New Mexico

ABQ Journal scorches ‘self-absorbed’ Lujan Grisham in scathing editorial

In a scathing Albuquerque Journal editorial, the newspaper’s editorial board pulled no punches in its assessment of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s recent decisions. The article begins with a nod to Kenny Rogers’ timeless advice about knowing when to fold, an allusion that sets the stage for a blistering critique of the governor’s approach to crime and her controversial gun ban.

The governor’s unilateral decision on September 8th to impose a wide-ranging gun ban across Bernalillo County initially sparked controversy, with New Mexicans rightly decrying it as a flagrant violation of Second Amendment rights. In response to the national backlash and a federal judge’s restraining order, Gov. Lujan Grisham revised her public health order to limit the gun ban’s scope to “public parks and playgrounds” in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County — still a violation of Second Amendment rights.

However, the Albuquerque Journal editorial board argues that this move was too little, too late. They point out that the governor’s decision to backtrack came only after widespread opposition and legal challenges, questioning her original intent and decision-making process.

One of the op-ed’s key points is the governor’s failure to address the pressing issue of rising crime rates in the state. The editorial board highlights that, during the 2023 legislative session, Democratic majorities in the state House and Senate rejected numerous crime-fighting proposals, many of which had bipartisan support. These proposals aimed to enhance public safety by addressing issues like pretrial detention, bail conditions, and sentencing for violent offenders.

The board criticizes the governor’s reluctance to call a special legislative session to address these urgent concerns, even as House Republicans called for action on the crime bills that had been shot down during the regular session. They argue that Gov. Lujan Grisham’s inaction raises questions about her commitment to combatting crime effectively and her ability to lead bipartisan efforts to address the issue.

The op-ed contends that the governor’s preference for going it alone, as seen in her handling of the gun ban and other matters, undermines her credibility and effectiveness. It suggests that Gov. Lujan Grisham is too partisan, self-absorbed, and politically ambitious to engage in the kind of bipartisan problem-solving that New Mexico needs.

“Lujan Grisham can’t be relied upon to lead a crime-fighting effort. She’s too partisan, too unpopular with state lawmakers, too self-absorbed, too interested in scoring political points, too discredited now on the national stage after her unconstitutional overreach, and too politically ambitious on a national level to shape solid bipartisan solutions that could really make a difference here in New Mexico,” wrote the board.

The editorial concludes with a call to action for lawmakers from both parties to convene an extraordinary session on crime, even if the governor is not on board. The editorial board questions whether legislators have the will to fulfill their responsibilities and override any potential veto by the governor in the next regular session.

The Journal piece also highlights the growing dissent from law enforcement officials, with several sheriffs and a district attorney publicly expressing their unwillingness to enforce or support the gun ban. This added layer of opposition, including skepticism from a CNN interview, underscores the widespread concerns surrounding the governor’s decisions.

In a state grappling with escalating crime rates and constitutional debates, the Albuquerque Journal’s editorial serves as a powerful critique of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s leadership and decision-making, challenging her to reconsider her approach and engage with lawmakers to address the pressing issue of crime in New Mexico.

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Thief snatches beloved Virgin Mary statue from ABQ church

In an act of pure evil that has left hundreds of parishioners heartbroken, a beloved decades-old statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary has vanished from St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The theft of this cherished five-foot statue, which had warmly greeted churchgoers for years, occurred back in August. It was reported when a church member witnessed a vehicle performing donuts in the church’s parking lot.

Now, all that remains in place of the statue is a simple wire outline, a poignant reminder of its absence. The church promptly filed a police report in the hope of recovering the stolen statue, but the initial response from law enforcement offered limited prospects for its return, according to KRQE News 13.

St. Anne’s Associate Pastor Benjamin Maes expressed the church’s frustration, saying, “The police came, and there was a report filed at that time; there was really nothing they could do, they said, but to ask around and to ask our community.” However, the incident did lead to an increased police presence in the area.

The statue of the Virgin Mary held great sentimental value for the congregation and was created by artist Felix Pedroncelli in 1999, fashioned from metal and fiber cement. It had graced the church’s front steps since its creation. Pedroncelli, who had earlier crafted a similar smaller statue for another part of the church, is deeply saddened by the theft but has pledged to create a new statue if the church requires one.

Pedroncelli shared his sentiments, saying, “Whatever I make, I donate them to people; It’s just my joy seeing somebody happy.” He hopes that the stolen statue can be returned, sparing him from having to create a new one. However, if it has been damaged or destroyed, he stands ready to repair and reinstall it for the church and its faithful congregation.

