Piñon Post

After abandoning, denying border crisis, MLG now touts her actions

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is facing renewed criticism for her approach to the border crisis, as she remains the only border state governor who has refused to allocate state resources to help alleviate the ongoing issues at the U.S.-Mexico border. Despite the significant challenges posed by illegal immigration and human trafficking, Lujan Grisham continues to avoid addressing the root causes of the crisis, as evidenced by her recent Operation Disruption press release, where not once did she mention the word “border” in her press release.

While Operation Disruption, which took place over 12 days in August, reportedly led to the identification of 33 stash houses and the rescue of 91 migrants, critics argue that Lujan Grisham’s selective focus on human trafficking operations fails to address the broader border security concerns that plague New Mexico. 

The governor lauded the operation as a “coordinated effort to combat human trafficking and organized crime in southern New Mexico,” but her unwillingness to commit state resources to assist in border control has left many questioning the sincerity of her commitment.

She previously claimed, “I reject the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the Southern border,” calling addressing the crisis a “charade of border fear-mongering.”

In stark contrast to her counterparts in Texas and Arizona, who have proactively deployed state resources to manage the influx of migrants and assist federal authorities, or California, which is expending resources to alleviate the flow of deadly fentanyl, Lujan Grisham continues to distance her administration from any comprehensive border security efforts. Despite acknowledging the severity of human trafficking and organized crime, she remains silent on the broader border issues fueling these crimes, including open-border policies of the Lujan Grisham and Biden-Harris regimes.

Critics also highlight that while the governor boasts about the results of Operation Disruption—735 traffic stops, 16 arrests, and the rescue of a woman found in life-threatening conditions—her refusal to engage with border security more broadly leaves New Mexico vulnerable to further exploitation by criminal networks. The governor’s press release made no mention of the word “border,” reflecting her ongoing reluctance to confront the deeper issues at play.

Lujan Grisham’s stance has led to frustration among border communities and law enforcement officials who are struggling to manage the consequences of her inaction. While other border state governors have made concerted efforts to strengthen border security, Lujan Grisham’s refusal to act not only leaves New Mexico exposed but also places a heavier burden on local authorities to deal with the fallout from unchecked illegal immigration and trafficking.

The governor’s recent re-establishment of the Governor’s Organized Crime Commission in May 2023, while touted as a step forward, has done little to satisfy critics who see it as a symbolic gesture during election season rather than a serious commitment to addressing the ongoing border crisis. She has not addressed the issue since her initial inaugaraiton in 2019. Until Lujan Grisham acknowledges the role the border plays in New Mexico’s security issues, her efforts will likely be viewed as insufficient and out of touch with the reality facing her state.

Judge rules NM officials, including SOS, discriminated against GOP group

A federal judge ruled that the Democrat New Mexico election officials and prosecutors discriminated against a Republican-aligned group by denying them access to voter registration data. 

The Friday decision prevents the state from withholding voter data from the Voter Reference Foundation, a group that aims to create a free database of registered voters to allow individuals and organizations to investigate potential irregularities or fraud.

New Mexico state prosecutors intend to appeal the decision, according to Lauren Rodriguez, spokesperson for the New Mexico Department of Justice.

Following the ruling, the VoteRef.com website, managed by the Voter Reference Foundation, reinstated New Mexico’s voter information to its database. The searchable database includes details such as street addresses, party affiliations, and voting participation. This has raised concerns among election officials and privacy advocates, who argue that such access could lead to voter intimidation or disenfranchisement, as people may choose to remove their registration to protect their private information.

However, U.S. District Court Judge James Browning found that New Mexico’s refusal to provide the data constituted discrimination based on viewpoint and a violation of free speech rights. He criticized the state for involving prosecutors in what should have been a straightforward public information matter.

The VoteRef.com database spans more than 32 states and the District of Columbia and is run by Gina Swoboda, chair of the Arizona Republican Party and a former organizer for Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign in Arizona.

