
Cocky Democrats already calling Rep. Ben Ray Luján ‘Senator Luján’ despite tight race

On Wednesday it was reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Rep. Ben Ray Luján, former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, and others joined a fundraising call for Joe Biden to gin up his support among Hispanic and Latino voters.

However, during the call, participants got cocky, with Gov. Lujan Grisham claiming “We’re going to crush it in New Mexico.”

Former Interior Secretary Salazar called Ben Ray Luján, who is running in a tight election against popular former weatherman and Republican nominee Mark Ronchetti, “Senator Ben Ray Luján,” with Gov Lujan Grisham joining him.

Lujan Grisham said, “I’m gonna call you Senator Luján, too,” showing over-confidence in Luján’s election chances.

The cockiness spewed forth in the fundraising call may irk voters who are yet to decide who they are voting for in the General Election, especially since hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans are still casting their votes early, by absentee, or in-person on Election Day.

Previously, Ben Ray Luján mocked Latino Trump supporters, calling them “political pawns” in a racist tyrade.

So far 598,474 New Mexicans have already cast their ballots, with Democrats leading in absentee votes, while Republicans dominate Democrats in early votes in-person.

Gov. Lujan Grisham is scheduled to spearhead another fundraiser for Joe Biden, along with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other far-left governors to speak about “clean energy,” giving credence to Joe Biden’s repeated comments that he will phase-out all oil and gas production.

Power the Future’s Larry Behrens said of the scheduled Thursday fundraiser that “Joe Biden told the world he wants to get rid of the oil industry and it’s abhorrent that our own Governor agrees.”

Cocky Democrats already calling Rep. Ben Ray Luján ‘Senator Luján’ despite tight race Read More »

NM Supreme Court refuses to hear case about absentee ballot processing violations

On Monday, the Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) and four county clerks filed a lawsuit with the New Mexico Supreme Court after it was revealed that Republican poll challengers were denied access to observe absentee ballot processing.

The Party’s press release on the violations reads as follows: 

Under Senate Bill 4, which was passed during the June Special Session, County Clerks are required to verify that each and every received mailed ballot has the correct voter identification – a voter’s signature and the last four digits of their social security number. 

More than a quarter of a million absentee ballots have already been returned by New Mexico voters, providing County Clerks with a near-impossible task of reviewing each ballot.

One of the rights guaranteed by law to poll challengers is the ability to act as a check and balance to a County Clerk’s determination of whether to accept or reject a ballot. Multiple counties have denied Republican poll challengers the right to perform their duties, taking absentee ballots behind closed doors and out of sight of the very people who elect them.

“To have the Republican Party declare that duly elected County Clerks are purposefully deceiving the public is a worrying tactic ahead of a highly-charged election that has already seen far too many instances of intimidation and misinformation,” said Secretary of State’s Office spokesman Alex Curtas, who was involved in the dissemination of election news during the 2018 midterm elections, where irregularities were found.

The Party and two county clerks also filed another suit in the First Judicial District Court over absentee ballot drop-off box violations, where irregularities have already been observed. The RPNM asked for an “injunction to make sure these counties and all others comply with state law regarding the drop box security measures.

But on Tuesday, the Supreme Court rejected the Party’s suit regarding absentee ballot counting and poll challengers, without an explanation from the Court on why it rejected RPNM’s request. 

The Republican Party of New Mexico claimed the move not to take up the case was politically motivated, writing in a press release that the Court’s decision “is not only a slap in the face to the minority party but suggests that the Court has turned a blind eye to justice and the integrity of the voting process. For the sake of New Mexico voters, it’s flabbergasting that Justices wouldn’t want to examine ballot-processing infractions with so much at stake on November 3.” 

“We need transparency in our elections and the law to be followed. County workers in the shadows, out of sight, handling absentee ballots is not legal, open or transparent. It’s shameful the Court didn’t see these violations as something to address,” the release continued. 

“We’re thankful the New Mexico Supreme Court quickly denied this petition today so the state’s election administrators can get back to focusing on the vital work of running the 2020 General Election,” the Secretary of State’s Office said in a statement, adding, “Voters in New Mexico should have confidence that their vote will count no matter if they are voting in person or by mail ballot.”

According to the Secretary of State’s data as of October 27, 265,739 absentee ballots had already been mailed back to county clerks across the state, 166,655 being from Democrats, 56,747 from Republicans, and the rest from minor parties and voters who decline to state a party affiliation.

