AG Balderas bullies Republican electors who cast votes for President Trump

Following a far-left group, American Oversight’s, publication of electors from New Mexico showing President Donald J. Trump won the presidency in 2020, Democrat Attorney General Hector Balderas is bullying the electors by “referring” the matter to federal law enforcement, according to recent reports.

“Election laws are the foundation of our democracy and must be respected,” claimed Balderas, despite Democrats abusing election laws for decades. “While review under state law is ongoing, we have referred this matter to the appropriate federal law-enforcement authorities and will provide any assistance they deem necessary.”

Despite the five electors writing, “WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, on the understanding that it might later be determined that we are the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of New Mexico, do hereby certify” the election, the Attorney General appears to be making a fuss about it to grab leftist media headlines, such as in the Albuquerque Journal.

The electors specifically wrote, “might later be determined” that the electors be certified for President Trump in New Mexico, making Balderas’ media charade a nothingburger.

The Journal reported that “Alex Curtas, a spokesman for New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, said the state’s five electoral votes were awarded to Biden during a meeting at the state Capitol in December 2020.” 

Forensic election audits have not been done in key counties such as Bernalillo and Doña Ana, where allegations of fraud in the 2020 election have been present. However, Doña Ana’s neighboring county recently approved a 2020 election audit in Otero County, which could likely spur other counties to follow suit. 

The Piñon Post was the exclusive news outlet to break the story on Otero County’s election audit, with the New Mexico mainstream media ignoring the important development.


7 thoughts on “AG Balderas bullies Republican electors who cast votes for President Trump”

  1. The fact he hasn’t indicted his buddy MLG for treason, yes “suspending the 1st and 14th Amendments is treason, tells me all I need to know about him. He is nothing but a tool for the democrap party.

  2. If the attempted fraud on the New Mexico Republicans part had succeeded they would have said nothing. But the attempted fraud failed and now they will point to their mealy-mouth excuse. All they had to do was follow standard operating procedure and leave matters well-enough alone. Bullied? These rascals need to do jail time so that Republicans learn to respect the laws and the Constitution.

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