New Mexico

NM Dems rejoice after SCOTUS strikes down pro-life Louisiana law protecting women’s health

On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision striking down a Louisiana law requiring doctors at abortion facilities to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital for the protection of women. The law would simply protect women in the event there is a complication due to an abortion procedure. The law that was struck down was authored by pro-life Black Democrat Rep. Katrina Jackson.

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who was appointed to the Court by President George W. Bush, reversed his vote in a similar Texas case, to side with liberal Democrat Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen G. Breyer.

New Mexico Democrats were gleeful about the anti-life decision, responding with leftist platitudes and generic pro-abortion rhetoric. 

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote on Twitter, “Access to abortion is access to health care. Period.” The Democrat Party of New Mexico retweeted the Governor’s sentiments. 

Radical leftist group ProgressNow NM wrote on Twitter, “Today, #SCOTUS strikes down Louisiana abortion restrictions. 

They decided what we already know to be true – admitting privileges requirements for abortion providers are #unconstitutional and an undue burden for women seeking abortion care in this country. #Victory #JuneVRusso

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich wrote on Twitter, “The Supreme Court’s ruling affirms that women have the right to choose what is best for their body and well-being.

We must continue to protect Roe v. Wade and ensure that ideological views never interfere with personal health care decisions.”

Rep. Deb Haaland retweeted a favorable Bloomberg news article about the High Court’s decision but did not offer a comment. In September, Haaland will be headlining Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountain Action Fund’s annual “Rosé and Resistance” event, which Rep. Xochitl Torres Small was the keynote speaker at last year.

NM Dems rejoice after SCOTUS strikes down pro-life Louisiana law protecting women’s health Read More »

Anti-Hispanic hate group ‘The Red Nation’ holding anti-Semitic, terrorist-linked ‘Global Day of Rage’

Last week, the Piñon Post uncovered the anti-Hispanic hatred spewed forth by a group calling itself “The Red Nation,” which aims to erase any trace of Hispanic culture in New Mexico through militant protests and violence. 

Previously, the group helped pressure liberal Santa Fe leaders to do away with Fiesta De Santa Fe’s Entrada parade, forced the University of New Mexico to change their official seal which previously featured Spanish conquistadors, and most recently, partnered with the violent anti-Hispanic hate-group “Three Sisters Collective” to urge Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber to remove historical statues, including that of Don Diego de Vargas, who peacefully resettled Santa Fe.

The Red Nation is notorious for spewing anti-Hispanic propaganda, most notably by claiming in a 2016 blog post that “the ‘Hispanic’ or ‘Spanish American’ racial identity was a fiction created to make New Mexico appear ‘white enough’ to join the U.S. since both identities privileged a European or Spanish heritage even if the population was mixed or descended from detribalized peoples. New Mexico’s statehood was delayed until 1912 because white Anglos felt the territory did not possess a white majority, so a new ‘race’ of whites had to be created.”

But Hispanics are not the only target of the hate group’s rage. Now, the group is branching out its effort to protest against Israel with a “Global Day of Rage” parade against Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. According to the Facebook event, The Red Nation will hold the protest on July 1st at 5:00 P.M. starting at San Mateo and Central in Albuquerque.

The event’s invite reads as follows:

On Wednesday, July 1, the Israeli/Zionist occupation plans to annex all illegal settlements in the West Bank and large swaths of the Jordan Valley, consuming the remaining areas under Palestinian control. While the media claims 30% of the West Bank will be annexed, the little left to Palestinians will be divided by Jewish only roads, checkpoints and walls.

Palestinians have called for an international day of rage against the final phase of Israeli genocide of Palestinians. We will be mobilizing in Albuquerque on July 1st.

We call on all of our relatives, comrades, and allies join us at 5pm at San Mateo and Central for a car parade.

5pm: Car Parade will start at San Mateo and Central, then head west down Central Ave to Rio Grande Blvd, then head north to Mountain and will end at Tiguex Park.

6pm: We will have a rally with speakers at Tiguex Park.

We are also happy to announce the beginning of the Southwest Coalition for Palestinian Liberation which you can learn more about by coming to the event ♥️🇵🇸✊🏽

**Practice Social Solidarity and Physical Distancing and Wear Masks**

Join the international uproar against the escalation of Israeli supremacy and genocide through the annexation plan. We are calling on all allies to defend Palestine in this crucial time.

