
Following her resignation, national outlets finally cover Sheryl Williams Stapleton’s alleged graft

On Friday, disgraced former New Mexico House Democrat Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigned both her leadership position and her House seat, claiming, “I have held this position with great distinction and humility.” She is currently under investigation for racketeering, money laundering, and illegal kickbacks, all stemming from alleged political graft by stealing money from the students of the Albuquerque Public Schools.

Following her resignation, national outlets, including Fox News finally began covering Williams Stapleton’s alleged political graft, which KOB 4 reporter Chris Ramirez opined is “perhaps the largest political corruption investigation I’ve reported on.” 

Fox News reported what other outlets had previously, writing, “The search warrant affidavit showed that Stapleton had access to the post office box where checks were being sent to Robotics, and video surveillance showed her depositing checks from the school district for Robotics on multiple occasions.” 

“Stapleton’s legislative actions and more than $950,000 in checks from the company to nonprofits, a restaurant and a bank account linked to her are also being investigated. From there, some money went directly to Stapleton, investigators said.” 

Even the far-left Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board previously wrote, “Though innocent until proven guilty is a standard of proof for court cases, the cloud over Williams Stapleton is serious enough that she should consider resigning sooner than later. At minimum, that frees her up to defend herself and allows a scandal-free representative to be appointed.” Stapleton appears to have heeded her far-left allies’ advice. 

Following the news of Williams Stapleton’s departure, House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) wrote, “I don’t think anyone in the legislature is not shocked by what has occurred over the past week. House Republicans are focused on ensuring that public trust is not eroded and that trust can be restored in our institution. It is of the utmost importance that the public is delivered an investigation that roots out what occurred, where the failures were, and that any and all bad actors- including those that failed to prevent or report- are dealt with swiftly and decisively. New Mexicans expect more out of elected officials and we must hold each other to a higher standard.” 

Other news outlets, such as the Epoch Times, Yahoo News, and others finally picked up the story, which has sent shockwaves across New Mexico and other allegedly corrupt politicians running scared, as the house of cards may be about to fall.

New Mexico House Majority Leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton served as failed Democrat congressional candidate Victor Reyes’ campaign treasurer during the special election to fill Deb Haaland’s seat in the First Congressional District. It is unclear if any impropriety happened with the filings for Reyes’ campaign.

Appointed state Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo, pictured) appears to have been an ally of Williams Stapleton’s, however, it is unclear if she knew of or had involvement with the disgraced former lawmaker’s alleged graft.

READ NEXT: Police execute search warrants at home of Democrat House Leader Sheryl Stapleton

Following her resignation, national outlets finally cover Sheryl Williams Stapleton’s alleged graft Read More »

Allegedly corrupt Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigns in disgrace

On Friday, allegedly corrupt former Democrat majority leader of the New Mexico House of Representatives resigned in disgrace. 

According to the Albuquerque Journal, ​​“House Speaker Brian Egolf revealed the resignation.” 

“Stapleton, an Albuquerque Democrat, is stepping down after 27 years as a member of the state House. She rose to become the House majority leader in 2017, making her the second-highest ranking member of the chamber.” On Saturday, Democrats planned to oust Williams Stapleton at their caucus meeting.

The Journal reports, Williams Stapleton’s “attorney, Ahmad Assed, said he or Stapleton would issue a comment shortly.”

Williams Stapleton was accused of racketeering, money laundering, and receiving kickbacks.

READ MORE: Police execute search warrants at home of Democrat House Leader Sheryl Stapleton

Williams Stapleton’s full resignation letter sent to Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver is below:

Dear Secretary of State Toulouse Oliver:

The continuity in governance over the great State of New Mexico is the highest priority to me. I have been long honored to serve the People of New Mexico as the Majority Floor Leader and as a member of the House of Representatives, and as a public servant for many years. I have held this position with great distinction and humility. Serving this State, and the People. have always been the most important goal in my position. 1 also recognize that the ideals and principles of bipartisanship and bicameralism between the State House of Representatives and the Senate that we have achieved in recent years is a delicate balance that must continue to expand for the continued prosperity of our government and for the People of this great state. This is a pivotal moment that cannot be hindered by any outside interruptions that will impede the continued flow of government and the provision of services to the people of New Mexico.

