
Job-killing Dem anti-fracking bill clears first hurdle in NM Senate despite bipartisan opposition

On Saturday, the Senate Conservation Committee met via Zoom to consider S.B. 149, which claims to be a bill that prohibits new fracking licenses but would in actuality kill all fracking in the State of New Mexico. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D-Bernalillo) and Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo), both candidates for the open U.S. House seat being vacated by Deb Haaland.

The bill’s sponsor had a long-winded and controversial out-of-state witness, Dr. Sandra Steingraber, who has committed her life’s work to end fracking. 

After a long list of reasons why she hated fracking, such as her accusation that it “turns fresh water into poison,” she ultimately admitted she did not have the science to conclude what fracking’s effects were regarding the transmission of alleged “toxic chemicals.” She also claimed “toxic air pollution” occurred “as soon as the drill bit goes into the ground,” another misleading statement.

Steingraber later revealed the entire point of her testimony, to bring forth “environmental justice” to what she believed are “disproportionately affected” groups, including black people, Native Americans, and others. She also accused the oil and gas industry of lying, saying employment statistics regarding oil and gas’ job creation numbers “has been greatly exaggerated by the industry.” She noted how the industry’s fatality rate is “four to seven times” that of the national workforce. However, most American workforce jobs do not require such manual labor capabilities of jobs in industries such as oil and gas, construction, and other such labor-heavy industries. She left out statistics from these comparable professions.

Many supporters of the bill, many being lawyers who would no doubt benefit off of litigation tied to “environmental justice” said the bill would “take an enormous responsibility of regulating that industry to make sure our environmental and public health is protected,” as someone from the New Mexico Environmental Law Center noted. Others from dark money groups such as the Sierra Club gave their support for the bill.

Many folks who live in the areas that would be most affected by Sedillo Lopez and Roybal Caballero’s bill spoke up about how it would affect their livelihoods. One woman who lived in the oil patch said, “I’ve lived in this state for forty years. I thought this bill was about not issuing any more permits. I now understand it is the full intent of the bill is to stop fracking altogether.” 

Sen. Sedillo Lopez said of her bill, it would “put urgency on the need to regulate, adding that, “New Mexico should be open for business, not be open for exploitation. With this industry, we have been exploited.” She did not back up her arguments with facts, other than deferring to her out-of-state witness.

Sedillo Lopez also didn’t know how to answer basic questions from her fellow senators about the bill, such as its fiscal impacts on the state, accusing Gov. Michelle Luja n Grisham’s cabinet of flubbing the numbers provided in the official fiscal impact of the bill in the fiscal impact report (FIR).

Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana) asked, “Has the governor committed to sign this bill if you were to pass it?” Sedillo Lopez admitted she had not.

Cervantes continued, fiscal “impact for the year from July one of this year to next year… would be $1.65 billion.” He asked Sedillo Lopez if she knew exactly how much of the state budget would be lost due to her bill. 

“The FIR impact would be about a fourth of the budget,” Sedillo-Lopez said the impact “would be less or the same as the impact of the last year,” meaning the COVID-19 pandemic crisis where the oil and gas industry plummeted its production to record levels, leaving irreparable damage to the state economy.  

Sedillo Lopez later conceded, “I understand that the impact would be anywhere from a fourth and a third of our budget.”  Sedillo Lopez claimed the FIR was wrong and did not consider “one thousand permits” already granted by the state. She said the info was “incorrect,” saying it assumed that there would be “no new wells.” 

Cervantes pressed her, saying, “You are saying if we were to pass this bill,” it would be a proposal “even [Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s] own agencies reject” He added, “ I would hope you would correct the [New Mexico] Secretary of Energy and all the other cabinet secretaries” and say they ‘don’t know what they’re doing.’” 

Then Cervantes added, “If we assume the administration knows what it’s doing and we have to cut our budget form a third to a fourth,… do you have a bill that would supplant that amount of money in the works” to “generate that thirty percent or forty percent of revenue in the state?”

Sedillo-Lopez fumbled around, saying there were many “tax bills,” including one that would “reverse the tax cuts that were during the Richardson and Martinez administrations.”

“Which one of the tax bills would be the largest tax increase and how much would it generate to that $1.6 billion?” 

