The National Park Service, overseen by Joe Biden’s Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, a former member of Congress from New Mexico, and National Park Service Director Charles Sams III, has announced plans to remove the statue of William Penn from a park in Philadelphia. This park, established in 1982 to mark the 300th anniversary of Penn’s founding of Pennsylvania, stands on the site of his original home.

The park, near the Delaware River at Sansom and Second Streets, will undergo rehabilitation, including an expanded interpretation of Native American history in Philadelphia. This plan involves consultations with representatives from various indigenous nations.
The statue of Penn and a model of his original home are set to be removed as part of these changes. The Park Service indicates a future exhibit might mention Penn’s role in founding Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, but this is currently unfunded, per the Post Millennial.

The Park Service manages significant historical sites in Philadelphia’s Old City neighborhood, including Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and other important landmarks. The Biden administration has emphasized equity in its policies, a principle echoed in these changes.
The redesign of the park will be led by Venturi & Scott Brown Associates, the same firm that designed the original park. The park was initially named after Penn’s ship, Welcome, and celebrated his life and the establishment of Pennsylvania, known for its principles of religious and civil freedoms.

Penn, a Quaker and advocate for religious freedom, also played a role in the early abolitionist movement. However, his legacy has been scrutinized, particularly following the George Floyd protests, due to his history as a slave owner. This scrutiny aligns with a broader trend of re-evaluating historical figures’ legacies in public spaces.
In 2021, a bill proposed in the US House sought to remove statues of individuals who served the Confederate States of America from the Capitol, reflecting ongoing debates over how to represent historical figures in public spaces.
The public can provide feedback on this proposal through the National Park Service’s planning website found here:
Just a reminder that the wrong side won the Civil War.
Someone who really hates the USA as much as you shouldn’t give a damn about a northerner, like Penn.
Has anyone bothered to ask the citizens of Pennsylvania how they feel about this affront to Pennsylvania’s founder?
Great question Paul and it needs to be answered.
Great question. I don’t trust her as far as I could throw her
We don’t have to worry about any statues attributed to liberal Marxists being removed anytime in the future because they have never done anything worthy of being commemorated by a statue in the first place. They only know how to tear down and destroy.
For that, and other things, Pennsylvania has a good chance of turning red in November.
I absolutely do not approve of removing historical statues or markers of any kind! They were established to remind us all of the history of our great nation.
All of this is Marxist in nature. Think BO who said he would fundamentally change this nation. Marxists divide, destroy, and dominate.
In any communist take over of a country, the first thing you do to demoralize it’s citizen’s is to erase any semblance to it’s history.
Haaland: a monumental mistake!
Removing a statue of William Penn, Pennsylvania’s founder— a good way for Biden to lose the Keystone State.
This act alone will tell you all you need to know about the Biden agenda to erase history. Haaland trying to justify job and appease the far left. Vote red to stop this crap.
“Un-American” History and the Constitution of the United States are slowly being erased by “Her drunkeness” and liberals making up their own crap.
Deb Haaland has NO business being the Interior Secretary! She has no experience and was put there simply because she is a Native American woman and in the biden administration, that’s all that matters! I’m not being prejudice as I am a full blooded Native American as well but not a woke liberal!
Oh, and I’m sure Ryan Zinke, Trump’s appointee, had much more experience, not to mention numerous ethical scandals:
From Wikipedia:
As Secretary, Zinke opened some federal lands for oil, gas and mineral exploration and extraction. His actions as interior secretary raised ethical questions and were investigated by the Interior Department’s Office of Inspector General. In October 2018, the Interior’s inspector general referred the investigation to the Department of Justice. On December 15, 2018, Trump announced that Zinke would leave his post as of January 2, 2019, to be replaced by his deputy, David Bernhardt. The Inspector General’s report concluded that Zinke had repeatedly violated ethical rules and then lied to investigators. His tenure as the interior secretary was plagued by scandals, including his insistence that special flagpoles be erected so that flags could be raised or lowered when he was in residence, spending over $200,000 of taxpayer money to do so.
Ethics violations. LOL!!! Environmentalists are hilarious with their Communism.
Try harder.
Apparently it has been reversed as the Governor of Pennsylvania got in touch with Biden. Seems a lower echelon employee made the decision.
I guess you don’t like my comments, huh John?