The Democrat Party of New Mexico has already begun its ballot harvesting initiatives, according to Pameyla Herndon, a caucus chair for the party, who urged supporters during a closed fundraising call to harvest votes from senior citizens to favor Democrat candidates.

As of October 27, Republicans outnumber Democrats with in-person early voting, while Democrats outnumber Republicans dramatically with absentee. During the 2018 race in New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, thousands of irregularities were found in Doña Ana County, where Republican Yvette Herrell won the race on Election Day. However, once absentee ballots were “counted” later, the race was swung in Democrat Xochitl Torres Small’s favor. An audit revealed multiple signs of election fraud.

Just this year, two individuals have been convicted of voter fraud using absentee ballots, following New Mexico’s long track record of fraudulent election activity, which can be read more about here.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, even more absentee ballots are being cast for the November 2020 election, and the more absentee ballots without oversight from poll challengers are ripe for fraud.

NM Supreme Court refuses to hear case about absentee ballot processing violations Read More »

State senator who defended anti-Police rioters now begging for Police protection after getting hate mail

Over the weekend, state Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Albuquerque), known for his far-left extremism, took to Twitter to bully citizens peacefully protesting Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s public health orders in Santa Fe, as well as others on a variety of issues. 

He branded the peaceful group of folks as “rioters,” and claimed the event was a “super spreader,” despite his participation in a Black Lives Matter/Antifa “protest” in June, where he live-streamed himself without a mask and not following the CDC’s health guidelines of staying six feet apart. This was also in violation of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s health orders at the time barring large gatherings, and recommending masks/social distancing. By his own definition, he also participated in a “super spreader” event. 

The protest devolved into a lawless mob of violence, where small businesses in Downtown Albuquerque suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. At the time, Candelaria offered free legal services to the rioters. Months later, business owners are still trying to reconcile Candelaria’s damage cause by potential clients. 

Candelaria has targeted Law Enforcers on multiple occasions, including supporting a proposal to “demilitarize” the Police and bullying local sheriffs who declined to enforce Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s strict lockdown policies during the coronavirus pandemic. 

He claimed Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales, “is part of the problem” and that he “refuses to embrace basic reforms and embraces #MAGA.” 

During the weekend, he also targeted a constituent and pro-life priest with sexually suggestive GIFs and bullied a Republican state representative who is running for the New Mexico Senate. The priest, who tweeted his support for the dignity of human life and no sex outside of marriage, got this reply from Candelaria: “I LOVE BEING GAY. That’s a fact,” along with a GIF of a man taking off his shirt.

Later on Sunday, Candelaria got hate mail from a clearly unhinged individual who left voicemails including homophobic slurs and the line “we’re going to get you out one way or another, motherf***er.” Candelaria responded on Twitter, claiming the Police were not responding fast enough and saying he was going to “flee” Albuquerque with his husband for his own safety. 

He tagged Gov. Lujan Grisham and Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller on multiple melodramatic Twitter threads, pleading with them for “a public call for some sort of protection until this investigation can be done and completed.” He demanded protection due to him being a state legislator and claimed he had no response from city or state police, other than officers coming to his house. According to one report by the Albuquerque Journal, “he grew frustrated when officers suggested the voice messages were not necessarily a threat.” He claimed the Governor’s office said there was no “budget” to protect him.

He wrote, “I understand you are busy with the transition @GovMLG, but I believe when credible threats of violence are made against any member of #nmleg, it should not take hours and dozens of calls to get anyone to take the threat seriously.” 

After months of railing against Law Enforcers, including the Bernalillo County Sheriff, the state senator’s calls for special protection from the very entities he has targeted have fallen flat in what appears to be a ploy to gain attention ahead of the November 3 election. Candelaria now claims he will use guns to protect himself, even though he has been a staunch anti-gun advocate

State senator who defended anti-Police rioters now begging for Police protection after getting hate mail Read More »

Dem candidate’s ‘frivolous and politically motivated’ ethics complaint against GOP legislator backfires

On Friday, the New Mexico State Ethics Commission (SEC) dismissed a “frivolous and politically motivated” ethics complaint lodged against Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) after her Democrat opponent, Karen Whitlock, filed the last-ditch charge alleging conflicts of interest regarding Dow’s work for an educational non-profit, in an apparent move to spoil the incumbent’s campaign. 

“The SEC also noted in their response, Dow’s counterclaims of possible Campaign Reporting Act violations regarding the original complainant, Karen Whitlock, as well as possible violations by the New Mexico Senate Democrats PAC, and the Brian Egolf Speaker Fund PAC,” wrote a press release from the New Mexico House Republicans. 