Judge Browning had previously ruled that New Mexico officials violated the National Voter Registration Act by not sharing voter rolls, despite a state law that limits the use of such data. The VoteRef.com site maintains confidentiality on whom individuals voted for and offers protections for victims of domestic violence or stalking. Additionally, more than 100 elected or appointed officials in New Mexico, both Democrats and Republicans, have their addresses shielded under a safety program created after a series of drive-by shootings targeting lawmakers’ homes in late 2022 and early 2023.

Keller drops big hint about his political future

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, a far-left Democrat, has made it clear that he’s eyeing another term in office, stating his intention to remain in power to see through various projects. “It’s no secret I am planning on another term, but it’s to see this through,” Keller remarked on Thursday. 

He added, “I always say, like, 2027 is going to be a great year because all these projects I’ve been working on are going to be done, but I got to make sure I’m there to see it, so that’s what I’m thinking right now.”

Keller emphasized ongoing efforts to improve public safety and quality of life in Albuquerque, acknowledging that much remains to be done. However, critics might question whether these efforts have been as effective as Keller suggests, especially given the persistent issues the city faces.

The mayor also highlighted homelessness as a significant concern, pointing to initiatives like the Gateway Center, which currently shelters 900 people daily, as examples of supposed “progress. 

KOAT Political Expert Brian Sanderoff expressed little surprise at Keller’s announcement, noting that it’s common for politicians eyeing another term to stay fully engaged. “Oftentimes when a person decides he’s not going to run again, they start acting a little differently or be less engaged in the like or start thinking about other offices they might be considering,” Sanderoff observed.

Should Keller proceed with his plans, he would join a small group of Albuquerque mayors who have sought a third consecutive term. However, some residents may wonder if his prolonged far-left leadership is what the city truly needs or if fresh ideas and approaches are overdue.

Biden-Harris court fail a victory for women’s rights in many NM schools

The recent court rulings regarding Title IX have significant implications for New Mexico schools, particularly in light of the Biden-Harris administration’s controversial rules. These rules, which sought to expand supposed protections against “sex discrimination” to include “gender identity,” have faced righteous opposition from conservative groups who argue that they infringe upon parental rights and compromise the safety of women and girls.

In response, 26 Republican-led states, including several schools in New Mexico, have successfully challenged the implementation of these radical rules. Thanks to these court challenges, six schools in New Mexico—three colleges and three K-12 institutions—are now exempt from enforcing the new Title IX regulations. This number is expected to grow as more schools join the legal battle.

The Biden administration’s Title IX rules, which went into effect on August 1, have been particularly contentious due to their requirement that schools allow “transgender” students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their “gender identity” and to participate in sports teams that match said chosen identity. 

Those who protect women’s rights argue that these policies jeopardize the privacy and safety of female students and create an unfair playing field in women’s sports, as evidenced in many sporting events, such as the Olympics, where women have been beaten to a pulp by biological men, in many cases, forcing them to forfeit.

Riley Gaines, a prominent women’s rights leader and former 12-time NCAA All-American athlete who was unfairly beaten by a biological man, visited New Mexico earlier this year to advocate for women’s rights.

The court’s decision to block the implementation of these rules at certain New Mexico schools is seen as a victory for those who believe that Title IX should protect the rights of women and girls as it was originally intended.

 The rulings mean that schools like New Mexico State University, Eastern New Mexico University’s Roswell campus, and Central New Mexico Community College will continue to operate under the 2020 Title IX rules established during the Trump administration, which did not include the expanded protections for “gender identity.”

Amid Heinrich’s lies, Domenici puts him on notice

In a bold move against dishonest campaign tactics, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Nella Domenici has issued a cease and desist letter via her attorneys to her Democrat opponent, Sen. Martin Heinrich, accusing his campaign of disseminating false and defamatory information. The letter, sent on Friday, takes aim at a television advertisement produced by Heinrich’s campaign, which falsely asserts that Domenici supports a national abortion ban—an accusation Domenici vehemently denies.