This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the challenges facing communities, including instances of theft and vandalism, and underscores the need for vigilance and community support. Albuquerque, in particular, has faced high crime rates under Democrat city and state leadership, with concerns about public safety remaining at the forefront of local discussions.

Recent unconstitutional actions by anti-gun Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to disarm Bernalillo County citizens were struck down this week by a Joe Biden-appointed federal judge, but the governor reinstated the order for parks and many public places in direct defiance of the temporary restraining order granted by the judge. 

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Lujan Grisham calls presser to change unconstitutional order, bash GOP

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham called a press conference in Bernalillo County, where she attacked Republicans critical of her unconstitutional orders while announcing she is changing the public health order released last Friday.

The move came one week after she signed an illegal order to unilaterally usurp New Mexicans’ gun rights, where she said no rights and even her oath are not “absolute.”

On Wednesday, a Joe Biden-appointed federal judge struck down her order.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reported on the conference:

But, she said at the news conference, “We have removed the requirement that open and concealed carry cannot occur until the public health order has been removed or extended anywhere in the city.”

She added the ban on carrying firearms, open or concealed, will remain in place at parks and playgrounds where families and children gather. 

Lujan Grisham acknowledged last week the gun ban would face legal challenges. Most recently, the National Rifle Association and Republican lawmakers in New Mexico filed a lawsuit Thursday in the state Supreme Court. 

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This is a developing story…

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Amid lawsuits and impeachment calls, Lujan Grisham leaving for Taiwan trip

Late Thursday, far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office announced the governor would be traveling to Tawain to “lead a business and trade mission,” departing Sunday. She will “participate in U.S. Business Day and meet with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua and manufacturing companies interested in locating to the state,” according to the release.

“New Mexico has the ideal economic climate to attract global businesses, including in Asia,” said Lujan Grisham. “I see great potential to strengthen the partnerships we have already established in Taiwan, bringing continued stability and economic opportunity to all our citizens.”

“Since 2019, the state Economic Development Department has opened a foreign trade office in Taipei and several Asian companies have chosen to expand to New Mexico for its logistical proximity to North American customers and excellent transportation infrastructure, providing for a more robust and resilient supply chain. In August, Singapore-based Maxeon Technologies announced it would locate the only solar panel manufacturing plant in the United States in Albuquerque. Taiwan-based Admiral Cable and label-printing company Cymmetrik have expanded to Santa Teresa in the last several years,” the release continued.

The news comes as Lujan Grisham faces increasing calls for her impeachment, led by state Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (R-Alamogordo), and a flurry of lawsuits against her anti-gun order that banned gun possession — concealed or open carry — in Bernalillo County for thirty days. 

A Joe Biden-appointed federal judge swiftly shot down the order on Wednesday, citing its blatant unconstitutionality. During her announcement of the order, Lujan Grisham claimed New Mexicans’ rights and her oath of office are not “absolute.” 

According to Lujan Grisham’s office, “The Governor will travel with an official delegation which includes Chief of Staff Daniel Schlegel, Director of Communications Maddy Hayden, Senior Advisor for Global Trade & Infrastructure Joseph De La Rosa, former Economic Development Department Secretary Alicia J. Keyes, New Mexico Partnership President Melinda Allen, and President and CEO of the Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance Davin Lopez. Ethan Chen, the New Mexico Economic Development Department’s foreign trade representative in Taipei, will assist the delegation.”

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NM Gas Co. rate hike request to PRC revealed

The New Mexico Gas Company (NMGC) has submitted an application to raise customer rates, citing inflation and escalating operational expenses across various sectors, according to KRQE 13 News.

If approved, this rate adjustment would lead to an approximate monthly increase of $6.70 for residential customers beginning in October 2024. This represents an approximately 11% rise compared to current residential billing rates.

The NMGC has justified this request by pointing to the need to cover expenses associated with maintaining a skilled workforce and complying with expanding regulatory mandates.

The gas company is seeking additional revenues totaling $49 million, which they plan to allocate toward essential infrastructure and system upgrades. These improvements are crucial to ensuring the continued provision of safe and dependable natural gas services to the people of New Mexico.

The proposal will undergo a thorough evaluation by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission over the coming months, with a final decision expected in late summer 2024. NMGC recognizes the challenges associated with a rate increase but emphasizes its necessity for fulfilling its commitment to delivering reliable natural gas services to the residents of New Mexico.

It’s worth noting that NMGC had already implemented a rate increase in January, resulting in an approximate monthly uptick of $2.70 for customers. This latest request underscores the company’s dedication to maintaining the quality and safety of its services in the face of rising costs and evolving regulatory demands.

