After backlash following Austin Killips becoming the first transgender athlete to win an official Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) race at the Tour of the Gila in New Mexico on Sunday, the cycling governing body doubled down on allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports.
Former Olympian Inga Thompson said the decision to let Killips compete was “effectively killing off women’s cycling.”

Former British Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies told the Daily Mail, “This is beyond disappointing. Those in charge should hang their heads in shame. The UCI is not fit for purpose.”
Retired Canadian world champion cyclist Alison Sydor tweeted, “The current UCI rules that allow males to compete in female cycling events are not fair to female athletes.”
‘Time for UCI to admit this current rule situation is unsustainable and leaving a black mark on cycling as a fair sport for females.’
In a statement Tuesday, the group wrote, “The UCI acknowledges that transgender athletes may wish to compete in accordance with their gender identity.”
“The UCI rules are based on the latest scientific knowledge and have been applied in a consistent manner. The UCI continues to follow the evolution of scientific findings and may change its rules in the future as scientific knowledge evolves.”
Last December, Killips faced criticism after he finished third at the USA’s National Cyclocross Championships, where he was also accused of pushing another competitor off course.
“Dude looks like a lady.” (Aerosmith)
Dissing an all important half of humanity? Not a good idea. Heading toward Gomorrah . . .
I would hope women cyclists start refusing to participate in races where transgender males are allowed to compete against them. The UCI is completely out of touch with reality and fairness.
Correct Steve. I totally agree. If no one showed up there would be no race. Or women could start their own private organizations and get new sponsors.
Scientific knowledge advances. Dude, it been a long proven fact that men and women are physically different. Women around the world need to unite and refuse to compete against men. It will always be a no win situation for women. If women refuse to compete against men organizations such as this will eventually give up this nonsense or cease to exist.
Amen! I don’t need “science” to tell me the difference between a boy and a girl! And anyone who claims that there isn’t a difference or that you can be whichever sex you want to be is mentally disturbed and I refuse to play along with their demented and mentally derranged game! I also agree that women need to boycott any event in which a man is allowed to compete against women. If the women refused to compete it would show the lunacy that this is! There would be a single man competing in an event all by himself…..
AMEN! And to add to that, men and women are BIOLOGICALLY DIFFERENT. I don’t care how many hormones you pump into your system or what body parts you add or cut off – your body, skeletal and muscular systems will still reflect the sex you were born with. In most physical sports, a man will be superior to a woman, simply because his body is innately stronger. Case in point: My husband and I are about the same physical height and are within 75 pounds weightwise of each other. I am 5 years younger and pay a lot better attention to my diet and exercise than he does. I’m in better physical shape overall. But cleaning out the garage last weekend, I was unable to lift a 200 pound toolbox to move it. He moved it easily. Why? Because men have more upper body strength. I’m convinced that another reason men are trying to infiltrate women’s sports is because they couldn’t compete with other men. So what do they do? Compete against women, who they are biologically superior to. To me, that isn’t just an insult to women, but a clear sign that that man was inferior to others of his own sex. Women’s sports were created so women could compete on a fair playing field, with others that have their bodies (with their sex’s strengths and limitations).
These nitwits don’t need *new* scientific findings to show that men should not be competing against biological women in women’s sports. They need to wake up to reality. The data are already available. Simply follow the science. Rather, they’re looking for new excuses why they should follow a politically protected trend of destroying women’s sports. To quote the Big Lebowski, “This will not stand, you know? This aggression will not stand.”
It doesn’t matter how much these “people” pretend, you are either a man or a woman. That’s it. Pull down your pants and you will know. SO sick of this crap! Thank you Wade for your words of wisdom!
REAL Womanhood is once again under attack!
How is this Not Fraud? A Male wins 30 THOUSAND DOLLARS in a Women’s Race. Why aren’t their any Politicians questioning this? At the very least the race itself needs to be Questioned. They Receive TAXPAYER MONEY to produce this thing. Are the TAXPAYERS OF NM being DEFRAUDED??? This Stinks like a Pig Sty….. No More Tax Money for this race until they get this right.
It’s biblical … GOD created man and woman-NOT any of this gender dysphoria nonsense!!! Men should compete against men and women against women. That is how it should be “in the natural”. GOD help us!!!
That is fuk tup!!
I will not attend another Tour of the Gila bike race.