The letter, addressed to Heinrich’s campaign manager, Brad Elkins, outlines the clear and consistent position Domenici has taken on the issue of abortion. According to the cease and desist letter, Domenici’s stance is widely publicized that she does not support a national abortion ban. This stance, prominently featured on her campaign website, is backed by her appearances in television commercials, public speeches, radio interviews, and articles in reputable news outlets.

Domenici’s legal team, led by attorney Anna Mackin, argues that Heinrich’s advertisement is not only false but also deliberately misleading, intended to deceive New Mexico voters as the November 2024 election approaches. “By disseminating false statements about Ms. Domenici’s position, Heinrich is misleading New Mexico voters and is contributing to the public’s skepticism about truth in the media,” Mackin wrote. The letter highlights that even Heinrich’s own campaign materials acknowledge Domenici’s opposition to a federal abortion ban, making the ad’s claims particularly egregious.

The letter also calls for Heinrich to cease airing the ad and any other misleading materials immediately and to issue a public apology to Domenici for what her campaign describes as an “intentional, malicious misrepresentation” of her views. Failure to comply, the letter warns, could result in legal action against Heinrich’s campaign for knowingly spreading false and defamatory information.

This is not the first time Heinrich’s campaign has been accused of employing dishonest tactics. Domenici’s letter references a previous incident where Heinrich was caught disseminating false information about her positions, drawing criticism from local media outlets. This latest incident, however, marks a significant escalation, with Domenici’s legal team formally challenging Heinrich’s campaign in a public and legal forum.

The letter underscores the importance of honesty and transparency in political advertising, especially on sensitive issues like abortion. Domenici’s campaign contends that such falsehoods not only damage the integrity of the electoral process but also contribute to voter cynicism and distrust. “New Mexico voters deserve the freedom to make informed decisions on Election Day,” Mackin stated, emphasizing that Heinrich’s shady tactics undermine this fundamental democratic principle.

As the November 2024 election draws nearer, the stakes are high for both candidates. Domenici, who has built her campaign on a platform of integrity and service, views Heinrich’s actions as a direct threat to the democratic process. Her response signals a willingness to fight back against what she perceives as underhanded tactics, setting the stage for a potentially contentious legal battle if Heinrich does not retract the ad.

Recent polls show Heinrich neck-and-neck with Domenici, likely triggering his campaign’s string of untrue, patently false ads against Domenici.

Is NM ready for a ‘polar coaster’ winter? Here’s what the Farmer’s Almanac says

As New Mexicans prepare for the 2024-2025 fall and winter seasons, the Farmer’s Almanac offers a forecast that suggests a season of stark contrasts and potentially severe weather conditions. Both the 2024 and upcoming 2025 editions provide critical insights into what residents should expect.

2024 Fall and Winter: A Rollercoaster of Weather

The 2024 edition of the Farmer’s Almanac predicts that New Mexico will experience a warm start to fall, with above-average temperatures extending into September and October. This extended warmth could offer a welcome respite before the winter months set in. However, the Almanac warns that this warmth will not last, as a significant shift is expected as the season progresses into winter.

As November and December approach, the weather is anticipated to take a drastic turn. The Farmer’s Almanac forecasts a harsh winter for New Mexico, characterized by colder temperatures and above-average snowfall, particularly in the higher elevations. This increase in snowfall could lead to challenging conditions, especially for those in mountainous regions where road closures and hazardous travel conditions may become common.

One of the most striking predictions for the 2024-2025 winter season is the potential for a “polar coaster” effect. This term, coined by the Farmer’s Almanac, refers to rapid and extreme fluctuations in temperature. New Mexico could see intense cold snaps followed by sudden warm-ups, creating a rollercoaster of weather patterns that could be particularly challenging for agriculture and infrastructure.

