
ALERT: Radical bill taxing the poor 20+ cents per gallon of gas scheduled for Monday Senate hearing

On Monday, the New Mexico Senate Finance Committee chaired by Sen. George Muñoz   (D-Cibola, McKinley, and San Juan) will consider the radical S.B. 11Clean Fuel Standard Act,” which will result in a gas tax on the poor and middle classes. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo). 

The bill puts extreme clean fuel standards on businesses that produce or import transportation fuels and fuels used in motor vehicles. The restrictions on these companies would force them to invest in costly upgrades to their fuel standards, meaning these costs would transfer to the consumers. The bill also adds vague and sweeping “enviro-justice” provisions to state law.

In California and Oregon, where clean fuel standards are already in place, there are already increased costs of up to 24 cents per gallon on gas, which directly hurts poor consumers.

In the bill’s previous committee, Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation, Sen. Craig Brandt (D-Sandoval) asked a question about the tax on the poor, to which Sen. Stewart got flustered. She said in a stern voice, “You know what gas costs in Europe? It costs $6-7 a gallon!” She said people drove smaller electric cars in the region and said she didn’t appreciate “the sky is falling” arguments regarding concerns attributed to her bill. Stewart also complained about the committee hearing nearing two hours long on her bill.

The New Mexico Oil and Gas Association (NMOGA), which took a neutral stance on Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “mini” Green New Deal (The Energy Transition Act) is also taking a neutral stance on this bill. NMOGA dumped thousands into Democrat campaigns in 2018 and 2020. 

Senate Finance Committee will convene at 1:00 p.m. (Or ½ hour after Floor Session ends) on Monday to discuss the fiscal implications of the bill, including its proposed $3,200,000 appropriation and other concerns, including the tax on the poor.

Call these Senators and ask them to oppose S.B. 11–the gas tax on the poor and the middle classes. 

George Munoz (D), Chair, 505-397-8836, senatormunoz@gmail.com

  • Nancy Rodriguez (D), Vice Chair, 505-397-8844, nancy.rodriguez@nmlegis.gov
  • William E. Sharer (R), Ranking Member, 505-986-4381, bill@williamsharer.com
  • William F. Burt (R), 505-986-4366, bill.burt@nmlegis.gov
  • Pete Campos (D), 505-397-8818, pete.campos@nmlegis.gov
  • Jacob Candelaria (D), 505-397-8819, jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov
  • Crystal R. Diamond (R), 505-986-4703, crystal.diamond@nmlegis.gov
  • Roberto “Bobby” Gonzales (D), 505-397-8825, Roberto.gonzales@nmlegis.gov
  • Siah Correa Hemphill (D), 505-397-8821, siah.hemphill@nmlegis.gov
  • Jeff Steinborn (D), 505-397-8852, jeff.steinborn@nmlegis.gov
  • Pat Woods (R), 986-4393, pat.woods@nmlegis.gov

For public participation email SFC@nmlegis.gov. Sponsors and Experts have 15 minutes to present the bill followed by 10 minutes each for Proponents and Opponents. Send written comments to Sen.Fin.Comm@nmlegis.gov with your Name, Entity Represented, Bill #, For or Against, and a limit of 300 words or less. All Committee Members have access to written comments. The deadline is 12 hours prior to meeting time (1:00 a.m. on Monday, March 8, 2021). You will be contacted by our Zoom Operator with the virtual meeting instructions.

ALERT: Radical bill taxing the poor 20+ cents per gallon of gas scheduled for Monday Senate hearing Read More »

EXCLUSIVE: Details from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s ‘private meeting’ with communist Chinese official

While the mainstream New Mexico media has refused to cover Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s deep connection to Communist China, the Piñon Post has been the only outlet to do an in-depth dive into Lujan Grisham’s connections with the oppressive country. 

In December 2020, we covered all the Governor’s meetings with Chinese officials, but not until now have we received correspondences showing details about the Democrat governor’s April 11, 2019 meeting with Chinese Consul General Zhang Ping and what specific topics were covered in the secretive closed-door meeting.

