Leaked Democrat post-debate poll shows Trump leading in NM

A new leaked Democrat poll conducted after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance shows Democrats are losing in many traditionally Democrat-leaning states, including New Mexico.

“A confidential polling memo circulating among anxious Democrats is confirming some of their worst fears: President Joe Biden’s support has started to tumble in key electoral battlegrounds in the wake of his disastrous debate performance in Atlanta, and Biden’s diminished standing is now putting previously noncompetitive states like New Hampshire, Virginia, and New Mexico in play for Donald Trump,” wrote Puck News.

“What’s more, Biden has taken such a reputational hit that he is polling behind other alternative Democratic candidates—including Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer—in hypothetical one-on-one matchups against Trump.”

The results show Biden falling behind by 0.5 percent in New Mexico to Trump, 0.6 percent in Virginia, and three percent in New Hampshire, showing blood in the water. 

The news comes right after an internal Republican poll from U.S. Senate candidate Nella Domenici and the NRSC showed Biden leading Trump in New Mexico by two points. 

The leaked Democrat poll showed Biden’s New Mexico lead dropped by 2.4 percent, a stark contrast from 2024, where Biden reportedly won the Land of Enchantment by 11 points. 

New Mexico Democrat U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez has refused to comment on Biden’s disastrous debate performance, showing increased hope for Trump and Republicans, as Vasquez’s Second Congressional District is in play. 

When pressed by Fox News, Vasquez, who is attempting to distance himself from Biden, said he “can make his own decisions about his own campaign,” refusing to endorse him.


10 thoughts on “Leaked Democrat post-debate poll shows Trump leading in NM”

    1. Great news for New Mexico and for the United States of America. People are finally waking up, slowly, but surely, to the fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party have become too radical in basically every aspect of life and policy wise. This includes the topic of the Democratic Party’s behavior towards African Americans. There are things that not that many people know about when it comes to the relationship between the Democratic Party and African Americans, including history wise. Now, everyone knows about the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act right? Right. Everyone knows that these two Civil Rights Acts were created during President LBJ’S time, right? Right. Well, not too many people, I don’t think know that President Lyndon Johnson is not the person who actually created the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. They were actually created by Johnson’s predecessor, President John F Kennedy following the riots in 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama. It was him who led the way to the and for the 1964 Civil Rights Act to be passed in Congress. And, most people think that Democrats are the ones who led the way for the 1964 Civil Rights Act to be passed in Congress. However, that’s not actually true. It is the Republicans who were in Congress at the time who led to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 83% of Republicans in Congress supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while about sixty percent of Democrats supported, or voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Either way, to say that the Democrats are the ones who led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would actually be a lie. It’s actually Republicans who led to that, even though Republicans did not have a majority in Congress at the time. Also, many don’t know that were 23 or more Civil Rights Acts between 1861 or around there to 1875. These laws were supposed to free the slaves, give African Americans the right to vote, among others. But a funny thing happened and not a good kind of thing. Democrats voted against all 23+ Civil Rights Acts between 1861 to 1875. They voted against all of them. Democrats also created the KKK to target not just African Americans but also other white people believe it or not. And the pattern here is that all of the African Americans and white people who were targeted by the KKK were almost predominately Republicans. In fact, more than 4800 people were lynched during the early days of the KKK. Most of them were African Americans but also included some 1300 White Americans. Almost all, maybe all of these people were Republicans. Also, there was a Senator, from South Carolina I believe, who was a white person, a Republican as well, who was shot about seven times at his home by the KKK. He actually survived, but he was shot at by the KKK. Also, the KKK and the Democratic Party voted to ban African Americans from running for or being elected to office in the United States including in the Congress in the late 1800s, a policy that lasted until 1944, during World War II, when the United States Supreme Court struck down this policy, rightfully so. Democrats also voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well, in fairly big numbers. Biden said that “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black” during his 2020 campaign for President. BLM, or Black Lives Matter, has claimed that they care and support the African American community, but have targeted other African Americans who do not represent their radical leftist agenda. Robert Byrd, one of the longest serving members of the United States Congress from around the 1950s until his death in 2010, was extremely racist and one of the ones who voted against the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. Lyndon Johnson, who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was actually extremely racist in his own right. Woodrow Wilson was also extremely racist towards African Americans and refused to appoint any African Americans or people of color to his administration. President Barack Obama, although African American himself, but is mainly of Middle Eastern descent, also misrepresented the African American community in his own right and continues to do so to the present day. And so on.

      The point of this is that the Democratic Party and the Left in the United States claim that they represent, that they support the African American community and claim that they have protected the African American community with their policies regarding them. But history shows that the Democratic Party have, for the most part, not represented African Americans or the African American community very well and they have been detrimental to the African American community for decades to the last century and a half plus overall. Which is one of the reasons why African Americans are leaving the Democratic Party in such huge numbers now. They claim that voter ID laws and voter IDs are racist towards African Americans. However, the vast majority of Americans including African Americans actually support voter ID laws and voter IDs. They claim that the police are racist towards African Americans and that African Americans, all African Americans, hate the police. That’s not true either. In fact, the vast majority of African Americans, over 81% of them that is, actually support the police, and they only make up about 13% of the population of the United States. So the Left and the Democratic Party saying that they love and represent and support African Americans and the African American community overall is a lie. If history is correct, which is almost always is, then history clearly shows that the Left and the Democratic Party haven’t represented African Americans and the African American community for years and decades and in the last century and a half or more and unfortunately, that remains the case even today. Makes you wonder why African Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in such huge numbers now, and for good reasons too. History shows that the Republican Party and the Right are the ones who have actually represented African Americans and the African American community very well overall for the past century and a half if not longer and continue to do so today. This includes President Trump, who during his presidency, established the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans among other races in the United States in the history of the United States of America. He is more in tune with the African American community than the Left and the Democratic Party including Biden could ever imagine. Abraham Lincoln, the President who led the way for African Americans to be freed from slavery, was more in tune with African Americans as well. President Reagan was the same way, to name a few. Even President John F Kennedy, who was not a Republican per say, but was a conservative Democrat, was more in tune with the African American community than even his successor, Lyndon B Johnson ever was. So, there you have it folks. Republicans care more about African Americans than the Democrats do overall. And history proves that undoubtedly.

  1. Vasquez needs to go, he is toxic to NM. Evette needs to win but needs to be a leader not a follower, maybe like Greene (GA) or Borner (sp?) (CO). Many NMs are a little slow to distance the selves from the democrat party but they are learning that repeating the same votes every election gets them nothing. It would help if republicans had a little more eggs so they can stand up agains the Marxist democrats. I say conservatives need to spread the word and talk to our neighbors and explain how things can be better. The republicans also need a plan to make NM better but I have not heard the plan as of yet. How are the republicans getting the LBTCEIEIO folks out of our schools, how are they going to drill baby drill, how are they stopping the forced EV agenda, how will they make our schools at least number 25 in the nation??? Like I said, I have heard no plans.

  2. It’s a bit early, but the trend is interesting to say the least.
    Trump hitting hard on the border crisis during the debate (along with Biden’s poor performance) appears to be paying off.

  3. He won last time and they cheated – that is why I moved out of NM. When I asked the clerk how they verified citizenship when I. went to vote she said she would not give me a ballot and I had to get the manager involved.

  4. So the Dems drag out a mummy to debate Trump and Biden is only half a point behind in NM? This says something about our fellow voters.

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