
The ‘New Mexico Way’ is passé

It happened one afternoon just prior to the 2018 elections. I customarily listen to the Rock of Talk radio program hosted by Eddy Aragon on KIVA 93.7 FM/ AM 1600. On this particular afternoon I was introduced to a phenomenon I was totally unaware of. This phenomenon is known as the “New Mexico Way.”

Eddy received a call from someone who seemed cogent and in-control of his faculties. As the conversation continued, Eddy started asking probing questions of this gentleman’s choice for the upcoming elections. One particular answer has stuck with me all of this time. When asked why this gentleman was going to vote Democrat, he responded that he voted the way he did because it’s the “New Mexico Way.” During the rest of his conversation with Eddy, he added that he didn’t research candidates running for office. Rather, he simply voted for Democrats because his parents did, and his grandparents did, and on, and on.

My question is, when did this phenomenon take root in New Mexico? We have had to stand by and watch Democrat regimes promise much and deliver little for over eight decades. What magic spell has been cast upon New Mexicans in our land of enchantment? Is it the water? The altitude? Could it be that the Democrat secret sauce has more to do with deception and empty promises rather than a deep and abiding concern for the citizens of New Mexico? It would seem that we are asleep and putting our trust and faith in the politicians we elect.

No more! We are not few in number. We must unite to carefully and thoughtfully elect conservative candidates who will work with President Trump to make New Mexico great once and for all! We must effort to awaken those who claim to be “woke,” whatever that means. We can all hope and pray for a positive outcome, but as Eddy says, you must put feet to your faith. Go and spread the good news to all men. Do it with the fervency of an evangelist! Brothers and sisters, quit asking yourselves why you are here. You were born for such a time as this.

Bill Arroyo is first and foremost a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has a BA (Biblical attitude), an MA (His Master’s in anointing), and a Ph.D. (Prophet’s heavenly duty). He has garnered much of his knowledge through his dedication to church and community. He is a normal citizen who wants the best for his city, state, and nation. He longs for the day when New Mexico sheds its poverty mentality and steps into a position of prosperity and greatness in the United States.

Opinions offered by Piñon Post contributors in no way, shape, or form represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

The ‘New Mexico Way’ is passé Read More »

Desperate to win, NeverTrumper Mark Ronchetti’s campaign tries to smear every Republican in sight

On Friday, U.S. Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti’s campaign manager, Jeff Glassburner, posted yet another vicious attack on a fellow Republican. This time, the campaign is targeting candidate Elisa Martinez after she followed fellow U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Gavin Clarkson, in running ads pointing out Ronchetti’s NeverTrumper past. 

In a tweet, Glassburner wrote, “She didn’t pay her taxes for 8 years (!!!) yet thinks people should trust her to set tax policy,” with a screenshot of what appears to be a public record showing Martinez did not pay $1,355.96 in overdue taxes to the State of New Mexico. 

The Piñon Post reached out to Martinez for a comment, where she vehemently denied the false accusation. Ronchetti’s campaign also failed to say the small lien referenced was fully paid off. Martinez asserted that she did not update her address, which is why the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department could not get in contact with her to address the issue. Once Martinez connected with the State, she quickly paid the balance off in full. 

Tax document showing Martinez had paid her taxes in full.

“This is another example of Mark Ronchetti’s lies, trying to distract and dissuade from his comments bashing President Trump and working hand-in-hand with far-left activists instead of Republicans. He should be running as a Democrat,” Martinez said. “He claims to be pro-life, and as a pro-life leader, I can assure you he has never been with us anywhere in this fight. And when we could have used his help as a media figure during our various pro-life battles, he was working with far-left Democrats to stop President Trump and push the radical climate change agenda. We cannot trust Mark Ronchetti.” 

Ronchetti’s campaign has repeatedly claimed that because of his media contract with KRQE 13, he could not get involved in politics, but we know that is yet another lie because he was very involved — just not with conservative issues. He worked with climate activists to advance the climate change conspiracy theory and repeatedly bashed President Trump on the air. 

In a previous statement, Glassburner said Martinez is a “desperate” candidate who has “nothing to run on,” despite her work leading a prominent pro-life group in New Mexico. 

But this is just the latest false attack Ronchetti’s campaign has lobbed against fellow Republicans in this primary season, sending out Glassburner as an attack dog to peddle false talking points and conspiracy theories about Republicans of every stripe.

Before the Republican Party pre-primary convention, I did a deep investigation into Ronchetti’s background and his connection to NeverTrumpers behind the scenes of his campaign. Triggered by the revelations, Glassburner sent the Republican convention delegates a last-ditch email, in the attempt to discredit me and the facts I presented about Ronchetti’s liberal record.

Glassburner wrote to delegates, “[John] is a former intern for Senator Heinrich who then worked on Tim Keller’s mayoral campaign where he helped elect the ultra-liberal mayor who made Albuquerque a Sanctuary City.”

Glassburner failed to mention that I worked to help stop radical open-borders socialists from taking over Albuquerque by VOLUNTEERING on the Keller campaign for a little over three weeks to uncover unethical campaign practices. However, once the campaign did a simple Google search on my name and found out I was a pro-Trump Republican and my true purpose for being there, they kicked me out of the office and had me blacklisted as a “spy.” 

