
Egolf says decision for no in-person comment during special session was ‘unanimous’—it wasn’t

On Wednesday, while responding to a citizen’s questions about the upcoming special session called by Gov. Lujan Grisham, Speaker of the House Brian Egolf was asked about the decision to not have in-person comment, which Egolf claimed in a Zoom call was to slow the spread of COVID-19.

New Mexico resident Todd Hathorn wrote to Egolf, “Closed means no public interaction.  Actions taken by the Speaker belie the words.  This move to close the session requires a suspension of disbelief.”

Egolf responded to Hathorn, writing back, “That is not true.  We explained in yesterday how the public will participate live by video and give comment directly to committees, by video or in writing.  The public does not offer comment on floor debates…never has.  This was a unanimous and bi-partisan decision.” 

But the Speaker’s comment appears to be false, as at least one Republican representative says they never were asked for their input on the matter, and that they disagree with the closed meetings. 

Rep. Greg Nibert (R-Roswell), wrote in an email to the Piñon Post, “The question was never presented to me.  If asked, I would respond that the Capitol is the people’s house and if people want to attend and take the risk, they should be allowed to do so.”

Other members have confirmed they were never asked their opinion including Rep. Martin Zamora (R-Clovis), Rep. Jane Powdrell-Culbert (R-Corrales), and Sen. Pat Woods (R-Broadview).

According to House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia), the motion to keep the Capitol closed was made during a WebEx virtual meeting, where there was no way for members to comment. He also noted that Republican Whip Rod Montoya also could not comment during the meeting and he texted the Speaker directly, which let him speak on the matter.

New Mexico Senate Republican Whip Stuart Ingle’s staff confirmed that he was not present for that conversation or vote, so no, it was not “unanimous.”

Speaker Egolf’s claim that the decision was both bipartisan and unanimous is false, since not every member of the House was asked their opinion. Piñon Post has reached out to every Republican member of the New Mexico House and the Senate, with none responding in support of closed meetings as of 11:57 P.M. on Thursday.

The closed-door special session will take place on June 18th, with no public allowed in the Capitol. Also, legislators will be paid per-diem before and during the special session if they choose to work from home.

The Republican Party of New Mexico called this decision “an insult and another hard slap in the face to all hard-working New Mexicans,” Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce saying, “The funds are tapped out, but they’ll still find a way to squeeze more for themselves and squeeze the public.”

Leftist groups demand Keller, ABQ City Council defund ‘racist and ineffective’ APD

Amid the leftist firestorm from Democrats regarding the death of convicted felon Goerge Floyd while in police custody, Democrats have now begun their newest crusade: defund the police. 

The movement comes after rioters in large cities across the country began violently attacking Law Enforcement with Molotov cocktails, rocks, and other objects while burning down small businesses and looting anything they could get their hands on.

Now, Democrat lawmakers who have goaded on such activity, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) and Deb Haaland (D-NM), along with Albuquerque Mayor Keller, are being pressured by fringe Antifa-affiliated groups to “defund the police.”

The call comes after Minneapolis, Minnesota City Counselors look to defund their police department, calling police protection a sign of white “privilege.” Leftists have now attached themselves to this once-movement, which is now fracturing the Democrat party.

Activists are now demanding Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller and the Albuquerque City Council get on-board with defunding and disbanding the Albuquerque Police Department, calling it “racist and ineffective.” 

The far-left fringe initiative “Defund 12” demands the City Council “vote no on all increases to police budgets, vote yes to decrease police spending and budgets, vote yes to increase spending on healthcare, education, housing, and community programs that keep us safe.” The “12” in the initiative’s name is intended to signify Law Enforcement.

A template email for leftists to send to their city councilors demands the defunding of APD, while simultaneously “providing more support and funding towards our community efforts and organizations that serve our predominantly Black and Latinx communities.” 

“Black and Latinx communities are living in persistent fear of being killed by state authorities like police, immigration agents or even white vigilantes who are emboldened by state actors,” it continues, writing off APD as “racist and ineffective,” and causing “terror” to minority communities.

