New Mexico

NM taxpayers’ return on investment revealed in new report

A new report published by WalletHub revealed the states with the best and worst returns on investments of taxpayer money, with New Mexico ranking low on the list.

WalletHub wrote, “Different states have dramatically different tax burdens. This begs the question of whether people in high-tax states receive superior government services. Likewise, are low-tax states more efficient or do they receive low-quality services? In short, where do taxpayers get the most and least bang for their buck?”

According to the analysis, taxpayers in New Hampshire, Florida, Alaska, South Dakota, and Texas took the top five spots, respectively.  

California ranked 50th as the lowest state, with Hawaii coming in 49th and New Mexico ranking slightly better at 48.

While New Mexico ranked 49th for overall government services, residents paid the 24th-best tax rate in the nation.

Following the 2023 Legislative Session, New Mexico might be ranked below Hawaii or California due to a new Democrat-led tax package that raises alcohol taxes by 20 percent and cigar taxes to a full 25% of the price, among other measures that will increase taxes to the tune of around $100 million annually.

Commenting on the legislative session, the Rio Grande Foundation wrote, “Overall, the session, even with a $3.6 billion surplus, offered no fundamental approach to economic development or anything else.”

Other numbers from WalletHub show New Mexico ranks 49th in education ahead of only Alaska, 34th in health, 48th in safety, 49th economically, and 30th regarding infrastructure and pollution.

Source: WalletHub
Source: WalletHub

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NM GOP calls for probe into MLG following Trump arrest rumors

On Tuesday, the Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) demanded an investigation into Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham over claims by a former staffer, James Hallinan, that the then-candidate for governor groped him.

The calls from RPNM come amid Manhattan, New York’s district attorney Alvin Braggs trying to indict President Donald Trump for “allegedly falsifying documents as ‘legal expenses’ concerning hush money paid to Stormy Daniels and potentially breaking New York campaign finance law” as the party put it in a news release.

The Party continued: 

These seven-year-old accusations resurface after Stormy’s hush money case was previously dismissed by a federal judge who ruled the suit “irrelevant.” Stormy also filed a defamation case against Trump and lost, also losing a subsequent appeal to the Supreme Court. Daniels’ lawyer has since been found guilty of extortion and fraud.

The return of these accusations against Trump shows the signs of another political witch hunt. Even those critical of Trump have blasted the district attorney’s potential indictment. One such critic, lawyer and former Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, highlighted the political agenda surrounding this case saying, “This is 100% political. 

There is no basis for this prosecution, but with the judiciary in New York, you never know.” These claims are especially cogent when district attorney Braggs has recently vowed he would not prosecute numerous non-violent crimes.

While the investigations into former President Trump have turned up fruitless, there are almost identical charges against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham that New Mexico prosecutors refuse to investigate.

RPNM Chairman Steve Pearce, a former congressman from New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, wrote, “Instead of harping on finding fault in Trump, who, after years of probing investigation, is continually vindicated, the left should begin an investigation into the eerily similar charges against our Governor.”

Ahead of the 2022 gubernatorial election, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign paid out $150,000 in alleged hush money to her former campaign staffer, who accused her of grabbing his genitals and making sexually demeaning comments to him. The Lujan Grisham campaign then refused to explain an additional $87,500 payment, labeled “legal expenses,” to the law firm believed to have represented the Governor in her sexual harassment case.

“This is a perfect example of the left’s hypocrisy. While the media continues an uproar over weak accusations against Trump, no investigation has been made into the substantial accusations against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham,” wrote Pearce. 

RPNM continued in the press release, “We call for New Mexico prosecutors to investigate the accusations against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. RPNM believes nobody is above the law and that truth, not politics, should determine justice.”

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Photo rendering of the proposed Holtec consolidated interim storage facility courtesy of Holtec International.

Law trying to ban Holtec project faces imminent court challenge

During the 2023 Legislative Session, Democrats rammed through the extreme S.B. 53 despite bipartisan opposition. 

Sens. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) and Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D-Bernalillo), as well as Reps. Ambrose Castellano (D-Ribera), Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos), Meredith Dixon (D-Bernalillo), Patricia Lundstrom (D-Gallup), and Joseph Sanchez (D-Alcalde), joined all Republicans in opposition to the unconstitutional bill.

