
Lockdown 2.0? MLG threatens ‘everything is on the table’ amid mask, vaxx pushback

On Monday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham spoke to the media in her office for a press conference, confirming to them what many New Mexicans have already been feeling amid the next wave of “Delta variant”  

The Governor claimed it was time to make “any number of tough decisions ” and that “everything is on the table.” 

Now, those fears are already becoming a reality, with Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) sending demanding letters to school districts, including blackmailing them into compliance by threatening to remove their charter, remove superintendents, and even school board members.

Sen. Gregg Schmedes (R-Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Santa Fe) wrote on Monday, “.I just got off the phone with the school board assoc. The New Mexico Public Education Department is threatening to remove superintendents and school board members who pass resolutions against masks. There’s also a threat to remove their insurance.”

Schmedes asked New Mexicans to “please call your local board and superintendent asking them to pass resolutions. The powers in Santa Fe can’t force their will on us if we all participate. Ask simply for local control. Let local boards make their own decisions about masks.” 

The masking and jabbing fiasco begins in places like Albuquerque, where the University of New Mexico is reversing course from a few weeks ago and now requiring every single person on campus to be inoculated with the non-FDA approved virus jab. 

KRQE 13 reports, “In a letter to the campus community Monday night, UNM President Garnett Stokes said officials were optimistic their cash incentive program would prompt enough people to get the shot but she says it has proven not to be enough. The mandate will be for students, facility and staff to get the vaccine as soon as possible and no later than September 30.” 

But other places, such as the Floyd Municipal School District are not complying with the Governor’s push to forcibly mask and jab children and teachers. They voted at the end of July to make masks and inoculations optional, which prompted the Governor’s NMPED to send a threatening letter demanding the district submit by August 3, 2021, or it could result in “could result in adverse licensure actions against licensed individuals, suspension of school board governance, and other applicable enforcement actions.”

The school district did not take kindly to the NMPED’s veiled threats and on Monday voted to send a letter to the Department saying that the NMPED did not have the authority to remove the board for non-compliance. 

Time will tell what adverse actions will result from the Floyd School Board’s unwavering spirit, but it is starting to grow public opinion, with hundreds of New Mexicans joining in statewide protests against Lujan Grisham’s forcible masking of school children. 

It is unclear if the Governor will reinstitute another lockdown, but the last one devastated New Mexico, resulting in 40% of small businesses closing.

Lockdown 2.0? MLG threatens ‘everything is on the table’ amid mask, vaxx pushback Read More »

Sixth Republican, ABQ businessman Louie Sanchez, running for governor

Republican businessman Louie Sanchez has announced that he is running for the Republican nomination for governor, making him the sixth Republican to join the race.

“You go down the main streets of these towns and they used to be bustling,” Sanchez said, according to the Albuquerque Journal. “Now you go down and you see ‘for sale’ signs and ‘going out of business’ signs.”

Sanchez wants to restructure New Mexico’s tax system by easing regulations creating opportunities for businesses.

“I’m not a person who believes we gotta go oil, oil, oil. But you don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” Sanchez said. “And you transition. You don’t just stop (the oil and gas industries) when you don’t have anything to replace it with. … We can’t make oil and gas the evil step child and kick them out.”

Sanchez is a co-owner of Calibers shooting range and a medical sales representative. He previously ran for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in 2020. Sanchez garnered national attention for his stand against incumbent Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s lockdowns.

“We don’t have to continue to argue over who is Democrat or Republican, because we don’t have a Democrat or Republican problem – we have a Michelle Lujan Grisham problem,” Sanchez added.

Sanchez joins Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block of Rio Rancho, businesswoman Karen Bedonie of Mexican Springs, financier Greg Zanetti of Albuquerque, ex-Gary Johnson staffer Tim Walsh of Albuquerque, and state Rep. Rebecca Dow of Truth or Consequences in the crowded Republican field.

If he wins the nomination, he will go head-to-head with alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who previously settled $62,500 with a former staffer after he claimed she poured water over his crotch and grabbed him.

Sixth Republican, ABQ businessman Louie Sanchez, running for governor Read More »

PHOTOS: New Mexicans gathered over the weekend to protest school mask mandates

On Saturday, New Mexicans gathered across the state to protest school mask mandates, with organizers estimating around 500 people statewide showing up to buck Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s mandates.