“Show up for Racial Justice,” another fringe group, claimed calling people destroying cities and targeting cops “looters” or “rioters” is “white supremacy.” The group wrote on Twitter, “White people, talking about protests as “violent” or “riots” or “looting” is white supremacy. Here’s how to call each other in. #EndWhiteSilence.”

Albuquerque’s U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland attended the Houston funeral services of George Floyd, where racist “reverend” Al Sharpton gave the eulogy, which bashed President Trump, claiming he used a church as a “prop.” 

Haaland praised Sharpton’s eulogy and said she’s “in this fight for the long haul,” appearing to stand with those calling for the defunding of police departments across the country. She previously endorsed an initiative from far-left Albuquerque City Councilors Pat Davis and Lan Sena to “demilitarize” police by banning APD from applying or accepting Military giveaways. Mayor Tim Keller joined Haaland in endorsing the leftist measure.

The far-left majority on the Albuquerque City Council may mean the council could push forward a call to disband the APD if enough public opinion shifts in favor of such a measure, although some leftists, such as Democrat presumptive nominee for president have slightly pushed back against complete defunding of police departments.

MLG’s press sec. blasts New Mexicans asking if Guv had salon visits during COVID-19 lockdown

In late May, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was under heavy fire from New Mexico citizens, local commentators, and even national outlets for disobeying her own stay-at-home order to buy expensive jewelry from Albuquerque jeweler Lilly Barrack.

While the Gov. was adorning herself with luxury jewels, New Mexicans were suffering — and still are — from her strict lockdown orders barring small businesses and working families from providing for their loved ones. However, the Governor allowed big box stores such as Costco and Walmart to stay wide open for business. Over 210 restaurants have permanently closed during the shutdown.

During the lockdown, some commenters, such as Rio Rancho’s “Salon Deluxe” opined that the Governor is still getting her hair and makeup done in Corrales, despite her harsh lockdown on such businesses operating. Others also wondered if she had salon visits during the lockdown, one commentator claiming a hairdresser named Nam Tran in Corrales is doing her hair.

In emails obtained by the Piñon Post, KOAT 7’s Nancy Laflin asked Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s press secretary, Nora Sackett, about the Governor’s trips to the salon, writing, “…viewers have said [Lujan Grisham] has been getting hair treatment at a salon in Corrales before news conferences. Is that accurate, and if so, was she following state guidelines?”

Sackett snarkily unloaded on the citizens asking these questions, writing back: “I understand that you have to do your job, but ‘viewers saying something online’ is in no way any actual proof or reason to suspect something. I am so entirely tired of people choosing to spend their time by making up lies about the governor getting her hair done. She has not gotten a haircut, or had it colored, or had her nails done, or anything else that angry people on the internet would like to make up unsubstantiated nonsense about. Nor has she been to Corrales – again, people making things up online does not make them true. Every day, the governor is taking serious action to do her best to save lives and keep New Mexicans from getting sick, and all people ‘online’ want to do is complain about her hair. She has not gotten a haircut, as salons are closed and non-essential person-to-person interactions are not allowed, and she expects every other New Mexican to continue to adhere to the public health order just as she is doing.

Also for what it’s worth, woman to woman, you can clearly tell that the governor hasn’t gotten her hair cut just by looking at it. I mean come on.”

Sackett also defended Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s breaking of her health order to buy fancy jewels, writing in an email:

“There were no state guidelines broken. It was an entirely contact-free purchase. The governor asked if she could make an order and pay for some merchandise online or remotely – as was permitted under the prevailing health order at the time, see Page 6, Section (3) of the April 6, 2020, public health order. To be clear, none of the state’s public health orders have ‘otherwise restrict[ed] the conduct of business operations … in which an employee only interacts with clients or customers remotely.’ The transaction was entirely contact-less and remote. The store was never ‘opened’ and a good safe process was followed. The governor has of course in both her personal and professional lives adhered to all of the public health measures the state has enacted for the duration of this pandemic.”