“Predictions for the desert southwest region, including Arizona, New Mexico, and Las Vegas, vary slightly from the overall forecast with colder-than-normal temperatures. Aside from the month of January, which is predicted to be 3 degrees above average, November, December, February, and March are expected to be below average in temperature,” reports one outlet.

Looking Ahead: What the 2025 Farmer’s Almanac Says

While the 2024 Farmer’s Almanac sets the stage for a winter of extremes, early insights from the 2025 edition suggest that these volatile patterns might continue into the early part of the new year. The Almanac hints at the possibility of continued unpredictable weather, with potential for late-season snowstorms that could extend winter well into March or even April of 2025. This could further strain resources and impact everything from agriculture to daily commutes.

Impact on Agriculture and Daily Life

These predictions are particularly concerning for New Mexico’s agricultural sector. Crops sensitive to sudden temperature changes could be at risk, and livestock might face additional stress during extreme cold periods. The state’s infrastructure, particularly in rural and mountainous areas, could also be challenged by the forecasted weather patterns, with increased risks of ice-related accidents and road closures.

Preparation is Key

With the Farmer’s Almanac offering these insights, New Mexicans are advised to start preparing for the upcoming winter. Ensuring that homes are winterized, vehicles are equipped for icy conditions, and emergency supplies are stocked will be essential steps in navigating the season safely.

As always, while the Farmer’s Almanac provides valuable guidance based on historical data and meteorological analysis, it’s crucial for residents to stay updated with real-time weather forecasts and be ready for anything that the fall and winter of 2024-2025 might bring. The combination of warm autumn days followed by potentially severe winter conditions underscores the importance of preparation and resilience in the face of New Mexico’s unpredictable weather.

Editor’s note: A previous version of this article referred to “changing climate. ” However, it did not refer to “climate change,” a conspiracy peddled by the far left, which the Piñon Post does not agree with. Regardless, the article has been updated to reflect the point more correctly.

Lujan Grisham forces education secretary — her fourth — out of role

Just weeks into the new school year, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is already searching for a new leader for the Public Education Department following the sudden resignation of Arsenio Romero, her fourth secretary since she came into office.

Romero, New Mexico’s top public education official, unexpectedly stepped down on Wednesday. This move comes shortly after he was announced as a finalist for the presidency at New Mexico State University (NMSU) less than two weeks ago.

The governor’s office confirmed that Lujan Grisham had asked Romero to make a choice between continuing in his current role or pursuing the NMSU position. “Gov. Lujan Grisham gave Secretary Romero a choice to either resign and continue pursuing the NMSU position or stay on the job and withdraw his candidacy at NMSU,” stated Michael Coleman, the governor’s spokesman.


Coleman emphasized the importance of the role, noting, “The secretary of public education is critically important in New Mexico, and the governor believes it’s imperative that the person serving in this role be fully committed to the job.”

Romero, who was appointed to lead the Public Education Department in February 2023, was the fourth person to hold this position in just over four years under Lujan Grisham’s administration. During his Senate confirmation hearing in March 2023, Romero expressed his commitment to the role, stating that New Mexico was “going to be stuck with me for a long time” and promising to bring about significant positive changes.

During his tenure, Romero spearheaded a new rule mandating that New Mexico public schools spend at least 180 days in session with students each school year. However, this rule faced opposition, with a coalition of school districts and superintendents filing a lawsuit that delayed its implementation.

Earlier this month, Romero was unexpectedly named one of five finalists for the NMSU presidency, a development that reportedly took the governor by surprise.

In a brief statement following Romero’s resignation, Lujan Grisham expressed her gratitude, saying, “I appreciate Secretary Romero’s service to the New Mexico Public Education Department and the children of our state. I wish him the best in his future endeavors.”

The Governor’s Office has announced that the search for a new Public Education Department leader will begin immediately, with Lujan Grisham and her top aides conducting interviews for the position.