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Sen. Heinrich gets his first Republican challenger

This week, far-left U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich got his first Republican challenger who will aim to defeat him in 2024.

Ben Luna of Alamogordo has thrown his hat in the ring to remove the two-term senator. Luna is an “entrepreneur, independent citizen journalist, and American patriot who aims to return America to the founding principles which created the greatest and freest nation.” Most recently, Luna served as the Republican Party of Otero County chairman.

“Aside from experiencing the restriction of liberties during the Covid pandemic, Ben has witnessed the widespread devastation of authoritarian policies and the social degradation of woke progressive activism. Ben is determined to safeguard American rights, freedoms, and opportunity for hardworking Americans and the rising generation,” he wrote in a press release.

Luna’s platform includes protecting children from late-term abortion, going against “indoctrinating curriculum” in schools (including gender activism), cutting “red tape” that “restricts vital New Mexican and American industries like logging, ranching, oil, and gas,” and eliminating wasteful spending in government. 

He also strongly advocates for the referendum project to put multiple far-left bills on the ballot in 2024 for citizens to vote for or against. According to Better Together New Mexico, he is the referendum project’s county captain.

He said, “This is one priority of my campaign, but it’s not just at the state level we need to fix this,” noting that “at the national level this needs all parents, grandparents, and relatives to be all hands on deck for our children’s future. Their lives literally depend on us to stand in the gap.”

Luna filed his campaign committee, “LUNA4US,” via the Federal Election Commission on Monday, July 3, 2023. 

Luna shared the following statement in declaring his candidacy:

If you’re reading this, then know that this letter comes from my heart and urgency God has given me to make a call to action for those who love God and are willing to stand for Him.

What I’ve seen come together in our state isn’t happening only in our state. I asked Charlie Kirk a question, and told him my years of studying has lead me back to a very simple topic. I told him I’ve studied the parallels of tyrannical government during the Roman Empire & the times of Christ, the parallels of Nazi Germany, and our founding of the United States of America in our separation from a corrupt state church and corrupt king, and what it lead me to is a 10 episode documentary from Francis Schaffer, “How should we then live”. During the Ronald Reagan Election, this documentary was circulating the churches of America, and not many gave Francis Schaffer credit for what He did, but Ronald Reagan gave Francis credit for helping awaken the church to be engaged for a Ronald Reagan victory. Francis Schaffer and his wife were invited to the white house post victory.

Back to the question I asked Charlie Kirk, I asked him if he’s seeing the same thing I’ve seen happen in my own state as far as what’s circulating in the churches of New Mexico. I’ve seen David Barton’s “Biblical Citizenship” course, and Rick Greens “Constitution Alive” Circulating the church in New Mexico, but there’s a book circulating in the New Mexico churches called, “A letter to the American Church” by Eric Metaxas. I asked if Charlie Kirk was seeing this message circulate the church at the national level, and he said it was.

Charlie Kirk stated, “I’m hopeful for the change that’s happening in our culture, but what concerns me is that it’s not fast enough”. He also stated the best thing you could do in a blue state is a Referendum because it focuses the momentum and people from both sides of the ballot can get involved.

The reason for the information above is a call to action not like you’ve received in times past, but a cry for urgency. Through knowledge of the parallels of tyrannical government, I see 1 consistency, lives are lost. As a believer in God and His word, I know and we know even more is at stake for eternity when lives are lost. Those who push a marxist, socialist, or communistic agenda know this as well, but their view of life and humanity doesn’t have anything that saves life or humanity. My call to you is to not play the traditional Pre-Primary game to wait until June to invest into those who are facing this battle head on.

What I’ve seen in our state is nothing short of a move of God awakening the masses to the dangerous conditions of New Mexico, with laws that destroy our children physically, spiritually, and permanently. The call is to give all you have, all you can, with all your capabilities, until there’s reform, or to whatever end. We know how much our children’s lives depend on it. We know how much our neighbors, family and friends depend on us to stand now. The one scary thing about all I’ve mentioned is most of the population of New Mexico doesn’t have the slightest clue of what laws have passed, I’ve seen that first hand traveling the state, but I’ve also seen the effects of putting boots on the ground to inform, train, and educate communities on these laws, and it’s produced results of awakened citizens.

I’m asking for you to partner now in this effort across our state. Lives can be saved from these destructive laws if we act with urgency. I’ve seen the effects of what happens when God’s people are silent, and Nazi Germany’s variety of camps is the consequence. We do have something special God has created in New Mexico and America, but never acting, never speaking, and never teaching will cause this opportunity to dissipate quicker than it formed.

