Bishop of Gallup backs ‘eucharistic sanctions’ on pro-abortion politicians
On Friday, it was reported by LifeSite News that the Most Reverend Bishop James Wall of Gallup had come out against giving pro-abortion politicians Holy Communion. The Bishop’s statements came out in response to liberal pro-abortion Bishop Robert McElroy’s recent op-ed titled “The Eucharist is being weaponized for political ends. This must not happen.”
His title suggests that political motives are driving the bishops’ current discussion of pro-abortion politicians and worthy reception,” Bishop Wall wrote. “But while I don’t presume to know what’s in the mind and heart of my brother bishops, I am not motivated by political ends, nor are those with whom I have discussed the subject.”
Bishop Wall said, “Our concern is not political but pastoral; it is for the salvation of souls. This issue has political ramifications, but that is not an excuse to shy away at this crucial moment,” he said.
McElroy claimed that denying pro-abortion supporters is an “extremely expansive” litmus test, but Wall wrote, “It surely is not ‘expansive’ to put this evil in the category of grave sin.”
In response to McElroy’s claim that denying Coly Communion is an “assault” on the unity of the Church, Wall said, “Speaking the truth at times appears to create division, but often it simply exposes the division that already exists.”
“If Catholics cannot agree on protecting the helpless unborn, then our unity is superficial at best and illusory at worst,” he wrote.
Wall said, “In the past few months, several Catholic bishops have issued statements on the question of whether to publicly deny pro-abortion politicians the Eucharist. I am grateful to all my brother bishops who have courageously spoken out on this thorny subject.”
The U.S. bishops have been clear that “abortion is the great evil of our culture,” including by recognizing abortion as a “preeminent threat” in 1998 and the “preeminent priority” in 2019, he said.
“Pro-abortion political leaders have not heeded these calls, and now we seek to apply the last remaining and most severe medicinal option we have: eucharistic sanctions,” Wall concluded.
Bishop Wall has long been a supporter of the right to life of children in the womb, sharing multiple posts and pro-life sentiments over the years.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is set to convene to vote on whether pro-abortion politicians, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and other leaders should receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.
The Eucharist is the most sacred tenet of the Roman Catholic faith, with the bread and wine offered through the sacrament of Holy Communion not merely representative of the presence of Christ — but through transubstantiation, the bread and wine transform into the true presence of Jesus Christ.
According to the USCCB, “The Body and Blood of Christ present under the appearances of bread and wine are treated with the greatest reverence both during and after the celebration of the Eucharist.”
“Before one steps forward to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion, one needs to be in a right relationship with the Lord and his Mystical Body, the Church – that is, in a state of grace, free of all mortal sin,” the USCCB continues.
Bishop Wall also promoted the Most Reverend Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin’s words calling out pro-abortion Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with Hying writing, “Pelosi says she’s ‘pleased’ with Vatican letter to U.S. bishops on Communion. So, in other words, Nancy, we bishops should just be quiet about your radical pro abortion stance, as you facilitate the continuation of the murder of millions of unborn lives.”
Bishop of Gallup backs ‘eucharistic sanctions’ on pro-abortion politicians Read More »