19 cities and localities joined in the Saturday protest, with Alamogordo, Albuquerque, Artesia, Belen, Carlsbad, Clovis, Deming, Edgewood, Farmington, Las Cruces, Los Lunas, Moriarty, Portales, Rio Rancho, Roswell, Ruidoso, Santa Fe, Silver City and Tucumcari standing up.

According to the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance (NMFA), “Although over half the states in the USA have no school mask mandate, NM school children are still being forced to wear masks. The Governor’s recent change to allow vaccinated students to be unmasked is not enough; ALL students must be allowed to unmask, regardless of their vaccination status.”

Here are some photos from the protests: 

[READ NEXT: MLG’s new NMPED guidelines invoke punitive measures against the unvaccinated]

PHOTOS: New Mexicans gathered over the weekend to protest school mask mandates Read More »

Floyd schools to hold Monday meeting amid threats from MLG’s NMPED over mask mandates

On Monday, the Floyd Municipal School District in Roosevelt County will convene for a special meeting following Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Public Education Department and its “bullying tactics” due to the Floyd schools passing a reopening resolution not mandating masks or social distancing.

Floyd School Board President Leon Nall said to KOB 4, “I don’t think the Department of Education understands what’s going on in rural America.” 

The reasonable approach by the school board includes, “If anyone feels safer with a mask, we have no objections to them wearing masks,” according to Nall. “If anyone has a fear of what we are doing, we will make the accommodations.”

KOB reported, “In Floyd, the average class size is about 12 students. The district said last year they saw many students move to nearby Texas districts or private schools. Their guidelines are meant to help attract students back.” 

The Floyd Municipal School Board will hold a meeting on Monday, August 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the high school computer lab, where the Board will discuss the threats from NMPED. More information on the meeting can be found here.

[READ NEXT: Floyd school district stands up to MLG’s draconian school mask, vaccine mandates]

Floyd schools to hold Monday meeting amid threats from MLG’s NMPED over mask mandates Read More »

NM Redistricting Committee meeting Monday to consider congressional, state House, Senate plans

On Monday at 3:00 p.m., the New Mexico Redistricting Committee will meet at the Santa Fe Capitol to consider congressional, state House, state Senate, and Public Education Commission plans, among other items.

Redistricting has become contentious in the state, despite the “independent” commission, with far-left Democrat lawmakers having a lot to gain by gerrymandering seats to favor Democrats. However, the redistricting process will now have the ability to at least hear the citizens’ petitions and requests for redrawing district maps. 

Speaker of the House Brian Egolf already noted how he aims to draw out Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell from ever winning the Second District again.

Previously on a Zoom call with a left-wing group, Retake Our Democracy, Egolf blasted the idea of an independent redistricting commission, saying, “I think that it puts at unacceptable peril a woman’s right to choose, environmental protection, fairness in taxation.” He added, “It puts at tremendous peril all of the progressive causes that we care about.”

During House floor consideration of the bill, the measure passed 64-2 with Rep. Eliseo Alcon (D-Cibola & McKinley) and now-disgraced former Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo) voting against it. 

Fair districts are important for New Mexicans, especially to keep partisan extremists from influencing the process. To keep these political bad actors out of the process, the Committee must hear from everyday New Mexicans that want fair districts drawn to reflect the cultural, economic, and geographical communities of interest that our state deserves — not to meet partisan ends by far-left groups.

In order to join, you can either attend in-person or via Zoom. 

All the information you will need to attend is below, including the agenda, Zoom link, and rules of the committee: 

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Monday, August 2, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony with the Committee before they begin the development of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

For in-person attendance at meetings:

Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below:  

Agenda & Meeting Materials: View or Download Here

Join Zoom meeting through internet browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85822574375?pwd=dDk5QTFGLy9WcGltajQxMkxjREYyZz09

Meeting ID: 858 2257 4375

Dial-in Number: 1 (346) 248-7799

Passcode: 247365

CRC Rules of Procedure 

Citizens are also encouraged to draw their own district maps and submit public comments via the New Mexico redistricting portal, which can be found here.

NM Redistricting Committee meeting Monday to consider congressional, state House, Senate plans Read More »

NM House Dems tap Gallegos for majority leader post following Williams Stapleton’s resignation

On Saturday, New Mexico House Democrats tapped majority whip Rep. Doreen Gallegos (D-Doña Ana) as acting majority leader following the resignation of former majority leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton, who is under investigation for graft.