“I do not know the answer to that,” said Sedillo-Lopez. Her co-sponsor, Rep. Roybal Caballero, said, “I don’t think any of us have an answer to a specific question,” and if “they equate to the amount the senator [Cervantes] is asking.” 

Also, during questioning, Senators David Gallegos (R-Eddy & Lea) and Steven Neville (R-San Juan), who live on opposite sides of the state, noted how they have lived right next to fracking wells, raising their families next to them for years and their families and communities are even healthier than those where Sedillo Lopez and Roybal Caballero live in–Bernalillo County. 

Sen. Gallegos told Sedillo Lopez that she doesn’t know the issue, as he and his constituents do. “I know you don’t live there, you don’t go to school there, nor do you need a doctor from there,” but it is “important to our constituents” in the oil patch. He also said S.B. 149 is “going to inflict fiscal damage to the state” and “harm the hospital system and the school districts” across New Mexico that rely on oil and gas funding. 

Neville took exception with the expert witness’ testimony, saying the truth “is just not is what is being portrayed by the expert and the sponsor.”

Charwoman Liz Stefanics (D-Bernalillo, Lincoln, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Torrance, and Valencia) asked Sedillo-Lopez if she was open to turning the proposal into a “reporting bill versus a pause on fracking” to “gain factual information from all of the departments,” Sedillo Lopez said she would only consider such a change in the bill’s last scheduled committee–Senate Finance. 

Sen. Gallegos asked for a vote to table the bill. The motion died on a bipartisan vote of 5-4, with Sen. Cervantes voting with the Republicans on the committee to table the bill. A motion to pass the bill from Sedillo-Lopez and seconded by newly sworn-in Sen. Carrie Hamblen (D-Doña Ana) with the same vote of 5-4.

After the vote, Chairwoman Stefanics said, “While I support moving on to various energy sources, I am also very concerned about affecting the finances of our state.” S.B. 149 now heads to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Here’s what some are saying about the bill and its sponsors:

GOP defector who voted for abortion up-to-birth and infanticide claims his vote ‘makes no difference’

In a response to concerns from a Republican Roswell city counselor about Rep. Phelps Anderson’s “yes” vote in the House Health and Human Services Committee on an abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill, Anderson seemed to brush off the concerns of the lawmaker, claiming his vote “makes no difference.” Anderson left the Republican party over his vote.

In his note, he also used the Democrats’ talking point that the 1969 law currently protecting unborn life is “antiquated” while not addressing the fact that the bill would also strip conscience protections for health care workers and allow underaged girls, some under the influence of predators, to get abortions without parental consent.

Anderson claimed “dark forces” from “outside the community” were trying to bring “exaggerations and falsehoods” about his vote. 

Here is an excerpt from Anderson’s note: 

I write this note to give you an explanation of recent events. hope my response helps clear the air as today there are dark voices outside the community bringing exaggerations and falsehoods. 

Two weeks ago I voted yes in the House Health Committee to pass House Bill 7 (the repeal of New Mexico’s 1969 Abortion Law). The antiquated law was ruled unconstitutional in 3973 by the U. S. Supreme Court. I believe the repeal of New Mexico’s Abortion Law makes no difference. A yes or no vote changes nothing. very few laws bring no change and HS 7 is one of these few bills. 

Thank you for your words concern and support for my work in the New Mexico Legislature. The COVID circumstances here in Santa Fe make the job even more difficult. Constituent input and comment is sorely lacking under the locked down State Capitol. I know I have disappointed some of you in Chaves, Lea and Roosevelt Counties. Disappointing people is not my intention but tough Legislative decisions please some and disappoint others. That said, unpopular votes are not a reason to resign from office as tough decisions are an everyday occurrence in the Legislature. 

After the abortion up-to-birth and infanticide vote, Rep. Anderson once again voted against life in the womb by rejecting a commonsense Republican bill to mandate safety protocols at abortion clinics during COVID-19. 

Rep. Anderson represents Chavez, Lea, and Roosevelt Counties, which includes a large part of Roswell. Roswell is a “sanctuary city for the unborn.”