I’m asking for you to partner now with this campaign I’m running. I’m careful to call what we’ve done in our state collectively and what we do in the future, God’s Campaign, because that’s the truth. This campaign is for lives to be saved and our way of life to be saved. This campaign is for our children to be protected and the possibility for our nation to have a future to be saved. We have the media capability to disperse much of this information to the masses, and with what is circulating in the churches of America and New Mexico, The time to act is NOW. Don’t wait until June to invest in a movement that started before 2020, but also a movement that will not cease after 2024. A non-stop campaign for our God and our Country.

We can meet these Marxists head on with everything in our arsenal, and lives will be saved. You never know the effects of our efforts, and just as the Apostle Paul once was against the church, God got involved and birthed in this man, the ability to organize communities, raise up leaders to take over in those communities, and churches to forever stand in the gap for humanity.

I’m with you for the long haul, not just for an election,

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U.S. House GOP moves to condemn gun-grabbing Gov. MLG over illegal order

A substantial coalition of House Republicans, spearheaded by Representative Dan Newhouse of Washington, has introduced a resolution on Thursday aimed at condemning the actions of Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico regarding her recently blocked ban on carrying firearms.

The GOP resolution is a response to Governor Grisham’s emergency order, which suspended both concealed and open carry of firearms in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Bernalillo County for a minimum of 30 days. This move has drawn criticism from Republicans, some Democrats, and Second Amendment advocates, who argue that it infringes upon the constitutional rights of Americans.

Rep. Newhouse expressed his concerns, stating, “The shocking move from Governor Grisham is a blatant subversion of the U.S. Constitution and a violation of her oath of office while she deprives the citizens of New Mexico of their right to bear arms. The Governor’s action should send a chill up every American’s spine as it strips away the protection of individual rights and freedom, which sets a dangerous precedent for the rights of Central Washingtonians and Americans across our nation. I’m proud to lead this resolution to condemn the Governor’s actions and I call on her to rescind her order immediately.”

Over 50 Republicans have joined Rep. Newhouse in introducing this resolution, including prominent figures like GOP Majority Leader Steve Scalise, GOP Whip Tom Emmer, GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, and GOP Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler, among others.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) have also endorsed the resolution, with NSSF senior vice president Lawrence Keane remarking, “The order is Constitutionally baseless, and there are no laws or regulations giving the state’s Regulation and Licensing Department authority to inspect federally licensed firearm retailers. By falsely declaring a rise in crime as a public health emergency and suspending the rights of the law-abiding people of New Mexico, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is proving her contempt for the U.S. Bill of Rights, New Mexico’s Constitution, her oath of office and the voters of New Mexico. NSSF appreciates Congressman Newhouse’s leadership in pushing back against this blatant and unconstitutional power grab and joins him in this fight.”

Governor Grisham’s emergency order was issued in response to recent gun-related deaths in New Mexico, including the tragic killing of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball stadium. However, the order has faced substantial opposition since its issuance.

Rep. Newhouse’s resolution condemns Governor Grisham for “subverting the Second Amendment of the Constitution and depriving the citizens of New Mexico of their right to bear arms.” It also highlights that the order imposes fines and civil penalties on New Mexico citizens who exercise their Second Amendment rights, while directing local law enforcement to apprehend violators.

The resolution emphasizes the absolute nature of rights secured by the Constitution and argues that any attempt by a Governor to strip citizens of their rights deserves condemnation from Congress.

Furthermore, the resolution quotes several Supreme Court cases affirming the Second Amendment and references Governor Grisham’s statement that no constitutional right, in her view, “is intended to be absolute.”

This resolution comes after a federal judge in Albuquerque issued a temporary restraining order blocking key elements of Governor Grisham’s executive order. U.S. District Court Judge David Urias issued the order, which prohibits the enforcement of the portion of the order that restricts lawful gun owners from carrying their firearms in public for 30 days.

Judge Urias, during the court hearing, emphasized that the violation of a constitutional right, even for brief periods, constitutes irreparable harm. The temporary restraining order will remain in effect until at least October 3, the date of the next hearing.

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Judge swiftly smacks down MLG’s unconstitutional gun ban

On Wednesday, far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s anti-gun order on Bernalillo County residents was swiftly smacked down by a federal judge.

U.S. District Judge David Urias issued this ruling on Wednesday, which represents a setback for Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s efforts to address a series of recent shootings, including the tragic death of an 11-year-old boy leaving a minor league baseball game in Albuquerque.