Williams Stapleton allegedly took millions from Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) funding, which was spread to businesses tied to her, her son, and non-profits she was associated with. This happened for approximately two decades. 

Following Gallegos’ interim appointment to the post, Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) said, “We are fortunate to have a number of highly-qualified and capable members who would serve as excellent additions to leadership.” He added, “Given the serious responsibilities of this position, we want to ensure that potential candidates and caucus members have the time needed before a careful selection is made.”

“I am honored and ready to step into the role of Acting Majority Floor Leader and ensure that the Majority Office continues to serve all of our constituents seamlessly,” Gallegos said of her appointment. 

The news of Gallegos’ appointment comes amid calls by conservatives, such as Paul Gessing of the Rio Grande Foundation, who are demanding disgraced former Democrat leader Williams Stapleton’s name be taken off of the African American Performing Arts Center at Expo New Mexico which bears the embattled politician’s name.

Gessing says, “We have this facility now named after somebody who is in serious legal hot water, and we don’t know what the results will be, but it doesn’t look good at this time.” He continued, “If she is found guilty of a fraction of what she’s accused of, the name should be taken off the building.”

The Democrats will have to deal with Williams Stapleton’s alleged public corruption and Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s scandal-ridden tenure in 2022, as they seek to keep their majorities and power in the Governor’s Mansion. 

NM House Dems tap Gallegos for majority leader post following Williams Stapleton’s resignation Read More »

Following her resignation, national outlets finally cover Sheryl Williams Stapleton’s alleged graft

On Friday, disgraced former New Mexico House Democrat Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigned both her leadership position and her House seat, claiming, “I have held this position with great distinction and humility.” She is currently under investigation for racketeering, money laundering, and illegal kickbacks, all stemming from alleged political graft by stealing money from the students of the Albuquerque Public Schools.

Following her resignation, national outlets, including Fox News finally began covering Williams Stapleton’s alleged political graft, which KOB 4 reporter Chris Ramirez opined is “perhaps the largest political corruption investigation I’ve reported on.” 

Fox News reported what other outlets had previously, writing, “The search warrant affidavit showed that Stapleton had access to the post office box where checks were being sent to Robotics, and video surveillance showed her depositing checks from the school district for Robotics on multiple occasions.” 

“Stapleton’s legislative actions and more than $950,000 in checks from the company to nonprofits, a restaurant and a bank account linked to her are also being investigated. From there, some money went directly to Stapleton, investigators said.” 

Even the far-left Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board previously wrote, “Though innocent until proven guilty is a standard of proof for court cases, the cloud over Williams Stapleton is serious enough that she should consider resigning sooner than later. At minimum, that frees her up to defend herself and allows a scandal-free representative to be appointed.” Stapleton appears to have heeded her far-left allies’ advice. 

Following the news of Williams Stapleton’s departure, House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) wrote, “I don’t think anyone in the legislature is not shocked by what has occurred over the past week. House Republicans are focused on ensuring that public trust is not eroded and that trust can be restored in our institution. It is of the utmost importance that the public is delivered an investigation that roots out what occurred, where the failures were, and that any and all bad actors- including those that failed to prevent or report- are dealt with swiftly and decisively. New Mexicans expect more out of elected officials and we must hold each other to a higher standard.” 

Other news outlets, such as the Epoch Times, Yahoo News, and others finally picked up the story, which has sent shockwaves across New Mexico and other allegedly corrupt politicians running scared, as the house of cards may be about to fall.

New Mexico House Majority Leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton served as failed Democrat congressional candidate Victor Reyes’ campaign treasurer during the special election to fill Deb Haaland’s seat in the First Congressional District. It is unclear if any impropriety happened with the filings for Reyes’ campaign.

Appointed state Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo, pictured) appears to have been an ally of Williams Stapleton’s, however, it is unclear if she knew of or had involvement with the disgraced former lawmaker’s alleged graft.

READ NEXT: Police execute search warrants at home of Democrat House Leader Sheryl Stapleton

Following her resignation, national outlets finally cover Sheryl Williams Stapleton’s alleged graft Read More »

Allegedly corrupt Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigns in disgrace

On Friday, allegedly corrupt former Democrat majority leader of the New Mexico House of Representatives resigned in disgrace. 

