New Mexico

‘Back the Blue’ freedom ride scheduled for Saturday in Española

On Saturday, there will be a “Back the Blue” freedom ride to support Law Enforcement co-hosted by April Salazar and Audrey Trujillo.

The ride is listed as a “family-friendly community event,” which will “be honoring our men and women in blue, first responders, and our armed forces. We are Americans and we will be standing for our Constitutional rights.” 

The ride begins at 11:30 A.M. MDT, then a peaceful protest will follow featuring “prominent law enforcement speakers, music, networking, voter registration, and more.” 

Thousands of people from all across the state have been invited, and the patriotic, pro-Law Enforcement event is expected to garner a large audience both for the ride and for the event itself. 

The event details, according to the Facebook invite are below: 

11:00 am Riders (bikes, vehicles, horses) will gather at 923 North Riverside Dr NM 87532 (property adjacent to Pizza 9)

Freedom Ride/caravan will start at 11:30am

The Ride will end at 923 North Riverside Dr NM 87532 (starting location) where we will have a peaceful protest.

Bring your cars, trucks, bikes, horses and ride with us as we make a bold statement. Bring your signs, banners, and flags to show support and stand for your issues/grievances. Wear a blue or patriotic shirt if you can. Then join us after as we honor our law enforcement, first responders and then get to hear from a variety of great speakers.

The link to the Facebook event for more information can be found here. 

Piñon Post editor sends letter to Congress urging them to deny MLG’s request for federal bailout

On Friday, Piñon Post editor and owner John Block sent a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services to urge them not to consider Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s September 10, 2020 testimony requesting a government bailout. 

During the Governor’s testimony, she requested funds due to the low oil prices and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite her unilaterally closing down the state and punishing small business owners and local governments who defied her orders. 

Block’s letter focuses on the Governor’s inappropriate use of government funds without the state Legislature’s permission, and about the careless spending by the Administration on “whimsical” and “far-out” social programs that are eating away at hundreds of millions of dollars in the state’s once-full coffers. 

“Lujan Grisham claims, ‘We all know, and I know that tightening our belts in the coming months, and years, is critical. And in some places like New Mexico, we already have.’ But her all-out assault on the oil and gas industry, which contributes 39% of our budget, by signing the radical anti-oil ‘Energy Transition Act,’ is already causing oil and gas producers to flee our natural resource-rich state — something that began far before oil prices dipped and COVID-19. Her wasteful spending on unnecessary and unwanted social programs is not ‘tightening our belt,’ especially when in a crisis. She refuses to pinch pennies to fulfill her expensive campaign promises instead and save face with the voters.” writes Block.

Block continues:

As a native New Mexican, I see the state I know and love hurting due to the fiscal irresponsibility of Gov. Lujan Grisham. While other states are back open, the Governor has repeatedly weaponized her office to play politics with this deadly pandemic, militarize her Attorney General as her attack dog to go after local leaders, and use her platform to belittle our citizens with personal attacks.

Once a great example of growth and prosperity, our state has been flushed away by years of failed leadership and heavy federal reliance, with not much to show for it. Our state is number 50th for child well-being, 49th for Crime and Corrections, 48th for Opportunity, 47th for Fiscal Stability, etc. 

New Mexico is the third most federally dependent state. Despite the massive influx of government funds, the state’s leaders, led by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Rep. Ben Ray Luján, Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, Rep. Deb Haaland, Sen. Tom Udall, Sen. Martin Heinrich, and others have squandered the taxpayers’ hard-earned money. 

And so I humbly request that you dismiss the New Mexico Governor’s September 10th testimony and do not further fund the supposed public servant who continues only to serve her special interests and political connections while ignoring the small businesses and working families of the Great State of New Mexico. 

The full letter can be found below:

Block urges all other New Mexico citizens and small business owners to send correspondences to the Committee by email or by mail to the addresses below:

U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Democrats:

The Honorable Chairwoman Maxine Waters
2129 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4247
Fax: (202) 225-6952

Ranking Member Patrick McHenry
Financial Services Committee | Republicans
4340 O’Neill House Office Building
Washington, DC 20024

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s September 10, 2020 testimony can be found below:

President Donald Trump endorses Yvette Herrell for Congress in CD-2

On Thursday afternoon, President Donald J. Trump endorsed former state Rep. Yvette Herrell, nominee for Congress in New Mexico’s Second District.