The bill, sponsored by state Sen. Jeff Steinborn (D-Doña Ana) and Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe), aims to preempt the company Holtec International from being able to safely store used nuclear fuel rods in a temporary facility in Eddy and Lea Counties. Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham quickly signed it.

These safe fuel rods, housed in secure casks, would be transported by rail to the facility on train shipments specifically for storage. The project would account for over 350 new jobs. 

The casks are immune to hurricanes, floods, tornados, earthquakes, and even the impact of a plane crash. There would be no adverse effect on wildlife nor on groundwater, no radiological consequences in the event of a fire, and an inconspicuous design. 

The project, which already has gotten a positive environmental impact statement from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), is set to be approved within the next few weeks following the statement’s positive recommendation.

Despite the safe and secure record of nuclear production and storage from Holtec International, Democrats weaponized anti-nuclear propaganda during the committee process and on the House and Senate floors to claim the safe facility would turn New Mexico into a dumping ground — despite the facility not being permanent. The spent fuel would be stored at the Holtec site “until the Federal Government provides a repository for permanent storage or other permanent disposition as required by law,” according to Holtec. 

New Mexico is ideal for such a facility due to its “typography, arid climate, [the] sparse population at the site’s location, and proximity to transportation infrastructure,” Holtec wrote.

Now, Holtec is signaling a legal challenge against the unconstitutional. Holtec spokesman Patrick O’Brien wrote, “Passing a bill that is pre-empted by federal law and will be adjudicated accordingly in the courts is a counterproductive action that inhibits the state’s growth in the area of clean energy,” adding, “The project is safe, secure and does not impact the environment negatively and does not interfere with oil and gas production.”

Even former Attorney General Hector Balderas, a Democrat, wrote that the state has no jurisdiction to ban nuclear fuel storage in New Mexico.

He wrote in 2018, referencing case law, “Taken together, both Bullcreek and Nielson clearly establish two principles: first, that the NRC has the statutory authority to license and regulate consolidated interim nuclear waste storage facilities, and secondly, that the comprehensiveness of that federal regulatory scheme preempts virtually any state involvement.” 

Balderas further wrote in the opinion, “While there are a large number of factors that are considered by the NRC in evaluating a license application, state approval is not among them.” 

Even the Joe Biden administration has recognized the need for nuclear fuel, writing that it “made a commitment to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the energy industry by 2035. Nuclear energy is a part of that solution.” 

Despite all sides coming together in support of nuclear energy being a viable solution to our nation’s energy needs, Democrats continue to harp on decades-old fear tactics to keep investment, namely the multi-billion-dollar Holtec project, from investing in New Mexico’s future. However, the court challenge to the unconstitutional law is imminent.

Photo rendering of the proposed Holtec consolidated interim storage facility courtesy of Holtec International.

Law trying to ban Holtec project faces imminent court challenge Read More »

Haaland cancels Native American village’s Trump-era land agreement

Joe Biden’s U.S. Interior Department Secretary Deb Haaland, a former Democrat congresswoman from New Mexico, canceled the Alaskan ​​Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove’s 2019 land agreement between the tribe and the Interior Department.

“The land exchange would have allowed a road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge that lies between the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska,” reported Native News Online (NNO).

Haaland’s office claimed the 2019 land agreement, signed by President Donald Trump’s former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, “contained several procedural flaws and was not consistent with Departmental policy” in defense of the cancellation of the tribe’s land deal.

“Tuesday’s announcement kills plans for a road to King Cove, Alaska, where almost 1,000 residents live, without access by a road. Currently, residents must travel by air or boat to get to more populated areas of Alaska,” NNO further reported. 

Haaland said following the announcement, “The debate around approving the construction of a road to connect the people of King Cove to life-saving resources has created a false choice, seeded over many years, between valuing conservation and wildlife or upholding our commitments to Indigenous communities. I reject that binary choice. I am a lifelong conservationist, and I believe deeply in the need to protect our lands and waters and honor our obligations to Tribal Nations. Respecting Tribal sovereignty means ensuring that we are listening – really listening – to Tribal communities.”

