Piñon Post

All three of NM’s congressional reps. want illegals to vote in U.S. elections

House Republicans and several Democrats approved a bill on Wednesday to expand proof-of-citizenship requirements for federal elections and impose voter roll purges on states. The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act passed with a 221-198 vote, with five Democrats supporting it. 

Despite this, New Mexico’s Democrat Reps. Gabe Vasquez, Melanie Stansbury, and Teresa Leger Fernandez opposed the bill, showing a clear divide even within the Democrat Party. The vote shows the trio’s support for allowing illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections.

The legislation is unlikely to progress in the Senate due to strong Democratic resistance. President Biden has also promised to veto it. Critics argue that the bill’s core idea—making noncitizen voting illegal—is redundant and more likely to disenfranchise U.S. citizens than prevent illegal voting.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) insisted on the House floor that the bill is necessary because noncitizens have participated in U.S. elections, despite existing laws against it. Johnson stated, “Even though it’s already illegal, this is happening.” He further emphasized the need for the legislation to prevent noncitizen voting and to make it unlawful within states.

The far-left “Brennan Center for Justice” cataloged 30 suspected cases of noncitizen voting out of 23.5 million. The notion that noncitizens are voting and that Democrats are importing undocumented immigrants for electoral gains is central to the bill’s purpose.

The Heritage Foundation found illegal alien voting in abundance, including 11,000 illegals previously registered on Virginia’s voter rolls. 

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), who introduced the bill, argued that progressive Democrats use open border policies and attack election integrity laws to transform America. Roy’s stance is that Democrats aim to leverage undocumented immigrants to maintain one-party rule.

“This is a matter of national security and election integrity, and Gabe Vasquez is willing to compromise both just to avoid contradicting Biden’s open border. NM-02 deserves better than someone who would sell out their votes like that,” wrote National Republican Congresional Committee Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar following the vote. 

“The only reason New Mexico’s Democratic representatives would oppose states requiring proof of citizenship to vote is because they want illegal immigrants to vote in our elections,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Spokeswoman Ash Soular. “They stood by while Joe Biden let 10 million illegal immigrants into our country and now, they’re going to stand by while our national security, election integrity and democracy are threatened. Only American citizens should be allowed to vote in U.S. elections. The SAVE Act is a common-sense and crucial step to restoring confidence in our voting system.”

ACLU, leftists pressure MLG to call off her imminent special session

A coalition of far-left advocacy organizations and behavioral health providers is urging Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham to cancel a special legislative session set to commence in less than two weeks. This coalition, comprising progressive-leaning groups that generally support the governor’s policies, expressed their concerns in a letter sent on Tuesday.

The letter implores the governor to “halt” the special session and instead “engage further with community experts” on her plans to address mental health and public safety issues in New Mexico, suggesting that these topics be tackled during the regular 60-day session next year.

“With less than two weeks to go before session is slated to begin and an obvious lack of consensus between lawmakers on the (continually shifting) legislative proposals, there is simply no way to achieve the solutions New Mexicans deserve,” the letter asserts. “Moreover, a special session that will conclude in a matter of days with little to no opportunities for community feedback is not conducive to passing true and lasting safety solutions.”

The coalition includes the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Mexico, the Center for Civic Policy, Common Cause New Mexico, Equality New Mexico, and the New Mexico Conference of Churches. The governor’s office has not yet responded to requests for comment, while the ACLU writes that “the governor’s rushed legislative proposals will not improve public safety.”

The coalition’s letter outlines three primary concerns. Firstly, they oppose legislation that would broaden the definitions of “harm to self” and “harm to others,” making it easier to “force someone into a locked mental health facility.” The letter argues that this approach fails to address the “underlying issue of critical shortages in voluntary care” and could violate constitutional rights, cause trauma, and increase distrust in New Mexico’s care systems.

Secondly, the coalition raises issues with a competency bill that would expand involuntary civil commitment. The proposal would mandate the detention of individuals who are not competent but also not dangerous and require legal proceedings to initiate their civil commitment. “Legislation that mandates detention and the initiation of involuntary commitment proceedings for certain individuals with mental illness in the criminal courts strips prosecutors and judges of their ability to make discretionary, case-by-case assessments regarding an individual’s freedom,” the letter states, suggesting this could lead to unjust outcomes.