Included below the event are three links to radical groups supposedly in partnership with The Red Nation, some of which include anti-Semitic cartoons of Jewish leaders. One link is from the group “Al Awda,” whose founder equates Zionists with Nazis. 

Screenshot of The Red Nation’s Facebook event
Anti-Semitic cartoon from Al-Awada link from The Red Nation’s Facebook event
Al-Awada founder eqauating supporters of Israel to Nazis.

In response to a tweet calling for renewed vigilance against anti-Semitism, including anti-Semitism expressed by the terrorist group Hamas, the group’s founder Abbas Hamideh tweeted, “Your whining statement will not intimidate legitimate criticism against Zionist terrorism in Occupied Palestine. israel [sic]remains an illegal racist and supremacist entity, and we will fight it until the end. You have no future in Palestine. Get out!”

He has also expressed openly his support for Hezbollah, the militant terrorist group active in southern Lebanon.

Al-Awada founder’s open support for terrorist group Hezbollah.
Al-Awada founder’s open support for terrorist group Hezbollah.

In addition, Hamideh repeatedly praised the work of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, writing, “Happy #LiberationDay #Lebanon! Long live the courageous #Hezbollah!”

He compared Zionists with Nazis writing, “Yes, the Nazis are still around with a different name: Zionists,” and wrote, “Israel will eventually die just like Nazism.” 

Hamideh also said FOX News and CNN are “Zionist Jew network[s]” that are controlled by “Jew Zionist masters.”

The Red Nation is now working hand-in-hand with radical groups that support terrorism. 

Another article shared on the group’s Facebook event claims, “The USA thus proves once again to be the ultimate arbiter of Palestine’s destiny.  Issues that so many consider extemporaneous to Palestine—presidential elections, policing, economic policy—in fact affect Palestine’s ability to survive.  Imperialism deoxidizes the blood of the nation.” It goes on to say, “No anti-capitalist or anti-imperialist formation will be effective if it leaves Zionism unscathed.” 

Will people in attendance know that by joining in The Red Nation’s anti-Semitic “protest” that they are also supporting terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah? A better question may be will liberal politicians who previously supported The Red Nation now condemn the hate group and its embrace of terrorist-linked groups?

Anti-Hispanic hate group ‘The Red Nation’ holding anti-Semitic, terrorist-linked ‘Global Day of Rage’ Read More »

MLG’s dreams of becoming vice president have vanished

After weeks of speculation that New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was reportedly being considered to be former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate on the Democrat ticket for president, it appears her dreams of the longshot nomination have been completely shattered.

According to a new CNN report, Biden has winnowed down his list to four possible contenders, and Lujan Grisham is not on it. According to the report, “CNN spoke to more than a dozen people close to the Biden search process who believe that four of the leading prospects are Sen. Kamala Harris of California, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Rep. Val Demings of Florida and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.” 

Joe Biden has already disclosed that he will pick a woman as a running mate, but the only question now is whether that running mate will be a woman of color or not, especially given certain recent developments where race riots have begun across the country. 

A close ally of the Joe Biden campaign, Rep. James Clyburn, told CNN, “The whole way that (issues of race) have come to fro is having a real, serious impact on the search,” adding, “You can do a search in order to check a box or you can do a search to get a running mate. I think this search is going to be genuine about getting a running mate rather than checking a box.”

MLG’s dreams of becoming vice president have vanished Read More »

NM school moves graduation ceremony to TX after threat of $1.75 million fine from MLG’s Health Dept.

LOGAN, NM — Logan Municipal Schools in Logan, New Mexico, were forced to move their senior graduation ceremony across state lines to Texas after a threat from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s health department of $1.75 million, or $5,000 for each individual participating in the graduation ceremony.

The ceremony was to be held outside on the Logan football field where all social distancing measures could take place in the small, rural community.

The school was supposed to hold its ceremony at 10:00 A.M. New Mexico time at the First Baptist Church of Dalhart, TX located at 1000 East 16th Street. The school still required tickets for admission, however, a Texas county judge intervened and barred the school from holding its graduation ceremony at the church. A statement from the school reads as follows:

While the graduating seniors of the Class of 2020 deserve a full graduation ceremony to mark the end of their high school careers, present circumstances are making it impossible to give them such a ceremony.