However, my work in that short time did not go unnoticed, as an ethics probe into Keller’s campaign found that Keller did, indeed, violate the ethics code, taking thousands of dollars in both private and public financing for his far-left socialist race for mayor. 

As for my two-month summer internship at the U.S. Senate, which Glassburner failed to note happened AFTER my short stint on the mayoral campaign, I applied, was accepted, and served in Martin Heinrich’s office AS A CONSERVATIVE PRO-TRUMP REPUBLICAN. I applied for an internship in then-Republican New Mexico Congressman Steve Pearce’s office as well. The only office that granted me an internship was Heinrich’s. I was given the selective opportunity to serve the people of New Mexico as a Senate intern and bring a conservative perspective to the far-left office.

On the first week of the internship, the Chief of Staff called me in and said he had looked up my background, finding my staunch support for the President. He was fully aware that I was, indeed, a pro-Trump conservative Republican, and allowed me to continue with the internship for the summer despite my political leanings.

My fellow interns repeatedly attacked my Republican ideals and repeatedly attempted to have me fired from the internship, but I did not back down — and it made my conservative values and support for our 45th president that much stronger.

Heinrich has allowed various Republican college students to intern for him in the past, such as Republican Dominic Pacheco in 2016. Pacheco helped the Republican Party of New Mexico with President Trump’s election efforts, as did I. While I was fighting liberal hacks in multiple viper pits, Mark Ronchetti was bashing President Trump on-air at leftist CBS Fake News affiliate KRQE News 13. 

Ronchetti’s campaign also blasted fellow Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Gavin Clarkson with a vicious slew of personal attacks, including a mailer falsely asserting that Clarkson resigned from his position at the Trump Administration with an “ethical cloud” over his head, despite a string of facts proving that was a blatant lie.  

Ronchetti bashed Clarkson’s bankruptcies during the 2007-2008 financial crisis, citing a progressive opinion column in the Santa Fe New Mexican as his source. It is unclear if Ronchetti also hit President Trump’s bankruptcies, just as he has with the President’s skin color, calling him “The Orange One,” and saying in 2019 that the President took a “part of his soul” that he’s “not getting back.”  

When Clarkson brought attention to the despicable anti-Trump comments Ronchetti made at a leftist climate change conference, Glassburner hit Clarkson as “a failing candidate” desperate to “get attention.” 

But that’s just scratching the surface. Ronchetti also bashed former Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Rick Montoya for telling delegates about Ronchetti’s deep ties to NeverTrumpers, namely that of Jay McCleskey, Ronchetti’s general consultant, known for his “slash and burn” political tactics. Ronchetti blasted Montoya with ad-hominem attacks, calling him “ham-handed.” 

But even worse, before the pre-primary convention, Ronchetti called Republican convention delegates and falsely told them that then-U.S. Senate candidate Louie Sanchez had dropped out of the race, which was a bald-faced lie.

Ronchetti also promised a room full of hundreds of GOP delegates that he’s run a “positive” campaign, telling the conservative audience, “I will not take a shot at a fellow Republican.” That promise to Republican voters was quickly violated. 

In the very same breath, Ronchetti bashed fellow Republicans asking him questions as “little Facebook trolls who are in their parents’ basement with their Cheeto-stained fingers,” a smear heard by many leftists to bash President Trump supporters.

During his KRQE 13 days, Ronchetti repeatedly mocked and hated on President Trump and other Republicans, such as former Gov. Susana Martinez, who he shamed for wearing a hard-hat while visiting a construction plant. He also laughed at President Trump’s hairstyle.

Instead of campaigning to be New Mexico’s next U.S. Senator, it appears Ronchetti is more interested in playing the high school bully, name-calling, and pushing everyone in his way just to get what he wants.

The nasty, bottom-of-the-barrel ad-hominem attacks on fellow Republicans, many of them being fellow candidates, prove that Ronchetti’s campaign is willing to go to any embarrassingly low level to win. The Republican voters will have to decide on June 2nd if they want to vote for a campaign full of sleaze and hatred for President Donald Trump, or vote for the two true Republican candidates, Dr. Gavin Clarkson and Elisa Martinez. 

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MLG slams 29 out of 33 NM sheriffs — says they’re peddling ‘false information’ about gun control

During an online Facebook interview called “Demanding Women” with Shannon Watts, founder of Michael Bloomberg’s dark money gun control group “Moms Demand Action,” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham hit the NRA and the law enforcers pushing back against unconstitutional gun laws, claiming they are putting out “false information.”

During the interview, Lujan Grisham said, “We all have a constitutional right to be safe in our homes and communities,” in her opening statement. She also bashed groups championing the Second Amendment, namely, the National Rifle Association (NRA), which she claimed took massive resources to fight their “scare tactics.” 

“If you’re going up — and we are — against the NRA, then it means that incredible resources and a false, right, effort at not fighting facts, and using social media in a way to do that, which is disappointing to me as an advocate and a politician, and an elected leader. But we know that that exists — and scare tactics that we are ‘taking everybody’s guns away,’ that ‘we are creating a registry to somehow punish you,’ and that we don’t believe in whether you are a constitutional scholar about the Second Amendment that this is a hidden agenda not to deal with gun violence, but just to reduce and restrict peoples’ individual rights. And that’s not true,” Lujan Grisham said. 