Lastly, the coalition opposes a roadway safety bill that would prohibit loitering on highway medians with certain conditions. They argue that this legislation would unfairly penalize vagrants without addressing broader issues like pedestrian safety or the need for affordable housing and supportive services. “Legislation that will saddle [vagrants] with unpayable fines and jail time does nothing to meaningfully address pedestrian safety or solve our dearth of affordable housing and wrap-around services,” the letter contends.

“The state must urgently re-invest in communities, expanding access to voluntary treatment and affordable housing to tackle the root causes of these issues. The governor’s proposals – which are based on punishment and coercion – will only worsen the very issues she aims to fix,” wrote the ACLU in a fundraising email announcing its opposition to the governor’s imminent special session. 

The coalition emphasizes their respect for the governor and acknowledges the importance of the ongoing conversation about mental health and public safety. “We are grateful to you for accelerating this critical dialogue, but real solutions deserve more time than we have. They also deserve more robust dialogue and partnership with community organizations like ours,” the letter concludes, urging more thoughtful and inclusive policymaking.

Heinrich panned by all sides for ‘chikens**t’ statement on Biden

In the most confusing statement imaginable, New Mexico’s far-left Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich released a statement on the status of Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities following the elderly Democrat’s disastrous debate performance against 45th President Donald Trump on CNN.

Heinrich, who has long been a Biden apologist, wrote, “I love Joe Biden. He’s the most accomplished President of my lifetime and he’s a genuinely wonderful human being.”

He added a caveat, noting, “However, what I care most about is the preservation of our democracy. President Biden needs to continue to demonstrate that his debate performance was just a bad night, and that he has a clear path to defeating Donald Trump. Our democracy hangs in the balance.”

The carefully worded statement that said much of nothing gives Heinrich an out if the political tides turn and he has to shift to calling for Biden’s replacement, as many Democrats, including U.S. Sen. Pattie Murray of Washington, suggest in their carefully worded statements. 

Following the non-statement after almost two weeks of dodging, the Republican Party of New Mexico’s Chairman, Steve Pearce, wrote, “Senator Heinrich’s vague statement reveals the havoc that has descended upon the Democratic Party. Heinrich’s previous blind loyalty to Biden and his special interest groups now makes it difficult for him to answer honestly about the President’s mental and physical ability to lead the country.”

The Republican official added, “New Mexicans deserve leadership with the courage to say it like it is and put the best interests of our state and nation first.”

The senator’s statement was widely panned in the comment section of his X post, with leftists and conservatives all commenting that either Biden needs to drop out or that Biden will lose to Trump. Some have even gone so far as to call the statement “chickens**t.”

Heinrich faces a fierce challenge from Republican Nella Domenici, whose father, Pete Domenici, served the state in the U.S. Senate for 36 years. Recent polls show Domenici within the margin of error, trailing the Democrat by a mere two points. 

RFK, Jr. campaign praises Maggie Toulouse Oliver as he makes NM ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign has officially secured a spot on the New Mexico ballot, as announced on Saturday. The campaign collected 11,202 signatures, significantly surpassing the state requirement of 3,561, which is half a percent of the votes cast in the last gubernatorial election. Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse-Oliver certified Kennedy’s eligibility for the vote, as confirmed by his campaign.

“We appreciate Secretary Oliver’s efficiency in certifying the Kennedy-Shanahan ticket in New Mexico,” stated Paul Rossi, senior counsel for the Kennedy campaign. “It is refreshing for a secretary of state to avoid the partisan interference of election officials in Nevada and North Carolina.”

This follows recent challenges faced by Kennedy’s campaign in other states. In North Carolina, the Electoral College voted to exclude Kennedy and fellow independent candidate Cornel West from the ballot. Similarly, in Nevada, Kennedy’s petitions were invalidated due to the omission of his running mate’s name, prompting a lawsuit and the resubmission of revised petitions.