According to the Albuquerque Journal, ​​“House Speaker Brian Egolf revealed the resignation.” 

“Stapleton, an Albuquerque Democrat, is stepping down after 27 years as a member of the state House. She rose to become the House majority leader in 2017, making her the second-highest ranking member of the chamber.” On Saturday, Democrats planned to oust Williams Stapleton at their caucus meeting.

The Journal reports, Williams Stapleton’s “attorney, Ahmad Assed, said he or Stapleton would issue a comment shortly.”

Williams Stapleton was accused of racketeering, money laundering, and receiving kickbacks.

READ MORE: Police execute search warrants at home of Democrat House Leader Sheryl Stapleton

Williams Stapleton’s full resignation letter sent to Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver is below:

Dear Secretary of State Toulouse Oliver:

The continuity in governance over the great State of New Mexico is the highest priority to me. I have been long honored to serve the People of New Mexico as the Majority Floor Leader and as a member of the House of Representatives, and as a public servant for many years. I have held this position with great distinction and humility. Serving this State, and the People. have always been the most important goal in my position. 1 also recognize that the ideals and principles of bipartisanship and bicameralism between the State House of Representatives and the Senate that we have achieved in recent years is a delicate balance that must continue to expand for the continued prosperity of our government and for the People of this great state. This is a pivotal moment that cannot be hindered by any outside interruptions that will impede the continued flow of government and the provision of services to the people of New Mexico.

Due to the recent allegations that have been lodged against me, which I unequivocally deny, I have made the difficult decision that it is in the best interest of the State that I resign my position as the Majority Floor Leader and a member of the House of Representatives. This is a decision that weighs heavily on me, and which I have made after a tremendous amount of consideration of the best interest of the People. In short, because I must devote a significant amount of time and energy to fully defend against these allegations. I believe it is in the best interest of this State and the House of Representatives that my position as both a member of the House of Representatives and Majority Floor Leader be replaced with a representative who can fully and competently resume the tasks and duties that are necessary to continue serving this great State.

I remain loyal to my constituents and my colleagues throughout these trying times, and pledge my full support and cooperation in the continued operation of the House of Representatives and the transition of my position. I care deeply for all of my constituents and colleagues, and I vow to persist in serving the People of New Mexico to the best of my abilities. I thank you all for your continued support and service to the State of New Mexico during this difficult time. I will continue to cooperate and comply with my duties as I strive to put these allegations to rest.

Very truly yours,

Sheryl Williams Stapleton

New Mexico Republican Party Chairman Steve Pearce released a statement following the disgraced former majority leader’s resignation:

“This is a sad day in New Mexico politics. I know Rep. Stapleton personally, and we have worked together, but there’s no excuse for what she’s apparently done. These actions must be dealt with appropriately. She should step down because she has violated the public trust and violated her oath of office to New Mexicans. Rep. Stapleton must be held accountable, and we hope the investigation and judicial process will take the proper course in this matter.”

Allegedly corrupt Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigns in disgrace Read More »

The Alamogordo Public School Board must act to protect children

Since all but one member of the Alamogordo Public School Board has ignored the many pleas from folks in our city and constantly eroded transparency through a failure to act on critical issues affecting the children in the community, this is the last stand I can think of to make them listen.

The first day of school for students starts in just a few weeks and the Board has failed to consider critical resolutions protecting female students’ safety in sports and failed to hold a meeting on the 2021-2022 learning platform — which integrates principles of the racist Critical Race Theory via the “Kickboard” plan implemented in 2019. 

Just a few weeks ago, the School Board cowered in fear of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a radical out-of-state dark money group that threatened to sue the school district if it considered a proposal by APS Board President Angela Cadwallader to ban biological males from female sports.

The ACLU demanded in its threatening letter that the School Board pull the resolution to protect girls’ sports, publicly state that the resolution was “ill-advised,” publish a document “clarifying that the district welcomes, supports, and affirms trans students of all kinds,” and “engage in trans-specific sensitivity training as a Board.” 

Once the ACLU sent their demand letter, the proposal mysteriously disappeared from the next meeting’s agenda, being replaced with banal contract approvals. In the midst of a threat, the School Board kowtowed to a radical “social justice” group’s threats above the safety of Alamogordo students and the citizens who elected the board members. 