Zhang Ping is a high-ranking communist Chinese official who has repeatedly spread propaganda whitewashing Communist China’s humanitarian failures and oppression of its people. For example, here is an excerpt from Ambassador Zhang Ping’s speech given months after he met with Gov. Lujan Grisham: 

“Over the past seven decades, staying true to its original aspiration and mission for pursuing happiness of the Chinese people and for rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, adhering to the people-centered approach, the Chinese Communist Party has united the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a strenuous struggle to build a strong and prosperous country, opened up a road that fits China’s own conditions, that is, socialism with Chinese characteristics, and accomplished the most profound and the greatest social transformation ever occurred in the country’s history.”

According to the newly unearthed documents exclusive to the Piñon Post, obtained via an Inspection of Public Records Act request, we now know that the Governor spoke with the Chinese ambassador in a “private meeting room” after her public photo-op that she posted on Twitter describing the supposed meeting. 

In a May follow-up email from Zhang Ping’s office, Junying Shao, Director of Political Section for the consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles, who was at the April 11, 2019 meeting, wrote to Lujan Grisham’s senior advisor and former chief of staff while the now-governor was in Congress, Dominic Gabello, that “We understand the Governor is interested in China-US Governor’s Forum but may not be able to attend this year due to her schedule. We welcome The Governor to visit China next year and attend the Forum as it is scheduled to be hosted by China.” Gabello was also at the April meeting.

Previously in August of 2017–eight months after announcing her run for New Mexico’s governorship–Lujan Grisham was spotted at a photo-op at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing. It appears she was the only U.S. representative on the trip, and she posed multiple times with China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zheng Zeguang. For reference, other photographs of world leaders posing at the same location can be found here.

Regarding particulars of the meeting, the May 24, 2019 email from Junying Shao reads, “[T]he Consul General and the Governor also talked about the establishment of sister-state relationship between NM and certain state (we call it “province” in China). We are working on that. May I know what is [a] further idea on your end about this, any standard, or requirement on the potential sister state from China?” 

In another email from April 13, 2019, a Xinlian Liu from the Chinese Consulate wrote to Gabello that the meeting between the Governor and the Ambassador was “pleasant and fruitful.”

Here’s what the email read:

Hi Dear Dominic, 

It is a great honor to meet you in Albuquerque. Thank you so much for attending the meeting between the Honorable Governor and my ambassador. The meeting  was pleasant and fruitful. Thank you so much for making all these happen. We highly appreciate your support and help.

I am back now in LA and start to  miss the enchanted land.  If anything brings you to LA, please let me know. Let us have authentic Chinese food.

Have a nice weekend.


Also, it appears that the Chinese consulate director of the political section attempted to guide the Governor’s hand in condemning the visit of Tibet’s democratically elected leader of the country’s government-in-exile state, Dr. Lobsang Sangay, who was chosen as the successor to the Dali Lama in 2012. 

The Chinese official wrote referring to a May 24, 2019 proclamation by the City of Santa Fe that it had officially proclaimed a “Friendship Between Santa Fe Indian School, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, and Tibetan People Day.” In 2017, Dr. Sangay, who traveled from India where he is being protected, spoke at the Santa Fe Indian School for a speaker series. 

Junying Shao wrote to Cabello: 

“The last but not least, there is one thing we would like to get your attention. We got to know someone whom Chinese government opposes and condemns is going to visit Santa Fe in coming days. His name is L[o]bsang Sangay, who conducts activities to gain sympathy or support in international community which aim against Chinese government, particularly for the independence of Tibet, part of China. It is anti-china act [sic]. We sincerely request officials of high ranking as Governor or local officials in NM not be in any contact with him during his visit.  We sincerely hope to get your attention of our stance and pass it to the Governor.” 

Although Cabello did not appear to respond to Junying Shao’s email, a later email shows that in February 2020, Consul General Zhang Ping spoke with Lujan Grisham’s executive policy advisor for Health and Human Services, Jane Wishner. 

An email from Junying Shao reveals more details about that conversation:

“Dear Anna (Gov. Lujan Grisham’s scheduler) and Dominic, many thanks for the facilitation. Consul General and Governor’s health policy advisor Jane had a good talk on the Covid-19 last Friday. He also sends best wishes to the Governor and expresses his will on the efforts for further exchange and cooperation between NM and China.  Thanks again and keep in touch. If you happen to come to LA, please let me know. Regards, Junying.” 

Also at the meeting, according to documents obtained from the Governor’s office, was Deborah Burns, managing partner at “InvestUS LLC,” a company that invests in real estate in major markets. She also reportedly “was involved in bringing the US/China business matchmaking conference to Albuquerque in October of 2017.” 

