Triggered by ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ chant, legislator claims Trump is a ‘flagrant piece of s**t’
Far-left state Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo) has long been an opponent of conservatives and pretty much anyone who remotely disagrees with her.
Thomson has long been known for her personal attacks against fellow New Mexicans, demeaning them as “uneducated” for asking questions about the virus jab and claiming in one rant, “Anyone who continues to back the orange traitor (apparently referring to President Donald Trump) after the terrorist attack, is forever branded with a scarlet S for seditionist.”
She also called concerned parents asking questions about the jab for their kids “low iq voters.” Then, Thomson snitched on fellow citizens to the attorney general regarding pandemic mandates.
She then compared law enforcers to the Ku Klux Klan and called law-abiding gun owners “thugs.”
Now, she has continued in her personal and explicit political Twitter rants, this time jabbing at 45th President Donald J. Trump.
Thomson shared a post reading, “When you say ‘Let’s go, Brandon’ you might as well advertise yourself as a nearly politically illiterate, unoriginal, cult-following fool who wandered willingly behind the flock of the loudest voices around you into hating a man that you don’t actually know anything about.”
The post continued that Trump was a “flagrant piece of s**t.”
Thomson wrote, “This is spot on.”
During the recent special legislative session dedicated to redistricting, Thomson responded to her fellow legislators who said the maps being proposed were partisan and gerrymandered. She said, “You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.” Thomson now appears to continue to have a “fit” on Twitter over President Trump, who she still can’t stop hating.