When asked about tips she had for elected leaders, Lujan Grisham claimed that they are “intimidated” by the NRA and law enforcers upholding their right to keep and bear arms. She claimed they are peddling “false information,” and using their uniforms to intimidate lawmakers.

“Elected leaders need to be not intimidated by the NRA and by efforts with some law enforcement folks. And they have free speech, every right to talk about their issues. But when you’ve got elected leaders, some sheriffs, some law enforcement folks who also put out false information — I think there’s some trepidation that if it is somebody in a uniform, that they can’t be putting out false information. And I’m not suggesting that that’s purposeful, but the groups that they’re working with — I think leverage them in ways that are completely inappropriate. And as a result, elected leaders have to have confidence that that’s what’s going on and they can maintain their relationships with their firsts responders, that they can also set an agenda that protects everybody else,” said Lujan Grisham.

Lujan Grisham was asked about her statements encouraging sheriffs to resign if they do not enforce her unconstitutional gun control laws, Grisham said, “You got to stand your ground, right? Again from the political side, if a sheriff on his or her own time says ‘I really disagree, I’m disappointed. But of course, on my professional arm, I will enforce every law,’ I can respect that, and am completely fine with the First Amendment, right? Free speech. But when you have a first responder or law enforcement individual who says they are not going to enforce the laws, I’ve made clear three things: 1) You should resign because you can’t do your job, and I’ve been unafraid and unabashed about that. 2) You’re creating a liability for your community, and that means that creates liabilities for government in general, including the state, which provides liability protections to local government, and 3) If you’re not going to invest in your required public safety agenda, then I’ll do it using other first responders.”

Lujan Grisham continued to bash gun ownership, claiming, “Gun violence, in fact, is a public emergency, and is an epidemic in this state.” 

In 2019, during the fight against the unconstitutional gun control legislation, Senate Bill 8, 29 out of New Mexico’s 33 sheriffs united against the law, which Lujan Grisham railed against on Twitter. She claimed they were defending domestic abusers and were throwing a “childish pity party” for refusing to enforce the law.

MLG slams 29 out of 33 NM sheriffs — says they’re peddling ‘false information’ about gun control Read More »

Legal immigrant proud to vote for Clarkson

For immigrants, the only legal way to earn the right to vote is through the naturalization process.

In some cases, lawful immigrants take more than a decade to complete this process. That’s another reason why amnesty for illegal aliens is wrong and allowing them to vote is unconscionable.

My family has been fleeing tyranny and socialism for most of our lives. My father’s family fled Mussolini’s Italy and my mother fled Franco’s Spain. They met in Argentina, just in time for the military junta. My mom later fled to Venezuela, just in time for Hugo Chavez.

When I fled to this country, everything I owned fit into a single suitcase. I crossed the border legally, got my work permit legally, and learned English by listening to country music while cleaning other people’s houses (Maybe that is why KIVA talk radio host Eddy Aragon thinks I have a cool accent)!

Marina’s suitcase she came to America with.

Even though I followed the rules, our immigration system made me wait 14 years to become an American citizen. My husband, Gavin Clarkson, is the only U.S. Senate candidate with a law degree and specific proposals to fix our broken immigration system.

He is the only candidate who teaches Constitutional Law and has been endorsed by Gun Owners of America because of his articulate defense of our fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.

When my husband was inducted into the Navy, he took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” His oath when he joined the Trump Administration thirty years later was a re-affirmation since his original oath never expires.

When I took my oath of citizenship at my naturalization ceremony, I also swore to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I am eternally thankful to God for the freedoms that America bestowed upon me that day.

In order to qualify to even take that oath, however, I had to pass a naturalization exam that had at least 100 questions on civics, geography, and history, yet most native-born American voters today couldn’t pass that test! Our schools should resume teaching civics so that future citizens, both native-born and naturalized, understand the solemn responsibility that we all have to choose our elected officials wisely.

I am extremely proud of my right to vote, and I take this civic duty seriously. I encourage all voters in New Mexico to join me in electing my husband, Dr. Gavin Clarkson as our next United States Senator.

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Rio Grande Foundation’s ‘Taxpayer Protection Pledge’ a must for fiscally responsible legislators

In April, the Rio Grande Foundation sent a letter to candidates for legislative office requesting they sign onto the “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” to be a good steward of taxpayers’ hard-earned income and promise to not raise taxes.

Just last week, Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Albuquerque), chairman of the New Mexico House Commerce and Economic Development Committee, signaled he was open to raising taxes on families and businesses already pinching pennies due to the effects of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Maestas wrote, “A ‘no tax’ pledge is so 2009 … and was the precipice of the lost decade,” referring to former Gov. Susana Martinez’s no-tax promise.

In a recent post by the Rio Grande Foundation, “after decades of Democrat rule, New Mexico’s government spends more than nearly any other state in the nation (as a percent of GDP) while ranking 44th for ‘return on investment’ according to Wallethub.” 