Suzanne Downing of Must Read Alaska wrote after the announcement: 

When Haaland was pressured to approve the ConocoPhillips Willow Project, a modest oil field in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, she did so against her will.

Haaland choked up while speaking with a room of Alaska Natives from the radical side of the spectrum who oppose the drilling permit, as she explained her agency had “difficult choices to make,” according to those present at the meeting.

​​Now, however, Haaland is in a dark mood. She lost face among Nuiqsut village leaders when she was forced to announce the Willow record of decision, and she was out for blood. She took her revenge on the people of King Cove, about half of which are Alaska Natives, by unilaterally taking back the land the department had already traded.

Haaland’s actions are inconsistent with her stated support for the Natives of Alaska. She denied a life-saving road for the purpose of face saving, virtue signaling and score settling in a corner of the world that the Biden Administration continues to treat as a colony.

Haaland has once again gone against tribal interests to instead side with radical left-wing “climate change” activists who would rather see these nations fail than give the Agdaagux Tribe autonomy.

Haaland cancels Native American village’s Trump-era land agreement Read More »

Lujan Grisham signs bill giving life-sentenced minors chance of parole

On Friday, the day before the 2023 Legislative Session adjourned, Democrat New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed S.B. 64 by Rep. Gail Chasey and Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo), which would give inmates sentenced as juveniles the opportunity for parole after 15 years in some cases.

The bill would even give school shooters, rapists, and other criminals sentenced from age 14 to 17 the opportunity for a parole hearing. This would include if the then-juvenile was tried and convicted as an adult. 

On the House floor Monday, Republicans unsuccessfully tried to add amendments to the bill.

Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) wrote on Twitter following her amendment being tabled, “Bad bills are usually heard after midnight — right on cue, Dems presented a bill to allow early parole of 20 years for minors who willfully and deliberately premediate a murder.  I presented an amendment to exclude those that RAPE and murder a child, Dems said no.” 

Another amendment offered by Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo) would have exempted mass shooters from being eligible for parole. That amendment also died. 

“Late last night and early this morning (11:16 pm yesterday to 2:16 am today), we debated SB64 letting mass shooters/rapists/other life-sentenced criminals convicted as minors get parole hearings. Dems passed it and killed my amendment excluding mass shooters,” wrote Block.

Rep. Andrea Reeb (R-Clovis) offered an amendment extending the parole deadlines in the bill. Democrats killed that amendment.

The bill allows the inmate to get a parole hearing every four years, which Republicans noted would “revictimize” the families of those harmed or victims themselves. 

Another measure, S.B. 29 by Sen. Bill O’Neill (D-Bernalillo), “allows early parole for anyone over 55 with an ‘age-related disease,’ which, according to WHO, includes hearing loss, cataracts, back/neck pain, osteoarthritis, diabetes, depression, etc.,” according to Rep. Lord.  

Lord offered an amendment to O’Neill’s bill that would exempt pedophiles from being eligible for early parole, but “Dems said no,” she wrote. 

Despite a massive crime wave plaguing New Mexico, especially Albuquerque, Democrats failed to pass much meaningful crime legislation targeting criminals. They instead opted to reward criminals with early parole and target law-abiding gun owners in bills such as H.B. 9, which passed and was signed by Gov. Lujan Grisham.

During the 2023 Legislative Session, over 200 bills passed. It is unclear how many the governor will sign. She has until April 7, 2023, to act upon the passed legislation, or else it will be “pocket vetoed,” meaning it will be discarded due to inaction.

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NM legislature adjourns with only one anti-gun bill reaching governor’s desk

On Saturday at noon, the New Mexico House and Senate adjourned from the 2023 Legislative Session. The adjournment meant the death of many anti-gun proposals that would have restricted citizens’ constitutional rights. Only one bill, H.B. 9, mandating the lockup of firearms, passed and was signed by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The dead gun-grabbing legislation includes S.B. 44 banning citizens from carrying a firearm within 100 feet of a polling place during an election, S.B. 428 targeting firearm retailers and manufacturers with frivolous lawsuits, H.B. 100 banning most firearms over 10-round capacity, and H.B. 101 mandating a 14-day waiting period before firearm purchases.