Due to the recent allegations that have been lodged against me, which I unequivocally deny, I have made the difficult decision that it is in the best interest of the State that I resign my position as the Majority Floor Leader and a member of the House of Representatives. This is a decision that weighs heavily on me, and which I have made after a tremendous amount of consideration of the best interest of the People. In short, because I must devote a significant amount of time and energy to fully defend against these allegations. I believe it is in the best interest of this State and the House of Representatives that my position as both a member of the House of Representatives and Majority Floor Leader be replaced with a representative who can fully and competently resume the tasks and duties that are necessary to continue serving this great State.

I remain loyal to my constituents and my colleagues throughout these trying times, and pledge my full support and cooperation in the continued operation of the House of Representatives and the transition of my position. I care deeply for all of my constituents and colleagues, and I vow to persist in serving the People of New Mexico to the best of my abilities. I thank you all for your continued support and service to the State of New Mexico during this difficult time. I will continue to cooperate and comply with my duties as I strive to put these allegations to rest.

Very truly yours,

Sheryl Williams Stapleton

New Mexico Republican Party Chairman Steve Pearce released a statement following the disgraced former majority leader’s resignation:

“This is a sad day in New Mexico politics. I know Rep. Stapleton personally, and we have worked together, but there’s no excuse for what she’s apparently done. These actions must be dealt with appropriately. She should step down because she has violated the public trust and violated her oath of office to New Mexicans. Rep. Stapleton must be held accountable, and we hope the investigation and judicial process will take the proper course in this matter.”

Allegedly corrupt Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigns in disgrace Read More »

The Alamogordo Public School Board must act to protect children

Since all but one member of the Alamogordo Public School Board has ignored the many pleas from folks in our city and constantly eroded transparency through a failure to act on critical issues affecting the children in the community, this is the last stand I can think of to make them listen.

The first day of school for students starts in just a few weeks and the Board has failed to consider critical resolutions protecting female students’ safety in sports and failed to hold a meeting on the 2021-2022 learning platform — which integrates principles of the racist Critical Race Theory via the “Kickboard” plan implemented in 2019. 

Just a few weeks ago, the School Board cowered in fear of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a radical out-of-state dark money group that threatened to sue the school district if it considered a proposal by APS Board President Angela Cadwallader to ban biological males from female sports.

The ACLU demanded in its threatening letter that the School Board pull the resolution to protect girls’ sports, publicly state that the resolution was “ill-advised,” publish a document “clarifying that the district welcomes, supports, and affirms trans students of all kinds,” and “engage in trans-specific sensitivity training as a Board.” 

Once the ACLU sent their demand letter, the proposal mysteriously disappeared from the next meeting’s agenda, being replaced with banal contract approvals. In the midst of a threat, the School Board kowtowed to a radical “social justice” group’s threats above the safety of Alamogordo students and the citizens who elected the board members. 

This is just the latest failure of the School Board, following their silence on students being forcibly masked in schools by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham — even having to wear face coverings in 100+ degree heat while competing in sports. 

They have refused to call a meeting, as many communities have, to buck these draconian lockdown mandates, which are forcing teachers, students, and school personnel to face copious amounts of testing if they won’t be forcibly inoculated. Lujan Grisham also instituted segregating children based on vaccination status and quarantining/punishing students who do not comply. 

APS has been limp and actionless, such as previously when Board President Cadwaller was the only member to vote against the further closure of APS. 

Now, the board is refusing to act upon children being taught to hate each other based on race, with the school’s Critical Race Theory curriculum, which according to the Kickboard site, includes a “districtwide culture audit,” staff training on “trauma-informed mindsets,” and a focus on “social and emotional wellbeing.”

But despite the countless pressing issues still afflicting APS students and parents, the School Board has failed time and again to prioritize these issues while parents and students run out of time as the new school year approaches.

The APS Board members know what they have to do: reschedule a board meeting to consider pivotal proposals banning boys from girls’ sports and banning racist Critical Race Theory from the curriculum — issues parents deeply care about.

If the School Board instead bows down to the ACLU and radical outside groups that do not know or care about our community, then we have our final answer as to who owns four out of five of our school board members. Hint: it’s not we, the citizens, who have to deal with the catastrophic results of their inaction — it’s out-of-state extremist groups pushing the transgender and Critical Race Theory agendas. 