Earlier this week, Secretary of State Toulouse-Oliver’s office reviewed petitions from several independent candidates. Alongside Kennedy, Chase Oliver, the national Libertarian Party nominee, was also confirmed for the presidential race in New Mexico. However, petitions from Cornel West and Shiva Ayyadurai were rejected.

Kennedy, son of former New York Senator and 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, is running as an independent candidate. According to FiveThirtyEight’s polling average, he is currently polling at nearly 10% nationally.

Kennedy’s campaign reports that he is now on the ballot in 10 states: California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Minnesota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and New Mexico. The campaign has filed signatures in 12 additional states and claims to have collected enough in five more.

45th President Donald Trump wrote on Truth Social in April that Kennedy is “far more LIBERAL than anyone running as a Democrat, including West and Stein,” referencing third-party candidates Cornel West and Jill Stein (Green Party). Kennedy chose a far-left attorney as his vice-presidential running mate.

Leftist NM columnist says NM Dems must call for Biden’s ouster

In a striking op-ed, Milan Simonich, a leftist columnist for the Santa Fe New Mexican, has called for Joe Biden to be replaced as the Democrat nominee for the 2024 presidential election. Simonich’s argument is rooted in a belief that Biden’s declining performance threatens to undermine the Democratic Party’s chances in closely contested races.

Simonich points to Biden’s recent debate performance against 45th President Donald Trump as particularly damaging, stating, “Biden no longer inspires confidence. Instead, he is on track to depress turnout, making Trump more formidable.” 

He writes that Biden’s presence at the top of the ticket could be detrimental, especially in swing districts, potentially tipping the scales in favor of Republican candidates like Yvette Herrell in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District.

Herrell, a former Republican congresswoman, is seeking to return to Congress after a reportedly narrow loss to Democrat Gabe Vasquez in 2022. Simonich notes that “Biden’s presence at the top of the ticket might be enough to tip their rematch to Herrell.” 

The column also underscores the potential impact on other Democrat candidates, including Sen. Martin Heinrich. Facing a challenge from Republican Nella Domenici, Heinrich’s campaign could be adversely affected by Biden’s declining popularity. Simonich warns that “Heinrich’s campaign for a third term becomes harder with Biden heading the Democratic ticket.”

Simonich calls on New Mexico’s Democratic delegation to take a stand, criticizing their lack of action, commenting, “New Mexico’s delegation has exhibited no such courage or candor.” He argues that prominent Democrats must urge Biden to withdraw from the race for the good of the Democrat Party and the country. “For its own self-interest and the good of the country, the New Mexico delegation should tell Biden to withdraw from the election,” he writes.

Highlighting the broader implications, Simonich asserts that “Biden’s ego would be bruised by a Democratic uprising, but the alternative is much worse.” He claims that nominating a supposedly stronger candidate at the Democratic National Convention could reinvigorate the party and improve its chances of success in the general election.

Milan Simonich’s call for Biden’s replacement reflects growing concerns within the Democrat Party about his ability to lead them to victory in 2024. His far-left column emphasizes what he sees as the urgency of decisive action to secure a stronger future for Democrats, advocating for a new nominee who can galvanize the electorate and counter the Republican challenge effectively. According to leaked Democrat polls, the only formidable known candidate to go up against Trump in November would be former First Lady Michelle Obama, who is not interested in the position. 

Die-hard Biden supporter MLG casts doubt on Biden’s electability: Report

During a Wednesday call with 20 Democrat governors, Joe Biden claimed that “he underwent a medical checkup after last week’s debate and is fine, according to three people with knowledge of the discussion,” per a Politico report.

However, the appointment was “a short checkup by a White House physician in the days following the debate due to lingering symptoms from his cold. The exam, that person added, was brief and did not include any major tests.”

The disastrous debate left Biden increasingly vulnerable, as Republican 45th President Donald Trump is now leading in many swing states, including New Mexico and Virginia, per leaked Democrat internal polling. 

Politico noted that even Biden’s staunchest allies, such as New Mexico Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, are beginning to cast doubt on Biden’s electability, even in New Mexico.

“Two Democratic governors — Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico and Janet Mills of Maine — expressed concern to Biden over whether he could still win their blue-leaning states, describing them as competitive, two of the people with knowledge of the discussion said. In 2020, Biden won New Mexico by 11 percentage points and Maine by 9 points,” the report noted.