“Yvette Herrell (@Yvette4Congress) is a proven fighter for New Mexico! She strongly supports our Brave Law Enforcement, Life and the Second Amendment. Strong on the Border and Trade, Yvette has my Complete and Total Endorsement! #NM02,” wrote the President. 

Herrell retweeted the post and wrote, “Thank you @POTUS @realDonaldTrump! It’s an honor to have your endorsement, and I look forward to partnering with you in Congress to continue the Great American Comeback! #nmpol #NM02

The Republican Party of New Mexico wrote, “Xochitl Torres Small has consistently voted against President Trump despite running as a self-described “moderate.” We must elect @Yvette4congress and restore conservative values to Congress and New Mexico.” 

Herrell faces incumbent Democrat Rep. Xochitl Torres Small in the November 3 General Election. President Trump won the District by 10 points in 2016 and Torres Small voted with the Democrats in her party to impeach Trump on two counts in December of 2019. Torres Small also votes with Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi 95% of the time, according to ProPublica.

Millionaire NM House Speaker Egolf owes $10k in back taxes while taking $350k in CARES Act funds

On Thursday, the Republican Party of New Mexico sent out a press release showing a tax lien document revealing that Santa Fe state representative and Democrat Speaker of the House Brian Egolf owes over $10,000 in federal back taxes. 

Even worse, Egolf applied for and accepted up to $350,000 in federal stimulus funding in April from President Trump’s CARES Act while owing thousands of dollars to taxpayers. The CARES Act funds were meant to help suffering businesses get through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce wrote, “With Democrats in charge, Santa Fe liberals like Brian Egolf have raised taxes on hard-working New Mexicans by hundreds of millions of dollars,” 

“But the top New Mexico House Democrat won’t pay his own taxes, going back to even before he was elected speaker. Speaker Egolf should step down and pay back what he owes the taxpayers in full.”

“Speaker Egolf has led Democrats in jamming through the largest tax increase in state history not once, but twice—all while he owed thousands of dollars in federal taxes,” Raye Byford, Republican candidate for House District 47, said. “New Mexico deserves better than a hypocritical Santa Fe politician who says one thing and does another. I join Chairman Pearce in calling for Speaker Egolf to step down and make good on his debt to the taxpayers.”

Speaker Egolf, a Santa Fe lawyer, whose house is worth over $1 million, and his net worth is estimated in the millions.

According to the Republican party of New Mexico release, “Since becoming speaker in 2017, Egolf has led House Democrats in ramming massive tax increases through the legislature—including two which were the largest in state history at the time they were passed. In his first year as speaker, Egolf led New Mexico House Democrats in passing the largest tax increase in state history out of the House at $350 million. In 2019, Egolf and House Democrats doubled down and once again passed the largest tax increase in state history that was eventually signed into law—this time $580 million.” 

ABQ City Council rejects measure asking Legislature to strip away gun rights

On Wednesday, the Albuquerque City Council came to a decision not to pass an anti-gun resolution that would have sent a proposal to the legislature requesting they strip the “firearms pre-emption clause” from Article II, Section 6 of the state constitution. The measure would ask for the revision to the article of the Constitution to be put on the ballot for voters’ approval.

The anti-gun measure, which would have potentially allowed cities like Albuquerque to pass whatever restrictions on guns they would like, would offer citizens no protection, and subject them to extreme restrictions on their constitutively protected right to own a firearm. 

According to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, “Only five states — CT, HI, MA, NJ & NY, all bastions of gun control — have no preemption law or constitutional protection.  Preemption ensures uniformity in state gun laws wherever you live, work or travel so that law-abiding citizens don’t unknowingly run afoul of confusing and conflicting local restrictions.”

The measure failed on a vote of 4 to 5, with Council Members Klarissa J. Peña, Brook Bassan, Cynthia Borrego, Trudy Jones, and Don Harris all opposing the measure. The resolution’s sponsors, Diane G. Gibson and Isaac Benton, as well as Pat Davis and Lan Sena, supported the failed measure.

Massive MAGA crowd gather on chilly ABQ day at ‘Hispanics for Trump’ HQ, signaling red wave

On Wednesday, a massive red wave of support showed up for the third day of the New Mexico “Women for Trump” bus tour in Albuquerque at the Hispanics for Trump headquarters. Hundreds of President Trump supporters showed up in support of the Make America Great Again plan to turn New Mexico red (Republican) in November.

Despite the chilly 44-degree weather, patriotic conservatives came out holing American flags, wearing MAGA hats, and other Trump gear, signaling massive support for the Republican agenda in the Land of Enchantment. 