In a social media post after his resignation, Romero alluded to the challenges of his role, stating, “This is hard work and not everyone is willing to step up to the plate, take risks and sometimes make others mad.” He added, “I am proud of my years as a public school servant. My next adventure awaits.”

Earlier in the day, Romero was seen attending the state of the district speech by new Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Gabriella Durán Blakey, where he was spotted conversing with local legislators. His resignation took effect immediately.

Texas Gov. Abbott’s plan to close the illegal immigration loophole through NM

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has made curbing illegal immigration a top priority, and his efforts go beyond focusing solely on the southern border with Mexico. He is now turning his attention to preventing individuals who have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border from entering Texas through neighboring states, specifically New Mexico.

In an interview with NewsNation, Abbott highlighted a key concern: “There are people who cross from Mexico into New Mexico and then right over into El Paso, and that’s something we have to deal with.” To address this issue, Abbott has proposed constructing a fence along the Texas-New Mexico border, in addition to the razor wire and other barriers Texas has already installed along the Mexican border in places like Eagle Pass. These measures are part of his broader initiative, Operation Lone Star, aimed at tightening border security. However, Abbott’s border strategy has faced legal opposition, with the Biden administration arguing that Abbott is exceeding his legal authority.

Despite these legal challenges, Abbott remains steadfast in his goal of stopping illegal immigration. “Let’s assume Texas does succeed in reducing illegal immigration to zero percent into our state, which is our goal,” Abbott stated. “All those terrorists, all those murderers, all those rapists, they’re just going to go through New Mexico and Arizona and California.” Abbott’s stance underscores his belief that illegal immigration is a nationwide problem that cannot be solved by state efforts alone.

In terms of illegal immigration numbers, New Mexico faces its own unique challenges. According to data from the Department of Homeland Security, New Mexico has seen a significant number of border crossings in recent years, although the state’s overall border traffic is much lower than Texas or Arizona. 

Data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show that apprehensions in New Mexico fluctuate but remain a consistent concern for border officials. In fiscal year 2021, CBP reported over 200,000 migrant encounters in the El Paso sector, which includes southern New Mexico. 

Abbott has also pointed to an 85% decrease in border crossings as evidence of the effectiveness of his border security measures. However, he argues that this decline started before Joe Biden’s late actions aimed at deterring illegal immigration. “That was after Texas began our accelerated operations to deny illegal entry, using the guard, using the razor wire, using the pepper ball,” Abbott said, attributing the initial decrease to Texas’s enforcement efforts.

Ultimately, Abbott believes that the solution to the border crisis lies at the federal level, arguing that immigration reform can only be fully addressed by Congress, which refuses to act on H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, which passed the House with bipartisan support. Democrats, who control the Senate, have refused to let it come before the chamber for a vote.

As illegal immigration continues to bludgeon Democrats, Kamala Harris has now come out in favor of the border wall along the southern border after previously claiming it is a waste of money. Far-left New Mexico Congressman Gabe Vasquez, a close ally of Harris and in a difficult reelection battle to keep his seat, which stretches across New Mexico’s entire southern border with Mexico, has attempted to come off strong on the border in recent months. However, he has previously called the border barrier “racist,” racist,” urged the Biden-Harris administration to “tear what’s left of it down,” and called it a “vanity project.”

“Gabe Vasquez and many of his fellow progressives just had the rug pulled out from under them by Kamala Harris after her abrupt flip-flop on the border. As a politician unable to think for himself, it won’t be surprising if he, too tries to change his anti-border security position. Even if he tries, Vasquez won’t be able to hide his lengthy pro-illegal immigration record from voters,” said the Congressional Leadership Fund’s Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole.   

Sen. Martin Heinrich is also taking the heat for his open-borders stance, being extremely critical of the border wall, calling it a “symbol of hatred, fear, and intolerance.” He is polling within single digits of Republican U.S. Senate nominee Nella Domenici. 