During the committee hearing when Anderson voted for H.B. 7, he said the following:

the one thing I have heard today that I do think might change based on testimony is the conscience clause, and that will make a difference in how I vote on the House floor if I go and believe that the conscience clause is not—is being removed. And I kinda think that I believe right now that that’s not what this repeal is doing, but I will—but we will see this bill again. 

What are your thoughts on Anderson’s vote for abortion up-to-birth and infanticide H.B. 7? Will Anderson finally stand with his constituents when the bill hits the House floor or will he vote with Democrats and the abortion lobby and back the bill? 

The Piñon Post has launched a petition calling for the resignation of Rep. Anderson for betraying his constituents. Sign the petition here. 

MLG could barely contain her excitement after NM Senate rammed through abortion up-to-birth bill

On Thursday, the New Mexico Senate voted 25-17 for an abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill, S.B. 10. During the Senate meeting, pro-life Republican members proposed compromises limiting abortions after 20 weeks while protecting conscience objections for medical workers. But the Democrats, with the votes they needed to ram the bill through, refused to concede an inch, while the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo) refused to take questions about her bill in an unprecedented move.

After the massive blow to human life, just two years after the same bill died on the Senate floor in 2019, far-left Democrat Gov. Lujan Grisham could barely contain her excitement about the anti-life bill’s passage.

Gov. Lujan Grisham wrote, “This is a simple bill. And it is powerful in its simplicity. It affirms a woman’s self-evident autonomy over her own body. And it ensures no health care provider in our state may be criminalized for providing health care. I thank and applaud the women senators who spoke in such personal terms in their supportive testimony today. This was a moment for common-sense leadership and I am grateful to the lawmakers and advocates who have met that moment.”

Actually, the Governor’s statement is inaccurate since the bodily autonomy of children in the womb is removed, health care providers would be “criminalized” by not referring or performing abortions, and abortion up to the very date of birth can be argued as definitely not “common-sense.” 

The statement comes as the Governor flew to Washington, D.C. to meet with Joe Biden just one day after she coincidentally lifted her strict ban on out-of-state travel. Yet, she had time to write up a statement praising the New Mexico Senate’s passage of the most radical anti-life bill in the nation. Some of the bill’s supporters made vile statements on the Senate floor, such as Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo) who said he threw a model of a 12-week old baby “right in the trash,” calling the baby “offensive.”

Originally tweeted by Piñon Post (@PinonPost) on February 12, 2021.

However, Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of the Second District wrote a starkly different statement, commenting, “It’s a sad day for New Mexico when our Senate votes to legalize abortion up to birth.” 

While pro-life members of the Senate gave Democrats chance after chance for a compromise, the bill ultimately passed. Countless health care workers have pledged to leave the state due to the hostile legislation. 

The bill now goes to the House of Representatives, where it is expected to be considered next week, according to the rabidly pro-abortion Speaker of the House Brian Egolf. “We’re not sure exactly yet when we’re going to be meeting on the floor of the House next week,” Egolf said. “If we have a meeting late in the week, we might be able to send a bill to the governor then. If not, very early in the week following.”

Chaos on Senate floor as Dems ram through abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill

On Thursday afternoon, the New Mexico Senate convened on the floor of the chamber to debate S.B. 10, an abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill.

During the debate, Republican senators offered multiple floor amendments and floor substitutes for the bill, which were all stricken down by Democrats. 

One amendment offered by Sen. William Sharer (R-San Juan) sought to keep a portion of the state statute a provision that would allow conscientious objections from medical professionals who do not wish to perform abortions.

During the debate, Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo) tried to argue that state law already affirms that medical professionals would not be forced to perform abortions, however, they would still be forced to refer for abortion, which Sharer’s amendment did not include. 

While Republicans tried to ask the bill sponsor, Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo) on multiple occasions, but she refused to defend her bill by “respectfully declin[ing] to comment.” All 27 of the bill’s co-sponsors in the body refused to defend their bill. 

Sen. Crystal Diamond offered up a floor substitute for S.B. 10, which would ban abortion after 20 weeks, including conscience protections and parental consent requirements. After she offered the substitute, Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo), who has been in the Senate for a little over one year, bashed Diamond for being a “freshman senator,” claiming Diamond was being “disrespectful” for offering the substitute. Sedillo-Lopez was later corrected on the floor by another Republican senator. 