The Governor’s office has been contacted for comment, but as with every time we have attempted to receive a response, we have never received one. Records from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s days in Congress and meetings with communist Chinese officials have not been available for release since Congress is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

EXCLUSIVE: Details from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s ‘private meeting’ with communist Chinese official Read More »

ENMU regent takes a stand against recreational pot

On Saturday, Dan Patterson, a 50-plus year educator, and current Eastern New Mexico University regent wrote an op-ed for the Santa Fe New Mexican relaying why he thought the recreational marijuana bills in the Legislature are wrong for New Mexico.

“During my career, I have worked with more than a hundred thousand students, helping them through difficult times through counseling and the disciplinary process. I can say through firsthand experience that I believe approving recreational marijuana will bring extreme harm to a tremendous number of our youth,” said Patterson.

Patterson noted that even though proposals currently have the age limit for recreational pot at 21, younger New Mexicans will still get access. “We all know, if we are honest, that if older brother has legal access, then younger brother also has access,” he wrote. 

“I have seen too many kids get caught up in drugs that begins with the casual use of marijuana. Good kids suddenly start changing. Grades drop, attitudes change, dropouts increase, behavior changes, and disciplinary problems and auto accidents increase. Before long, good kids become troublemakers, get lost or flounder. Potentially productive members of society become druggies, criminals or just dregs of society. I have seen too many promising lives lost this way.” 

“Not every kid who smokes marijuana goes down this path, but it happens far too often. Why are we so eager to bring such potential harm to so many of our youngsters? Money? Are we really willing to sell the health and well being of so many of our youngsters for greenbacks?” 

“Throughout this pandemic I kept hearing that if we can save a single life through a certain regulation that it would be worth it. Well, authorizing the use of recreational marijuana will, without a doubt, lead to the loss of many lives, particularly among our youth — if not through actual death then through the loss of otherwise productive, contributing assets.” 

The op-ed comes as the New Mexico Senate mulls a bill, H.B. 12, which narrowly passed the house, and would be one of the most expansive marijuana bills proposed this session. Democrat leaders in the Senate see it as the best shot to ram through marijuana legalization. Multiple other bills also aim to legalize pot.

Pro-family groups such as the Family Policy Alliance are organizing against the legalized pot bills, making the case that, “Since Colorado legalized recreational weed, our neighboring state has seen a dramatic increase in violent crime, traffic fatalities, and marijuana hospitalizations. And usage by minors – sometimes fatal, from eating poorly regulated marijuana “candies” – has soared.” 

Read more about New Mexico legislators bankrolled by the big marijuana lobby. 

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NM Senate committee rushes through amended far-left bill lowering voting age to 17

On Friday, the Senate Rules Committee passed a bill, S.B. 412, brought forth by Sen. Carrie Hamblen (D-Doña Ana) to lower the voting age in New Mexico state and local elections. Although the original proposal listed the minimum age of 16 to be a qualified elector, the committee amended the bill to the age of 17.

During committee, Sen. Hamblen brought forth two high school-aged “witnesses” who emphatically endorsed the bill. One of them claimed the bill was “a vaccine for our political atmosphere.” 

The other witness claimed, “to not pass this bill is to invalidate me” when they were at the age of 16 and 17. The student also claimed people who had access to voting “tokenize me for my youth.”

The committee sped through the bill in fewer than 20 minutes of committee time, with only a motion from Sen. Mark Moores (R-Sandoval) to remove the provision for 16-year-olds to vote and make it 17-year-olds. The motion passed on a vote of 6-3. 

The final vote on the committee for passage was 7-2, with Moores voting with all the Democrats on the committee to advance the bill. Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo) claimed she supported 16-year-olds being able to vote because, “When I was a senior in high school, I was sixteen, and I think I could make some pretty good decisions at that time,” she claimed. 

Sen. Lopez sponsored the radical abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill, S.B. 10, which passed last month and was signed into law shortly afterward. 

Radical far-left dark money groups, including OLÉ, NM Café, NM Dream Team, billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action, among others, and are already rallying behind the bills, which would likely add around 50,000 underaged voters on the rolls, according to the fiscal impact report (FIR) for S.B. 412. 

The proposal now goes to the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana).