John Block is a native New Mexican and Alamogordo resident who serves as the editor of

The Alamogordo Public School Board must act to protect children Read More »

Floyd school district stands up to MLG’s draconian school mask, vaccine mandates

On Monday, July 26, 2021, the Floyd School Board of Roosevelt County held a special meeting to buck scandal-ridden Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s edicts regarding school masking and vaccinations. It passed a resolution stating that masks are optional, social distancing is optional, transportation will return to normal, no temperature checks, surveillance testing is optional for staff, if a staff member wants to be tested, athletic Teams follow the rules of the teams they visit, allow parents to pick up and drop off students to the classroom, and resume all classroom activities/parent involvement, among other measures.

In a letter obtained by the Roosevelt Review dated July 27, 2021, by former Public Education Department secretary Ryan Stewart, he demanded, “By noon on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, the board must take official action at a public meeting to rescind the actions listed above and/or to adopt a course of action that conforms to the published health and safety requirements.” Stewart resigned on July 29, 2021. 

The School Board’s action came after the Governor mandated objectively unreasonable mandates in schools, including requiring all elementary school children to wear masks all day, requiring students to show proof of vaccinations, or else they must be masked, forced vaccinations on teachers and school personnel or else they are subjected to extreme testing, segregating children based on vaccination status, as well as sending students home if they refuse to comply.

In Stewart’s letter, he added, “A failure by the board to provide written confirmation of a vote rescinding the offending course of action and/or adopting a course of action that conforms to the published health and safety requirements by noon on Tuesday, August 3, 2021, or any further violations of COVID-Safe Practices, could result in adverse licensure actions against licensed individuals, suspension of school board governance, and other applicable enforcement actions. Any punitive actions by the board against the Superintendent, other administrators, or school or district staff for following COVID-Safe Practices may result in immediate suspension of school board governance. Furthermore, the District will be subject to ongoing monitoring and site visits to ensure compliance with health protocols.” 

But Leon Nall of the Floyd School Board wrote, “This information we received was unacceptable to proceed to provide the best possible education for the students of Floyd Municipal Schools.  The Floyd School Board reviewed many documents and audio messages by creditable presenters and authors explaining possible Health risk and the ineffectiveness of preventing the spread of Covid-19 with mask use.  Additional information was reviewed stating the health risk potential of getting the Covid Vaccine.  There are many possible undesirable side effects.”

He added, “The motion was made and passed to proceed without required mask usage.  Mask will be optional and choosing to use will be the decision of the individual in the school district.” 

This is just the latest instance of New Mexicans fighting back against Gov. Lujan Grisham’s extreme mandates. New Mexicans will be holding a statewide school mask protest on Saturday, July 31, 2021. More information can be found here.

UPDATE: On August 2, 2021, the Floyd School Board met to discuss the threats from NMPED and voted to send a letter to the Department writing that NMPED does not have the authority to remove board members based on their vote.

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‘This isn’t a debate’: MLG forces state employees to get vaccinated ‘or else’

On Thursday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced she will force all employees of the State of New Mexico to be vaccinated with the non-FDA approved COVID-19 inoculation, otherwise, they will be subjected to an unreasonable amount of testing, effective beginning August 2, 2021.

“Under the order, state employees who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 shall be required to demonstrate a negative COVID-19 test at least once every two weeks,” a press release from the Governor’s office read. 

“State employees who are not fully vaccinated, under the order, must wear a facemask when indoors during the course and scope of their employment — with minor exceptions for eating and drinking. (Pursuant to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is recommended vaccinated individuals resume wearing facemasks indoors as well.)” 

The Governor also threatens termination of State employees if they refuse to be coerced into taking the vaccine or if they do not subject themselves to the extreme testing criteria. The press release reads, “Employees who do not comply may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination, in accordance with applicable law.” 

Lujan Grisham proclaimed, “Right now, it’s very simple: Get a vaccine, or else you will be tested.” She added, “There will be no quarter for this virus within state government offices. I will not tolerate any unnecessary risk within the workforce under my authority. And I strongly encourage other New Mexico government agencies and private sector employers to consider doing the same.”

“I have absolutely zero appetite for another unnecessary surge of infections, hospitalizations and death,” the Governor added. “This isn’t a debate. The vaccines are safe, and they work. Misinformation to the contrary will lead to illness and death — not to mention full hospitals and economic disruption.”

“If you are eligible to be vaccinated and choosing not to, you are giving the virus an opportunity to mutate and spread. Please do not jeopardize anyone’s life, anyone’s livelihood or our state’s economic recovery. Get vaccinated,” she demanded.

