
MLG’s draft PED social studies rules full of CRT, anti-Hispanic, anti-police sentiments

The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) recently published its draft social studies standards for teachers, which are chock-full of racist Critical Race Theory (CRT), anti-Hispanic hate, the “LGBTQI+” agenda, among other frightening curricula. 

The Michelle Lujan Grisham’s NMPED claims the current social studies standards “do not address the increasingly diverse perspectives and histories of the peoples of New Mexico.” The rules want students to demonstrate “respect for the feelings of people who are similar and different from me.”

The proposed rules weave in socialism, racism toward non-minority groups, extreme environmentalism, and globalism. These benchmarks have students “develop pride in his/her/their identity, history, culture, region by incorporating a community based approach while preparing students to be a part of a global environment.”

Students are to “[a]ssess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement,” writes one of the proposed rules, a key tenet of the racist Critical Race Theory. The rules ask students to assess this and to “Identify and analyze cultural, differently abled, ethnic, gender, national, political, racial, and religious identities and related perceptions and behaviors by society of these identities.” 

CRT is blatant in the rules, especially where the students are to learn how America is supposedly racist in its very framework. Students are to “[d]escribe how inequity in the United States laid the foundation for conflict that continues today.” 

The standards include alarming new benchmarks, specifically targeting Spanish settlers in the United States, writing regarding historical thinking that students should “Compare the patterns of exploration, destruction and occupation of the Americas by Spaniards.”

The proposed draft notes that it wants to “Demonstrate how diversity includes the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identities and cultures” Regarding the territorial period of New Mexico, the rules aim to “Determine the role of race and racism in the acts of land redistribution during the territorial period.”

Also, students are to use “evidence from primary and secondary sources to compare and contrast the impacts of European colonization on Indigenous populations.”

The proposed curriculum appears to attempt to demonize conservatives, having students “Assess the short- and long-term social and political impacts of conservatism in the United States on diverse groups of people.” 

Also apparently demonized in the new curriculum are guns and gun owners. The rule states, that students are to “Examine the history of guns in America as compared to other world powers and the consequences of gun violence on American society past, present, and future.” 

Included in the proposed rule is a move to have students examine “anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States over time and the experiences of diverse immigrant groups past and present.” 

Action steps urged for students to take through the new social studies curriculum include the following: 

Create an action plan for a more just and equitable America for diverse groups of people including Native Americans and African Americans.

Evaluate the effects of the representation of diverse people in the US government including race,
gender, sexual orientation, and disability

The “civics” section of these rules includes benchmarks for students to “cite evidence investigating the relationships between equality, equity, justice, freedom, and order in American constitutional democracy.” The United States is a constitutional republic, not a “democracy.”

The Constitution is demonized for what groups are allegedly left out of it and students are to “determine which narratives were excluded from the original document; and use text evidence from the Bill of Rights and supporting texts to support a student developed argument by citing specific evidence to track whose rights were added over time.” 

Students are also to “Explore the movement against police brutality.” Also, they are to evaluate the “effects of diverse ideologies and the process of political socialization on oneself and society.” 

Regarding the environment, among many other factors, students are to analyze “US government policies to reduce climate disruption.”

As well, students must evaluate the economic framework of America, which the curriculum sheds in a bad light for its capitalist structure. They are to “[c]ritique inequalities that exist in economic systems.” while using “economic data to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of American capitalism in relationship to other economic systems.” 

These policies are full of new racist, anti-capitalist, anti-police, anti-gun, anti-conservative, anti-Hispanic, and anti-American sentiments while only mentioning the Constitution to claim it is a racist document full of “inequities.” This is the latest assault on education by the Lujan Grisham administration, but parents are urged to take action.


Comments are to be taken electronically by email to rule.feedback@state.nm.us,  by fax to 505-827-6520, or by regular mail addressed to John Sena, Policy Division, New Mexico Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Ave., Room 121, Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

Please take action and make your voices heard about the bad policies enclosed in this new proposed social studies rulebook. New Mexicans have until 5 p.m. on Nov. 12 to provide commentary and to make their voices heard before the rules are adopted in December.

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DGA chair Lujan Grisham silent as McAuliffe makes anti-parent statement

This week, Democrat gubernatorial nominee in Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, claimed Virginia parents should have no say in their child’s education. 

When pressed at a debate by Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin on why McAuliffe vetoed a 2017 bill, H.B. 2191, that would create a procedure for handling sexually explicit reading material, McAuliffe said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” 


As noted by the Republican Governors Association’s Will Reinert, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has been silent on McAuliffe’s stance that parents deserve no seat at the table regarding their children’s education. Lujan Grisham, despite her countless scandals, serves as the chair of the Democrat Governors Association (DGA). 