One item from the complaint is still subject for review regarding disclosures, but Raúl Burciaga of the Legislative Council Service already cleared Dow publicly in a September Silver City Press article, where he noted, “his nonbinding opinion, Dow also correctly disclosed her financial relationship with Appletree on her financial disclosure forms. Dow, who until January 2019 was Appletree’s CEO, was only required to state that she received more than $5,000 annually from the nonprofit organization.” 

“I am relieved that the ethics commission is finally taking steps to address Karen Whitlock’s fraudulent and unethical complaint against me and the many false statements she made under oath,” said Dow. “Absent an immediate and honest apology and retraction of the false claims, Karen Whitlock and her campaign will have to account for the dishonesty and mud-slinging she has brought to this race and inflicted upon our community.“

The House Republicans’ release adds:

By design, complaints filed with the SEC, are meant to remain confidential. However, a press release was made available to media outlets by Whitlock’s campaign immediately upon the filing of the baseless claims. The complaint was filed against Representative Dow during a “blackout” period (60 days prior to any election) that the SEC designed to prevent the commission from being used as a tool by candidates in an election year. Rep. Dow immediately responded to the SEC and filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds that the complaint was a baseless political ploy.

Rep. Dow’s dismissal request additionally brought to light potential Campaign Reporting Act violations. It was discovered that Grindstone Research, LLP used the Inspection of Public Records Act to “research” the documentation used in the false ethics complaint. Whitlock does not identify Grindstone Research as a business expenditure or in-kind contributor in her finance reports. Grindstone was most recently paid by the New Mexico Senate Democrats PAC a payment of $12,000 in their September filing and also lists New Mexico House Democrats as a client on their website. The Senate Democrats PAC does not, to date, report contributions to Whitlock’s campaign. Whitlock does transparently report receiving $28,152.31 in in-kind contributions from the Brian Egolf Speaker Fund PAC, although the Brian Egolf Speaker Fund does not report that in their filings. The Speaker Fund does report expenditures to a business, Mailquick, which is the mail shop that has paid for the postage on the numerous campaign mailers to voters that feature the false, and now dismissed allegations.

“There’s an old saying that folks in glass houses should not throw stones, that being said, I am disappointed to see the Ethics Commission become a tool to smear the good name of tireless public servants,” said House GOP Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia). “I am confident that Rebecca Dow will rise above these outrageous claims. I just hope that for the sake of New Mexicans, who want to trust in Santa Fe, that the apparent campaign finance violations by the Speaker and Karen Whitlock are thoroughly investigated. Many lawmakers have fought tooth and nail for transparency and those in power need to respect the rules and report correctly.”

Whitlock is a Democrat Party favorite, with the endorsements of Sen. Martin Heinrich, Rep. Ben Ray Luján, the anti-gun Mike Bloomberg group “Moms Demand Action,” and anti-life groups EMILY’s List and Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico. Dow defeated Whitlock by a comfortable margin in the 2018 Midterm Election.

The response letter from the State Ethics Commission can be found here

Dem candidate’s ‘frivolous and politically motivated’ ethics complaint against GOP legislator backfires Read More »

Thousands of patriots hold massive rallies, parades across New Mexico as election day nears

On Saturday, pro-Trump patriots from every corner of the state held massive rallies and parades across New Mexico, from the state Capitol in Santa Fe, to Rio Rancho, Corrales, Carlsbad, Roswell, and Las Cruces. 

Hundreds came out to protest Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s health orders in front of the Capitol, on Saturday, with patriots holding American and New Mexican flags, wearing Trump gear, and signs supporting the reopening of New Mexico.

According to KOB 4’s Patrick Hayes, around 1,000 people showed up for the “Protest for Freedom,” which had high-profile guests, such as Pastor Steve Smotherman of Albuquerque’s Legacy Church, former New Mexico representative and Republican nominee for Congress in District 2 and Yvette Herrell.

“The Governor should fear the people. We should never fear our government. And we the people from every walk of life — Democrat, Republican, Independent — that has gone out the door. It’s about righteousness and unrighteousness. It’s about right and wrong, it’s about evil and good,” said Smotherman, speaking of Lujan Grisham’s strict COVID-19 lockdown.

Herrell said, “I’ve been saying this all along. This is not about Yvette Herrell. This is about one nation under God. We are fighting for our nation!” 