The far-left governor issued an emergency public health order last Friday, suspending the right to openly or concealed carry firearms in public areas, a measure rooted in a specific threshold of violent crime statistics primarily observed in Albuquerque and its surrounding areas. The governor cited recent incidents of shootings across the state, particularly those involving the loss of young lives, as the impetus for this action. Nevertheless, she acknowledged that criminals might disregard the order.

Those found in violation of this order could have faced civil penalties and fines of up to $5,000, enforced by the New Mexico State Police. However, the local sheriff and Albuquerque’s police chief had chosen not to enforce the order.

Advocates for gun rights launched a barrage of legal challenges against the order in the U.S. District Court in Albuquerque, alleging that it infringed upon their civil rights protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In response to these developments, Republican lawmakers have called for impeachment proceedings against the governor. This marks another instance of Governor Lujan Grisham testing the boundaries of her executive authority, reminiscent of her prior use of public health orders to implement stringent lockdown measures during the initial stages of the COVID pandemic.

Democrat state Sen. Joseph Cervantes of Las Cruces, the chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, responded, “Federal Judge Urias predictably enters a restraining order precluding recognition of the Governor’s gun ban. Senate Judiciary has recognized even well intended gun laws must comply with the constitution to serve any purpose; and has dealt with those efforts accordingly.”

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Leftist NM columnist desperately tries to shield Lujan Grisham from impeachment

The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Milan Simonich tried to shield far-left anti-gun Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham from calls for her impeachment.

Impeachment calls came from Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (R-Alamogordo), who are currently working on articles of impeachment against the governor following her order “suspending” law-abiding Bernalillo County citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms for 30 days. The governor claimed all rights; even her oath is not “absolute.”

Bipartisan fury has come out against her edict, especially from members of her own party, including at least seven legislative members so far, including state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces), who chairs the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee and the interim Legislative Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee.

Other leftists jumping ship from Lujan Grisham on this include U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu of California, rabid anti-gun activist David Hogg, the American Civil Liberties Union, and entrepreneur Elon Musk, among others. 

Democrat Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen is refusing to enforce her order, along with Albuquerque Police, under the direction of Democrat Mayor Tim Keller.

State Attorney General Raúl Torrezl issued a letter to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Tuesday, telling her he refuses to represent her in court cases regarding her unconstitutional order.

Impeachment a “waste of time,” claimed the leftist New Mexican columnist, calling holding the governor accountable for infringing upon New Mexicans’ rights “political theater.”

“Talk of overturning the result of a statewide election that occurred only 10 months ago is going nowhere. Lord and Block advocate a hanging offense for a governor who made a poor decision,” Simonich added. 

What the governor did — to suspend state and federal constitutional rights — was arguably more than just a “poor decision.” 

“The Republicans’ punitive approach is unreasonable. Even if it were sensible, Lujan Grisham would be safe,” he claims, completely ignoring all the legislators from both sides of the aisle blasting the governor and her unconstitutional edict.

As proof of the supposed unreasonableness of impeaching a governor who broke her oath, he quoted state Rep. Jim Townsend (R-Artesia), who told him, “It is mathematically and politically impossible.”

Six Democrats have already opposed the governor’s mandate in the House. If all of those in opposition and just six more join to impeach the governor, which is entirely possible given the politically cancerous executive order, the governor will be impeached. These more moderate Democrats are the reason most of the extreme anti-gun laws haven’t been enacted in the state due to the lack of support from a majority of members. 

Impeachment remains a very real option to hold the governor accountable, and each day, more people support the idea in the Land of Enchantment.

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AG Torrez delivers devastating blow to anti-gun Gov. Lujan Grisham

Left-wing Democrat Attorney General Raúl Torrez issued a letter to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham Tuesday, telling her that he is refusing to represent her in court cases regarding her unconstitutional order to unilaterally ban gun possession in Bernalillo County for thirty days.

Torrez wrote in a letter, “I do not believe that the Emergency Order will have any meaningful impact on public safety…I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.”

“I believe it is unwise to stretch the definition of a ‘public health emergency’ to encompass something that is fundamentally a public safety issue,” Torrez concluded.

The devastating news for Lujan Grisham comes after six Democrats in the state legislature signed a letter telling the governor to rescind her unconstitutional edict, while state Sen. Joseph Cervantes did as well on his X account.

Other leftists jumping ship from Lujan Grisham on this include U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu of California, rabid anti-gun activist David Hogg, the American Civil Liberties Union, and entrepreneur Elon Musk, among others. 

Democrat Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen is refusing to enforce her order, along with Albuquerque Police, under the direction of Democrat Mayor Tim Keller.

State Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (R-Alamogordo) are currently working on impeachment articles against the governor, who called constitutional rights and her oath of office not “absolute.”

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