Later in the debate, Candelaria became hostile, accusing Republican senators of using “homophobic” and “transphobic” arguments to oppose the abortion up-to-birth bill. He also threw away a 12-week model of a baby provided by the Right to Life Committee of Lea County, saying it was “offensive” to him and that babies are not actually babies at the moment of conception. 

Afterward, Sen. Ron Griggs (R-Doña Ana, Otero, and Eddy) spoke of the need to be more cordial during debate and made the pro-life argument that “somebody’s got to stand up for the little guy” in the womb. 

Sen. Candelaria later clapped back, claiming that “as a gay man” and “as a Hispanic” he was “offended” and didn’t like what he claimed was someone telling him to “sit down and be quiet.” 

Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D-Santa Fe) arose to support the bill while claiming he was a “Catholic” and still backed the anti-life bill, which the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops has vehemently opposed.

Sen. Greg Baca (R-Valencia) added during the final debate, “Since [babies in the womb] can’t speak, you will forever be silenced,” said Sen. Baca. No one can speak on behalf of them because they are not here.” 

The bill sponsor, Sen. Linda Lopez, accused her Republican colleagues of “mansplaining.” She said, “I appreciate some of the mansplaining on the Senate floor today,” adding, “reproductive rights [abortion rights] are human rights.” 

After a rambunctious debate, S.B. 10 was passed on mostly party lines by a vote of 25-17. Two pro-life Democrats, Sen. Pete Campos (D-Colfax, Guadalupe, Harding, Mora, Quay, San Miguel, and Taos) and Sen. George Muñoz (D-Cibola, McKinley, and San Juan) voted against it. Sen. Candelaria relished in his “yes” vote, saying he “proudly” voted yes for the abortion up-to-birth bill.

Report: Every NM legislator bankrolled by the abortion lobby in 2020

The votes on abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bills H.B. 7 and S.B. 10 are slated for today or Friday in the New Mexico House and Senate, respectively. A lot of speculation has gone into who will vote for or against these abortion up-to-birth bills and who is being bankrolled by the abortion lobby.

We went through every donation the abortion lobbyists gave to members during the 2020 election from the New Mexico Secretary of State’s website, and all the recipients are below. The abortion groups that gave during this cycle included Planned Parenthood (abortionists) and EMILY’s List (sexist pro-abortion advocates who only give money to pro-abortion women).

Sen. Carrie Hamblen (D-Doña Ana): $5,567.36 total ($4,567.36 from Planned Parenthood, $1,000.00 from EMILY’s List).

Sen. Leo Jaramillo (D-Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, and Santa Fe): $3,944.86 total (all from Planned Parenthood).

Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo): $4,567.35 total (all from Planned Parenthood).

Sen. Siah Correa-Hemphill (D-Catron, Grant, and Socorro): $9,567.36 total ($4,567.36 from Planned Parenthood, $5,000 from EMILY’s List). 

Sen. Brenda McKenna (D-Bernalillo & Sandoval): $4,567.36 total (all from Planned Parenthood). 

Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Bernalillo & Sandoval): $4,567.36 (all from Planned Parenthood). 

Rep. Miguel P. Garcia (D-Bernalillo): $2,032.22 total (all from Planned Parenthood). 

Rep. Raymundo Lara (D-Doña Ana): $4,567.36 total (all from Planned Parenthood).

Rep. Linda Serrato (D-Santa Fe): $4,567.36 total (all from Planned Parenthood).

Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo): $2,516.23 total ($2,016.23 from Planned Parenthood, $500 from EMILY’s List). 

Rep. Roger Montoya (Colfax, Mora, Rio Arriba, and San Miguel): $3,944.86 total (all from Planned Parenthood). 

Rep. Kristina Ortez (D-Taos): $4,567.36 (all from Planned Parenthood).

Rep. Meredith Dixon (D-Bernalillo): $1,220.69 (all from Planned Parenthood).

Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance, and Valencia): $4,567.36 (all from Planned Parenthood). 

Rep. Marian Matthews (D-Bernalillo): $5,067.36 total ($4,567.36 from Planned Parenthood, $500 from EMILY’s List Federal Fund). 