Following her order, the Republican Party of New Mexico blasted the order, with Chairman Steve Pearce writing, “This is the latest example of Gov. Lujan Grisham overstepping her authority and having government make personal choices for its citizens. Now she is threatening to fire any state employee if they don’t comply with her executive order.”

“Again, there is no rhyme or reason to her random decisions. The Governor has never had a logical or sensible plan to deal with the pandemic from day one, and this latest knee jerk reaction to deal with COVID is a slap in the face to hardworking state employees. No science, just politics. The Governor should be focused on what’s happening at our border as more and more people with COVID are crossing into New Mexico. They are coming here with no proper health checks, vaccinations or masks, posing great threats to the health and well-being of New Mexicans,” he added.

The sudden move by Lujan Grisham comes after months of fear-mongering over the supposed “Delta variant,” which she claims is more dangerous than COVID-19.

‘This isn’t a debate’: MLG forces state employees to get vaccinated ‘or else’ Read More »

MLG’s Green New Deal resulting in likely brownouts by next summer

As warned by many pro-energy groups, including the most vocal Power the Future, which as foretold of brownouts due to Gov. Lujan Grisham’s Green New Deal, that stark reality is likely coming true, according to the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM). 

In August of 2020, a little over one year after New Mexico passed its “Energy Transition Act,” also known as the “Green New Deal,” Larry Behrens, western states director for Power the Future warned, “New Mexico’s families must continue to face the real consequences of pushing an agenda that doesn’t provide power when we need it most.” 

Behrens reacted to the news, writing, “Warnings of brownouts are just the latest in a list of failures brought on by this forced transition. Electric rates are also on the rise and New Mexicans are set to lose their jobs simply because this law was rushed through so quickly that supporters didn’t want to acknowledge the predictable consequences. New Mexico’s leaders need to listen to the warnings, put aside their special interests and plan to deliver reliable electricity before it’s too late.”

In northeast New Mexico, the Energy Transition Act has forced the closure of the San Juan Generating Station by PNM, leaving countless New Mexicans without jobs and only around 80 employees able to retire. “For the rest of the employees, though, they’re going to have to go find some other form of employment,” said plant manager Omni Warner. 

Even far-left enviro-Marxist groups have begged the Legislature to make changes to the Energy Transition Act before it completely wrecks the state.

But the pleas from the left and the right have fallen on deaf ears, and now the corrosive piece of legislation may force PNM to rely on a “brownout” next summer due to the “energy lost with the anticipated closure of the coal-fueled” San Juan Generating Station, reports the Santa Fe New Mexican.

Brownouts entail a drop in voltage in the electrical power supply system, which could mean dimmer lights and lower power levels for New Mexicans. According to PNM spokesman Ray Sandoval says that PNM “generally has a 2,000-megawatt system with about 500 megawatts provided by the San Juan Generating Station.” 

With the closure of the San Juan Generating Station, it has purged countless jobs, with only around 80 employees able to retire. “For the rest of the employees, though, they’re going to have to go find some other form of employment,” said plant manager Omni Warner. 

Now, as well as a loss of jobs, the closure of the San Juan Generating Station means a loss of 500 megawatts of energy to New Mexico. When asked what options PNM has, executive Tom Fallgren said, “We are looking at any and all options. … And we continue to beat the bushes, so to say, for other opportunities as well.”

As for the other effects of New Mexico’s Green New Deal, other than brownouts and lost jobs, electric utilities, including XCEL Energy, are asking to raise rates on their customers because of the Energy Transition Act, passing off large costs back to the consumers.

Left-wing environmentalists will claim that the massive uptick in unemployment rates is all related to the pandemic and not Lujan Grisham’s Green New Deal. However, New Mexico’s neighboring state of Texas has gained energy jobs every single month since last September, unlike New Mexico. 

New Mexico is bleeding cash by the day as the Governor’s assault on the energy industry worsens. New Mexicans are being laid off with no fallback other than the state’s flailing unemployment system run by Lujan Grisham’s cabinet appointees. 

Now, New Mexicans will be seeing brownouts in their future, and this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding New Mexico’s energy future.

READ NEXT: [FULL LIST: These sitting ‘GOP’ legislators voted for MLG’s ‘mini’ Green New Deal]

MLG’s Green New Deal resulting in likely brownouts by next summer Read More »

Reporter says Stapleton probe ‘perhaps the largest political corruption investigation I’ve reported on’

On Wednesday, in wake of the news that number two Democrat in the New Mexico House, majority leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo), was under investigation for racketeering, money laundering, and illegal kickbacks, New Mexicans responded to the news.