“Democrats made it clear they want to remove any role a parent has in their child’s education, and instead, allow teachers unions to promote whatever agenda they deem appropriate,” said RGA Communications Director Jesse Hunt. “Democratic Governors Association Chair Lujan Grisham should condemn McAuliffe’s comments, unless she agrees with the notion that ‘parents should not be telling schools what they should teach.’”

The DGA has sent out multiple tweets and statements supporting McAuliffe, such as this one claiming women’s rights are being taken away if they cannot abort their full-term babies.

After McAuliffe won the primary, Lujan Grisham congratulated him and claimed he would create an economy that “works for all Virginians.”

Now, as McAuliffe has been exposed not only as an anti-child candidate but now as an openly anti-parent candidate, time will tell if Lujan Grisham and other Democrats finally rebuke his anti-American rhetoric. 

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Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin survives vicious Democrat recall attempt

The vicious Democrat recall against Republican Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin has officially failed, collecting only 1,229 signatures from voters, short of the amount needed to trigger a special election.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reports, “New Mexico requires a number of signatures equal to 33.3 percent of participation in the previous election. The recall petition fell shy, with about 28 percent participation as time ran out Wednesday.” 

“Since we didn’t meet the signature threshold, there is no next step,” said Fredrick, conceding defeat Tuesday night. Previously, Frederick and Democrats sat at a tent outside the Otero County Fair begging for signatures. 

Griffin told the Piñon Post,“Personally, I’m relieved it’s over and grateful to the good people of Otero County for their support. Generally, I believe it is a strong testament to the conservative fabric of our county. The People of Otero County want less government and more freedom. I am proud to live here and honored to represent those people.”

The failed partisan recall attempt was based on allegations that he failed to attend meetings and used his office inappropriately — all charges Griffin has denied.

Griffin was charged with a misdemeanor during his involvement in the January 6 incursion. He never entered the U.S. Capitol building. “I myself wear Jan. 6 as a badge of honor,” Griffin said. “I’m glad that I went on that day. … to stand with my fellow Americans in protest of what will one day be known as the biggest rigged election in American history.” 

This is a developing story…

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CNN relishes in the deaths of New Mexicans after they reportedly took Ivermectin

CNN, the extreme far-left “news” media network known for spinning misinformation regarding Russian collusion, President Trump, and delivering fear about COVID-19, is now renewing is fear-driven media frenzy — this time targeting New Mexicans.

Recently, reports from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Department of Health claim two New Mexicans passed away after they took Ivermectin, a drug that is traditionally used to treat livestock, but its human version may be a cure to COVID-19. 

After two New Mexicans were announced dead after taking the drug, CNN’s Erin Burnett interviewed New Mexico acting Health Secretary Dr. David Scrase, who nearly couldn’t hide her excitement with the deaths of these citizens due to the drug and Scrase happily going along with the CNN narrative.

“I mean, it’s tragic. And, you know, another Facebook post — another group about Ivermectin ‘The New York Times’ quoted this way. Ivermectin paste, do you take orally? Or rub into your skin? Read one recent post in a Facebook post. Another one put it in a cracker with a dab of peanut butter was a response,” Burnett said. 

“And I don’t say that to be funny. I say that just to prove how pervasive it is, and how powerful it is. You are talking about the poison control. In Texas, they say that poison control hotline calls from Ivermectin exposure have more than tripled. Just so far this year.” Burnett then asked Scrase how to clamp down on the alleged “misinformation” of using Ivermectin.

“We’ve seen 20 calls this year, 15 in the past two months. More than half of the folks ended up going into a hospital or urgent care to get treatment. Ten of them were using a veterinary type of medication, paste, tablets. One used an injection, but fortunately, they drank it, they did not inject themselves,” Scrase said.

Then, on CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight, far-left host Don Lemon relished in the deaths of two New Mexicans due to Ivermectin, saying, “Please pay attention, people, and spread this. Yes. Just put it everywhere so people see it. Take it. Two pandemics are killing people. Coronavirus and misinformation. New Mexico says that two people have died after using a drug that has been wrongly touted as a COVID treatment. Are you listening everybody out there?”

Lemon noted how “The liberal media watchdog group Media Matters is reporting that there are 60 Facebook groups dedicated to Ivermectin with tens of thousands of members” and that these groups were being shut down.

