
‘Seriously gave me the chills’: Left-winger triggered by Christian New Mexico Trump supporters

It has become increasingly easy to trigger the easily offended left without even saying a single word. Cari Marshall, a far-left activist who sits on the Texas Observer’s “Texas Democracy Foundation,” and lives in Austin, Texas, was driving through Clovis, New Mexico, and spotted something that apparently turned her inside out.

Marshall drove past a large Trump/Pence 2020 sign that was still up, which was placed next to a white cross. Unable to comprehend how a Christian can proudly be a Trump supporter, she accused the person of “Christian nationalism” and said it was “creepy.” It is unclear why she thought Christian nationalism is a bad thing.

Marshall wrote, “Spotted near Clovis, New Mexico. Seriously gave me the chills, it’s downright creepy,” adding, “Christian nationalism is a menace and a threat to national security!”

It is unclear how a sign supporting the duly elected 45th President of the United States and a cross showing devotion to Jesus Christ can be a “threat to national security,” but that appears to be exactly what Ms. Marshall believes is a greater threat than, say, Russia or China persecuting their own people and teaming up with America’s foes — oh and Cuban people starving to death under communism for decades. 

Marshall claims on her Twitter bio that “AbortionIsHealthcare,” a mantra spread by anti-life activists and Twitter trolls to trick the populace into thinking that the slaughter of babies in the womb is “health care.” She also writes, “Save Texas from the GOP,” despite the state, including Austin where she lives, thriving during the pandemic. In contrast, Democrat-run states like New Mexico are leading the nation with high unemployment rates and economic stagnation.

The left-winger has previously taken photographs with extreme leftist leaders like Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, a former congressman and disgraced ex-U.S. Senate candidate, and endorsed calling the filibuster in the U.S. Senate the “Jim Crow filibuster.” 

It is unclear what Marshall is doing in New Mexico. Still, she sure appears to be judging New Mexico voters who support the 45th President and Jesus Christ awful hard for someone who supports abortion, spreads baseless accusations of racism, among other things. Christian values and conservative ideology appear to be “creepy” to Democrats who likely have not spent much time in real America — the place where people work with their hands and power the country to the ire of city folk. At the same time, liberals spit on them and talk down to them.

Come Judgement Day, Marshall will likely see the difference between her ideology and that of a so-called “Christian nationalist.” Maybe she will open her eyes, but until then, a billboard and a cross are all that it takes to trigger her sensibilities — bigoted sentiments shown by many on the left.

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Pro-abortion Democrat state senator denied Communion by pro-life Las Cruces bishop

On Saturday, pro-abortion state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces) wrote to his followers on Twitter to announce that pro-life Las Cruces Bishop, the Most Reverend Peter Baldacchino, had denied him the Eucharist during mass “based on [his] political office.” 

Cervantes wrote, “I was denied communion last night by the Catholic bishop here in Las Cruces and based on my political office.”

He added, “My new parish priest has indicated he will do the same after the last was run off. Please pray for church authorities as Catholicism transitions under Pope Francis.”

The news comes just one day after Pope Francis heavily restricted the celebration of the Traditional Latin Tridentine Mass, a pillar of the Church for traditional Catholics — sending shockwaves across the world. 

Now, it appears that Cervantes is content with the liberalization of the Catholic Church by Francis, whose pontificate previously blasted bishops attempting to restrict the Eucharist, which Catholics believe to the True Presence of Jesus, to only those in full communion with the Church’s teachings. Francis called the practice of withholding the Eucharist to those who are in full communion divisive. 

Francis also has promoted rabidly pro-abortion priests to high-ranking offices in the Vatican 

Cervantes also appears to be claiming Baldacchino denied him Holy Communion because of his “office,” not because Cervantes has repeatedly voted for bills, such as this past Legislative Session’s S.B. 10, which legalized abortion up-to-birth and infanticide across the state and stripped all protections for women and children in the womb. 

Cervantes also voted for a similar bill opposed by the Catholic Church which legalized physician-assisted suicide via lethal drug “cocktails.”