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Far-left bill lowering voting age to 16 scheduled for Senate committee hearing Friday

On Friday at 9:00 a.m., the Senate Rules Committee chaired by Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto will hear a bill, S.B. 412, sponsored by far-left Sen. Carrie Hamblen (D-Doña Ana) to lower the voting age to 16 years old.

The bill, which is duplicative of Hamblen’s other bill, S.B. 336, looks to let 16 and 17-year-olds register and vote as “qualified electors.” Far-left dark money social groups, including OLÉ, NM Café, NM Dream Team, billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action, among others, and are already rallying behind the bills, which would likely add around 50,000 underaged voters on the rolls, according to the fiscal impact report (FIR) for S.B. 412. 

OLÉ claims these bills “address the age disparities in voter participation by building participation and a lifelong habit of civic engagement earlier in life.” 

“Almost 23 percent of New Mexicans are under 18, and if one assumes an even breakdown by age within that cohort, there are approximately 53 thousand 16- and 17-year olds. Approximately 6.5 percent of New Mexicans are non-citizens, so nearly 50 thousand 16- and 17-year olds could be qualified electors under SB412,” reads the FIR. 

Another bill, S.B. 14 from Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo), seeks to register people to vote without their knowledge any time they make a change to their Motor Vehicle Division records and then make them go through the burden of filling out a card saying they would not want to vote and sending it back to their local county clerk. This would allow these 16-year-olds, many of whom are eligible for licenses, to be automatically added to the voter rolls, adding more opportunity for voter fraud with each voter who is unaware they have automatically been registered to vote.

Olé is also supporting S.B. 14 by sending New Mexicans texts that read the following, “Hi [Name]! This is Frances with OLE. SB 14 is headed to its first Committee, Senate rules do you have any questions about the bill ?” Coincidence? 

Dark money groups likely see the implementation of these extreme bills to boost their political advantage in certain close elections by adding thousands of more voters, which can be easily manipulated at their impressionable young age. Hamblen’s proposal mimics others being sponsored by far-left politicians, including “Squad” member in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). who has repeatedly sponsored the radical measure.

You can watch the committee hearing by clicking on “Senate Rules Committee” at 9:00 a.m. here. You can contact the committee members here:

Far-left bill lowering voting age to 16 scheduled for Senate committee hearing Friday Read More »

New Mexico detention center officer files first case in U.S. against mandatory vaccination

On Wednesday, it was reported that Doña Ana County Detention Center officer, Isaac Legaretta, sued Doña Ana County Manager Fernando Macias and his supervisor on Sunday, claiming they threatened he would be fired if he did not take the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The complaint claims the county manager and supervisor violated his rights by making the vaccine a condition of employment for first responders unless reasonable accommodation has been approved,” according to The Hill

According to a memo from the county manager, “It is required that, if you have not already started your vaccinations, that you be vaccinated with your first dose on one of those days, or contact Human Resources for accommodation…. Being vaccinated is a requirement and a condition of on-going employment with the County due to the significant health and safety risks posed by contracting or spreading COVID-19.” 

Macias first announced the vaccine mandate on January 29 for all first responders–including police officers, detention center workers, and anyone in contact with detainees.

“You can’t be forced to be a human guinea pig when a product is experimental,” said Ana Garner, the officer’s attorney. “We have the right to bodily integrity.”

“Garner said Legaretta wasn’t told about the vaccine’s known benefits and risks, or that he had the opportunity to refuse,” according to another report.

The county attorney has reportedly disputed the allegations and argued that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) assert that employers can mandate vaccinations. 

However, in March 2020, the EEOC said an employer covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VII can’t compel all of its employees to take a vaccine. ADA and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would allow for employee vaccination exemptions under certain health and religious reasons.

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MLG says ‘minorities’ get COVID-19 vaccine first, ‘absolute mask mandates’ not going away

On Monday, Gov. Lujan Grisham had an interview with the Washington Post where she was candid about her COVID-19 pandemic protocols and who gets priority to the vaccine. During the interview, she announced there would be an “absolute mask mandate” even if a county reaches “green” status, despite neighboring states removing COVID-19 restrictions.

She said, “Here’s what won’t change: absolute mask mandates, mandates for social distancing, making sure that businesses go through a safe certified [sic], which also requires each business sector to have very strong COVID-safe practices that we approve as the state and then we do random checks and we also have a complaint hotline.” 