It’s clear that tax-happy Democrats are not only aggressively spending New Mexico’s tax dollars, but they are also proving how they are not the best stewards of our state’s resources, especially as Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is now looking to raid our state’s permanent fund.

Instead of cutting million-dollar tax subsidies given to out-of-state film companies investing little to none into our state, fiscally irresponsible Democrats seek to punish New Mexico families and businesses by gambling with our future. Raising taxes and spending New Mexico’s permanent fund puts small businesses and working families in jeopardy.

Because this is such a critical juncture in New Mexico, it is vital for voters to select legislative candidates who vow to be good stewards of the valuable resources our state has to offer. The Rio Grande Foundation’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge to “not to raise your taxes as a result of the current economic downturn” will bind candidates to fiscal responsibility and help voters ensure they are choosing candidates who will protect their hard-earned income. 

If you are a candidate for a legislative office, please find the pledge here to ensure to voter your commitment to fiscal responsibility. If you are unsure if your legislative candidates have signed onto the pledge, please reach out to their campaign and urge them to sign on. As New Mexicans, we are a family, and whatever political stripe we wear, we should all work toward fiscal responsibility to ensure a brighter future for all.

Rio Grande Foundation’s ‘Taxpayer Protection Pledge’ a must for fiscally responsible legislators Read More »

Is Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham waging war on the Catholic Church for political retribution?

On Wednesday, May 13, 2020, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham began lifting her rigid restrictions on small businesses, allowing them to re-open at 25% capacity. However, she arbitrarily continues to punish the Catholic Churches of New Mexico by only allowing Churches to re-open at 10% capacity.

This attack against religious freedom in New Mexico is uniquely impacting the Catholic community because Catholic services are uniquely dependent upon the physical presence of their Priests and their parishioners due to their Eucharistic Masses. Evangelical Churches throughout New Mexico, on the other hand, have been able to continue virtually unimpeded due to services that can be streamed online.

Could it be that Lujan Grisham is using her executive power during this COVID-19 crisis to wage war on the Catholic Church of New Mexico, due to the Catholic Bishops’ bold stance in opposition to 2019’s House Bill 51, the – Decriminalize Abortion Ban during the 2019 legislative session? 

According to Breitbart News, “[Pro-life] advocates are especially grateful for the efforts of the Catholic bishops of New Mexico who worked in defense of life. In addition to several official statements from the bishops, Abortion Free New Mexico noted the prayer vigil organized by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in the rotunda of the capitol building. Archbishop John Wester welcomed people of all faiths to join in prayer to ‘move the hearts of the Democrat legislators to oppose pro-death legislation,’ the pro-life group said.”

In fact, it was Catholic Democrats in New Mexico who were pivotal in the defeat of this radical pro-death agenda spearheaded by New Mexico Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham.

During the 2019 Legislative Session, Lujan Grisham welcomed radical pro-abortion extremists in Santa Fe and vowed to sign their extreme legislation if passed by the New Mexico legislators.

A Facebook post dated March 2, 2019 stated, “More than 100 advocates and health care providers a-delivered over 10,000 signatures in support of House Bill 51, removing ourtdated and unenforceable language criminalizing New Mexico health care providers. Reproductive health care is not a crime, and I am proud to stand with women across New Mexico in support of HB 51.”

Screen Shot 2020-05-14 at 11.51.16 AM.png

After the devastating defeat at the New Mexico legislature, Gov. Lujan Grisham wasn’t going to let this current crisis go to waste.

During the current COVID-19 crisis in New Mexico, the governor has deemed abortion facilities “essential” and allowed them to remain open, but has deemed Churches “non-essential” and forced them to close.

Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico received the following statement from the governors office:

“We have discussed this matter and the clinics are not going to close. Some people are claiming that abortions are elective surgeries and we are not considering them as elective surgeries.”

Meanwhile, The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has been especially hard hit due to the current shut-down imposed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. 
According to one report, “The Archdiocese says it’s struggling to make payroll since parishes haven’t been able to gather collections since the state public health orders prohibit in-person services.”

In addition, for Catholics, the ability to meet and receive communion is a cornerstone of their faith. The Church’s purpose is to bring souls to salvation and minister to the poor and needy, but Christians can’t fulfill these purposes when the governor deems fellowship, community and service to others as non-essential activities.  

This absurd inconsistency coming from New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham reeks of political retribution.

Bud and Tara Shaver lead the pro-life ministry Abortion Free New Mexico, using a systematic approach to closing abortion facilities through investigative research, public exposure, and proper oversight and accountability.

Opinions offered by Piñon Post contributors in no way, shape, or form represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

Is Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham waging war on the Catholic Church for political retribution? Read More »

VIDEO: Ronchetti lies again — breaks own campaign promise to not hit fellow Republicans

New Mexico’s voters have come accustomed in the last few weeks to seeing new headlines about now-disgraced ex-television weatherman Mark Ronchetti, who has scorned the conservative Republican base. In 2019, just nine months before announcing his candidacy for U.S. Senate, Ronchetti lambasted President Trump as the “Orange One,” and claimed led him to leave the Republican Party, as well as taking a “part of [his] soul” that he’s “not getting back.”  