After the State of New Mexico threatened to impose exorbitant fines on the school if it attempted to hold a traditional graduation, we announced plans to move the ceremony to a church in Dalhart, TX.

However, a Texas county judge intervened late last night and informed the church that they could not hold our ceremony there. The pastor apologized for having to cancel on us.

So, despite our best efforts to provide our seniors with the graduation they truly deserve, we are left with little option but to distribute diplomas as the graduates (and their families) drive through our school property, one vehicle at a time.

We are proud of their resilience in the face of unexpected challenges, and we remain confident that these Longhorn graduates have very bright futures!

One citizen criticized the move by Lujan Grisham’s health department as “a gross infringement of our American rights.” due to the six total cases of COVID-19 in Quay County, which spans more than 2,882 square miles.

New Mexico was recently ranked the state with the strictest COVID-19 restrictions out of every state and district in the union by WalletHub.

NM school moves graduation ceremony to TX after threat of $1.75 million fine from MLG’s Health Dept. Read More »

Haaland continues cancel culture crusade: demands Washington Redskins change their name

On Friday, New Mexico’s representative for the 1st Congressional District, Deb Haaland, called on the Washington Redskins, based in the Nation’s Capitol, to change their name, claiming it’s a “slur.” 

Haaland’s press release reads as follows: 

“We are in the middle of a movement. The Black Lives Matter protests have begun a reckoning with the systemic racism and oppression experienced by Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. From passing the Justice in Policing Act to PepsiCo ending the use of the offensive Aunt Jemima branding, it is clear as Americans will no longer stand for institutional racism and the NFL should be held to the same standard.

“We cannot tolerate the use of racial slurs or inappropriate use of Native mascots anywhere, but especially in the nation’s capital. This is a longstanding issue that the NFL has been aware of for quite some time. These mascots actively harm the well-being of our children by dehumanizing Native people and mocking our culture and traditions. Until we live in a country where racist mascots and the use of racial slurs by sports teams no longer exist, harmful stereotypes will continue to put communities at risk.”

“The national sports organizations like the Washington NFL football team have a role in fighting racism, they must change their name. I call on the fans, my colleagues and people across the country stand against racism in all forms.”

The “woke” mob has already gone after pancake syrup (Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth), sticks of butter (Land O’ Lakes), packages of rice (Uncle Ben’s), ice cream bars (Eskimo Pies), and the destruction of monuments across the country, showing that no one is safe from cancel culture — with Deb Haaland leading the fight, and taking up her scepter as the “queen of wokeness.”

Leftists are even going after their own — such as with ProgressNow NM now demanding that their founder, City Councilor Pat Davis resign, claiming he is a racist. Nationally, figures such as Jimmy Kimmel and others have had to atone for their previous sins as well. 

Across the nation, and in New Mexico, vandals have been destroying monuments and statues, such as the obelisk in downtown Santa Fe. The cancel culture knows no bounds, and Deb Haaland won’t be happy until her party’s rules are implemented far and wide.  

Haaland continues cancel culture crusade: demands Washington Redskins change their name Read More »

MLG pardons 19 criminals convicted of drug possession, burglary, larceny, and other charges

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham pardoned 19 criminals convicted of forgery, drug possession, burglary, larceny, issuing a worthless check, and conspiracy, among other crimes. The pardons are the first since the Susana Martinez Administration, where pardons last occurred in 2012.

In a statement, Lujan Grisham wrote, “The power of executive clemency is an exercise in compassion.” She continued, “Each of us, in our own way, in our own lives, has the obligation to find forgiveness in our hearts for those individuals who have paid their debts, who have expressed genuine contrition and made sincere and forthright amends for their offenses. The governor’s power of executive clemency is an avenue for that exercise available to me, and I am humbled by the opportunity to deliver it. My administration will continue to evaluate all applicants in a responsible, methodical, and even-handed manner.”

The Governor’s noted in the release that “the governor’s pardon restores certain fundamental rights, such as the right to vote, the right to hold public office and other positions of public trust, and the right to bear arms.” 

On Twitter, Lujan Grisham wrote, “Today I granted pardons to 19 individuals, all of whom have shown themselves to be reformed and contributing members of society.” However, she did not specify the criteria she based their “reformation” on.

The governor’s pardoning power extends to all offenses committed under state law other than the offenses of impeachment and treason. However, the governor does not have authority to pardon convictions for violations of municipal ordinances or convictions from another jurisdiction, such as convictions from other states and convictions under federal law.

