See all the candidates appearing on NM’s 2024 presidential primary ballots

Democrat: Author Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson speaking with the media at the 2019 Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, Iowa. Gage Skidmore via Wiki Commons.

7 thoughts on “See all the candidates appearing on NM’s 2024 presidential primary ballots”

    1. Good question. RFK, Jr. isn’t in one of the major parties since he’s an independent, so he won’t be on the primary ballot. That doesn’t mean he won’t be on the General Election ballot though.

      1. Are you sure? Why is Lars Mapdtead the only Libertarian? I honestly don’t know and thought you might know. I think primaries stink. There should be more candidates allowed on the ballot AND INDEPENDENTS should be allowed to vote in the primary of their choice, especially since there isn’t a Independent candidate?

    1. Have you heard Trump talk recently? He rambles and is basically incoherent. All you can get from what he says is that he is self-absorbed and care about nothing but his own situation. I don’t see how anyone would vote for him!

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