One of the most shocked, and ironically so was Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who claimed to be “deeply troubled” by the reports, and that “public officials must always hold themselves to the highest possible standard of behavior.” 

Lujan Grisham is currently under investigation by the State Ethics Commission for misuse of campaign funds. She previously paid an ex-staffer $62,500 for allegedly pouring water on his crotch and then grabbing his penis.

KOB 4 reporter Chris Ramirez wrote on Twitter, “This is perhaps the largest political corruption investigation I’ve reported on.”

Dan McKay of the Albuquerque Journal wrote on Twitter that Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Bernalillo) and “other Democratic leaders” say they are “shocked and dismayed by the deeply troubling allegations against” Stapleton.

The Republican Party of New Mexico wrote that “If the allegations prove true, they are a disturbing violation of the sacred public trust.” 

Far-left state Sen. Jacob Candelaria weighed in on Twitter, writing, “Will she remain majority leader? And for how long??” 

According to Leader Stapleton’s latest financial disclosure, the only income she reported was from the Albuquerque Public Schools and land in Sandoval County.

PHOTO: Screenshot via KOB 4.

Reporter says Stapleton probe ‘perhaps the largest political corruption investigation I’ve reported on’ Read More »

Alleged groper MLG amid Dem leader probe: Gov’t must be held to highest ‘standard of behavior’

On Wednesday, following news that Democrat majority leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo) had been served search warrants by the Attorney General’s Office, scandal-ridden Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued the following statement:

“I am deeply, deeply troubled by the reports this morning about a law enforcement investigation into Rep. Stapleton. People are innocent until proven otherwise, and I know investigators will follow the facts wherever they lead. I await more information like all New Mexicans. But I will say that public confidence in government is seriously damaged by even the appearance of impropriety, or illegal activity, which is why public officials must always hold themselves to the highest possible standard of behavior. New Mexicans expect and deserve elected officials who, regardless of party, will put the people before themselves. Anything less violates a sacred public trust and must be dealt with accordingly.”

The sentiments from the Governor ring hollow for many New Mexicans, as she previously spent millions in taxpayer dollars without the Legislature’s approval, had hundreds of millions of dollars go missing from the Department of Workforce Solutions, had paid off $62,500 to an ex-staffer who alleged she poured water on his genitals and grabbed his penis, and paid off her daughter $6,000+ for cosmetics with campaign funds. 

Now, her sudden urge to have public servants “always hold themselves to the highest possible standard of behavior” comes off as massive hypocrisy.

The Albuquerque Public Schools superintendent Scott Elder notified Attorney General Hector Balderas of Leader Stapleton’s relationship with a company, Robotics Management Learning Systems LLC, that has done more than $5 million in business with APS over the last 13 years.

Alleged groper MLG amid Dem leader probe: Gov’t must be held to highest ‘standard of behavior’ Read More »

Police execute search warrants at home of Democrat House Leader Sheryl Stapleton

On Wednesday, it was reported by Albuquerque Journal and confirmed by KOB 4 that law enforcement was executing search warrants at the home of Democrat House majority leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo). 

“Investigators have been investigating Williams Stapleton’s links to a Washington D.C. based company, Robotics Management Learning Systems LLC, that has done more than $5 million in business with APS over the last 13 years,” reported the Journal.

“The investigation began at the request of APS Superintendent Scott Elder after the district’s procurement department began asking questions about the company and its relationship with Williams Stapleton in 2018.” 

The letter, signed April 19, 2021, reads as follows:

Ms. Williams Stapleton has for a period of years made requests for procurement from a software known as “Cyber Quest” which is purportedly developed by a Washington D.C. company called Robotics Management Learning System, LLC (“Robotics”). To the best of the APS Finance Department’s knowledge, these procurements occurred for several years without a proper request for proposal (“RFP”) and response. When the Procurement Officer caught this irregularity and issued an RFP, Robotics indicated in its response that no conflict of interest existed. However, the Finance Department noticed that despite being D.C.-based, Robotics requested checks be remitted to an Albuquerque, New Mexico P.O. Box. This P.O. Box had at one time belonged to a person named David Hendrickson, which is the same name as one of Ms. Williams Stapleton’s children. On his Facebook page, David Hendrickson lists his job is listed as a “coordinator” for Robotics. Also, the owner of Robotics, Joseph Jackson, appears to be both a personal friend and the president of the same non-profit Ms. Williams Stapleton works for as a director. 