While asked about the vaccine, Lujan Grisham claimed the federal government under President Donald Trump sent Moderna COVID-19 shots to CVS and Walgreens for distribution. She then threw CVS and Walgreens under the bus, saying, “They really stumbled out of the gate. Most states are still struggling with them. We brought them all in, and I made it really clear ‘you will be held accountable to the highest standards, you will do these clinics, you will communicate directly with us, you will report directly to us, and if you don’t do it, there are fines and other accountability measures.”

Lujan Grisham noted how her vaccine priority system was “equitable,” meaning racial minorities get first grabs at the shots.

She lamented that “unfortunately, far too high a percentage of health care workers are non-minorities,” saying there is a “lack of representation” in getting vaccines out.

“We can get much more granular at the zip code level to really make sure that we’re reaching high-risk minorit[ies] so you’ve got an equity distribution population,” she said, adding, “We’re actually going to use Census data as we go granular, so we have a vulnerability index factor that looks at everything from socio-economic status to your minority or racial status and household circumstances. That means we’re going to take a certain percentage of vaccine off the top. As long as this amount of vaccine—and now with Johnson and Johnson—continues to increase and come to the states, including us, we think that we can do 25% off the top will go to this vulnerability index system.” 

When asked about her COVID-19 restrictions and her message to critics of her strict mandates that shuttered businesses, she said, 

“Let’s own that businesses were lost, livelihoods were lost and diminished, and the financial insecurity for far too many New Mexicans and far too many Americans is real.” 

Lujan Grisham then claimed she foresaw the pandemic in March when she signed a bloated $7.6 billion budget, claiming she vetoed a “$200 million appropriations bill” to boost state reserves. The appropriations would have funded roads and capital outlay requests. 

She also touted Democrats’ work to ram through millions of dollars “to businesses” in a special session, bashing the federal government under President Trump for the Paycheck Protection Program. However, the only reason she was able to send out funds at all was because of the federal CARES Act signed by President Trump. 

She added, “We recognize this is a cruel hardship that didn’t invite a pandemic into their (businesses’) doors.” 

This is one of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s first interviews since it was discovered she used her discretionary budget to indulge in $200/pound Wagyu beef steaks, alcohol, and expenses for her dog. Conveniently, the Washington Post did not ask her about this.

MLG says ‘minorities’ get COVID-19 vaccine first, ‘absolute mask mandates’ not going away Read More »

NM Senate’s resident drama queen ostracized by own party: Even Dem Leader tells him to ‘f**k off’

New Mexico state Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo) has been circling the drain with his desperate ploys for public attention for quite some time now, but this week, the Albuquerque-area legislator has outdone himself. 

On Monday, during consideration of S.B. 71, the Patients’ Debt Collection Protection Act, Candelaria forced a debate on the bill, which led Democrat Majority Leader Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) to scold him on the floor of the Senate. 

“Why don’t you just [expletive] off and put an amendment on like the rest of us?” said Wirth. 

After the altercation, It was reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican that Candelaria started crying and claiming it was a “low day” for the New Mexico Senate: 

“I’m sort of heartbroken,” said Candelaria, who sat slouched in his chair in tears after the confrontation. “This is a low day for the New Mexico Senate.”

Candelaria then got into fights with multiple Democrats on Twitter, bashing Senate Judiciary Chairman Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana), accusing him of refusing to put Candelaria’s extreme bills on the agenda. 

Later, Candelaria got in a spat with the far-left fringe group, ProgressNow NM over his assertions about Cervantes. 

Then, he started begging for sympathy for having to work as a “citizen legislator” when “you’re not retired and not rich.”

Hilariously though, he previously bragged on Instagram about purchasing expensive French luxury products, writing, “Treat yo self. The road is long and the fights are hard—-celebrating your joy is a seditious act.” 

Read more about liberal Republicans and far-left Democrats complaining about not getting paid despite earning a per diem and a pension. 

James Hallinan, a former staffer to Gov. Lujan Grisham, who accused the governor of sexual assault, is now accusing Candelaria of sexual abuse while Hallinan worked for Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) and Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo). 

“Shocked you haven’t been removed from office 4 ur abuse of @NMStatePolice & gov’t resources while on ur benders. Not to mention when you sexually abused me @ the Bull Ring when I worked 4 Speaker @BrianEgolf & @RepMoe,” wrote Hallinan. 