Lemon then played a few clips from Fox News with hosts, such as Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingrahm, saying how the drug may be an alternative cure for COVID. Lemon claimed, “I mean, people actually sit there and they watch that all day long. No one hates Ivermectin. That would be bizarre. You hate Ivermectin? I mean, it’s misinformation that is the problem. Like what is all over the Fox propaganda airwaves?” 

Lemon then closed out the segment by shaming people who are not vaccinated, saying, “Well, tonight roughly seven million eligible Americans are still not vaccinated. And the rate of a new — of new vaccinations is as low as it’s been since the CDC began tracking. So please, we know what we need to do to keep people safe. Doctors aren’t hiding it from you. In fact, they are begging you. Get vaccinated.” 

Many prominent people, such as podcaster Joe Rogan, have taken Ivermectin to cure COVID-19, however, CNN contributors continue to peddle misinformation and fraudulent studies to claim it does not work in the treatment of the virus:

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Egolf to hold $350/plate fundraiser at resort where Haaland had maskless wedding

On November 6, Speaker of the New Mexico House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) is holding a swanky high-dollar fundraiser at the Hyatt Tamaya resort — the same venue where Interior Secretary Deb Haaland held her maskless wedding that included many public officials, such as U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids (D-KS).

According to the invite posted by the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Daniel Chacon, “Tickets included a formal seated dinner and evening program with Speaker Egolf and members of the House Democratic Caucus,” which Egolf claims is “the political event of 2021.”

Each ticket is $350 each, while tables of ten are going for $3,000 and a “caucus table” where guests are seated with a member of the Democrat caucus are $5,000 for eight dinner tickets. 

The invite notes that “All attendees will be required to certify that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, except those with valid medical exemptions.” But there is no telling if the Democrats will follow the lead of people like Haaland and Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller who all attended or held maskless indoor events that defied embattled alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s mandates.

Keller attended the wedding reception of Albuquerque City Councilor Klarissa Peña, along with other Democrats including Councilor Cynthia Borrego, Bernalillo County Clerk Linda Stover, Bernalillo County Commissioner Steven Michael Quezada, and state Sen. Linda Lopez. 

Brain Egolf is the farthest-left House speaker in the history of New Mexico, championing some of the most radical and corrosive pieces of legislation, such as abortion up-to-birth and infanticide, removal of police officers’ qualified immunity rights, the state’s Green New Deal, gun-grabbing “red flag” laws, among a myriad of other extremist measures that have created an economic catastrophe in the state. Now, he is asking his high-end donors for more help ramming through Democrat policies with his swanky fundraiser only the elite can afford.

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Keller, top Dems buck mandate, spotted maskless at indoor wedding reception

According to posts on Facebook from Democrat Bernalillo County City Clerk Linda Stover, Democrat Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller was spotted with her and others at a maskless indoor wedding reception for Kristal Martinez-Ibarra and Shaun Peña, a graphic designer. 

The photos posted on Stover’s wall show Stover embracing Keller and posing with Albuquerque City Council President Cynthia Borrego — all maskless. Shaun Peña is the son of Klarissa Peña, who is also a city councilor. Also in attendance were Steven Michael Quezada, a Democrat Bernalillo County Commissioner, and state Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo).

When challenged on Facebook over the maskless event, Stover claimed, “[W]e were all vaccinated – [D]on’t jump so quickly to try and make a nice moment look bad.” 

The commenter responded, writing, “[U]nfortunately regardless of vaccination status state and local mandates say masks are to be worn indoors in public places. Just sick of seeing politicians make rules fo[r] everyone but themselves.”

The Facebook commenter’s concerns are accurate, as Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s health mandate requires masks to be worn at all times indoors except when actively eating or drinking. Keller’s own mandate requires the same, writing:

“[A]ll individuals age 2 years and older shall wear a mask or multilayer cloth face covering in all indoor public settings except when eating or drinking.”

The maskless wedding reception is in direct violation of these rules that all New Mexicans are forced to live by, except evidently Democrat politicians, who have bucked the mandates.

Previously, the Piñon Post exclusively uncovered photos showing Deb Haaland previously held a maskless indoor wedding at the Hyatt Tamaya resort last month. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham refused to comment on Haaland’s wedding. It is unclear if Lujan Grisham attended or had surrogates attend the wedding reception where Keller and other top New Mexico officials met. 

Keller is running for reelection against Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales and radio show host Eddy Aragon.

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Egolf, Dems partner with enviro-Marxist dark money groups to destroy oil and gas

New Mexico House Speaker Brian Egolf is partnering with some of the most extreme out-of-state funded dark money groups to pound the final nail in the coffin for New Mexico’s oil and gas industry, which contributes nearly 40% of all revenues to the state coffers.