Such harsh language from the embattled former local weatherman toward the President has led Republicans to flee from his campaign with as much speed and passion as humanly possible. Former supporters of all stripes now write messages on social media rebuking Ronchetti. One ex-supporter writes, “I’m so sorry I wasted my donation on you,” as another one writes, “A friend of mine told me that you were a ‘NeverTrumpster’ & I said, No way !! but now you have proven me wrong. So, I am deleting your emails that you are sending me to support you in your run for U.S. Senate for N.M.” 

As his crumbling base bleeds, and his campaign shills out hundreds of thousands of dollars on television ads that don’t so much as mention President Trump by name, Ronchetti has gotten desperate — and in doing so, betrayed his first campaign promise.

After yours truly uncovered damning evidence linking Ronchetti to NeverTrumpers, some who even donated $11,000 to radical leftist Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Ronchetti spoke at the Republican Party of Bernalillo County pre-primary convention. During his speech, he lost it — lashing out at Trump supporters asking him questions as “little Facebook trolls who are in their parents’ basement with their Cheeto-stained fingers.” 

The leftist jab was followed by a “positive campaign” pledge he demanded all other candidates sign in order to gag questioning of his record and connections to anti-Trump rogue “Republicans,” such as Jay McCleskey, his “slash and burn” general consultant. 

Ronchetti said, “In closing, I’d like to put my money where my mouth is on the ‘unity pledge,’ right? We all need to be on the same side, and I’ve taken as many arrows as anyone. I did not fire back at a fellow Republican, not once.” That turned to be blatantly false, as just second before, he bashed Republicans asking him questions as “little Facebook trolls.”

He then held up a piece of paper, saying, “This is a positive campaign pledge right here. I’m going to sign it right here. I will not take a shot at a fellow Republican. I hope my fellow Senate candidates will sign this as well.” Not a single Republican opponent signed the document.

But that supposed honorable “pledge,” which he promised through his word and a stroke of his pen, was just previously violated when his campaign sent out a hit job on his fellow candidate, Gavin Clarkson, who he attacked with inaccurate claims. He sent out a mailer attacking Clarkson on his work for the Trump Administration, his previous bankruptcy shortly after the financial crash of 2007-08, and a patently false claim that he attended a protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Note: Gavin Clarkson has not said a lie or untrue thing about Mark Ronchetti, yet, Ronchetti feels the need to throw out these untrue attacks on Clarkson.

The below-the-belt, desperate hits by Ronchetti’s flailing campaign not only undermined his campaign promise, they also violated the small remnants of credibility he may have had left. With the petty attack, Ronchetti proved without any doubt whatsoever, that he is both a liar and as credible as a high school bully — thinking he can get his way with a little pushing. 

Does Ronchetti want to mention that President Trump’s Interior Secretary (who Ronchetti claims fired Clarkson), hosted Clarkson and his wife Marina to the Trump Administration’s 2019 Interior Department Christmas Party, a clear disproval of Ronchetti’s conspiracy theory that Clarkson was forced out of the department?

Does Ronchetti want to bash President Trump once again by going after the President’s multiple bankruptcies out of the hundreds of businesses Trump has run? Would Ronchetti like to hit one more nail into his coffin of Trump-hating rhetoric for the fun of it?

Does Ronchetti want to explain to voters that the supposed “protest” Clarkson went to never happened and he actually went up to North Dakota to assist an old girlfriend, not “protest”? Ronchetti clearly sees his opponent as a real threat, and since this is the best attack he thinks he has, he’s using the final card in the deck — since the ones against me and other conservative Republicans flopped on their faces.

This is by no means the first attack Ronchetti’s campaign has made against Clarkson, previously sending out a statement calling him a “failing candidate,” despite Ronchetti’s voters running for the hills, not Clarkson’s.

The vengeful and cowardly tactics of Ronchetti’s campaign are more apparent now than they ever were before — and the weatherman’s lies aren’t fooling anyone. Mark Ronchetti is a NeverTrumper, always has been, always will be. Petty hits on the President such as calling him the “Orange One,” and mocking his hairstyle show just what kind of Senator he would be — no better than radical Democrats Elizabeth Warren or Cory Booker. If he’s looking for his “Spartacus” moment, he sure isn’t getting it with the negative campaign he’s running.

VIDEO: Ronchetti lies again — breaks own campaign promise to not hit fellow Republicans Read More »

MLG’s strict face mask requirement discriminates against low-income workers, people of color

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who claims to be a supporter of the poor and downtrodden, commanded in her latest edict that “essential workers” must wear masks or face coverings.

According to her edict, “All employees must wear their face coverings in the workplace at all times when in the presence of others.” She made sure to add a condescending statement belittling New Mexicans, many are people of color, saying, “If New Mexicans don’t behave safely, we won’t be able to reopen more than we have. Every single one of us has to do their part.”

The requirement adopted by her and many Democrat governors may disproportionately affect people of color and the poor, who cannot afford face masks. Business owners, many of them owning small businesses, cannot afford to buy face masks, which have become a hot commodity amid the pandemic. It’s difficult to find any at reasonable prices, with some being sold for as much as $20 apiece. 