Rep. Joy Garratt (D-Bernalillo): $70 total (all from EMILY’s List). 

Rep. Elizabeth Thomson (D-Bernalillo): $70 total (all from EMILY’s List). 

Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D-Bernalillo): $70 total (all from EMILY’s List). 

Rep. Natalie Figueroa (D-Bernalillo): $70 total (all from EMILY’s List). 

Rep. Debra Sarinana (D-Bernalillo): $70 total (all from EMILY’s List). 

The Piñon Post will keep you up to date on the floor votes for H.B. 7 and S.B. 10. Planned Parenthood has been lobbying in favor of these bills with well-funded misinformation campaigns, one even claiming not being able to get an abortion is similar to not being able to own a credit card.

If you haven’t already, you can find your legislators to contact by clicking here

NM House and Senate to hold final votes on abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bills

Today’s a deciding moment in New Mexico, with both the House and the Senate chambers to decide the fate of a radical abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill, H.B. 7 in the House S.B. 10 in the Senate. Sens. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo) and Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) are sponsoring the legislation in the Senate and Reps. Micaela Cadena (D-Doña Ana), Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe), Joanne Ferrary (D-Doña Ana), Deborah Armstrong (D-Bernalillo), and Georgene Louis (D-Bernalillo) are carrying the bill in the House. 

The bill would flatly strip away all protections on the books in New Mexico for women, children in the womb, and health care workers. The bill rips out portions of the law protecting medical professionals’ conscience rights, allows teen girls to get abortions on-demand with no parental consent, and paves a path for unregulated, unsafe abortions in New Mexico. 

The bill is an exact mirror image of 2019’s failed bill, which pro-life Democrats killed in the Senate. Since that vote, most of these pro-life members have been ousted by their parties or have mysteriously died. Gov. Lujan Grisham took out retribution on these pro-life Democrats by mounting well-funded primary challenges to them, made up of mostly out-of-state PACs, dark money organizations, and misinformation campaigns to malign their reputations. 

It should be noted that not a single co-sponsor of the radical abortion bills comes from any locality outside of the three Democrat-dominant population strongholds of Bernalillo, Doña Ana, and Santa Fe counties, which says a lot about where the bill comes from and where support for it comes from also.

Out-of-state abortion giants, including Planned Parenthood and far-left dark money group the American Civil Liberties Union, have spent an unknown sum on expensive mailers and digital advertisements on their deep-pocketed misinformation campaign. 

H.B. 7 and S.B. 10 were rushed through both chambers’ committees and both chambers will decide whether they support the right to life or abortion up-to-birth and infanticide. 

ACTION ALERT: Please reach out to your representative and senator here. Call them and tell them to vote “NO” on S.B. 10 or H.B. 7. Remind them how quickly the next election is coming and how you will never forget their vote on Election Day.

Rogue NM Rep. Anderson votes against pro-life bill for COVID-19 safety standards at abortion facilities

On Wednesday, the House Health and Human Services Committee met to consider H.B. 160, a commonsense proposal to protect women during COVID-19 by implementing safety protocols at abortion clinics during the pandemic.

The proposal, sponsored by state Reps. Rebecca Dow (R-Grant, Hidalgo & Sierra), Rod Montoya (R-San Juan), James Strickler (R-San Juan), and Rep. Luis Terrazas (R-Doña Ana, Grant & Sierra) would require the New Mexico Department of Health to “establish and require specific health and safety protocols to be used at facilities at which abortions are performed to prevent the spread” of COVID-19 by July 1, 2021. 

The bill states, “The requirements shall include requirements for the use of personal protective equipment, capacity restrictions, enhanced screening procedures and self-isolation and self-quarantine for persons traveling into New Mexico from high-risk areas and low-risk areas.” 

“The requirements shall remain in effect as long as any public health order is in effect pursuant to the Public Health Act for the purpose of controlling or abating the coronavirus disease 2019.” 

However, Republican-turned “Declined to State” Rep. Phelps Anderson of Roswell voted with the seven radical Democrat members to kill the pro-life bill, making this the second anti-life vote he has made in the committee this legislative session. The final vote was 8-2, with pro-life Rep. Luis Terrazas (R-Doña Ana, Grant & Sierra) being excused for the vote.