The Governor’s staff essentially doing backflips to try and explain away whether Lujan Grisham did or did not break her own stay-at-home order speaks volumes to the level in which they will go to justify her actions — which were dishonest, if not worse. The snark given by Sackett toward everyday New Mexicans asking questions about the Governor following the same orders everyone else should be an eye-opener for citizens looking for transparency in government. 

Abortion up-to-birth group ‘EMILY’s List’ applauds anti-life extremists ousting pro-life Dems in primary

For Democrat female candidates, an endorsement from abortion up-to-birth dark money group EMILY’s List essentially makes them a shoo-in to win their primaries, as New Mexicans saw last Tuesday with the EMILY’s List-backed, Teresa Leger de Fernandez, as the Democrat nominee who will face pro-life Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson in the November General Election.

During an October high-dollar “happy hour” held for Leger de Fernandez in Santa Fe with EMILY’s List founder Ellen Malcolm, Martinez Johnson helped organize a peaceful protest against the anti-life organization’s event, with state Senate candidate Joey Tiano joining in the picket line.

But EMILY’s List has been working this election cycle to prop up abortion up-to-birth Democrat women to take out pro-life Democrats who went against Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s 2019 bill, HB-51, which would have legalized abortion up-to-birth for any reason, and ripped away protections for minors, and not required a board-certified doctor to perform the risky procedure.

And many of EMILY’s List’s candidates were successful, including Siah Correa Hemphill who took out appointed Democrat Sen. Gabriel Ramos in District 28, and Pam Cordova, who took out Democrat Sen. Clemente Sanchez in District 30. Other pro-life Democrats ousted by radical pro-abortion candidates included powerful Finance Committee Chairman Sen. John Arthur Smith, Senate President Pro Tem Sen. Marie Kay Papen, and Sen. Richard Martinez, who was arrested for driving under the influence in 2019. 

EMILY’s List also made endorsements to candidates vying for the New Mexico House of Representatives, many of them winning their primary elections.

On Monday, EMILY’s List tweeted from their national account support for the pro-abortion candidates who took out the pro-life Democrats, writing, “New Mexico is one step closer to a pro-choice majority in the state Senate AND an all women of color U.S. House delegation!”

EMILY’s List has previously been a big supporter of Michelle Lujan Grisham during her run for the New Mexico governorship and is currently pushing for Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, who believes in abortion up-to-birth and infanticide. The organization has taken nearly a million dollars from leftist billionaire George Soros.

The 2020 November election will be a defining moment between radical abortion up-to-birth extremism and a culture of Life in the Land of Enchantment. It is unclear if the Democrats who lost their seats to anti-life extremists will back the Republicans running against their former challengers. A leftist opinion column in the Santa Fe New Mexican speculated that Sen. Clemente Sanchez may back the Republican running for District 30, who coincidentally shares his surname of Sanchez. 

The Republican Party of New Mexico has gone to great lengths to recruit quality candidates for most legislative races, which will be a strong offense to the far-left Democrats in November’s General Election. After Tuesday’s Republican Primary, women of color will be running for all three congressional districts, with Michelle Garcia Holmes (CD-1) and Alexis Martinez Johnson CD-3) being of Hispanic descent and Yvette Herrell (CD-2) being of Cherokee descent.

Alexis Martinez Johnson wins CD-3 GOP Primary

On Saturday, Santa Fe County finally finished counting absentee ballots after a judge allowed Santa Fe County Clerk Geraldine Salazar to continue counting absentee ballots in the nail-biter GOP primary for the 3rd Congressional District.

Ultimately, after final votes were tallied, Santa Fe’s Alexis Martinez Johnson won the Republican Primary for the 3rd Congressional District by 572 votes over former Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya. 

Martinez Johnson garnered 16,385 votes to Montoya’s 15,813. She will face far-left abortion up-to-birth extremist Teresa Leger Fernandez in November’s election. Leger Fernandez has the support of the pro-abortion dark money group “EMILY’s List,” which helped her win her primary against disgraced former CIA operative Valerie Plame in the Democrat Primary. The 3rd District leans Democrat by eight points on the Cook Partisan Voting Index. 