The bishop’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

[READ NEXT: A tale of two Catholic dioceses during Coronavirus: Las Cruces vs. Santa Fe]

Pro-abortion Democrat state senator denied Communion by pro-life Las Cruces bishop Read More »

MLG forced NM taxpayers to fork over $1.5 million to advertise during space launch

KOB 4 reported this week that New Mexico taxpayers were forced to fork over $1.5 million of their hard-earned tax dollars to advertise during millionaire Jeffrey Epstein-tied Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic space launch. 

According to Cody Johnson, a spokesman for alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Tourism Department, Cody Johnson, the “state paid a lot to have the logo on screen during the flight’s broadcast.” 

“That included in total a $1.5 million investment, which includes a $500,000 special appropriation provided by the state legislature for the efforts to market and promote New Mexico during that inaugural flight,” he said.

“The rest came from the tourism department’s budget, a $1.5 million investment that the state expects to pay off,” KOB reported.

The Tourism Department’s “New Mexico True” brand showed on the advertisement, which Johnson alleges had 7.5 million viewers on YouTube alone.

Time will tell if the “investment” by Lujan Grisham’s Tourism Department will pay off, however, the Governor has had not much trouble in terms of her shady finances before, spending millions of dollars in state funds not appropriated by the Legislature during the pandemic, as well as her lavish contingency fund spending, among other things.

MLG forced NM taxpayers to fork over $1.5 million to advertise during space launch Read More »

New Mexico now has the worst unemployment rate in the nation

According to a new Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Friday, New Mexico is now tied with Connecticut for the highest unemployment rate in the nation at a stagnant 7.9%.

New Mexico follows other Democrat-run states, with Nevada at 7.8%, New York, Hawaii, California at 7.7% unemployment, and New Jersey at 7.3%. These numbers came from the end of June. 

New Mexico’s neighbor Colorado has a 6.2% unemployment rate, Texas has 6.5%, Arizona has 6.8%, and Utah has 2.7%. 

New Mexico still has many pandemic restrictions, including forced masking of children who have not taken the jab. For school sports and in classrooms, masks are still required.

New Mexico had the third-worst unemployment rate in April, and it has just become progressively worse, falling behind other states across the country.  

Now, New Mexico retakes the number one spot for “worst” in the nation under the leadership of scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who locked the state down for a year and a half and repeatedly broke her own pandemic rules.

[READ MORE: New Mexico: We’re in an abusive relationship with MLG. It’s time to break up with her]

New Mexico now has the worst unemployment rate in the nation Read More »

After GOP district judge leaves for Texas, MLG has opportunity to put left-winger on bench

A local district judge, Matt Chandler, 45, with a legal career prosecuting and on the bench spanning over 20 years, says he’s retiring to Texas for “a new career in the law,” according to The Eastern New Mexico News. 

Chandler, “joined the District Attorney’s office in 2002. He was elected DA in 2004, held the job 10 years, then was appointed to the bench in 2015,” the outlet reported. The partisan Democrat-controlled New Mexico Senate previously rejected his nomination to be a regent of the University of New Mexico in 2015.

“Serving the state of New Mexico … has been a dream come true,” Chandler said. “It truly has been an absolute honor and privilege.”

Chandler told the News that has accepted a job in Lubbock for a corporation that provides legal representation for all 50 states. “My primary focus will be New Mexico and West Texas,” he said.

The jurist unsuccessfully ran for attorney general against then-incumbent Gary King in 2010 and was subsequently appointed to the bench in 2015 by former Republican Gov. Susana Martinez. 

The News reports that “Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham will select Chandler’s successor.”

This will give the Governor an opportunity to appoint a far-left activist judge to a conservative area of the state’s judicial seats. 

The process to fill the seat reportedly begins Aug. 25 when a Judicial Nominating Commission is slated to meet at 9 a.m. at the Curry County Courthouse to evaluate applicants. The deadline to apply is August 6. 

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Democrat State Auditor says MLG stuffing face with taxpayer-funded Wagyu is A-OK

On Thursday, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported that scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s use of tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to buy fancy $200/lb Wagyu steaks, fine wine, and hard liquor is fine, according to far-left Democrat State Auditor Brian Colón, who is seeking the nomination for attorney general in 2022. 