This is just the latest failure of the School Board, following their silence on students being forcibly masked in schools by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham — even having to wear face coverings in 100+ degree heat while competing in sports. 

They have refused to call a meeting, as many communities have, to buck these draconian lockdown mandates, which are forcing teachers, students, and school personnel to face copious amounts of testing if they won’t be forcibly inoculated. Lujan Grisham also instituted segregating children based on vaccination status and quarantining/punishing students who do not comply. 

APS has been limp and actionless, such as previously when Board President Cadwaller was the only member to vote against the further closure of APS. 

Now, the board is refusing to act upon children being taught to hate each other based on race, with the school’s Critical Race Theory curriculum, which according to the Kickboard site, includes a “districtwide culture audit,” staff training on “trauma-informed mindsets,” and a focus on “social and emotional wellbeing.”

But despite the countless pressing issues still afflicting APS students and parents, the School Board has failed time and again to prioritize these issues while parents and students run out of time as the new school year approaches.

The APS Board members know what they have to do: reschedule a board meeting to consider pivotal proposals banning boys from girls’ sports and banning racist Critical Race Theory from the curriculum — issues parents deeply care about.

If the School Board instead bows down to the ACLU and radical outside groups that do not know or care about our community, then we have our final answer as to who owns four out of five of our school board members. Hint: it’s not we, the citizens, who have to deal with the catastrophic results of their inaction — it’s out-of-state extremist groups pushing the transgender and Critical Race Theory agendas. 

John Block is a native New Mexican and Alamogordo resident who serves as the editor of PinonPost.com.

The Alamogordo Public School Board must act to protect children Read More »

Floyd school district stands up to MLG’s draconian school mask, vaccine mandates

On Monday, July 26, 2021, the Floyd School Board of Roosevelt County held a special meeting to buck scandal-ridden Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s edicts regarding school masking and vaccinations. It passed a resolution stating that masks are optional, social distancing is optional, transportation will return to normal, no temperature checks, surveillance testing is optional for staff, if a staff member wants to be tested, athletic Teams follow the rules of the teams they visit, allow parents to pick up and drop off students to the classroom, and resume all classroom activities/parent involvement, among other measures.

In a letter obtained by the Roosevelt Review dated July 27, 2021, by former Public Education Department secretary Ryan Stewart, he demanded, “By noon on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, the board must take official action at a public meeting to rescind the actions listed above and/or to adopt a course of action that conforms to the published health and safety requirements.” Stewart resigned on July 29, 2021. 

The School Board’s action came after the Governor mandated objectively unreasonable mandates in schools, including requiring all elementary school children to wear masks all day, requiring students to show proof of vaccinations, or else they must be masked, forced vaccinations on teachers and school personnel or else they are subjected to extreme testing, segregating children based on vaccination status, as well as sending students home if they refuse to comply.

In Stewart’s letter, he added, “A failure by the board to provide written confirmation of a vote rescinding the offending course of action and/or adopting a course of action that conforms to the published health and safety requirements by noon on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, or any further violations of COVID-Safe Practices, could result in adverse licensure actions against licensed individuals, suspension of school board governance, and other applicable enforcement actions. Any punitive actions by the board against the Superintendent, other administrators, or school or district staff for following COVID-Safe Practices may result in immediate suspension of school board governance. Furthermore, the District will be subject to ongoing monitoring and site visits to ensure compliance with health protocols.” 

But Leon Nall of the Floyd School Board wrote, “This information we received was unacceptable to proceed to provide the best possible education for the students of Floyd Municipal Schools.  The Floyd School Board reviewed many documents and audio messages by creditable presenters and authors explaining possible Health risk and the ineffectiveness of preventing the spread of Covid-19 with mask use.  Additional information was reviewed stating the health risk potential of getting the Covid Vaccine.  There are many possible undesirable side effects.”

He added, “The motion was made and passed to proceed without required mask usage.  Mask will be optional and choosing to use will be the decision of the individual in the school district.” 

This is just the latest instance of New Mexicans fighting back against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s extreme mandates. New Mexicans will be holding a statewide school mask protest on Saturday, July 31, 2021. More information can be found here.

UPDATE: On August 2, 2021, the Floyd School Board met to discuss the threats from NMPED and voted to send a letter to the Department writing that NMPED does not have the authority to remove board members based on their vote.

Floyd school district stands up to MLG’s draconian school mask, vaccine mandates Read More »

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