On Friday, Herrell was at a “Tractors for Trump” ride in Roswell, where folks came together, mainly from the agricultural community, to support President Trump and Republicans in the state. 

On Saturday, patriots 750 vehicles full of Trump supporters traveled from Carlsbad to Roswell to support President Trump. 

There was also a large caravan of pro-Trump patriots driving through Corrales on Saturday, holding Trump flags and signs in support of the President’s re-election.  Similar events also took place in Las Cruces.

On Sunday, there is another scheduled parade, this time in Albuquerque on Tramway and Central, which is expected to garner many patriots ready to flip New Mexico red in November.

Thousands of patriots hold massive rallies, parades across New Mexico as election day nears Read More »

Dems eat Torres Small alive after she throws Biden under the bus in attempt to salvage political career

On Thursday, President Donald J. Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden faced off for the final 2020 presidential debate where Biden was challenged on multiple fronts by the incumbent President. Probably most shockingly, Trump got Biden to admit on-air that he would flat-out destroy the oil and gas industry. 

Trump asked Biden, “Would you close down the oil industry?” Biden responded, “I would transition from the oil industry, yes.” The moderator asked, “Why would you do that,” to which Biden responded, “The oil industry pollutes significantly… because it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time. And I’d stop giving to the oil industry. I’d stop giving them federal subsidies.” 

One freshman Democrat U.S. representative, Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, took to Twitter to do some damage control, as she has desperately tried to claim she supports the oil and gas industry in the past. However, she has endorsed New Mexico’s “mini” Green New Deal, eradicating the New Mexico oil and gas industry. The industry makes up one-third of the state budget. Torres Small’s husband, state Rep. Nathan Small co-sponsored the far-left anti-oil and gas bill.

In 2018, Torres Small ran as a radical environmentalist, garnering support from Green New Deal-backing groups such as the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club. In the most recent Federal Election Commission filing period, Torres Small took thousands from these radical environmental groups that support the Green New Deal. 

After Biden’s “big statement” on oil and gas, Torres Small attempted to distance herself from the former vice president, writing, “I disagree with VP Biden’s statement tonight. Energy is part of the backbone of New Mexico’s economy. We need to work together to promote responsible energy production and stop climate change, not demonize a single industry. I will continue to stand up to my party when they’re out of touch with the reality on the ground in #NM02.” 

Torres Small votes 94% of the time with Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She also previously said she is voting for Joe Biden in the November 2020 election and voted twice to impeach President Trump. 

However, Torres Small’s last-ditch effort to win in November by throwing Biden under the bus has irked New Mexico Democrats, who ripped into her on Twitter.

New Mexico state Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo), wrote multiple statements to her on Twitter, most notably, “There was no demonization going on. This statement is misleading at best.” In response to another commenter, Candelaria wrote, “Not on this issue. @JoeBiden didn’t even come close to demonizing the oil and gas industry. This sort of pandering is what makes climate progress so hard.” 

In another tweet, Candelaria wrote, “I’m sorry but this is way off base.” 

Senior electoral analyst for the leftist group “Data for Progress,” Aidan Smith,  blasted Torres Small, writing, “Fun fact: When one industry is driving the single biggest crisis in human history, it’s not ‘demonization’ to point it out.”

Hamza Shaban of the Washington Post had no words for Torres Small’s tweet, simply re-tweeting the post with the 👀 (eyes) emoji. 

Hundreds of others blasted Torres Small, and it is unclear if she will flip back in lockstep with Democrats, as she did when she voted to impeach President Trump amid threats from Democrats that they would refuse to vote for her. Torres Small’s balancing act of sitting on the fence may finally have caught up to her, as voters cannot seem to know where she stands on any given issue. Torres Small faces Republican former state Rep. Yvette Herrell in the November 3 General Election.

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Leftists cry ‘racist’ after Santa Fe County Sheriff emblazons ‘Thin Blue Line’ flag on recruitment truck

On Thursday, leftists at the Santa Fe Reporter published a story blasting the Santa Fe County Sheriff, Adan Mendoza, for emblazoning the patriotic pro-Police “Thin Blue Line” flag on a recruitment truck. The magazine and the person who reported it to the publication after seeing it parked outside of Tomasita’s Restaurant in Santa Fe claim it is a “dog whistle for racists.” 

“Its place in discriminatory and militarized policing against nonwhite and poor communities in the US renders it unusable on a taxpayer-funded vehicle,” says the email from the person who sent the video to the Reporter

The article contends that since people who attended a South Carolina “Unite the Right” rally used the flag, it is a racist symbol. They did not say the same of any leftist symbol, which may also be seen as offensive to those on the right, such as the hammer and sickle or the red fist symbol.

