You might be surprised by just how close Biden and Trump are polling in NM

According to a poll commissioned by the campaign of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kenney, Jr., 45th President Donald Trump and Joe Biden are neck-and-neck in New Mexico.

John Zogby Strategies, which did the April 14-21 poll, found that of the 505 voters surveyed, 48.6 percent supported Biden, 41.7 percent supported Trump, and 9.7 percent supported another candidate. That means Biden is leading Trump only by 6.9 points after Biden is said to have won the state in 2020 by a 10.79 percent margin.

National favorability polls show Biden underwater, including in New Mexico, where he is -2 percent favorable. Despite Trump being -18 percent favorable in Democrat-dominated New Mexico, per the Zogby poll, he is still neck-and-neck with Biden.

According to the Kennedy campaign, “This poll surveyed more than 26,000 likely voters across the country and has a margin of error of only 0.6%.” 

“[Joe] Biden cannot beat President Trump. When you actually poll every state, and tally the electoral votes, Biden loses in a head-to-head against Trump and he loses in a three-way too,” the campaign added.

The presidential race is not the only race that could shift the winds of power in New Mexico. All three congressional seats are up in November, as well as the U.S. Senate seat held by far-left Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich, whose primary residence is in Maryland—not New Mexico. 

He is being challenged by Republican Nella Domenici, the daughter of the late GOP Sen. Pete Domenici, a revered figure in New Mexico politics due to his 36-year tenure in the Senate. 

The state also has many pick-up opportunities for the GOP in the New Mexico Legislature, with key Democrats retiring and the 2024 presidential election set to excite Republicans, who last had a majority in the New Mexico House from 2015-2016 and last ruled the New Mexico Senate in 1931. 

With woefully unpopular far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham running primary challengers to many legislative Democrats, Republicans see pick-up opportunities, such as in 2020 when a far-left Lujan Grisham-backed Democrat knocked off Democrat former state Sen. John Arthur Smith in the primary for District 35 and Republican Crystal Diamond won that seat over the “progressive” Democrat nominee. Smith kept that seat in Democrat hands for 31 year, and Republicans now comfortably hold the district. This same scenario will likely play out if some of the governor’s primary challengers succeed in the June 4, 2024, election.


19 thoughts on “You might be surprised by just how close Biden and Trump are polling in NM”

  1. The Republicans have got to step up and kick all the democrats to the curb this election. There is no way New Mexico can survive if democrats keep office.

  2. Even in left-leaning Santa Fe there are a surprising number of conservatives. They need to rise up and vote!

  3. I was happy to finally see some polling data. The continuous use of the democratic pollster has beaten down the conservative voters. I for one am doing all that I can to unelect these democrats. I know it’s an uphill battle, but Trump says he’s putting NM in play, if he does there will be some major changes.

  4. Marcello T Hinojosa

    Remember in November! Inflation, home mortgage rates, taxes, fuel, food, education, invasion, and VIOLENT CRIME.

  5. John Torrey Baird

    When will Ms. Domenici endorse Trump? I’m not convinced she is for America First. She will only win if she calls “all aboard the Trump train” 🚂

    1. You’re right, but I am wondering if she would vote for Trump’s agenda, even if she says all the right things.

      1. John Torrey Baird Jr

        Her silence is deafening. She needs to realize the Republican Party her dad represented passed away in 2016.

  6. Amazing… This shows how continually close we are to a complete dictatorship fully sponsored by the New Mexico Democrat Political Party communist take over.


    This poll results prove that NM is truly ignorant of all civil liberties and they, civil liberties, mean nothing to the DNC except when it is their liberty being denied.

    New Mexico Democratic Politicians “kill” for tourism dollars because “tourism dollars for abortion” is what our majority led DNC leaders desire. 10 billion dollars for Las Cruces to enhance “Tourism Dollars for Abortion up to the moment of Birth for any purpose” was a really, really good bribe by the Goober on the tolite seat in Santa Fe… and…as sick as that is…its working.

    The NM DNC does not require a “Moderate” button any longer for any purpose. That “TOURSIM DOLLARS FOR ABORTION FOR ANY PURPOSE AT ANY STAGE” comment and quote is owned by the Governors office…which is the entire leadership of the Democratic Political Party.

    Democrats over infacidal executions. Amazing… and mentally sick at the same time.

  7. I agree with all previous comments. Most NMs think conservatively, they just have to pull their heads out and listen to the news and interpret what is being said. They will realize they are not for killing babies, cutting off sex organs of our children and the green new deal that will force NMs to purchase only electric cars in the near time future. Heck in a few years we will have to go out of state to purchase a non EV vehicle. The dems next step will be to close down fuel stations. Vote right or destroy NM, that is what Santa Fe has led us to.

    1. …and there you go… #1 generator of tax revenues in NM…oil and gas. The DNC wants to drill it, but only if it wont kill the spotted sand lizard, then get the cash for it, then squander it on pet projects that line the DNC pockets, while terrorizing people for using gas cars…

      The DNC wants gamboling revenue from the tribes, but only on slot machines, and only certain number of horse race tracks- State run only, no Indian Tribal run, and no card games with live action (employees) for the State but the Tries is perfectly fine. Tax the State 26%, tax the tribe’s at 6 to 10.75%… and the DNC of NM DEMANDS LIMITED GAMBLING ONLY…

      DNC loves eating beet (Wagoo beef for MLG) but…we have to declare everything a national monument in Luna County killing off the grazing of ranchers, raising the cost to ranch. Ranching used to be #17 on the State tax generators.

      Kill all children in the womb no matter what the issue is up to the moment of birth…I submit… is the only dam thing these insane DNC people seem to agree on 100% of the time.

      The DNC of NM has “NO MODERATE BUTTON”.

    2. There you go, #1 generator of tax revenues in NM, oil and gas. The DNC wants to drill it, but only if it wont kill the spotted sand lizard, then get the cash for it, then squander it on pet projects that line the DNC pockets, while terrorizing people for using gas cars.

      The DNC wants gamboling revenue from the tribes, but only on slot machines, and only certain number of horse race tracks- State run only, no Indian Tribal run, and no card games with live action (employees) for the State but the Tribes is perfectly fine. Tax the State 26%, tax the Tribe’s at 6 to 10.75%… all while the DNC of NM DEMANDS LIMITED GAMBLING ONLY.

      DNC loves eating beet (Wagoo beef for MLG) but, we have to declare everything a national monument in Luna County killing off the grazing of ranchers, raising the cost to ranch. Ranching used to be #17 on the State tax generators.

      Kill all children in the womb no matter what the issue is up to the moment of birth…I submit… is the only dang thing these insane DNC people seem to agree on 100% of the time.

      The DNC of NM has “NO MODERATE BUTTON”.

  8. I think those on the fence need to stop listening and watching the new media (they are not our friends) who lie and do not report the true facts. If you love this country, then you need to pull your heads out of the sand and vote these communists/socialists out of office. And clean up our schools (while we are at it) of the not so bright people running our schools. They are not helping our students with this new 180 days of school days. And kick out the teachers who are indoctrinating our student to the evils of this world. We all need to stand up and fight the good fight (in the polls) and stop electing those who only benefit their own needs and do not care for the welfare of NM.

  9. #VoteRightNM Everyone needs to get out and vote. #SaveNewMexico I fear this is our final crack at beating the Corrupt Democrats. Democrats Are Destroying New Mexico and America.

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