So, who will provide these face masks required by Lujan Grisham’s edict? Small business owners and workers, that’s who. But price gouging is causing low-income individuals to not be able to afford masks. One report states the gouging has caused such a difficult market, allowing “only the more affluent can afford masks.” According to the latest statistics, people working in the restaurant industry were the most common group of low-income workers, 7.76% of the workforce, a group specifically singled out in the Governor’s edict., Also, over half of all jobs (49,249, or 53.0 percent) were held by ethnic minorities.

But regarding a different issue, Voter ID laws that secure American elections, Lujan Grisham claimed that having an ID to vote is “burdensome.” She also said such laws “disproportionately impact poor, elderly, disabled & Americans of color.”

The same tired argument can be made for requiring face masks, and we actually have a case, since a face mask can only be bought from select vendors, they are in low supply, and a burden to obtain. Getting an ID, which is required for everything from checking into a hotel to cashing a check, is not an undue burden.

Lujan Grisham’s discriminatory face mask order not only undermines her credibility as a leader, it hurts small businesses and working families who will have to go out of their ways to obtain face masks. The only people who will be hurt by Lujan Grisham’s requirement are the poor, who she seems to not give two thoughts about. 

MLG’s strict face mask requirement discriminates against low-income workers, people of color Read More »

We pray for President Trump and our beautiful state of New Mexico on this National Day of Prayer

Thursday is the National Day of Prayer in the United States, where people of faith unite as one nation to “turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.” 

The President is required by law to proclaim this holiday on the first Thursday of May each year and has survived the test of time, since being formally enacted in 1952 despite failed attempts by atheists to have it ruled unconstitutional.  

But as our nation faces the ramifications from the COVID-19 pandemic, our prayers are especially critical at this consequential time, as our nation is locked down, our jobs are being lost, our friends and family may have been dealt with the loss of loved ones, and uncertainty looms ahead.

As New Mexicans, we are a people of faith, and our prayers can make a difference on this national holiday to help contribute to the healing of our nation — including our state. 

Our President, Donald J. Trump is working hard to get our country back open and save as many lives as possible, despite the ravenous media looking to tear him down at every turn. Today, we must pray for our strong Commander-in-Chief, our beautiful First Lady Melania Trump, our Vice President, Mike Pence, our Second Lady Karen Pence, and their families as they support our great leaders in this time of crisis.

We must also pray for New Mexico as our people are hurting and our state is battling a strict lockdown by our despotic ruler. We pray for our brothers and sisters facing catastrophic fines for trying to put food on their tables by working. We pray for the workers being laid off and furloughed, the health care workers and necessary employees on the frontlines combating the pandemic, the brave law enforcers, firefighters, first responders, and military members keeping us safe, and every New Mexican as they survive this crisis.

We pray for the unborn and their mothers as they face the brutal slaughter of abortion each day, despite the crisis closing, the medically compromised as they fight to stay safe from COVID-19, and all who live in uncertainty as injustices are carried out all around us.

Today, we pray for our voters to choose candidates who will uphold our New Mexico values of faith, family, the sanctity of life, support for our President, and who will uphold ALL of our rights enshrined in the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Mexico.

As our nation prays for healing, we must pray for the healing of hearts and minds so that our fellow citizens can open their arms to freedom, and reject the tyrannical rule that aims to keep us downtrodden, poor, and uneducated. By our prayers and our actions, we will take our state back into the right hands, and we will overcome whatever afflicts us. 

As Americans and New Mexicans, we are strong, patriotic, fair, just, and most importantly, prayerful. Our prayers work, and God hears every single plea, multiplying with each one prayed. Although we may not be together during this National Day of Prayer, God is everywhere, and he is with us always. 

From the gypsum majesty of White Sands and the towering spires of the Organ Mountains to the breathtaking wings of Shiprock, these reminders of God’s hand give us hope for the future, and give us something to fight for — our people, our state, our culture, and our identity.

We are not alone. We must look up and give thanks for all the beautiful things God has provided us. With Him, all things are possible, if they be His will. We can turn our state around through our hard work, our prayer, and our love for each other.

May God bless our state, our President, and our nation. 

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction.” — Philippians 4:11-14, KJV

We pray for President Trump and our beautiful state of New Mexico on this National Day of Prayer Read More »

Freedom, Tyranny and New Mexico’s Fight Against COVID-19

Unconstitutional Government Overreach by NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

The purpose of my post today is to highlight the continual struggle between tyranny and liberty, and the front lines which are now drawn in New Mexico. While it is evident that COVID-19 is a virus to take seriously, the Governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, has overreached by imposing government control on her constituents with her blanket-approach in closing all NM small businesses, shuttering gun storefronts, and prohibiting the gathering of more than five persons. The constitutional rights of Americans should never be done away with even in times of crisis, and New Mexicans can and should practice the proper protective measures and social distancing while maintaining their ability to live out their lives without government interference.  In addition, Lujan Grisham has closed down the city of Gallup not allowing anyone in or out. This essentially is “martial law” and should never occur in the United States of America. 