S.B. 427, which is similar to H.B. 101 banning magazine capacity, died, while S.B. 116, mandating a person must be 21 to purchase a firearm, did not make it across the finish line.

Other bad bills, such as H.B. 426 to create a “clean fuel standard” (resulting in increased gas prices), along with H.J.R. 4 to install the “Green Amendment,” died in their first chamber. 

Other extreme legislation, such as H.B. 399 to attack counties’ sovereignty, died, while a proposal, H.J. R. 8, to pay legislators salaries fizzled in the Senate. 

H.B. 25 to raise the minimum wage to over $16.00 per hour, S.B. 77 mandating electric vehicle charging stations be put in all new homes, H.B. 263 to create taxpayer-funded drug dens for addicts to shoot up, and H.B. 230 to astronomically increase the cost of alcohol, all died. 

A tax package that will increase taxes overall by around $100 million did pass, although it is unclear if it will be signed into law by Gov. Lujan Grisham. That package included a minor additional tax on alcohol. 

Following the end of the session, the Republican Party of New Mexico wrote, “We knew progressives would take advantage of their majority in the legislature to push through their radical agenda this session. However, despite being in the minority, Republicans successfully passed beneficial legislation and halted other unconstitutional bills from becoming law.”

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Dem lawmakers ram through bad bills ahead of Saturday adjournment

On Friday, New Mexico legislative Democrats rammed through many extreme bills during the last full day of the 2023 Legislative Session.

Some of these bills included: 

S.B. 53: Trying to preempt Holtec from building a nuclear storage facility in southeastern New Mexico. Democrats, including sponsor Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe, Sandoval), erroneously claimed the company would make the state the “dumping ground” of spent nuclear fuel but failed to talk about how safe the facility is or the vast economic opportunities its location in the Land of Enchantment would be. It passed on a mostly party-line 35-28 vote. It was quickly signed by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

S.B. 13: The chamber endorsed the radical bill that would censor pro-life speech and ban extradition of criminal abortionists who break the law in other states passed the House despite bipartisan opposition and a lengthy three-hour debate. It passed 38-30, with six Democrats joining all Republicans in opposition. 

S.B. 468: The bill declaring a state holiday for the radical far-left labor activist Dolores Huerta passed the House by a vote of 50-10.

S.B. 426: The bill creates a new civil rights division in the Attorney General’s Office that will cost New Mexicans millions over the next three-year period. Its creation was because of the state’s Civil Rights Act which attacks local government and police departments by opening the door to floodgates of frivolous lawsuits.

All anti-gun bills other than H.B. 9, which would mandate the locking up of firearms, appear to be dead as both houses of the legislature speed ahead toward a 12:00 noon adjournment on Saturday.

One key item of legislation, H.B. 547, a tax package that could raise taxes by over $114 million annually, is still up in the air due to the House and Senate not agreeing on the bill’s provisions. It could pass on Saturday if both chambers agree with changes made in a conference committee.  

There have been rumors Gov. Lujan Grisham is thinking about a special session, but news of such a move would likely only be known following the end of the current session.

Dem lawmakers ram through bad bills ahead of Saturday adjournment Read More »

Many Dem anti-gun bills facing likely death as legislature wraps up

As of Thursday, the New Mexico House and Senate have passed one anti-gun bill that has been sent to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for a signature — H.B. 9 felonizing New Mexicans who do not lock up their guns.

However, other anti-gun bills are waiting in the legislature waiting for either the House or Senate to take action.

S.B. 44, sponsored by Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe), bans citizens from carrying a firearm within 100 feet of a polling place during an election, including absentee ballot drop boxes. There are no exceptions for concealed carry or for having a firearm in one’s car within 100 feet of that polling location. The bill has passed through the Senate but still awaits action by the House to approve it.

S.B. 428 by Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana), which targets firearm retailers and manufacturers, is an “attempt to circumvent the Federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act through New Mexico’s Unfair Practices Act. The bill would try [to] make it easier to sue a firearm manufacturer or retailer in New Mexico,” according to the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association. The bill would still need to advance from House Judiciary Committee and then be passed by the full House, which is unlikely. 