Thin Blue Line/Back The Blue pro-police flag

But Mendoza proudly stood up for his officers and the use of the patriotic pro-police flag, saying, “I don’t think there’s any law enforcement officer that you talk to that relates the thin blue line to any divisiveness or any separation between us and the community,” Mendoza says. “Ask them what it means to them. I think that there’s been a lot of twists in the narrative of what that means. I think there’s a lot of people that maybe aren’t in law enforcement, but have changed the original meaning of that symbol, unfortunately.”

Santa Fe County Sheriff Adan Mendoza

The article quotes a liberal professor from the University of Nebraska, Justin Nix, to claim the flag is racist. Nix says, “Really starting day one at the academy [Law Enforcement are] trained and they get it reinforced that they have to always establish control and be in charge and that every stop, every interaction, has the potential for danger…. It’s that unpredictability that helps lead officers down this path of it’s ‘us versus them.’… ‘We’re the sheepdogs protecting the sheep from the wolves; that thin blue line.’”

The article also quotes a liberal 18-year-old climate activist named Artemisio Romero y Carver, who says, “it’s ‘alarming’ that local law enforcement identifies with a symbol related to the support of racial violence.” 

The manufactured outrage by the Santa Fe Reporter over a benign symbol of unity and respect for Law Enforcers comes as radical far-left groups, including Black Lives Matter and Antifa, have embraced the “Defund the Police” movement. The movement aims to cut funds from Law Enforcement agencies working to protect the safety of communities. 

Cancel culture is in full swing in New Mexico, as seen last week on the Santa Fe Plaza, where anarchists toppled the 152-year-old obelisk in the heart of town. Simultaneously, the liberal Mayor, Alan Webber, ordered his Police Chief not to intervene, allowing the domestic terrorists to desecrate the Federally protected landmark. The anarchists are now targeting the Kit Carson obelisk sitting in front of the Federal Courthouse in Santa Fe.

Violent leftists have also been targeting Republican campaign signs, specifically those of President Trump. One man took a machete to a Trump sign in Albuquerque, while a Springer couple had their filly shot dead, possibly due to their pro-Trump display.

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Santa Fe Mayor Webber’s attempts to remove Kit Carson obelisk hit wall

For months, Santa Fe’s Mayor Alan Webber has been trying to rip down historical landmarks in his city to placate far-left anti-Hispanic hate groups like The Red Nation and Three Sisters Collective, which have applauded the vandalism and destruction of age-old monuments in the Capital City.

On October 12, violent anarchists toppled the 152-year-old obelisk in the heart of the Santa Fe Plaza, while under Mayor Webber’s directive, Police stood by and watched it happen. Police Chief Andrew Padilla defended the Department’s inaction, saying, “The monument, yes, it’s historical, but it’s an object.” 

Now, Mayor Webber has hit a wall with his longtime plans to remove the centuries-old monuments taht cave become a prominent piece of Northern New Mexico cultures and history. 

The 1883 monument to honor Kit Carson erected in front of the Federal Courthouse in Santa Fe is the latest subject of Webber’s path of destruction. However, the Federally owned monument will take more than just Webber’s words to remove. 

In 1973, the Carson statue and the Downtown obelisk were added to the National Register of Historic Places, and are under the protection of the Historic Preservation Act. 

“Due to the historic status of the obelisk and its control by a federal agency, what is called the ‘Section 106’ process would apply to a modification/removal of that obelisk,” said Kristine Mihelcic, a spokesperson for the mayor’s office.

According to KRQE 13:

The Section 106 process is administered by the National Parks Administration. “Our Attorney is scheduling time with the federal representatives to discuss what the City’s role can be in engaging the Section 106 process,” said Mihelcic.

It is not clear how long the removal process would take or if it will happen at all. 

The restrictions protect the Kit Carson monument. However, violent domestic terrorists may strike once again, this time at the monument sitting in front of the Federal Courthouse.

It is unclear if the Mayor’s Police Chief has an officer watching the monument, or if he will stand back and allow lawless criminals to once again deface or topple it, as they did with the Plaza obelisk. 

A Spanish cultural group is currently considering launching a recall petition to take out Mayor Webber for his dereliction of duty.