Colón, who has failed to hold other government leaders accountable, such as allegedly corrupt former Gov. Susana Martinez who paid off state funds in hush-money settlements, said that the office found “there is no indication any of the expenses” violated state law.

“Statutory authority remains ambiguous without definitions [within the law] concerning what constitutes ‘expenses directly connected with obligations of the elected office of governor,’ which could be broadly interpreted, or what could be considered ‘perquisites or allowances for state employees,’ ” a report released Wednesday states.

“As a result, the New Mexico state Legislature may wish to review the matter and consider whether further statutory clarification is necessary with respect to the fund,” the report concluded.

“We take every complaint that comes into the Office of the State Auditor seriously, just as we did this one,” Colón said to the New Mexican. “It’s quite obvious that the statutory language is vague, and I would encourage the legislative body to contemplate reviewing this statute and coming up with an updated statute if they’re uncomfortable with the current approach on this contingency fund.”

The review by the agency found the current statute that oversees the lavish $96,000 contingency fund may not provide “adequate guardrails.”

After the State Auditor’s conclusions, Will Reinert, a spokesman for the Republican Governors Association said, “New Mexicans struggled just to feed their families while Governor Lujan Grisham lived like a queen on their dime,” He added, “Voters do not need a report crafted by a cast of lawyers to feel that using taxpayer money for luxury food and alcohol was a slap in the face and a morally rotten thing to do.”

Lujan Grisham is currently under investigation by the state Ethics Commission, which will determine whether her use of over $6,000 in campaign funds on hair and makeup paid to her daughter as “media preparation” is permissible.

[RESIST MLG’S WAGYU: Buy the OFFICIAL ‘Let Them Eat Wagyu’ T-Shirt at the Piñon Post store]

Democrat State Auditor says MLG stuffing face with taxpayer-funded Wagyu is A-OK Read More »

Manny Gonzales’ allies send Tim Keller running for cover after bombshell fraud allegation

On Thursday, Jason Tatz, the chairman of the Retired Law Enforcement Officers Measure Finance Committee, filed a bombshell ethics complaint showing direct fraud tied to incumbent Mayor Tim Keller’s bid to keep his seat and qualify for public financing.

The news comes after the Keller campaign alleged fraud in Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales’ bid for financing, with signatures allegedly not matching voter files, among other points. The City Clerk, in turn, denied Gonzales public financing pending a hearing where the Sheriff will make the case for the funding to be restored. Keller has reportedly received public financing.

Gonzalez denies accusations, but it appears his allies have much ammunition to throw right back at the Keller campaign regarding alleged fraud. 

According to the Albuquerque Journal, the complaint “contains an affidavit [which would mean jail time under the penalty of perjury if proven untrue] signed by Albuquerque firefighter Shawn McDonald alleging that the union leader asked firefighters to sign $5 donation cards on Keller’s behalf and that he told them that he’d cover the required $5 donation, a violation of city law.” 

The report notes:

In the affidavit filed with Katz’s complaint, McDonald — the Albuquerque firefighter — alleges that his fire station received a visit June 1 from the president of the Albuquerque Area Fire Fighters Local 244. The affidavit doesn’t name the union president, but accompanying receipts for the qualifying contributions were submitted by Cheney, who is president of the local firefighters union.

Neri Holguin, the far-left campaign manager for Keller and who has consulted on other races, such as for porn actor Roger Montoya, tried to laugh off the complaint, saying, “There’s no equivalency between the widespread fraud and admitted forgery by Manny Gonzales’s campaign and our campaign. There’s no evidence and there’s no merit to it.” 

But Keller has been previously found guilty of ethics violations by the City’s Board of Ethics, which “found that mayoral candidate and state Auditor Tim Keller violated the City Charter’s Elections Code and the Open and Ethical Elections Code,” according to the Journal. These charges were based on the Keller campaign’s fraudulent activity. 

