gas royalties

Revenues for the state of New Mexico are tracking ahead of financial forecasts to the tune of $350 million, allowing the government to reduce the amount of money it will have to siphon out of its rainy day fund in the upcoming fiscal year.

According to Dawn Iglesias, the chief economist for the Legislative Finance Committee, “In addition to higher revenues, the state also expects to receive nearly $133 million more in its Tax Stabilization Reserve from excess oil and gas taxes,” reports the Santa Fe New Mexican

Although active drilling rigs have declined from 114 in March 2020 to 71 now, “production in New Mexico is recovering even though the number of active rigs has declined.”

According to the New Mexican, “The state is expected to produce about 390 million barrels in the new fiscal year. That’s 20 million barrels more than projected in February. Each additional million barrels of oil generates about $3 million for the general fund.” 

But despite oil and gas being to thank for economic recovery, the fringe leftist group ProgressNow New Mexico began a new campaign trying to destroy the oil and gas industry with a bizarre campaign called  “Crude Intentions NM,” filling and pouring onto random objects what appears to be crude oil.

The extremist group, which is tied directly to the ANTIFA domestic terrorist organization, claims the oil and gas industry is “burdensome” to the state despite it being a major funding source for critical life-saving medical facilities, education, and infrastructure. 

The group is trying to blame oil and gas (which has no seat at the table in terms of building and educational curriculum, just funding) for the state’s failed education system. ProgressNow New Mexico writes, “Big Oil contributes to New Mexico’s education system, but our public schools rank worst in the nation. We need better education for our kids, not this toxic mess.” 

The same hollow “the sky is falling” rhetoric mimics another discredited fringe group “Wild Earth Guardians,” which claimed in an online petition, “If oil and gas were the key to New Mexico’s prosperity, the state would be one of the most prosperous in the United States. It’s not even close,” adding, “The state ranks last in quality of education, has the second highest poverty rate in the United States, and was recently ranked the third worst state in the nation.” 

The liberal groups do not, however, blame the poor education system on failed Common Core standards or the Democrats’ control of the state in electoral politics for the last 80+ years.

Larry Behrens, Western States Director for Power the Future, a pro-energy group, wrote in a statement, “On the same day we learn New Mexico’s energy workers have helped deliver a $350 million increase to the state budget we find one radical group attacking those workers. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt for this fringe group to find relevance and it’s clear their attempt to go after oil isn’t very slick.”

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