The years-long assault on the energy industry has ramped up during the tenure of scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has had a penchant to rid New Mexico of its sustainable and clean energy industry and to replace these energy sources with expensive, dangerous, and non-wildlife friendly alternatives in solar and wind.

Egolf and these enviro-Marxists at what they are calling the “New Mexico Climate Summit” on October 25-26 being held at the Roundhouse. 

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, “The goal is to come away with policy ideas that can be introduced in the next legislative session and to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham so they can work together to help the state adapt and ease the impacts of climate change, said state House Speaker Brian Egolf, whose office organized the event.”  

Egolf noted that “This is not meant to be sitting around and talking.” He added, “We definitely want to come out of the conference with actionable ideas.”

“During breakout sessions, participants will look for ways the state can move away from fossil fuels, which will lower greenhouse gas emissions, while offering an equitable energy transition, especially for ethnic communities that have suffered more harmful effects under the current system,” the New Mexican reports. 

In attendance at this event, which appears to be an official state-sponsored summit, will partner with some of the most extreme groups imaginable, many of them being funded by billionaire economy-killing George Soros who bankrupted the Bank of England and destabilized the British pound.

These groups include the disgraced New Mexico Wild, Somos Un Pueblo Unido, the Sierra Club’s Rio Grande Chapter (Directly Soros funded), the Natural Resources Defense Council, OLÉ, the Center for Civic Policy, Western Resource Advocates, the Environmental Defense Fund, Conservation Voters New Mexico, Power4NewMexico, the Angelica Foundation, and the Energy Foundation.

Egolf claims the “climate change” conspiracy theory is “the most urgent, pressing problem ever faced by humanity.” He says, “We’ve got to demand action at the international and the federal level. But we can’t wait for them to do everything. And we can’t ignore opportunities for us to contribute here.”Democrats proposed many enviro-Marxist bills in the past legislature, many of which the Piñon Post helped kill, including one bill that would institute a “clean fuel standard,” resulting in a 20+ cent per gallon gas tax that would hurt the poorest New Mexicans.

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WATCH: Rep. Herrell delivers GOP response to Biden’s border crisis

On Saturday, Congresswoman Yvette Herrell delivered the Republican response to Joe Biden’s border crisis. Herrell represents New Mexico’s Second District, which includes New Mexico’s border with Mexico — straight in the middle of Joe Biden’s border catastrophe. Here’s what Congresswoman Herrell said in her address: 

The district I represent is right on the border with Mexico. I have seen the Biden border crisis firsthand and so have many families in southern New Mexico who feel totally abandoned by their government and by their president. They know we need to preserve Title 42 to defend our border from new outbreaks of COVID. They also know we need to implement the successful ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.

Today I met with the ambassador from Guatemala who was even more invested in helping us secure our border than … Biden. Unfortunately, there is a fundamental division in Washington. Republicans believe that our government has a duty to protect our citizens and secure our border.  

We believe that our government has a responsibility to know who illegally crosses our border and then enforce the law. But Washington Democrats do not believe that Americans have the right to protect their home or even question the surge of thousands of non-citizens into the country. Instead, they would rather demonize the brave men and women of our Border Patrol and ICE ( and hide from accountability. 

Democrats in Congress would rather ignore Joe Biden’s humanitarian disaster than give up their dream of open borders. But Americans won’t be distracted — not by the media or the Radical Left. 

We stand for our workers, we stand for Law Enforcement, we stand for safe communities, we stand for borders, we stand for America.


WATCH: Rep. Herrell delivers GOP response to Biden’s border crisis Read More »

Afghan refugees assault female soldier at complex in New Mexico

On Friday, it was reported that Afghan refugees had assaulted a female service member at the Doña Ana Complex at Fort Bliss in New Mexico. “We can confirm a female service member supporting Operation Allies Welcome reported being assaulted on Sept. 19 by a small group of male evacuees at the Doña Ana Complex in New Mexico,” Fort Bliss Public Affairs said in a statement. “We take the allegation seriously and appropriately referred the matter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The safety and well-being of our service members, as well as all of those on our installations, is paramount.”

“Task Force-Bliss is also implementing additional security measures to include increased health and safety patrols, additional lighting, and enforcement of the buddy system at the Dona Ana Complex. We will cooperate fully with the FBI and will continue to ensure the service member reporting this assault is fully supported,” added the statement.

Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, who represents southern New Mexico, responded to the news, writing, “My prayers are with the courageous soldier and her family. This is yet another tragic failure in the vetting process for Afghan nationals. The American people deserve answers.”