Now, voters will see if the Keller campaign will also be stripped of its public financing amid fraud allegations and affidavits signed under penalty of perjury insisting the Mayor fraudulently qualified for financing.

Manny Gonzales’ allies send Tim Keller running for cover after bombshell fraud allegation Read More »

NM’s acceptance of conflicts of interest in the Legislature breeds corruption

We’ve all heard the rhetoric from legislators whining about not getting paid enough as legislators (despite it being part-time, they make per diem and receive a pension after ten years of service). The Legislature being part-time has given legislators a gaping wide loophole for corruption, with “ethics” lawyers and parliamentarians claiming because the Legislature is part-time, corruption is A-Ok! 

We saw this just recently with millionaire Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) getting off scot-free for sponsoring a bill, H.B. 4, which would line his pockets as a civil rights attorney due to the elimination of qualified immunity — incentivizing civil rights lawsuits that will cripple local governments, and thus flush loads of cash into his law firm’s bank account.

But a supposed “ethics” judge says that kind of shameless public corruption is perfectly fine in response to a former judge’s ethics complaint alleging his bill is a conflict of interest because he would personally benefit from it. James Starzynski, a retired judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New Mexico, said the very valid ethics complaint failed to state the necessary facts to “support a claim upon which relief can be granted.”

So, once again, public corruption has been rubber-stamped by the State of New Mexico. And Egolf can make millions by bankrupting local governments and putting targets on law enforcers’ backs since H.B. 4 is now state law. 

Let’s also talk about another legislator who will make out like a bandit after the 2021 Legislative (special) Session following the passage of H.B. 2 co-sponsored by state Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Bernalillo). 

After her bill’s passage legalizing recreational marijuana in New Mexico, Duhigg announced she is opening up a marijuana-focused law firm, which she will now make loads of money off of following her bill’s passage.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican

“People are rightly asking, ‘Why wasn’t this disclosed?’ ” Duhigg said in a telephone interview Monday.

“Had this been something I was planning on doing, I should have and would have made that disclosure,” she said. “But it didn’t exist then and, honestly, it didn’t even occur to me.”

You really believe that? She had no plans of making money off of her bill whatsoever? Yeah, right!

Now, what about state Rep. Angelica Rubio? She worked for the illegal immigration group “NM CAFé,” which harbors criminal aliens through churches across New Mexico. At the same time that she served as the group’s executive director, she sponsored bills in the Legislature to make illegal aliens’ lives easier by eroding immigration provisions on the state level.

As I reported in 2019: 

Rep. Rubio, who is currently serving her second term in the House, is the Executive Director of a pro-illegal immigration group called NM COMUNIDADES EN ACCIÓN Y DE FÉ (CAFé), joining the group in May of 2018 according to her LinkedIn profile and CAFé’s website.

CAFé has actively fought for HB-195 in the New Mexico House of Representatives, which her group would benefit from, designating the state of New Mexico a “Sanctuary State.” As well, Rubio herself is sponsoring HB-287, which would restrict the federal government from using New Mexico land to construct a border wall or fence. CAFé organized a march just last week, with Rubio rallying to the crowd to urge other legislators to vote for the measures.

Rubio, whose group would directly benefit from the passage of HB-195 and HB-287 must recuse herself because the conflict of interest could not be clearer, especially since she is the head of the organization. Furthermore, she must withdraw HB-267 from further consideration. Otherwise, it would be a violation of the Legislative Ethics Guide.

But an ethics complaint filed at the time by me got a response from Rep. Daymon Ely (D-Bernalillo), Chair of the House Rules and Order of Business Committee, where Ely referred to a similar case from 1994, where it stated the following: 

We understand that some parties have read the pertinent constitutional and statutory provisions to mean that a legislator’s work in the private sector creates an inherent conflict of interest with his legislative position and therefore his entity should be disqualified from contracting with the State. This viewpoint appears to rely on an unnecessarily narrow and wooden interpretation of the relevant laws. New Mexico, like many states, has a citizen legislature and most of its members earn a living through private sector employment. For the most part the lawmakers have real lives as farmers, teachers, bankers, business owners and lawyers…The fact that lawmakers have real lives as citizens in their communities is a tremendous asset to the legislative process.” [citation omitted] A wooden interpretation runs counter to this reality and prohibits a wide number of entities from bidding on state contracts and in turn prohibits a large number of legislators from working in the private sector. This could not possibly be the drafters’ intent of these laws when New Mexico is so dependent on private sector entities to provide required and valuable services for the citizenry. 