Another tight race decided by the late counting of ballots in Santa Fe County was that of the Republicans vying for New Mexico’s 39th Senate District, which ultimately went to candidate Joey Tiano over Susan K. Vescovo by exactly 100 votes. Tiano garnered 2,121 votes to Vescovo’s 2,021.

Tiano will face far-left state Sen. Liz Stefanics in November’s General Election.

MLG forming ‘racial justice’ council to pay for NM’s ‘embedded injustices’

On Thursday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced she is forming the “Council for Racial Justice,” which will be comprised of black leaders and a “racial justice czar.”

Far-left House Majority Leader Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton will serve on the council, and no doubt champion the Governor’s left-wing initiatives.

According to Grisham, the United States has to “own what slavery did,” saying, “until we own that sin…that disgrace, we don’t have the opportunity to move forward.” She also said New Mexico needs to “re-educate” law enforcers.

In a press release, Lujan Grisham wrote, “While New Mexico is no stranger to police violence, hunger, poverty and inequality of opportunity are other embedded injustices within the state.”

The Governor also described “institutional racism” as a “cancer untreated” and slavery as an “original sin.” She also called it a “disgusting truth.” During her press conference, Lujan Grisham further elaborated, saying, “We have seen our Native American brothers and sisters face untold disproportionate struggle. We have generational work to do in restoring educational outcomes for minority and disadvantaged populations in our state. The system will not reform itself.”

It is unclear who will fund this council, or how much the initiative is supposed to cost the taxpayer, but it will no doubt be a setback to the state’s budget. 

Earlier Thursday, Gov. Lujan Grisham ordered state flags to half-staff to commemorate the death of a Minnesota man, George Floyd, and “all other victims of systemic racism and police violence.”


However, New Mexico is a state with one of the largest minority populations (61.1% in 2014) and growing. The claim that somehow New Mexico is not “woke” enough for the Governor is a blatant mischaracterization of New Mexico’s culture of respect, family values, and acceptance of one’s neighbor. 

It is also irresponsible for the Governor to punish the people of New Mexico for the “original sin” of slavery — when slavery has been abolished for 155 years. Not a single person alive today is responsible for the horror of slavery, and to somehow guilt every single New Mexican into feeling guilty for something we have zero control over is irresponsible and ignorant.

Lujan Grisham needs to quit auditioning for Joe Biden’s running mate by virtue-signaling her way through the governorship. Instead, she needs to focus on the real issues that New Mexicans care about — and those do not include “social justice.” By pointing out our differences, Lujan Grisham is bringing more attention to the physical traits that make us different, such as our ethnicities — not helping heal any wounds that actually need attention. 

Furthermore, the Governor throughout her abusive reign has further divided the people and Law Enforcers, by using the State Police as props to deliver cease and desist orders to small business — creating tension between the men and women in uniform whose jobs are to keep us safe, and the people who should think of Law Enforcers as the heroes that they are supposed to be.

Shame on Gov. Lujan Grisham, and shame on those participating in helping her refuel the race war in this country that was slowly healing until Democrat rule in our country.

In massive victory, Yvette Herrell wins GOP nomination for CD-2

Late on Tuesday night, after a contentious three-way primary between former state Rep. Yvette Herrell, millionaire oil lobbyist Claire Chase, and Las Cruces businessman Chris Mathys, it was finally called that Herrell would be the Republican chosen to face-off against first-term Democrat Rep. Xochitl Torres Small in November. 

At around 8:35 A.M. on Wednesday, Herrell carried 45% of the vote to Chase’s 32% and Mathys’ 24% with 596/641 precincts partially reporting. The Associated Press and local news outlets have safely called the race for Yvette Herrell.

Over the course of the heated primary, the candidates took shots at each other, mainly over their support for Trump, however, the voters appear to have chosen the “Trumpiest” of all, Yvette Herrell. 

During her time in the New Mexico House of Representatives, Herrell sponsored multiple pro-life bills, as well as championed conservative fiscal and energy policy. 

Herrell’s win marks a rematch between her and Torres Small, who “won” in 2018 after absentee ballots were found out of nowhere and miraculously gave her a win over Herrell after the race was already called for Herrell. A subsequent audit found massive fraud and statistically impossible results.

