Desperate to win reelection, Heinrich bathes in Wall Street cash and hypocrisy

Far-left Sen. Martin Heinrich, who is campaigning for a third term this November, has criticized his Republican opponent, former hedge fund executive Nella Domenici, for her Wall Street connections. Despite this, according to Federal Election Commission filings reviewed by the Washington Examiner, Heinrich has received significant donations from financial industry political action committees and executives from private equity, hedge funds, and venture capital firms.

Over the past decade, PACs associated with major banks have contributed more than $330,000 to Heinrich’s campaign and leadership PAC. Additionally, Heinrich has accepted at least $450,000 from executives at influential firms. This includes donations from executives at top firms such as Bain Capital, Blackrock, Blackstone, Lone Pine Capital, and Schooner Capital.

This could expose Heinrich to Republicans’ accusations of hypocrisy as he campaigns against Domenici. In a recent fundraising email, Heinrich criticized Domenici for “making the ultra-wealthy wealthier,” referencing her financial disclosure that she and her husband hold up to $94 million in assets.

Domenici’s background includes working at Bridgewater Associates, Citadel, Credit Suisse, and other companies. She is also the daughter of the late former New Mexico Republican Sen. Pete Domenici.

Heinrich has made pointed remarks about Domenici on social media, suggesting that her career path to the U.S. Senate follows a history of profiting at the expense of American workers. He reiterated his stance in a fundraising email, asserting that he is “not in this fight to prop up Wall Street.”

Despite his critiques, Heinrich’s campaign continues to receive support from executives and corporate PACs, including UBS, the American Bankers Association, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo. Heinrich’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment on these donations.

A recent poll showed Domenici trailing Heinrich by only three points. However, Domenici closed this gap when respondents heard positive information about her and negative messages about Heinrich.


3 thoughts on “Desperate to win reelection, Heinrich bathes in Wall Street cash and hypocrisy”

  1. Just remember. ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED. Nella might get”PICKED” if she sells out playing her part in the charade. Suck ass Martin does not have to worry. Maggie Toulous Oliver has got his back if the powers at be want him to continue the illusion. All those campaign donations will give him the golden parachute when he leaves office. Michell Lujan Grisham has done well with $35 million dollars in bribes. Keep in mind that this is not a representative government it is an abortion that is destroying America and our lives. Again keep your eye on the ball of how this works. Martin is a usefull criminal idiot.

  2. Heinrich, like our entire NM Congressional delegation, are among the least qualified, jokes in congress. Please DIM voters – open your eyes and realize Dims are the problem, not the solution.

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