Another legislator, state Rep. Micaela Cadena (D-Doña Ana) had similar conflicts. As reported in 2019: 

​​Rep. Cadena, who is serving her first term in the New Mexico House, works as Research Director for Young Women United (YWU), an abortion-up-to-birth social justice advocacy group which actively lobbies in favor of late-term abortion rights. One particular bill, HB-51 is targeted by the group, which has partnered with Planned Parenthood and other abortion proponents to form Respect New Mexico Women.

On Respect New Mexico Women’s “about” page, a photograph of Rep. Cadena and pro-abortion supporters clearly show Cadena’s involvement with the organization, and her group is a listed sponsor. On Young Women United’s staff page, Cadena’s campaign site, and her Facebook page, she is listed as a current member of the YWU team.

Because of YWU’s political position to gain something from HB-51’s passage, there is a direct conflict of interest between Cadena and HB-51, if she does not recuse herself.

These blatant conflicts of interest are now normalized by this broken system of government, which is entitled, corrupt, and still whines about “not getting paid” or not getting paid “enough,” despite being able to work wherever the heck they want and being virtually untouchable in the eyes of the law. 

No legislator or any public official for that matter should be financially benefitting off of the bills, resolutions, ordinances, or laws they pass. Back in the old days, we used to call that “corruption.” 

The recent ruling by former Judge Starzynski on the Egolf case and the countless others prove time and time again that the system supposedly meant to work for the people only works for itself. We must change that with ETHICAL leaders in the New Mexico House of Representatives in 2022 and in both chambers in 2024 and beyond. 

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MLG floats gas tax on the poor, forcing citizens to buy ‘clean’ fuel cars during speech

While delivering the opening “keynote” address at the “virtual” 2021 State Environmental Protection meeting of the Environmental Council of States (ECOS), Lujan Grisham touted more of the same talking points she has been spewing regarding the “climate” and how she would like other states to adopt a version of New Mexico’s extreme “Green New Deal.” 

“New Mexico is serving as a shining example to other states and countries,” She said. “If other states and countries are looking for a climate action model to follow, look to New Mexico.”

According to a press release from the Governor’s Environment Department, “In her remarks, Gov. Lujan Grisham highlighted the innovative ways New Mexico is addressing climate change, including reducing emissions from the utility sector and the oil and gas industry, adopting clean car standards, prioritizing clean fuel standard legislation, investing in green energy job training, and making New Mexico the nation’s largest hydrogen hub. Through a whole-of-government approach, New Mexico is decarbonizing and diversifying its economy.” 

It is important to note that she mentioned “adopting clean fuel standards.” Not only is this concerning regarding a standard on industries, such as the transportation industry, but it is concerning regarding citizens if she chooses to try to impose a clean car standard on the average citizen.

By implementing this on industries, it would result in an at least 20+ cent per gallon gas tax on the poor, a proposal that failed during the 2021 Legislative Session, with even Democrat senators being hesitant to support it.

But a “clean car standard” for everyday citizens would mean forcing New Mexico’s citizens — a state with some of the poorest people in the nation — to buy expensive “fuel-efficient,” “green,” “hybrid,” or fully electric vehicles — crippling New Mexicans’ bank accounts and forcing thousands to either break the law, walk, or not travel at all. It would plunge countless people into financial ruin, resulting in an economic catastrophe for New Mexico. 

As for her Green New Deal in the form of the “Energy Transition Act,” it has forced New Mexico’s to be higher than the national average from March 2020 to March 2021, while New Mexicans were asked to cut back on electricity use because solar panel and clouds. 