The Democrat Party of New Mexico or the Joe Biden campaign have not held any such event nor have their zoom calls appeared to rile up their base. 

President Trump vowed to win New Mexico in 2020, and the President’s campaign team has consistently highlighted the state, especially during the Republican National Convention, where three speakers hailed from New Mexico. 

The Women for Trump bus will also stop at the Rio Rancho campaign headquarters at 11:00 P.M. MDT on Wednesday. 

Anti-Hispanic hate group triggered after poll shows 53% oppose removing Oñate statues in NM

On Monday, the Albuquerque Journal released results of a poll it did through local pollster Brian Sanderoff’s firm, Research & Polling Inc., asking whether New Mexicans agreed or disagreed with the removal of Don Juan de Oñate statues. 

“While 53% of those queried said they oppose renaming public buildings or removing statues of Oñate, 27% said they support doing so. The remaining 20% were evenly split between “mixed feelings/depends” and “undecided/didn’t know/wouldn’t say,” reports the Journal.

All categories polled, based on gender, age, and political party, age, and education level all had a majority opposing the measure to tear down Oñate monuments.

“Among Hispanics, 28% supported removing statues while 54% opposed it. Anglos expressed similar opposition: 24% supported their removal and 53% opposed it. Sanderoff said Native Americans were polled, but because they make up such a small percentage of likely voters – 4% – the group was too small to report on statistically,”  the Journal explained.

The Journal interviewed far-left “The Red Nation” chair Elena Ortiz, who tried to brush off the results, which her group, closely tied to domestic terrorism, disagreed with. “Human beings, human societies evolve and begin to change and really strive to make communities safe welcoming inclusive places. … We’re not trying to erase history; we’re trying to contextualize it, and we’re trying to reframe the narrative,” she said. 

The poll comes in the wake of Oñate statues being ripped down across the state, from one longtime standing statue in Alcalde to the La Jornada sculpture garden on the Albuquerque Museum grounds. Violent “The Red Nation” agitators have weaponized the issue to attempt to take down historical landmarks and even defaced statues. Some of the targets include the obelisk sitting in the heart of downtown Santa Fe, a bronze statue of Don Diego de Vargas in Santa Fe’s Cathedral Park, a statue of Catholic Priest Fray Angélico Chávez, and other such statues. 

In July, The Red Nation hate group held an anti-Semitic, Hezbollah-tied rally in Albuquerque, where they held vulgar signs and hated on the people of Israel, screaming at onlookers “F**k you” while they held Palestinian flags. 

The Red Nation hate group wrote in a racist, now-deleted blog post, “the ‘Hispanic’ or ‘Spanish American’ racial identity was a fiction created to make New Mexico appear ‘white enough’ to join the U.S. since both identities privileged a European or Spanish heritage even if the population was mixed or descended from detribalized peoples. New Mexico’s statehood was delayed until 1912 because white Anglos felt the territory did not possess a white majority, so a new ‘race’ of whites had to be created.”

It is clear why the majority of New Mexicans do not support canceling Spanish history and culture, and that is because the opposition to erasing the rich Hispanic culture in New Mexico is closely tied to bigotry and erasing Spanish heritage. 

Sign the petition to bring the Don Juan de Oñate statue back to its rightful place in Alcalde.

‘Campaign suppression’: Leftists vandalize, steal GOP political signs as Election Day nears

On Sunday, Max Walker of Santa Fe started a GoFundMe page to raise funds for him to rebuild after leftists destroyed his homemade Donald Trump signs, which were ripped to shreds by a lone vandal he caught on camera taking off the sign.

Walker’s GoFundMe page is called “Stop campaign suppression,” and looks to raise funds to buy new signs and better surveillance to catch the hoodlums destroying his private property. As of Monday at 8:50 A.M., the page has raised $92 of the $500 goal.

Across the state, other Republican political candidates have been faced with left-wing vandals destroying their signs. Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) has faced multiple attempts by violent leftists supposedly aligned with the militant hate group Black Lives Matter, which has written, “F*ck Trump” and “BLM” on the signs.

Sen. Gregory Baca (R-Belen) has also faced vandals taking to his signs, in apparent support for his opponent, Democrat Paul Baca. The gangbangers painted over the name “Greg” and wrote “Paul” above it. 

Sen. Baca said of the incident, “The opposition has resorted to criminal activity to dissuade our campaign, but we will prevail. Your vote counts!” Others have reported their signs, specifically their Trump signs, being stolen in Rio Rancho, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and other places in the state.