The move does not appear to be coincidental, amid nationwide protests and mounting pressure by leftist groups to defund police departments and release criminals in the name of “social justice.” 

MLG pardons 19 criminals convicted of drug possession, burglary, larceny, and other charges Read More »

In a desperate move, ProgressNow NM calls its founder a ‘racist’

On Wednesday, it was revealed in a bombshell report that ProgressNow NM’s founder and current Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis has a past that includes the shooting of a black man while working for the Washington, D.C. Police Department, among other more recent actions. In a desperate move to distance itself from its founder, ProgressNow NM is now calling Davis a “racist.”

In the report, it cites a recent comment by Davis saying, “For far too long we’ve seen people of color targeted by police and underserved by those in power. Seeing the brutalization and death of individuals at the hands of those who are supposed to protect and serve is a disgrace to our nation and I’m glad to see so many people stand up, say ‘Black Lives Matter.’… As [a] former police officer myself, I acknowledge that … I also made arrests and instigated some encounters I wouldn’t be proud of today.”

The report details Davis’ 2006 shooting of a black man:

“While on patrol, the officers observed a red … Nissan … occupied by two black males. The passenger in the vehicle was observed without his seatbelt on, and the vehicle also failed to use a turn signal while making a left turn. … [A]t that time, [officers] conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. … Davis approached the driver’s door of the vehicle and observed the driver with a semi-automatic pistol in his hand attempting to conceal the handgun in the middle of the console area of the vehicle. … Officer Davis reached inside the vehicle and attempted to grab the handgun from the driver and a struggle ensued. … The driver of the vehicle then sped off at a high rate of speed with Officer Davis partially inside of the driver’s window struggling with the driver and being dragged by the vehicle. … Officer Davis, fearing for his life, fired his service weapon into the vehicle. … Officers continued to canvass the area and … located the defendant … hiding under a stairwell … The defendant was suffering from a gunshot wound to the left shoulder. …. ”

The report also details how in 2017 Davis said, “[I was a] ‘zero-tolerance cop’ – the kind you wouldn’t want to pull you over. … I came from a conservative background. … If you broke the laws, there are consequences for that.”

Now, his past is coming back to bite him as the socialist group “ProgressNow NM,” which he himself founded is now denouncing Davis as a racist and calling for his resignation. In a statement by Progress Now, they blasted Davis’ record as a policeman in Washington, D.C. as well as at UNM, and his recent work on a supposed “racist” and “sexist” mailer against County Commissioner-elect Ariann Barboa. 

“As a self-proclaimed ‘progressive’ Davis is not exempt from accountability. Davis’ sustained pattern of racist actions over a long period of years has led us to call for Davis to step down from his positions of authority, including the Bernalillo County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, the Judicial Selection Committee, Governor Lujan Grisham’s Marijuana Legalization Task Force, and his seat on City Council. Surely, our community does not need someone who routinely targets and criminalizes Black and Brown people to be serving on committees that select judges, decide the future of marijuana legalization in our state, or pass policies and make financial decisions for the City of Albuquerque,” writes ProgressNow NM. 

“This pattern of racist behavior targeting Black and Brown communities should be concerning to everyone.”

The group’s executive director, Alissa Barnes wrote, “You can’t lead a task force for the legalization of marijuana and simultaneously weaponize the substance to criminalize people who use it so that you can gain personal, political power.” 

Davis has a chequered past, including a DWI charge, a failed run for Congress, in which he tastelessly shouted “F*ck the NRA” and showed his ignorance relating to guns in a campaign ad, and a recent power-grab to help ascertain more power by using Coronavirus as a cover, to name a few. Now, both the Left and the Right are uniting in opposition to Davis. 

In a desperate move, ProgressNow NM calls its founder a ‘racist’ Read More »

MLG’s school reopening plan: all students and school personnel required to wear face coverings

According to new guidelines from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Public Education Department (PED), the new K-12 school year will begin in hybrid form with in-person attendance limited to 50% of classroom capacity.

All students and staff will be required to wear face masks or shields. “Face coverings are required for all students and staff except while eating, drinking and exercising, with limited exceptions for students or staff who have medical reasons for not being able to wear a mask or face shield,” says the report. 