New Mexico is currently under one of the most restrictive lock-downs in America due to a public health order issued by New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, instituted on March 13, and originally set to expire on April 30, 2020. The purpose of this public health order was to “flatten the curve” so that the hospital system would not be overwhelmed with patients negatively impacted by the COVID-19 / novel coronavirus which was traced to an outbreak in Wuhan, China which the World Health Organization and Chinese government tried to cover up. Due to the lack of knowledge around COVID-19, computer models predicted hundreds of thousands dying in America due to the illness, hospitals being overrun. It increased damage to public health due to a lack of appropriate ventilators. 

Lujan Grisham banned in-person church gatherings and utilized the Amber alert system to warn all residents via text message not to attend church the day before Easter Sunday.  Many congregants at churches were not going to attend services but instead, watch through a live stream option wherein the place of worship may or may not have more than five persons to operate the technical equipment and perform for the community.  Many churches had little notice to come under Lujan Grisham’s orders.

One of the most misguided portions of Lujan Grisham’s restrictive orders was to ensure that hospitals in New Mexico do not perform “non-essential” surgeries and preventive care such as cancer screenings while deeming abortions ‘Essential’. Lujan Grisham’s restrictions on hospital services, coupled with the lack of COVID-19 patients, caused many hospitals to lay off staff and caused extreme financial distress for all hospitals in New Mexico. A report just released stated that rural hospitals in NM lost $250 million dollars in revenue in April 2020.

As part of the public health order, “non-essential” businesses (as defined by the State of New Mexico) were closed. The governor of New Mexico had set up a hotline for residents to report non-essential businesses which were open for business, and as such were in violation of the public health order, which resulted in state police visiting the non-essential business and issuing a citation, a cease and desist order, and/or a $5,000 per day fine.

For the small business owners whose businesses were deemed “non-essential” by the New Mexico Governor, their livelihoods have been put in jeopardy by the Governor’s illegal and unconstitutional actions. The measures instituted by Lujan Grisham are unfair to small business owners — the backbone of American prosperity.

Lujan Grisham “tipped her hand” when she started her belief that “a case anywhere in New Mexico is a case everywhere in New Mexico.” We are now seeing the far-left using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to institute extreme government control and create a society where only government and large corporate retailers exist within the geographic confines of New Mexico. 

Small businesses must be allowed to open with the same safety precautions as “big box stores” such as Wal-Mart. Lujan Grisham’s preferential treatment of “big box stores” and government employees is a calculated political move to drain her opponents: conservatives and Republicans in New Mexico, out of jobs, money, and any valuable resources in her attempt to secure the Vice-presidential/running mate nod from Democrat Presidential front-runner Joseph Biden.

Given the significant problems with the restriction of personal freedom, economic hardships, and inadequate government “solutions”, a discontent among New Mexico residents is rising. 

A Return of the Power to the People

A movement is rising within the United States, Mexico at the forefront due to the draconian measures of the Lujan Grisham which do not align with the rural, diverse culture of New Mexico. Conservatives, many of whom are small business owners, farmers, ranchers, and tradesmen who built America, are tired of their rights being violated by government control in violation of the Fourth Amendment, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and the 14th amendment, Equal Protection under the Law.  In addition, New Mexicans’ ability to purchase ammunition and a firearm were curtailed by Lujan Grisham closing gun storefronts in direct violation of the Second Amendment of our Constitution. The First Amendment has been violated with the public health order of no gatherings of more than five persons.  All of these constitutional rights should have remained in place with proper safety measures to mitigate contracting COVID19.

As someone who was raised in a small business-owning family and as a rancher in New Mexico, I know first-hand the challenges faced in putting food on the table in New Mexico. After the first couple of weeks of Lujan Grisham’s lockdown, as the science caught up with the media hype and we realized our hospitals were not being overrun, we witnessed conservative activists who were unjustly confined unite through social media and begin organizing “Freedom Rallies” to exercise our freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and to “push back” against the Governor’s unconstitutional actions such as shuttering the gun storefronts.

I live and raise my family in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I am a mother with four children. We attended a “Freedom Rally” in Santa Fe, with multiple cars driving around the Santa Fe Capitol in a “Gridlock NM” event held Saturday, April 18, 2020. I was the only person walking, and my family and I practiced appropriate “Social Distancing” according to CDC guidelines. As I was the only person on foot, The left-wing media of Santa Fe took my photograph and united against me to deride the movement of small businesses, which was gaining steam as a “gridlock without any gridlock.” A mother of four wearing a handkerchief over my face surrounded by NM State Police helicopters circling the Santa Fe “Round House” is an iconic image that defines our struggle for freedom in the times of COVID-19.  

Movements start with one voice and one person. This is the point we must make even in the heart of a Democrat-controlled city and the political and cultural heart of New Mexico–Santa Fe.  The purpose of the expression of the First Amendment was to redress grievances in government that the early Americans were well aware of with the King of England.  The rights of Americans are again being tested; a free America has never tolerated draconian measures.