But Herrell will once again face off against the far-left Democrat to reclaim the seat for Republicans, with President Trump at the top of the ticket.

This is a developing story…

Today is the GOP Primary! Here’s what you need to know before you vote — and why voting matters

Today is the 2020 Republican primary, and New Mexicans will be heading to the polls to cast their votes for the nominees who will take on the Radical Democrats in November’s General Election. If you haven’t been following the primary too closely, that’s okay — here is some info to know before you vote today!

The Candidates

All three congressional districts have multiple candidates running and depending on your location, you will have a variety of candidates to choose from. If you are unsure what your district is, check your voter registration here

In the First Congressional District in the Albuquerque metro area, millennial attorney and fresh Republican face Jared Vander Dussen faces off against perennial candidate Michelle Garcia Holmes, who previously ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor and Albuquerque mayor. Also in the race is Brett Kokinadis, a former Democrat who ran the group, “New Mexico Democrats for Democracy.” The race will test if CD-1 Republicans are ready for energetic, new blood or if they will opt for a more familiar candidate.

In the Second Congressional District race in Southern New Mexico, former state Rep. Yvette Herrell faces off against deep-pocketed millionaire lobbyist and Trump critic Claire Chase, who once called President Trump an “a**hole unworthy of the office,” but now swears she supports the 45th Commander-in-Chief. Also in the race is Las Cruces businessman Chris Mathys, a veteran and former Fresno, California city councilman. The race’s winner will advance to the General Election and face-off against one-term incumbent Democrat Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, who votes with far-left Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), 94% of the time.

In the Third Congressional District in Northern New Mexico, three Republicans face off for the nomination. Former oil and gas administrator Alexis Martinez Johnson will face small businesswoman Karen Bedonie and former Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya. The race has not been as contentious as the CD-2 race, but it has had its ups and downs.

The United States Senate race is a big one — and in recent months it has turned increasingly heated. Former college professor and Trump Administration official Dr. Gavin Clarkson faces off against pro-life leader Elisa Martinez and former television weatherman Mark Ronchetti. Clarkson and Martinez have years of conservative credentials in their respective fields, while Ronchetti has no previous Republican Party support to speak of and has never voted in a primary election. Ronchetti also has been a staunch critic of President Trump, just in 2019 claiming the President made him leave the Republican Party, calling Trump “the Orange One,” who has taken a “part of his soul” that he’s “not getting back.” Voters will decide whether they want a proven pro-Trump conservative or a fair-weather NeverTrumper.

There are not many state legislative seats with contested primaries, but two Senate seats in New Mexico’s 19th and 41st districts have Republican incumbents being challenged by state representatives vacating their House seats to make a run for the upper chamber.

Rep. Gregg Schmedes, arguably one of the most vocal conservatives in the state, is challenging incumbent Jim White for Senate District 19 in Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Torrance Counties. Schmedes won his House seat in 2018 and has been outspoken on just about every issue important to conservative voters. 

Senator Jim White has been around a long time, having served in the House and the Senate. He was elected to his Senate seat in 2016. White has one of the least conservative voting records of any Republican in the state—voting for both of Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s disastrous budgets, and for the anti-business, job-killing New Mexico “Green New Deal” in 2019. 

Rep. David Gallegos is challenging incumbent Gregg Fulfer for Senate District 41 in Eddy and Lea Counties. This is actually Fulfer’s first time running for office, as he received his seat by appointment when his father-in-law, Carrol Leavell, retired after 22 years in the legislature. 

David Gallegos has been a State Representative for District 61 for 8 years. Gallegos is a somewhat soft-spoken gentleman but isn’t short on conservative spiritedness. He can usually be seen whenever there is a pro-life or 2nd Amendment rally in Santa Fe, and even organizes the concealed carry trainings for other legislators at the statehouse. 

Where do I vote and who will be on my ballot?

Voting begins at 7:00 A.M. this morning, and polls close at 7:00 P.M. this evening. You can find your polling location here. If you ordered an absentee ballot, PLEASE DO NOT DROP IT IN THE MAIL. Deliver your ballot directly to a polling location. 