New Mexico’s Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a far-left Democrat, and Vasquez ally, remains the only border state governor who has done nothing to curb the flow of human trafficking and fentanyl from across the border. Even Democrat Govs. Katie Hobbs of Arizona and Gavin Newsom of California have put state resources to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis on the border. 

Lujan Grisham hates walls so much that she even ran through a wall in a political ad during her gubernatorial run, labeling a strong border as “Trump’s wall.”

NM high court cites technicality to free murderer of 71-year-old disabled man

The New Mexico Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of Seig Isaac Chavez, a Las Vegas man who had been sentenced for the brutal 2019 murder of 71-year-old William Smith, a disabled elderly man. Chavez was originally found guilty of first-degree murder and tampering with evidence by a jury in 2022. Smith’s body was discovered in August 2019, bearing 24 stab wounds. Chavez’s conviction was overturned due to the improper admission of key evidence during his trial.

According to court records, a witness saw Smith getting into Chavez’s truck on the night of the murder, and investigators later found Smith’s blood inside Chavez’s vehicle as well as on his jacket. This evidence was used to build the prosecution’s case against Chavez, tying him directly to the crime.

During the trial, prosecutors introduced a jailhouse phone call between Chavez and his teenage son. This call, however, became the center of the New Mexico Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the conviction. The court found that the audio recording of the conversation should not have been admitted as evidence. In its opinion, the court noted that the call “significantly affected the verdicts.”

In the phone call, Chavez instructed his son that he was now the “man of the house” and had the responsibility to protect the family. He gave disturbing instructions, telling his son to stab anyone who got close to him or attempted to harm him, particularly instructing him to aim for the throat. Chavez also expressed his own belief that he would soon be imprisoned, saying, “Daddy’s going to prison,” as outlined in the Supreme Court’s decision.

The key issue, as the court pointed out, was that the phone call was not directly related to the murder of Smith but instead revealed Chavez’s propensity for violence. This evidence was deemed “highly inflammatory” by the justices and prejudiced the jury against Chavez. “The district court committed plain error by allowing the jury to hear evidence that was relevant only to Defendant’s propensity for violence. This evidence was highly inflammatory and deprived Defendant of a fair trial,” Justice C. Shannon Bacon wrote in the opinion.

The court’s decision to overturn the conviction hinged on the improper admission of this inflammatory evidence. The justices ruled that this error deprived Chavez of his right to a fair trial, leading to the decision to vacate his conviction.

Despite the overturned conviction, the court ruled that Chavez could be retried for the murder. This means the state has the option to pursue the case again, but without the tainted evidence that led to the initial conviction.

At Las Cruces stash house, Border Patrol apprehends another convicted pedo

Border Patrol agents from the El Paso Sector recently rescued groups of migrants hidden in several stash houses near the U.S.-Mexico border in New Mexico. 

So far this year, these agents have saved nearly 2,400 migrants from 244 stash houses used for human smuggling.

El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Anthony “Scott” Good shared details on X (formerly Twitter) about one operation where agents, working alongside local sheriff’s deputies, raided a stash house in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. During this raid, they rescued 15 migrants.

Good emphasized that human smugglers subject migrants to overcrowded, unsafe living conditions and use coercion to extort both the migrants and their families.

Just a few days prior, agents from an anti-smuggling unit based in Las Cruces, New Mexico, uncovered another stash house, where they rescued 17 additional migrants. 

During this operation, two individuals were arrested on charges of “Harboring Illegal Aliens,” and agents confiscated $5,300 linked to illegal activities.

Chief Good also reported that agents from the Santa Teresa Border Patrol Station detained a previously deported child sex offender who was attempting to re-enter the United States. 

The individual had been previously convicted of third-degree sexual abuse of a child, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and driving under the influence. He now faces potential felony charges for illegal re-entry, which could result in a sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison if convicted.

The border crisis continues to be a key issue of the 2024 election, with Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s border czar, being in the crosshairs amid the catastrophe. 

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