XCEL Energy, one of the three largest electric utilities in the state, is already asking to raise rates on their customers because of the Energy Transition Act, passing off large costs back to the consumers. 

In northeast New Mexico, the Energy Transition Act has forced the closure of the San Juan Generating Station by PNM, leaving countless New Mexicans without jobs and only around 80 employees able to retire. “For the rest of the employees, though, they’re going to have to go find some other form of employment,” said plant manager Omni Warner. 

New Mexico is bleeding cash by the day as the Governor’s assault on the energy industry worsens. New Mexicans are being laid off with no fallback other than the state’s flailing unemployment system run by Lujan Grisham’s cabinet appointees. 

Even far-left enviro-Marxist groups have begged the Legislature to make changes to the Energy Transition Act before it completely wrecks the state.

With these failed policies, the Environment Department still claims, “the State of New Mexico is lighting the way to a brighter future for all.” But others disagree.

Larry Behrens, Western States Director for the pro-energy group Power the Future wrote in response to her speech, “Governor Lujan Grisham’s remarks are a shining example of what happens when you transition away from the truth. The Governor’s green agenda is causing eclectic rates to go up faster than the national average at a time when New Mexico’s unemployment rate is among the highest in the country. In just the last year, every utility in the state failed to meet the standard for her energy transition, and New Mexicans were asked to use less electricity as triple-digit heat hit parts of the state. New Mexico’s working families are being forced to pay for the Governor’s failed green agenda and no state should follow such an example.”

MLG floats gas tax on the poor, forcing citizens to buy ‘clean’ fuel cars during speech Read More »

Tim Keller, who was found guilty of ethics violations, now accuses opponent of similar charges

Over the past few weeks, New Mexicans have heard screaming and shouting from Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller’s campaign regarding accusations from the campaign that his opponent, Sheriff Manny Gonzales, had violated ethics rules regarding signatures on $5 contribution forms to qualify for public financing.

Now, despite Gonzales qualifying with more than enough verified signatures for public financing, the City’s Board of Ethics announced it would withhold public financing from the Sheriff. He will be appealing the decision, saying, “These are just tactics that are being used in a smear campaign by the Keller campaign.”

Gonzales may not be far off in his assertion, however, because in 2017, in his first run for mayor, Keller himself was found guilty of an ethics violation relating to campaign finance rules.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, the Board of Ethics “found that mayoral candidate and state Auditor Tim Keller violated the City Charter’s Elections Code and the Open and Ethical Elections Code.” These charges were based on the Keller campaign’s fraudulent activity. However, now, Keller accuses Gonzales of “widespread fraud.”

Then-Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson’s attorney, Pat Rogers, said of the 2017 complaint findings by the Commission, “We appreciate the work of the Board of Ethics and the confirmation of what we all know – Mr. Keller broke a number of ethical rules concerning contributions and reporting.” Rogers added, “… By the time all of the ethics complaints against Mr. Keller are addressed by the Ethics Board, it will (be) difficult to find an ethical rule Mr. Keller and his political operatives actually honored.”

The Journal reported:

The ethics board heard arguments and took testimony on the Keller in-kind contributions complaint last Thursday. Keller reported close to $38,000 in in-kind donations. Most of that came in the form of checks written by Keller supporters to Rio Strategies, the firm running his campaign, and was used to pay for Rio Strategies’ services.

The complaint, filed in September, alleged that the Keller campaign “falsely reported these cash contributions as ‘in-kind contributions’ on several reports” submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.

It appears that the Keller campaign, which in 2017 was run by socialist ex-Bernie Sanders for President supporters, is using socialist Saul Alinsky’s rule from “Rules for Radicals.”

Alinsky asserted, “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” Now, it appears Keller is trying to skirt fraud committed by his campaign under the rug while accusing his opponent of exactly what he is guilty of himself.

Allies of Gonzales are now acting on dishonest practices said to have been committed by the Keller campaign, with the Save Our City PAC telling KOB 4 that they have already found over 40 and counting concerning contributions from Mayor Keller’s campaign.

Tim Keller, who was found guilty of ethics violations, now accuses opponent of similar charges Read More »

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