Lujan Grisham is a campaign surrogate for Biden, vowing she will “do everything I can” to stop Trump in 2024. 

The concern from the far-left Democrat governor appears to show that the dam is breaking, even with Joe Biden’s staunchest supporters. 

New pre-debate poll is great news for NM Republicans

A new internal poll from Republican U.S. Senate candidate Nella Domenici’s campaign shows New Mexico is very much in play in November, with Republicans barely trailing Democrats. The poll, which was taken before Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, is great news for Republicans, who have not won a statewide New Mexico race in a decade.

The poll, reported by the National Journal, shows Domenici’s 42.2% barely trailing Heinrich’s 45.5% by 3.3%, while 9.7% remain undecided. 

“In the presidential race, Joe Biden led Donald Trump in a theoretical head-to-head election in New Mexico, 49%-47%,” wrote the National Journal’s Zac Weisz.

Weisz noted that “this poll was taken before the debate (June 19-24). The poll includes 600 likely voters, and the margin of error was +/-4.0%” 

A previous poll showed Domenici trailing Heinrich by single digits, validating that New Mexico is very much in play in 2024, with Democrats having a steep climb in the Land of Enchantment to cling to power. 

Following the presidential debate, an “eye-popping” poll from CBS News/YouGov revealed that only 27% of respondents believed that Biden “possesses the necessary mental strength needed for the grueling duties of the commander-in-chief, marking a drop in the finding from just over two weeks ago (35% ‘does,’ to 65% ‘does not’),” as reported by the New York Post.

Democrats across the board have widely condemned Biden’s performance during the debate, with many, including the leftist New York Times, calling for his replacement on the ticket. The Biden White House has pushed back on the reports, affirming that the 81-year-old Democrat will remain on the Democrat Party’s presidential ticket in November.

NM surprisingly leads the nation with the lowest cost of this: Report

As Americans brace for what could be the hottest summer on record, the personal finance website WalletHub has released its 2024 report on Energy Costs by State. This comprehensive study, along with expert commentary, sheds light on how energy bills vary across the country and what factors contribute to these differences.

According to WalletHub’s analysis, New Mexico stands out as the state with the lowest average monthly energy costs. Residents of New Mexico enjoy an average monthly energy bill of just $376, making it the most cost-effective state for energy consumption. This is in stark contrast to Wyoming, which tops the list with the highest average monthly energy bill of $1,591.

WalletHub’s report compares the average monthly energy bills in each of the 50 states using a special formula that considers various residential energy types, including electricity, natural gas, motor fuel, and home heating oil. Here’s a snapshot of the findings:

States with the Lowest Energy Costs:

  1. New Mexico ($376)
  2. Arizona ($400)
  3. Kansas ($436)
  4. Texas ($437)
  5. Nebraska ($453)
  6. Mississippi ($457)
  7. Florida ($462)
  8. Colorado ($470)
  9. Louisiana ($474)
  10. California ($476)

States with the Highest Energy Costs:

  1. Wyoming ($1,591)
  2. North Dakota ($840)
  3. Iowa ($798)
  4. Montana ($787)
  5. Minnesota ($782)
  6. Massachusetts ($759)
  7. Connecticut ($750)
  8. Alaska ($716)
  9. South Dakota ($709)
  10. Virginia ($694)

The report also highlights various interesting facts about energy consumption across the U.S. For instance, Hawaii has the lowest average monthly consumption of electricity per consumer, which is 3.1 times lower than in Louisiana, the highest. Moreover, Washington boasts the lowest average retail price for electricity, which is 4.2 times lower than Hawaii’s.

In terms of natural gas prices, Idaho residents enjoy the lowest average residential price, which is 7.2 times lower than in Hawaii. When it comes to motor fuel consumption, New York drivers use the least, averaging 2.9 times lower than drivers in Wyoming.

For a detailed look at the rankings and to view the full report, visit WalletHub’s Energy Costs by State 2024.