H.B. 100 and 101 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe) have yet to advance to the full House. H.B. 101, which is to mandate a 14-day waiting period before firearm purchases, has not been scheduled for a floor vote. 

H.B. 100, which would make most New Mexico gun owners felons by labeling their firearms over 10-round capacities “assault weapons,” has not been scheduled for House Judiciary Committee. Due to the late date, it is likely dead since it has not even passed through one house. 

A similar bill in the Senate, S.B. 427 By Cervantes and Romero, has yet to pass through the full Senate.

S.B. 116 by Sen. Carrie Hamblen (D-Doña Ana) would mandate a person must be 21 to purchase a firearm. The bill is still stuck in the Senate Judiciary Committee and is likely dead since it has not even passed through the full Senate chamber yet.

On Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 12:00 noon, the 2023 Legislative Session will end, where the final results will show if Democrats can successfully ram through any other anti-gun bill before the clock runs out. 

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House committee kills Dem ‘paid family leave’ bill

On Monday, the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee voted 6-5 to table S.B. 11, a proposal mandating up to 12 weeks of “paid family leave” for all New Mexico businesses.

The move would have been a multi-million dollar tax on employees that would have forced small businesses and employees to pay into a fund for paid leave. 

According to the group Better Together New Mexico, “SB 11, the Paid Family Medical Leave Act  (PFMLA) is estimated to cost well over $400 million dollars if it becomes law. This act forces employees and employers to pay out of pocket into a fund managed by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions. That’s the same agency that overpaid an estimated $250 million dollars in unemployment benefits during 2020-21.”

“Many New Mexicans are already dealing with the financial strain of inflation, and for many families, an additional .5% of their wages would go into this state-managed fund.”

The bill carried by Rep. Linda Serrato (D-Santa Fe) died with two Democrats, Reps. Patricia Lundstrom (Gallup) and Marian Matthews (Albuquerque) voting with all four Republicans against the costly measure.  

“Lundstrom also expressed concern about the long-term solvency of the initial fund, saying it’s likely businesses would have to pay more to keep it afloat down the line,” according to the Santa Fe New Mexican.

With the 2023 Legislative Session ending at noon on Saturday, the bill is undoubtedly dead.

Supporters of the extreme bill, including AARP New Mexico, told reporters they are optimistic the bill will come back in another legislative session, despite its extreme cost to businesses and workers, who would be significantly taxed for the socialized program.

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Dems’ extreme election code rewrite heads to governor’s desk

On Monday, the New Mexico House of Representatives voted 42-25 to concur with the Senate’s changes of H.B. 4, an extreme rewrite of many portions of the state’s election code. The bill now goes to the governor’s desk.

Provisions in the bill would erode election security by letting felons vote, mandating a permanent absentee voter list, ballot drop boxes, and mandating voters be automatically registered at the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD), where they would have to opt out by mail.

There were many concerns in committees and during floor discussions about the bill infringing on religious freedoms because some religions do not permit voting. Forcibly registering people to vote would be a violation.

According to the bill’s fiscal impact report, the Taxation and Revenue Department reports that “implementation of this bill will have a high impact on its IT Division. The estimated time to develop, test, and implement the changes is approximately 2,704 hours or 17 months and approximately $717,700 ($567,800 contractual resources including gross receipts tax and staff workload costs of $149,900). The bill will require MVD to partner with [the Secretary of State’s office] to make changes to the interface between the two agencies.”

According to the New Mexico Sun, “The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) strongly opposes HB 4. NMBC President Carla Sonntag published a letter arguing that the legislation would endanger both voting rights and voting system integrity in many ways, including automatically registering voters without their consent, increasing the likelihood of non-U.S. citizens being registered to vote and giving full voting rights to felons prior to completion of parole/probation.”

Provisions on the Senate side that were amended in include giving county clerks the opportunity to get waivers from the Secretary of State’s office to opt out of ballot drop boxes and clarifying language regarding prisons and detention facilities.

The bill now goes to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk for a signature.

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