If you are unaware of all the choices that will be on your ballot, you can see your sample ballot by checking your voter registration here

Why Voting in the Primary Matters

This election is a turning point for New Mexico, and the Republicans we vote for today will advance to the General Election. In simple terms, the stronger the candidates we choose in the primary are, the better their chance of winning in November. We must choose the most electable candidates who can bring conservatives together and give Democrats a run for their money in the General Election.

If we lose in the General Election to the Radical Democrats and don’t clinch a Republican majority in the New Mexico House or Senate, we will have a rough time since Democrats will no doubt gerrymander legislative seats to make them less competitive and harder for Republicans to ever win again. Since this is a census year, this will impact the candidates we choose this election. Our votes we make today will mean political life or death for our legislature — the governing body of our state and the only body that can hold an out-of-control governor accountable. 

Your vote today means a contribution to the future of our state, and will help lead us into a strong General Election. With President Trump at the top of the ticket — he needs us now more than ever to show up and vote for him and candidates who support him. It’s one of our last chances to make a difference for New Mexico.

Keller appears to stand by rioters, cries ‘racism’ — Mob sets Albuquerque ON FIRE, shoots at police

On Sunday, Democrat Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller attended a rally supposedly in support of a Minneapolis man who died in police custody, George Floyd, decrying the man’s death and standing by the protesters across the country burning down cities and injuring people defending their businesses from looters. A black Federal Protective Service officer, Patrick Underwood, was murdered by Antifa rioters in Oakland, California over the weekend. 

But Keller appeared to support the lawless mob of protesters, saying in a speech on Sunday, “We stand with those calling for Justice. ‘I can’t breathe’ in so many ways is not just — it’s not just one more black man’s words. It is a cadence of suffering over oppression of racism that has gripped our country since our founding.” 

In a subsequent tweet, Keller wrote, “In this city, we believe that #BLACKLIVESMATTER. We are working hard to build an equitable city but we must do better. We see you. We hear you. We stand with you.” 

Sunday night, violent rioters “fired shots at police, broke windows at several buildings and set multiple fires,” according to reports by the Albuquerque Journal

Reports note that rioters shot at law enforcement in front of the historic Kimo Theater, threw Molotov cocktails at them, and started fires in the streets and in trashcans. 

UFC champ Jon “Bones” was present at the riots to break up the violence, taking spray cans away from Antifa terrorists, demanding, “Give me the spray can, give me the spray can.” 

He wrote in an Instagram post, “As a young black man, trust me, I’m frustrated as well. But this is not the way, we are starting to make a bad situation worse. If you really got love for your city (505), protect your s—.”

Mark Ronchetti agreed to work with George Soros-funded climate activists to ‘educate’ Republicans, used weathercast to push ‘climate change’ propaganda

It has recently been uncovered that ex-television weatherman Mark Ronchetti was caught on-tape as a keynote speaker for a “climate change” activism conference held at the University of New Mexico hosted by the billionaire George Soros-backed environmental groups “Climate 350,” “March for Science,” and others. At the event, he claimed he “used to be a Republican until the Orange One,” who took a “part of his soul” that he’s “not getting back.” 

Now, he is running as a self-proclaimed “principled conservative” Republican for U.S. Senate. However, Ronchetti’s approval of climate change radicalism and the use of his platform on mainstream media network television to promote their propaganda contradicts his “principled conservative” claims. Rather than helping promote any of the conservative Republican issues he now claims to support, he used his platform with a major media network to promote an anti-Republican, anti-oil and gas climate change agenda.

The radical group Ronchetti partnered with, Climate 350, is currently funding a campaign called “Vote Climate” that plans to use people in the media to help “educate” the public, namely REPUBLICAN VOTERS who they believe do not acknowledge the “science of climate change.”

