Fifth Republican, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, running for governor
On Wednesday, state Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) will be jumping into the already crowded Republican field lining up to take on scandal-ridden Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has been criticized far and wide for her scandal-ridden tenure full of crotch-grabbing settlements and mismanaging taxpayer funds.
Dow, who is a consultant for early childhood providers and a third-term state representative, calls herself a “compassionate conservative.”
“I have a deep love for New Mexico and the everyday New Mexican,” said Dow. “I am tired of us being last in education, last in child welfare [and ranked highest in unemployment]. I’m tired of our constitutional freedoms being under attack, and it’s time for us to thrive economically, just like our neighboring states, Texas and Arizona.”
“I don’t have to be the expert on everything,” Dow said. “I have to let people govern themselves, and we have to create commonsense government from the top down.”
Dow called Gov. Lujan Grisham a “power-hungry career politician” who has failed the state during the recent pandemic.
“Children have lost 18 months of learning — well, we don’t know that for sure because we’re not testing — but our families and our local elected school boards have lost their say in local decision-making for our districts,” she said. “These school board members are elected by the local community. They know and understand the needs of families and students and the teachers that they serve. And their hands have been tied by this governor.”
Dow acknowledges that she cannot single-handedly take on Lujan Grisham’s “special interest machine” behind the governor’s “radical agenda.” However, she says, “I’ll take every penny I can get, and I’ll use it wisely.”
Dow says New Mexicans “would prefer to drain the swamp in Santa Fe and not Elephant Butte Lake.”
“I want it to be a message of hope,” she said. “I really am not running to trash the governor. It’s just time for change.”
According to Dow’s campaign website:
When progressive leaders in Santa Fe threatened to take away the Constitutional rights and the way of life of New Mexicans by imposing gun control on law abiding citizens, Rebecca stood with nearly every sheriff in the state who declared their counties “Second Amendment Sanctuaries.” To help push back on the far left’s radical agenda, Rebecca built a coalition dubbed the “Save Our Western Way of Life” PAC. This group is comprised of law enforcement, ag producers, outfitters and guides, and hard working New Mexicans to elect, pro-liberty candidates for office. Building this coalition is just one of the numerous ways Rebecca fought for our values in New Mexico. She has been instrumental in recruiting candidates with these values to run for state and local office and has raised tens of thousands of dollars to help elect Republicans.
According to the American Conservative Union’s (ACU) scorecard, Dow has a 51.04% lifetime rating out of 100%.
Dow joins, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block of Rio Rancho, businesswoman Karen Bedonie of Mexican Springs, financier Greg Zanetti of Albuquerque, and ex-Gary Johnson staffer Tim Walsh of Albuquerque in the Republican field.
Read more about Gov. Lujan Grisham’s scandals here.
Fifth Republican, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, running for governor Read More »