“I assume you were high on coke at the time as well?” Candelaria clapped back, 

Hallinan replied, “NewMexico media please witness the most recent bender/meltdown of @SenCandelaria  & his delusions. When predators attacks their victims they just seal their own fates.”

Candelaria has made countless enemies on the Republican side of the aisle and now he’s increasingly becoming ostracized from his own party as Gov. Lujan Grisham won’t answer his phone calls, Democrat Majority Leader Peter Wirth is literally telling him to “f**k off,” and even far-left fringe group ProgressNowNM is telling him to go away. 

Candelaria, the Senate’s resident drama queen, is becoming weaker and weaker as a public official by each fleeting day, and Republicans should be looking for a strong candidate to take him out in 2024. Right now, the Albuquerque legislator has more enemies than friends, and 2024 is looking like a shiny opportunity for the right Republican to do away with him once and for all come the next election. 

Read more about Sen. Candelaria: Dem lawmaker flips out on police officers trying to help him with hate mail, now claims to have PTSD

NM Senate’s resident drama queen ostracized by own party: Even Dem Leader tells him to ‘f**k off’ Read More »

Gov. MLG says she was ‘honored’ to sign abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill

On Tuesday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham sent out a message to her campaign email list touting her signing of the extreme abortion up-to-birth and infanticide S.B. 10. She said she was “honored” to affix her name to the new law.

She claimed it was an “important piece of legislation” and that its passage meant “everyone in New Mexico, no matter their gender, has the right to autonomy over their own body,” implying that men also can give birth? 

She also thanked all the pro-abortion groups that spread extreme propaganda ultimately leading to the bill’s passage. She wrote, “I’m so grateful to all the community advocates, leaders and organizations from across New Mexico who have tirelessly worked to get this done.” 

Read her full email here:

Friend, I wanted to share an update on an important piece of legislation that I just signed into law: Senate Bill 10.

SB10 repeals decades-old, unenforceable laws that criminalized doctors for providing abortion care in New Mexico. It’s a simple bill – getting outdated laws off the books – but it’s the message this sends that’s really profound.

By passing this bill, the legislature affirmed loud and clear that everyone in New Mexico, no matter their gender, has the right to autonomy over their own body. And it tells health care providers that they’ll never be punished for doing what’s right for their patients.

I’m so grateful to all the community advocates, leaders and organizations from across New Mexico who have tirelessly worked to get this done. Every New Mexican should be able to exercise their full reproductive rights: This bill’s passage underscores that powerful truth, and I was truly honored to have signed it into law.

This legislation is just one piece of our fight to build a brighter future for New Mexico. Thank you for looking toward that brighter future alongside me. There’s so much we can achieve together.

With gratitude,

Michelle Lujan Grisham

Gov. MLG says she was ‘honored’ to sign abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill Read More »

WATCH: New ad mercilessly rips Gov. MLG to shreds for pandemic hypocrisy

On Monday, the Republican Governors Association released a hard-hitting new ad targeting Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for her hypocrisy during the pandemic. 

The ad, featuring local liberal news clips, highlights the Governor forcing New Mexicans to stand in freezing cold breadlines while she pampered herself in the Governor’s mansion, buying booze, Wagyu beef. The ad also went after her expensive shopping trip for jewelry at a shuttered Albuquerque jewelry store. Gov. Lujan Grisham also spent big taxpayer bucks on her dog, with $800 expenses to clean carpets and even purchase a new doggy door–all at New Mexicans’ expense.

At one point in the ad, a narrator says, “You stepped up and made hard sacrifices when asked, but what about Michelle Lujan Grisham?” 

The Governor is likely not going to take too kindly to the truth-filled ad, which directly calls her out for her pandemic hypocrisy of living the high life (off the taxpayers) while New Mexicans starve. 

“Families are in serious need, the state coffers are bare, and people have sacrificed their freedoms as the pandemic rolls on,” Will Reinert, a spokesman for the Republican Governors Association wrote in a statement. “However, nothing is stopping Lujan Grisham from using state funds to fuel her lavish lifestyle or from making exceptions to the rules for herself. Wagyu beef, Crown Royal, taxpayer money, lockdown carveouts, just add Governor Lujan Grisham, and you have a recipe for terrible leadership.”


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