The fascistic approach Democrats and leftists have taken to rip down opposing viewpoints is nothing new. In 2016 during President Trump’s first campaign for the presidency, vandals repeatedly destroyed and stole signs in support of President Trump all across New Mexico. In some cases, vandals cut out the “T” and “P” in the signs or stole them altogether.

During the 2018 midterm elections, leftists defaced Republican political signs, either by ripping them to shreds, slapping racist stickers displaying divisive things like “White Male Republican” on them, cutting out letters, or plowing the signs down with vehicles.

With the election is a little under two months away, Republicans will have to be much more vigilant of the “tolerant” leftists with a penchant to suppress support for Republicans by taking down their free speech, even if by force. 

FACT CHECK: New Luján ad falsely claims Trump, Ronchetti won’t cover pre-existing conditions

One day after Ben Ray Luján sent out a fundraising email complaining about his opponent for U.S. Senate, Republican Mark Ronchetti’s claims that Luján is a Washington, D.C. insider, he has released a new attack ad of his own, which blatantly lies about Ronchetti’s policy positions, specifically on health care.

The ad says Ronchetti “supports Trump’s plan to gut protections for pre-existing conditions like cancer and heart disease.” 

The accusation, which the ad doesn’t even give a reference for (because the claim cannot be backed up with facts), is false information because Ronchetti and President Donald Trump have made it crystal clear they support the coverage of pre-existing conditions, no exceptions. 

According to an interview with the Roswell Daily Record

Republican candidates across the country such as Ronchetti have been accused by Democrats of supporting a lawsuit backed by Trump and several Republican attorneys general that could abolish the Affordable Care Act.

Ronchetti calls such accusations ridiculous. He said he wants to improve health care and said any replacement plan must include protections for people with pre-existing conditions and not cut Medicaid.

“So you can put that in 10-inch bold type: We want to cover pre-existing conditions and will protect Medicaid. Period. End of discussion,” he said.

There is no ambiguity in the fact that Ronchetti supports the coverage of pre-existing conditions and the protection of Medicaid, “period.”

President Trump has on multiple occasions made it clear he has no plans to cut Medicaid or gut coverage of pre-existing conditions, even going as far as to propose signing an executive order to that effect. He campaigned on protecting pre-existing conditions in 2016, which he has not wavered from.

According to Reuters: 

Asked on Monday why he needed an executive order to mandate something that is already legally required, Trump said it would provide “a double safety net” and would “let people know that the Republicans are totally, strongly in favor of … taking care of people with pre-existing conditions.”

Ben Ray Luján’s ad not only tells blatant mistruths about President Trump’s and Mark Ronchetti’s policy positions, but it should also be taken down as false information by the “fact-checkers” and denied from being played on television stations due to its wildly inaccurate content. 

Not-so ‘fierce’ Deb Haaland chickens out of TV debate, following Ben Ray Luján’s lead

It was reported by KOB 4 that incumbent Democrat Rep. Deb Haaland (NM-03) is refusing to debate her Republican challenger, Michelle Garcia Holmes, on the network, despite the KOB 4 asking multiple times for Haaland to appear at the televised event.

KOB 4 writes, “A debate between the NM 1st Congressional candidates, Incumbent Democrat Rep. Deb Haaland and Republican Challenger Michelle Garcia Holmes, will not happen. Garcia Holmes agreed to a proposed debate, however Rep. Haaland did not despite repeated efforts by KOB 4 to work with her campaign.”

Garcia Holmes responded to Haaland’s apparent fright to debate by writing on her Facebook page, “The voters deserve answers, especially from incumbents, Haaland is no longer ‘fierce’ and has become, “Debate Dodging Deb”, as she refuses KOB’s invitation to debate. Call her congressional office and ask her why…. (505)346-6781”

Garcia Holmes is referring to Haaland’s repeated social media posts and campaign slogans telling people to “be fierce” and trying to brand herself as “fierce.” However, by chickening out of a televised debate, which is objectively probably the least a person running for Congress is expected to do, it appears she is following Rep. Ben Ray Luján’s lead and forgoing such a public display of her record.

Ben Ray Luján only accepted one televised debate on KRQE 7 News and a softball forum on the left-wing PBS affiliate, KNME. He declined both the KOB 4 and KRQE 13 debates. KOB 4 plans to still hold the debate with Mark Ronchetti, Luján’s Republican opponent, as well as a Libertarian candidate while leaving an empty chair for Luján if he wants to join in.  

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