Woke Santa Fe paper claims CRT doesn’t exist in NM schools
On Monday, the far-left Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board went all-in on defending the racist Critical Race Theory teachings that are indoctrinating New Mexico school children.
The leftist editorial board wrote, “Fights over what is being taught in schools are happening across the United States, framed as parents fight back against so-called critical race theory. Which, by the way, is not being taught in K-12 public schools, if facts mattered.”
The New Mexican’s editorial board appears to have been sleeping under a rock since just in 2021, it was reported that in the Albuquerque Public Schools alone, children were being taught Critical Race Theory through its social studies curriculum.
As we previously reported:
The book list includes the revisionist “A People’s History of the United States” by discredited leftist indoctrinator, Howard Zinn, “A Queer History of the United States for Young People” by left-wing activist Richie Chevat, “THINK Race and Ethnicity” by Mona Scott, which is chock full of racist Critical Race Theory principles and “social justice” indoctrination regarding feminism, immigration, and race in general.
Dr. Lindsay writes on Twitter, “This isn’t education. It’s Critical Theory programming.” He noted that the books shown are for the “social studies curriculum only. Don’t be alarmed that no math or science, etc., is on there. It’s not meant to be.”
“Nearly all of the proposed social studies curriculum in Albuquerque, NM, schools is geared around Critical Theory interpretations of American history and social life. The goal would obviously be to make students think negatively about their country and state. I should also point out how much of the recommended reading list is feminist, which will serve the same Critical agenda. The goal is, yet again, to criticize the existing society (per Marx’s ‘ruthless criticism of everything that exists’) to demolish faith and support for it.” he continued.
“Many of these books will be defended as ‘providing a different perspective/voice,’ and people will be challenged to say what they think is wrong about alternative perspectives/voices. That’s a trap. It’s the leveraging of all curricula to Critical Theory ends, which is wrong.”
The paper claimed that those who are against teaching Critical Race Theory in elementary schools through the updated social studies standards are fighting fictitious “elites” that are attempting to indoctrinate children, calling the outrage “a bunch of hooey.”
They went on to claim pushback over the standards by New Mexicans constitutes “alarmist language”
“That it is becoming a wedge issue in the 2022 election season is unfortunate. The nation and state face real challenges — a pandemic, the climate crisis, rising prices, homelessness and so many more. Time spent going after a threat to children that does not exist is time wasted,” it added.
The New Mexican’s editorial board concluded, “History is rich enough to include many voices. That’s a longstanding New Mexico tradition in this the state of ‘united cultures.’ To do any less would fray the ‘perfect friendship’ among those cultures.”
But the divisive topics that made it to the final version of these standards is not “rich cultural history”
These include having children “[a]ssess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement.”
Other divisive language in the standards include anti-Hispanic racism targeting Spanish settlers in the United States. One standard reads that students are to “[c]ompare the patterns of exploration, destruction and occupation of the Americas by Spaniards.”
But to the Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board, this is what encompasses a “rich history,” as taught in public schools while CRT supposedly doesn’t exist, in their opinion.
Woke Santa Fe paper claims CRT doesn’t exist in NM schools Read More »