“Freedom Rallies” began popping up all around New Mexico after the Santa Fe gridlock: on Friday, April 24, 2020, a large group rallied on Albuquerque Civic Plaza, and a car caravan gathered in Los Alamos, New Mexico among other cities throughout the state. I was in attendance in the rally in Los Alamos, and again my campaign practiced proper social distancing, with face coverings and sanitizing spray used continuously.  The narrative that Republicans are a “death cult” such as Stelnicki (Lujan Grisham’s spokesperson) has said, is false for my campaign as a Republican because I take this virus seriously as I take my constitutional rights. So do many New Mexicans. 

The growing social movement against Lujan Grisham’s overreach came to an impasse when the Mayor of Grants, “Modey” Hicks, decided to declare Grants “open for business” in defiance of the Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s public health order. Mayor Hicks ordered all city employees to return to work and, additionally, to open the City-owned golf course. The mayor had the support of local Sheriff Tony Mace, to open small businesses. 

The city was opened on Monday, April 27th, to much anticipation and speculation about a confrontation between city and sheriff law enforcement and state police enforcing Lujan Grisham’s public health order. I attended the opening where I stood with U.S. Military veteran Mayor Hicks. The business of Papa’s Pawn, a pawn shop run by a disabled veteran, was issued a citation and later fined $60,000 for violating the public health order.  Lujan Grisham set out to make an example of a constitutionalist, disabled American veteran. This family will never be able to pay a $60,000 fine — as Lujan Grisham makes that amount in around four months — this family will never be able to. The far-left administration in New Mexico and the far-left administrations of the greater U.S. are out-of-touch with the results of centralized government policies. Their reliance on their own laws to provide them with money and give out money will not be sustainable in a capitalistic society.

I was in attendance at Santa Fe, Grants, and Los Alamos “Freedom Rallies” in support of our constitutional rights as Americans to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances. While complying with all CDC Guidelines, I stood as a representative of all small business owners in New Mexico who are fighting for freedom and equal protection under the law. 

Gallup Lockdown/Retribution from MLG

Shortly after these protests, on April 30, 2020, and in response to conservative “Freedom Rallies”, Michelle Lujan Grisham reduced restrictions in NM, allowing retail businesses to operate curbside, re-opened golf courses, and unveiled a “multi-phase plan” to re-open New Mexico. However, she kept all restrictions in four counties of NM around the Navajo (Diné)  Nation. Meanwhile, the New Mexico Attorney General sent a letter to Grants Mayor Hicks and sought an order from the NM Supreme Court to force Mayor Hicks to comply with Lujan Grisham’s public health order. 

New Mexico Republican State Representatives sent a letter to Lujan Grisham’s office imploring her to create a plan, and a plea to Attorney General Barr to enforce protection of our constitutional rights.

On request of the outgoing Mayor, the City of Gallup is currently in a state of emergency based on the New Mexico Riot Act, meaning only residents are allowed to enter the city. All roads in and out are being closed by state police due to the spread of COVID-19 cases in the surrounding Navajo Nation.  The Navajo Nation also experienced 57-hour lockdowns on Fridays at 5 p.m. until Mondays at 8 a.m., and travel is extremely limited, such as requiring a maximum of two people in one motor vehicle.

Due to Lujan Grisham’s action, we will experience the “Law of Unintended Consequences.” The Navajo Nation relies on border towns for basic necessities, including potable water for cooking and cleaning. Navajo Nation members will now have to travel further for their needs, complicating an already difficult situation for Navajo Nation members and possibly furthering the geographic spread of COVID-19.

Flipping New Mexico Red in 2020

I am running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Congressional District 3 to return the U.S. government back to working for the people of New Mexico who are being oppressed by an overreaching state governor. I stand 100% with our President Donald Trump, who, through Attorney General Barr, has stated that governors must respect constitutional rights. 

I encourage all American patriots to keep up their fight against government overreach that infringes upon constitutional rights.  I support opening small businesses safely and responsibly. I am advocating a county-by-county approach that puts decision making into the hands of our local officials such as sheriffs, business leaders, health care professionals, and community leaders with the cooperation of the Governor of New Mexico.  I believe we must focus the bulk of COVID-19 mitigation efforts on the Navajo Nation and areas with the highest risk and transmission. Now is not the time for a top-down, centralized government approach, but reasoned and common sense empowerment of local elected officials in a way that allows small businesses to operate in a responsible, safe manner.  Local officials should interact with the Governor of New Mexico to obtain pertinent information to mitigate COVID19 as well as information on resources that could help stop the spread of COVID19, such as proper protective safety gear.

In Congress, I will work to ensure the constitutional rights of Americans are upheld in a safe manner. The Governor’s actions have set the precedence of a centralized, overreaching government that has done away with the rights of Americans, and unnecessarily shut down the economy and livelihood of many in our state. Lujan Grisham’s’ unwillingness to listen to her constituents has created a foment of dissension among many New Mexicans that can only be remedied by electing conservative officials into positions of decision-making within the US government. Join Americans in expressing your voice, standing up for your rights, and “holding the line” to defend this great experiment — the United States of America.  

Alexis Martinez Johnson is a Republican Candidate for the U.S. House in New Mexico’s 3rd District. More information, please visit www.AlexisJohnsonNM.com.

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Freedom, Tyranny and New Mexico’s Fight Against COVID-19 Read More »

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