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said, “Joe Biden made a decision to shove tens of thousands [of] people on planes to make it look like his botched evacuation was going well. The truth is he had no idea who he brought to the US. That’s why I led a letter today demanding accountability and answers.”

Other incidents have happened across the country with Afghan refugees. “In unrelated cases, two individuals have been charged with crimes while at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. Bahrullah Noori, 20, is charged with attempting to engage in a sexual act with a minor using force against that person, and with three counts of engaging in a sexual act with a minor, with one count alleging the use of force. The indictment alleges that the victims had not attained the age of 16 years and were at least four years younger than the defendant,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Wisconsin said Wednesday evening.

The news of the assault in New Mexico comes as embattled alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham toured the Fort Bliss facility in New Mexico on Friday, saying in a statement, “Whenever the federal government tells us they need our help, New Mexico is ready to help these families on their way.” The trip to the facility was not previously publicized but the Santa Fe New Mexican reports,“Her office said she walked through the processing area at Fort Bliss Army base, spoke with volunteers about the need for winter coats and other items for those at the facility and saw how the refugees were screened for COVID-19.”

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All seven GOP candidates for governor face off at Edgewood forum

On Thursday, all seven Republican contenders for the governorship gathered at Legacy Church in Edgewood for an East Mountains forum organized by Republican volunteers in the area. At the event, all the candidates distinguished their unique platforms, experience, and focuses they would take if elected governor for the first time in a forum setting.

Former Cuba mayor and Right to Life Committee of New Mexico executive director Ethel Maharg focused on all the issues at the event, but focused on the state being the “abortion capital of the world.” She said, “You see, we can save schools, the economy. We can do the audits. We can do Border Patrol, all these different things that we’ve been talking about. But when it comes down to it, I want to ask you this question: For who? If we do not take care of the most vulnerable, it won’t really matter.” 

Former Gary Johnson official and educator Tim Walsh focused on education, telling the audience that the Children, Youth, and Families Department was a “cancer sore” that has “never worked appropriately.” He said as governor he would consolidate the agency into the New Mexico Department of Public Safety. He also focused on charter schools and school vouchers.

Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block was one of the few candidates who took subtle jabs at other candidates, including Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) for some of her votes and financier and retired Brigadier General Greg Zanetti of Albuquerque for his past work for Bill Gates. Block touted his law enforcement endorsements and his past championing Right to Work in the state.

“I will also get rid of vaccine passports and forced vaccines,” said Block. “I as your governor will never shut down your business, your church, or your school, and I will never overrule a school board. That is for you to decide on the local level. You elected those school board members. You vote them out if you want to.”

Zanetti agreed with many of the other candidates on issues and distinguished himself with his focus on water. “Without water, we got nothing,” he said. “Do you know that New Mexico, by some estimates, has 15 billion — billion — acre-feet of brackish water? It’s amazing. Now, some people say that’s too high. Some people say it might be a tenth of that. All right, let’s just say it’s 2 billion acre-feet. That’s enough for Albuquerque to have water for 1,000 years.”

Dow spoke at length of her experience in education and her experience as a representative but made clear the Constitution came first. “This is a divinely inspired document; this is non-negotiable,” she said. “And when we have a governor who has a reverence and a respect for our constitutional republic, who understands what it means to fight for individual state rights, especially as a Western state, that will be my priority.”

Businesswoman Karen Bedonie of Mexican Springs differentiated herself from the other candidates, putting a forensic audit of the 2020 election front and center. She said, “Without a forensic audit, none of this matters.” She made clear, “We need it here in New Mexico. We are dirty, very dirty. And right now, nobody wants to get any county done because they say, ‘Oh, it costs too much money.’ But guess what? There’s people out there that are willing to help us. I have been on the ground. We need at least one county or two counties to actually go through this forensic audit to trigger the rest of them.”

Louie Sanchez, who has experience as a co-owner of Calibers gun store and shooting range and as a long-time medical professional, said, “Everyone up here is saying, ‘I’m the only candidate. I’m the only.’ Well, I’m the only candidate who actually owns a gun store.” Sanchez mentioned how he would focus on health care, whereas other candidates had not put it as central to their campaigns. “Why aren’t we talking about health care?” he asked. “That’s the only thing we really have good going in this state. We’re 33rd in health care.” 

The reception of the event from attendees seemed mostly well-received, with all candidates getting equal time to speak and differentiate their priorities in one place. But despite all the differences between these candidates, they all focused on one priority: taking out Democrat alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham in 2022.

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