Expert Tips for Reducing Energy Costs

Experts from WalletHub offer valuable advice on lowering energy bills. A WalletHub analyst, Cassandra Happe points out that simple measures like using energy-efficient light bulbs and moderating air conditioning and heating use can make a difference. Additionally, considering energy costs when planning a move can help families save significantly on their monthly bills.

Steven Hegedus, a Senior Scientist at the Institute of Energy Conversion, University of Delaware, suggests practical tips such as drying clothes on a clothesline instead of using a dryer and conducting home energy audits to identify cost-effective improvements like added insulation and energy-efficient windows.

Justin Perryman, an Adjunct Professor at Washington University School of Law, emphasizes the importance of reducing energy usage and shopping around for lower electricity prices in deregulated markets. He also notes that tax deductions and credits can be effective incentives for households to adopt energy-efficient measures.

With these insights, residents across the U.S. can take steps to manage their energy consumption better and potentially lower their monthly energy costs.

Missing person count drops to zero in Ruidoso fire crisis

All 29 individuals previously reported missing following the devastating wildfires in Ruidoso, New Mexico, have been located, according to the village’s mayor. “All the folks that we had on the missing list is now at zero,” Mayor Lynn Crawford announced at a community meeting regarding the South Fork and Salt fires.

Earlier this week, Mayor Crawford reported that over two dozen people were unaccounted for after the two wildfires, which erupted last week and led to the evacuation of the village, home to approximately 7,500 residents.

The fires, which have claimed two lives, have ravaged more than 25,000 acres in and around Ruidoso, as confirmed by New Mexico State Police. The blazes began on June 17 on the Mescalero Apache Reservation and spread eastward, driven by high temperatures and strong winds. The exact cause of the fires remains under investigation.

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reported that around 1,400 structures have been impacted, with an estimated 500 homes destroyed.

Urban search and rescue teams, utilizing 20 dogs trained to detect human remains, conducted secondary searches of the affected areas. “I’m happy to report we did not find any human remains,” stated Ernie Rhodes, the urban search and rescue operation chief for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Containment efforts have seen progress due to improved weather conditions, which have helped reduce fire activity. By Thursday, the South Fork Fire was 69% contained and the Salt Fire was 66% contained, as per the New Mexico Forestry Division’s daily update.

The community continues to recover from the extensive damage, with efforts ongoing to support those affected by the wildfires.

Panicked NM Dems run cover for Biden after debate bloodbath

On Thursday night, Democrat Joe Biden suffered the greatest humiliation likely ever known to an incumbent White House occupant when taking the debate stage on CNN against 45th President Donald Trump, who came off strong against the feeble leftist, who struggled to form sentences and rambled incoherently on many topics. The network’s Dana Bash and Jake Tapper moderated the debate, following strict rules agreed upon by both candidates.

Following the bloodbath, New Mexico Democrats scrambled to attempt to salvage what they could of what Biden left them.

Far-left Democrat state Sen. Harold Pope tried to blame CNN for the fiasco, writing, “We should have had @KyleClark moderating this debate!”

The Democrat Party of New Mexico denied all reality, writing, “From highlighting historic infrastructure improvements to protecting fundamental abortion rights, President Joe Biden showed tonight that he continues to deliver landmark achievements that directly benefit New Mexican families and deserves another term.”

After Biden was annihilated on the stage over his abortion up-to-birth and after birth policies, Maryland-dwelling Sen. Martin Heinrich wrote, “Would take days to fact check them all but let me make clear that there is literally no such thing as an after-birth abortion.”

In New Mexico alone, abortion up-to-birth policies have left women maimed and even killed, while babies have been killed even after birth. Infanticide has happened inside and outside of abortion facilities, including children being born and left to die on delivery room tables (at UNM Hospital).

Heinrich’s communications director Caty Payette was also caught tweeting clips of the HBO show “Veep” during the debate, showing the show’s Vice President Selina Myers character saying, “What the f**k?”

Far-left Democrat Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico’s First District wrote, “Donald Trump. Bad for democracy and bad for America.”

While Trump trails Biden in New Mexico, polls indicate that he is within a single digit of the Democrat. With such a major freakout from Democrats after Thursday’s debate, it is clear the Land of Enchantment very well could be in play in November.

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