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Out-of-state ‘eco-left’ corporation acquires PNM Resources after donating thousands to MLG, Dems

On Wednesday, the wind energy company AVANGRID announced it would be acquiring PNM Resources, New Mexico’s largest utility. AVANGRID is the third-largest wind utility company in the U.S. The Spanish Iberdrola, S.A owns the company. 

Some groups are blasting the utility’s acquisition of PNM, saying AVANDRID is an “eco-company based thousands of miles away that doesn’t seem to care about our energy workers,” as Larry Behrens of Power the Future noted.

“We are excited to be part of this transaction that provides so many benefits to our customers, communities, employees and shareholders,” said Pat Vincent-Collawn, chairman, president and CEO of PNM Resources. “Our combined companies provide greater opportunities to invest in the infrastructure and new technologies that will help us navigate our transition to clean energy while maintaining our commitments to our local teams and communities.”

But the move comes after Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and New Mexico Democrats took thousands of dollars from the out-of-state conglomerate, with its U.S.-based headquarters in Orange, CT. According to public records on the New Mexico Secretary of State’s website, the company donated $1,000 in October to the New Mexico House Democratic Campaign Committee and directly after the 2018 election, it donated $2,500 to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign.

According to AVANGRID’s press release about the PNM deal, “AVANGRID currently owns 1,900 MW of renewable energy and a pipeline of 1,400 MW of renewables assets in New Mexico and Texas.  In addition, Iberdrola operates a retail business in Texas. For more than 15 years, Iberdrola has also funded the King Felipe VI Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico.” 

The company also noted in its press release their plan to withdraw from the San Juan Generating Station near Farmington. “The closure of the generating station will destroy hundreds of jobs and cause revenue losses for New Mexico communities,” notes Power the Future. 

The organization previously noted AVANGRID’s involvement in New Mexico politics in May, raising questions about its donations to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

In 2019, Grisham also took a vacation to Gran Canaria, an island in Las Palma Spain, according to documents obtained through an Inspection of Public Records Act request, showing the Governor had Lt. Gov. Howie Morales serve as acting-Governor while she was out of the country. Iberdrola has multiple service points and locations on the Gran Canaria island. 

It is unclear why anyone lobbied the governor by financing the trip or how much New Mexicans paid for her non-publicized private trip abroad. However, the New Mexico taxpayers paid for her security while she was in Spain.

It is also unclear if there were any joiners on the trip other than her staff and security agents. Could the Governor’s close friend and former business partner New Mexico Rep. Debbie Armstrong have joined the trip as well? 

The documents obtained through the IPRA show receipts from Madrid and Gran Canaria, the pay stub to Lt. Gov Morales, showing he was acting in Luajn Grusham’s stead, as well as the Governor’s calendar showing she was gone through

In 2015, PNM opened a wind farm in Cibola County, which appears to be the wind farm Gov. Lujan Grisham shot her 2018 “Turbine” ad, where she touted her “green energy” proposals while running for governor. AVANGRID has a wind farm called “El Cabo” in Torrence County. 

In 2019, NPR noted wind energy’s issue with turbine blades going to the landfill, negating the supposed “green” value of the energy source. Millions of birds and bats also face their demise each year due to the turbines.

Out-of-state ‘eco-left’ corporation acquires PNM Resources after donating thousands to MLG, Dems Read More »

MLG calls karaoke and bingo ‘high-risk activities’ during COVID-19 news conference

On Tuesday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced more COVID-19 restrictions during her weekly news conference, including required spot-testing workers for restaurants, keeping a three-week log of all customers for contact tracing, a curfew by 10:00 p.m. daily, and a mandated online certification by October 30.

Previously, during her September 24 COVID-19 update, Lujan Grisham raised eyebrows when she said that “cornhole tournaments” are a “high-risk” activity. She doubled down on her latest presser, this time adding in bingo and karaoke as “high-risk.”

Gov. Lujan Grisham says “cornhole tournaments” are a “super spreader” activity that causes COVID-19 spread during her September 24 news conference.

“We got a report in a community about karaoke and bingo. These are high-risk activities that have created spread,” said Lujan Grisham. She added, “COVID will never be over. The virus will always live among us.” 

“COVID will never be over” – ⁦@GovMLG during coronavirus press conference

The newest restrictions are the beginning of a backward jump on opening up the state. She has repeatedly claimed to care about New Mexico’s economy, however, her actions to clamp down on citizens’ everyday activities shows she is willing to hurt businesses in order to fulfill her agenda. 

Big box stores like Walmart and Costco are still allowed to operate with few restrictions, while restaurants and houses of worship have strict mandates. 

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