Rep. Anderson previously voted for an abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill peddled by pro-abortion groups Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, among other dark money organizations. 

The Piñon Post has launched a petition calling for the resignation of Rep. Anderson for betraying his constituents. Sign the petition here. 

NM State Police union leader rips Dems to shreds over anti-law enforcement bills

On Monday, New Mexico State Police Association leader Sgt. Jose Carrasco raked Democrats in the New Mexico Legislature over the coals for targeting law enforcement with their radical legislation that would give police fewer options in keeping New Mexicans safe.

Carrasco pointed out three pieces of legislation Democrats were trying to ram through, starting with S.B. 227, sponsored by far-left Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo). The bill, which is erroneously called the “inspection of police misconduct investigation,” actually takes tools away from law enforcement to keep communities safe.

“It’s taking the tools away from us, our less-lethal option tools, to be able to effect an arrest peacefully and without having to use any deadly force,” he said. “However, Lopez is taking that ability away from us.”

The bill would eliminate police officers’ ability to use force unless they first tried “all possible de-escalation” efforts. It bans rubber bullets, chokeholds and bans law enforcers from using canines. 

“We can’t even use a canine anymore, like at all. They’ve taken all the tools that we use to go in there and hopefully take the people or person into custody without having to use lethal force. You’re taking that away from us. I hope, I hope and I pray, that I can at least have a fighting chance and have my ballistic vest on when I go into the residence. I hope that we can still do that.”

Sgt. Carrasco blasted Democrats for sponsoring the bill, adding, “it’s going to be the criminals using deadly force on the officers that are trying to enforce your laws that you wrote.”

Another bill Sgt. Carrasco noted was H.B. 4, which prohibits “qualified immunity.” 

“There are bad senators, bad representatives, bad doctors, bad priests, bad nurses. There’s bad in every single profession. But yet, we’re the ones that get picked on nonstop,” Sgt. Carrasco said. He told lawmakers, “We’ve never said we’re perfect–we’re human. But I guarantee you… I don’t know if you’ve seen the studies or not, but 99 percent of the officers do a great job.”

He then called out radical far-left House Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) for talking about slain Police Officer Darian Jarrott in Deming after a press conference.

Sgt. Carrasco said to Egolf, “One thing that I wanted to tell you, Mr. Egolf, and I wish I could tell you face to face, is that my brothers and sisters do not appreciate you making a comment about our brother at all.” 

“It wasn’t even heartfelt. We would just wish that you … just didn’t say anything about our fallen brother because he’s one of the ones that you’re trying to take rights away from, too.”

Another bill Sgt. Carrasco mentioned  was H.B. 140, a horrifying Democrat-sponsored bill that would eliminate minimum sentences for child rapists and sexual predators. Egolf defended the detestable bill, saying it would merely “restore discretion to judges.” But Sgt. Carrasco didn’t let Egolf get away that easy.

“So somebody that commits a rape on a child, they want to remove the minimum sentence, and there’s other heinous crimes in there.”

Sgt. Carrasco added, “When you have senators and representatives personally attacking law enforcement, creating laws that basically tie our hands so we can’t enforce the laws, we can’t protect ourselves, we can’t protect the citizens, something finally has to be said.” 

Watch Sgt. Jose Carrasco’s full video here:

Western senator vows to block Deb Haaland’s nomination to DOI over her ‘radical views’

Over the weekend, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) announced that he was “deeply concerned” with Joe Biden’s cabinet nominee for the Department of the Interior, Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM). He vowed to block Haaland’s nomination if his needs were not addressed.

Daines’ statement following his conversation with Haaland reads as follows: 

“After our conversation, I’m deeply concerned with the Congresswoman’s support on several radical issues that will hurt Montana, our way of life, our jobs and rural America, including her support for the Green New Deal and President Biden’s oil and gas moratorium, as well as her opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. I am also concerned by the responses I received about the role of the Department and lack of appreciation for issues that impact Montana such as wildlife management and hunting and sportsman access. I’m not convinced the Congresswoman can divorce her radical views and represent what’s best for Montana and all stakeholders in the West. Unless my concerns are addressed, I will block her confirmation.”