Holly Olivarez, in a presentation to an anti-oil and gas group shortly after the UNM event, she explained how Ronchetti confirmed he was covertly stressing the global warming issue in his weather forecasts:

He and his team are now working on finding ways they can talk about climate change on the air without saying ‘climate change.’  He was honest about, if I say climate change on the air, I’m going to get fired, and I’m just a guy trying to make a living like anyone else.  So, I have to find ways.  So, he talks about how Spring is starting three weeks earlier than it ever has. Things like that.”

Olivarez went on to explain that Ronchetti has done his own global warming studies and “was appalled” at what he found.

The purpose of the climate change activist conference is to teach people, “How to Talk to Your Friends About Climate Change.” In fact, “finding ways they can talk about climate change on the air without saying climate change.” 

Republican voters should be shocked and alarmed at the weatherman’s liberal leanings — especially when it comes to his extreme anti-oil and gas “climate change” views. If elected, he very well could be the deciding vote to usher in the Green New Deal — the vehicle the Radical Left is using to decimate the oil and gas industry through the vessel of socialism.

Questions about Ronchetti’s loyalties to New Mexico oil producers arise in an uncovered video where Ronchetti lauds far-left Gov. Lujan Grisham’s anti-oil energy policies. He says he has been “on board” with the idea of climate change “for over 20 years.” 

Ronchetti told the anti-oil group that Gov. Lujan Grisham can’t pass her “green” energy policy “without huge oil and gas revenue. So, we have to replace that.” Then he mocked families who drive SUVs and President Trump.

Did Ronchetti’s KRQE forecasts covertly sell his liberal anti-oil & gas, climate change views? 

In previous broadcasts, viewers can see Ronchetti repeating climate change euphemisms on-air, such as him repeatedly talking about “El Niños” and “La Niñas” having “way high” temperatures, and looking at 

Ronchetti exchanges with “climate change” extremists

Ronchetti and a climate extremist named Jim O’Donnell have exchanged dozens of messages on Twitter, including mentions of meeting in-person. O’Donnell considers himself a proud “climate change advocate” who routinely pushes left-wing propaganda. And, like Ronchetti, attacks President Trump. 

In multiple correspondences between Ronchetti and O’Donnell, the two climate change conspiracy theorists exchanged in agreement about climate change as an “epidemic,” in some tweets using emojis to convey expletives. 

O’Donnell calls Fox News a national security threat, wants to “liberate America from Republicans,” and accuses President Trump of “treason.” Will Mark Ronchetti denounce JimO’Donnell?

The cost of electing an anti-oil, climate change extremist to New Mexico’s open U.S. Senate seat

The oil & gas industry provides one-third of the funding for New Mexico schools and 39% of the state budget. As New Mexicans we must fight to keep our oil and gas jobs; they feed our state’s economy. 

In New Mexico, our economy depends on the oil & gas industry jobs and tax revenue. It’s amazing that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Radical Democrats in the New Mexico Legislature passed the Energy Transition Act, our own New Green Deal, designed to eliminate more than 60,000 oil and gas jobs in our state by 2050. 

This election, we must be diligent with our votes and advance strong candidates who will fight for our energy independence. 

As someone who worked on the government affairs team of a prominent oil producer with many resources in New Mexico’s Permian Basin oil patch, I’ve seen the hard work our men and women in the oil fields put in to keep our economy growing and providing our children a brighter future. 

This election could not be more important to keeping our values and rebuilding our economy, which is why we must elect pro-energy, pro-business, and pro-jobs candidates, who support President Trump’s economic policies that keep our country number one in energy production. 

We already have one-party rule here in New Mexico — the Democrats control every single statewide elected office and both chambers of the legislature. We need people willing to stand up against them, not to help push the Democrats anti-oil & gas agenda. The devastating results of electing a climate change extremist to the U.S. Senate would irreparably harm the remnants of our state’s infrastructure by the Radical Democrats.  

I urge you to vote on June 2ns and vote for pro-energy, pro-jobs candidates. If you’re unsure of your voter registered status, need to find your voting location, request an absentee ballot, or have any voting-related questions, please visit www.nmvote.org to make sure your voice is heard. Our state is relying on us. We must pick candidates who will stand up for our energy jobs that keep our communities running.

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