Additionally, Ms. Williams Stapleton has also requested the procurement of the services from a company known as TriTech Enterprises, LLC (“TriTech”), which is owned by a man named Randolph Williams. TriTech purports to conduct teacher trainings on use of the software known as “Cyber Quest” and appears to have close ties to Robotics. Both Robotics and TriTech charge the exact same amount for the exact same trainings, but it is unclear why both organizations are paid for the same trainings. The frequency of the trainings is questionable and the quality of the software is suspect. 

By separate letter, APS will present to you additional information about Ms. Williams Stapleton and Robotics. Instead of waiting to provide you all the available information, I thought it best to notify you just as soon as I became aware of this situation. As we become aware of additional information, we will provide it to you by separate letter.

According to the report, “Search warrants were also served on businesses and charities connected to Wiliams Stapleton and her family.” 

KOB reports that Stapleton is under investigation for racketeering, money laundering, and receiving illegal kickbacks, according to the warrant.

The report continues:

According to the warrant, every invoice issued by Robotics to APS was for an even dollar amount, no cents, and in unchanging amounts over the years. Most were reportedly for $40,000. In all, APS paid Robotics more than $5.3 million. 

Rep. Williams Stapleton is also directly involved with four companies that received payments from Robotics: The Charlie Morrisey Center for Creative Assitance Inc., the Ujima Foundation, S. Williams and Associates, and local restaurant A Taste of The Caribbean.

Evidence suggests that she was eventual recipient of 60% of the APS money — $954,386. Investigators are looking into additional payments that were redirected into her personal bank accounts.

 Stapleton has served in the House since 1995 and has been known as a loud partisan voice pushing for the wills of teacher’s unions. She is the longest-serving Democratic member in the New Mexico House of Representatives. As majority leader, Stapleton is the second-highest-ranking Democrat in the House after Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe).

On her campaign website, Stapleton writes, “Some people are concerned about being important, we can all be important, but we cannot all serve the public.  I have chosen to be a public servant rather than be important.” New Mexicans will soon see if her words ring true or are just hollow rhetoric.

This is a developing story.

Police execute search warrants at home of Democrat House Leader Sheryl Stapleton Read More »

MLG wants citizens, even the fully vaccinated, to wear masks indoors in fear of ‘Delta variant’

On Tuesday, scandal-ridden Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled for sexual assault, announced that she had brought back her request for New Mexicans to wear masks indoors, even if they are fully inoculated. 

Her announcement came after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) once again made a backflip in its guidelines, which previously said fully jabbed individuals could go without a mask indoors. Now, due to the “Delta variant” of the virus, it is recommending that “everyone in areas of substantial/high transmission should wear a mask, even if vaccinated.” 

Lujan Grisham, who has been fear-mongering over the Delta variant for some time now, previously said, “It’s a deadly virus, it’s not going to go away. This variant is serious.” 

Either she had some insider information on the CDC’s next move, or her wish came true because now she is reinstituting her pleas for citizens to follow the draconian mask guidelines.

On Twitter, she wrote, “Per the latest @CDCgov guidance, we recommend that all New Mexicans wear a mask indoors out of an abundance of caution as we work to suppress the Delta variant. Unvaccinated New Mexicans are urged to schedule their vaccination appointments immediately at”

Joe Biden said, “The more we learn about this virus and the delta variation, the more we have to be worried and concerned. And there’s only one thing we know for sure — if those other 100 million people got vaccinated, we’d be in a very different world.”

Lujan Grisham has been pushing for New Mexicans to get the inoculation, even using $10+ million in taxpayers’ money to bribe New Mexicans via a lottery. She used the percentage of jabbed individuals as a benchmark to “reopen” the state, and coincidentally, all 33 counties turned “turquoise” (the best benchmark) right before her re-election launch.

As the school year comes around the corner, Lujan Grisham has instituted new guidelines forcing masks on kindergarteners, segregating children based on vaccination status, forcing students to carry around proof of vaccination status, and mandating unreasonable testing requirements on teachers and staff.

[READ NEXT: MLG’s new NMPED guidelines invoke punitive measures against the unvaccinated]

MLG wants citizens, even the fully vaccinated, to wear masks indoors in fear of ‘Delta variant’ Read More »

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