Sen. Daines’ objection to Haaland’s radical policies, as reported on for years in New Mexico, will not necessarily doom the New Mexico congresswoman’s chances of nomination, but it will complicate them, which according to the Daily Montanan, “Instead of moving Haaland’s nomination hearing, which still has yet to be scheduled as of Monday afternoon, the Senate would have to forward her through the cloture process, a more cumbersome path.” 

Daines’ concerns come after shouts against Haaland from New Mexico, the state she claims to represent, and around the nation opposing her nomination. Pro-energy group Power the Future wrote in a statement, “It’s no surprise to the Senator and others raise serious concerns about the extreme positions of Congresswoman Haaland. Leaders in her home state of New Mexico may turn a blind eye to her radical ideas, but those who fight for our nation’s energy workers know there is too much at stake for our nation. There is no doubt Deb Haaland would be the most radical Interior Secretary in the history of our country” 

Aside from her radical views on just about every issue imaginable, she does not have the qualifications to lead the Department of the Interior (a factor Biden has not cared much about through his other nominees, such as Pete Buttigieg for Department of Transportation). 

The Piñon Post reported back in November: 

But in reality, Haaland has no qualifications to speak of. Not a single piece of legislation she has sponsored in her short two-year tenure in the House has become law, and she has a record of straight-up lying to the American people. Not to mention the fact that despite her multiple attempts at passing the bar to become a lawyer, she has failed. 

During a candidate debate in October, Haaland misled on multiple issues. She claimed she worked in “a bipartisan way” while in Congress, despite voting with socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 95% of the time, she called a leftist Black Lives Matter/Antifa mob committing arson and vandalism in Lafayette Square near the White House “peaceful,” she claimed she did not support Antifa, despite calling them “peaceful protestors,” saying she has never “missed a vote,” despite missing several, and falsely claiming President Trump called COVID-19 a “Democrat hoax,” which liberal fact-checkers have even admitted is incorrect. 

Aside from her failed record in Congress and desperate attempts to woo members of the socialist AOC “squad,” she has proven no qualifications for the job she currently holds, much less that of a cabinet position in a presidential administration.

The move by western Sen. Daines to stymie Haaland’s confirmation gives even more credibility to the assertion that Haaland is not qualified for the role and holds extraordinarily fringe political views.

NM House Dems kill GOP bill to lower seniors’ tax burden by exempting Social Security income

On Monday, Democrats in the New Mexico House Taxation and Revenue Committee voted to block a bill, H.B. 49 that would lower New Mexico senior citizens’ tax burden by exempting their Social Security income (SSI). The anti-senior citizen vote will continue New Mexico’s policy of forcing senior citizens to shell out a chunk of their Social Security checks to the NM State government.

Two of H.B. 49’s five sponsors, Reps. Cathrynn Brown (R-Eddy) and Rebecca Dow (R-Grant, Hidalgo & Sierra) said of their bill, “New Mexico cannot afford another year of being uncompetitive with our neighboring states. It’s time to level the playing field. Studies show that many senior citizens would consider moving to New Mexico if we did not tax Social Security income, and quite a few retirees would decide to stay. If legislators are serious about attracting retirees to New Mexico, this is a meaningful way to show it. In the long run, not only will New Mexico seniors get the tax relief they deserve, but the state will benefit culturally and economically from the new influx of retirees.” 

The bill previously passed the Labor, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee on February 2nd, with a “do pass” recommendation from the committee and rare bipartisan support. During its first committee, Reps. Eliseo Alcon (D-Cibola & McKinley), Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo), and Angelica Rubio (D-Doña Ana) opposed the bill.

However, the seemingly commonsense bill met its fate in the House Taxation and Revenue Committee, chaired by far-left Rep. Javier Martinez (D-Bernalillo). 

After the disappointing vote, the New Mexico House Republicans tweeted, “Social Security tax exemption (HB49) was blocked by @NMHouseDems. What a year for our senior citizens… first being kicked out of senior homes bc state offered more $ for COVID beds, basically endless lines for vax and food, and now a double down on taxing SSI.” 

This is a developing story. The final vote tally and the names of the representatives who voted against New Mexico seniors will be added once the final vote tally is available.

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