The report does not say what penalties schools should carry out for those in violation of the mask rule, or specify whether the schools will provide masks or face shields to students, although it does specify that the schools will provide them, as well as “other appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)”  to staff. Bus drivers and bus attendants will be provided masks by the schools.

As well, the guidelines detail that “All staff must be screened on a daily basis, including a temperature check and review of potential symptoms. All sites must work with state and local health officials to have a plan for contact tracing. While not required, this is also recommended for students.” The schools will be required to report statistics to the state 

Regarding food, the guidelines require schools to provide meals to students during in-person instruction and remote learning, which suggests schools will have to resume delivery systems to students learning off-site. 

According to the guidance documents provided by PED, reopening schools at half capacity “will allow the state to collect and analyze data on the impact of a controlled start on the spread of the virus.”

MLG’s school reopening plan: all students and school personnel required to wear face coverings Read More »

Trump promises prison time for anarchists vandalizing monuments — effective immediately

On Tuesday morning, President Trump sent out a tweet announcing his immediate plans to enforce the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, which protects Federal monuments and statues from vandalism and has hefty prison sentences of up to ten years for defacing or destroying such pieces if public property.

Trump’s tweets read, “I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent.… This action is taken effective immediately, but may also be used retroactively for destruction or vandalism already caused. There will be no exceptions!” 

The law will protect monuments across the country, including the Nation’s Capitol, where vandals have been attempting to create an “autonomous zone” similar to the one created in Seattle, WA. But other than the Washington, D.C., historic monuments have been the target of destruction, including the Shaw 54th Regiment Memorial in Boston, a statue dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide in Denver, and various obelisks, including one in the heart of downtown in the nation’s oldest capital city, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Many liberal public leaders are caving to radicals demanding these historic landmarks be removed, or using the tragic death of George Floyd as an “opportunity,” as Santa Fe’s Mayor Alan Webber repeatedly said in an address last Wednesday before he ordered the removal of several statues and monuments. 

However, a grassroots petition in opposition to the hasty removal of landmarks has already reached over 1,800 signers demanding Mayor Webber and the Santa Fe City Council involve the public in any decision to remove historical images across the city.

President Trump’s orders will go into effect immediately and will work retroactively to punish vandals who previously defaced or destroyed historic monuments, meaning the search is now on for the culprits who defaced images across the country.

Trump promises prison time for anarchists vandalizing monuments — effective immediately Read More »

MLG’s election reform bill passes NM House after initial failure, moves to concurrence

On Saturday, the New Mexico House of Representatives passed SB-4, which was amended to exclude an emergency clause by a voice vote of 44-26 after the unsuccessful attempt at passage of the bill earlier in the day.

The first House floor vote on the measure failed on a vote of 38-32, with Democrat Reps. Eliseo Alcon, Harry Garcia, Miguel Garcia, Susan Herrera, Matthew McQueen, Marian Matthews, Joseph Sanchez, Debra Sariñana, Patricia Roybal-Caballero, Sheryl Stapleton and Brian Egolf voting against the measure.

Upon an immediate move following the failed vote by Rep. Miguel Garcia, the House voted 44-26 to revive the failed bill that he voted against. After a short recess for Democrats and Republicans to meet in their respective caucuses, members returned to the chamber and voted to reconsider the measure.

Republican Rep. Paul Bandy urged the House to vote to refer SB-4 to the House Appropriations Committee, as stated in the rules of the New Mexico House of Representatives. However, the measure died on party-lines after a roll call vote. According to Bandy’s reading of the fiscal impact report (FIR) for SB-4, the bill would cost the taxpayers $3 million, which is why he moved for Appropriations to consider it.

SB-4 passed by a vote of 44-26, with Reps. Alcon, Henry Garcia, Miguel Garcia, Herrerra, Matthews, Roybal Caballero, Sanchez, Sariñana, Stapleton, and Egolf changing their votes to YES. Representative Matthew McQueen and Candie Sweetser were the only two Democrats to vote against the measure.

SB-4, as amended, will now go to concurrence, where the Senate and the House will work to agree on the amended language by the House before the measure is moved forward. The current bill does not include language that would allow county clerks to automatically mail absentee voters ballots, but it does include language permanently allowing “declined to state” voters to change their party affiliation on the day of a primary election, while Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians would not be allowed to.

MLG’s election reform bill passes NM House after initial failure, moves to concurrence Read More »

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