Democrat U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez from the Second Congressional District has come under fire for using his taxpayer-funded congressional office to promote materials from the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), an organization advocating for the defunding of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Vasquez’s actions were highlighted just as he voted against the Laken Riley Act, a proposed measure aimed at bolstering border security. All three members of New Mexico’s delegation, including Vasquez, Teresa Leger Fernandez, and Melanie Stansbury, voted against the commonsense legislation.
Vasquez shared the NIJC’s “Know Your Rights” toolkit on his official congressional account. This resource, aimed at guiding undocumented migrants on avoiding deportation, includes strategies for identifying law enforcement officers and declining cooperation with immigration officials. Critics argue that these tactics enable migrants to evade lawful detention and deportation efforts.

The NIJC, whose mission includes dismantling ICE and CBP, is clear in its stance against immigration enforcement. Their social media campaigns, such as the “#DefundHate” initiative, call for an end to Title 42 and advocate for the release of detained individuals. Screenshots of their website and social media posts showcase their explicit coaching of migrants on circumventing federal law enforcement.
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) quickly condemned Vasquez’s promotion of the NIJC’s toolkit. Ben Petersen, an NRCC spokesperson, stated, “Gabe Vasquez betrayed voters and showed he’ll never secure the border. New Mexicans demand a representative who will secure the border, not this radical using his office to aid and abet illegal migrants.”

Petersen’s remarks underscore the NRCC’s position that Vasquez’s alignment with organizations like the NIJC undermines national security and contradicts his responsibility as a public official.
Vasquez’s promotion of the NIJC’s materials comes at a time when border communities in New Mexico are grappling with increased migration and strained resources. Critics argue that by opposing the Laken Riley Act, Vasquez signaled a lack of commitment to addressing these challenges. The bill, aimed at enhancing enforcement and border infrastructure, has received support from border-state Republicans seeking more robust measures to manage migration.

Supporters of Vasquez, however, claim that the NIJC toolkit is an essential resource for migrants seeking to understand their rights under U.S. law. They argue that ensuring humane treatment and protecting constitutional rights does not equate to endorsing illegal activity.
Vasquez’s promotion of the NIJC toolkit and his voting record on immigration enforcement have sparked questions about where his priorities lie and how they align with the needs of his district, especially as he attempted to rebrand himself as moderate during the last election.
Way to Go Gabe! Really looking forward to you standing strong and intervening for the illegals when ICE tries to arrest them. Make sure to get Teresa and Melanie to be there also to show you mean business.
It’ll make my day………when the ICE agents cuff all three of you and put you in jail.
If you were a man, you would have voted for the Laken Riley Act and not hide behind the asylum “skirt” in your attempt to guise yourself as a defender of human rights.
Remember, Trump won and the majority of the citizens are behind ICE & BP! MAGA!!
Well written!!!
Well said! Thank you! Cuff MLG while you’re at it ICE.
Thank you, ICE and Border Patrol
I miss Yvette Herrell.
How did Vasquez get elected?
Dominion voting machines
You underestimate the stupidity and depravity of his electorate. I live in El Paso and we continually re-elect a corrupt, brain-dead, deplorable machine politician to Congress. Las Cruces is very similar.
The DNC of NM successfully gerrymandered the 3 congressional voting districts.
Albuquerque now dictates who will be the next Congressperson in all 3 voting districts.
Las Cruces is a shi*hole stop on the campaign trail now if you want to get rid of the windshield washer in Juarez Mexico-Gabby’s former employer…
Exactly, those things allow fraud.
The votes of the illegal aliens that ICE will be arresting. This is why Gabe wants to defund ICE, they will be taking away his and the DNC’s voters
Those three amigos are not the brightest bulbs in the box when it comes to voting with common sense (which they don’t have). The people voted for President Trump to rid us of the corruption and of course the illegals that are indeed criminals for coming here illegally (a violation of our Federal laws). And they, the three not so bright comrades of MLG cannot defund ICE!
And yes, can’t wait until they are all in handcuffs for trying to stopping ICE and the Federal government to deport illegals, and MLG as well should be in handcuffs…. If you came here to America legally then you have nothing to worry about.
Yah too bad we can’t deport those three too.
No Voter ID laws or enforcement
Vasquez, you really don’t want to piss off Border Czar Tom Homan, do you?
He squeaked through in the election, so he is betraying half of his constituency but then he really hasn’t been known for his intellectual prowess.
I support the expansion of tar.
I support the expansion of the gathering of feathers.
I support mixing both of them vigorously.
I support heating the tar to make it more flexible.
Just sayin’ there are some things in this life well worth supporting 110%.
Hot tar. Fluffy feathers.
These two common household ranching items are worth supporting.
Now if we could just find a good use for them…
I love your idea, and hope someone will put those items to good use. And quickly.
Sure miss Yvette Herrell!
I keep geese and have lots of fluffy feathers to donate to the cause. Now we just need a patriot roofer…
Oh how I wish we could do that😂
Love it!!!
I support everything you just listed 😁
The guy has exposed his criminal mindset….
Stolen elections have consequences. We end up with this POS!
You all know we can help ICE and Border Patrol by reporting illegal aliens on the hot line 1866 347 2423. Ignore Vasquez and the rest of the liberal left.
Gabe needs to let everyone know if he supports illegals or the people that are in the US half that did not vote for him. I do not think he ran away with the election. But NM consistently votes for marxist democrats that do little to improve live of NM citizens. Our elected officials want socialism, the new world order, total control over there citizens.
I totally agree with you. I pray that people wake up and take their heads out of the sand, do a little research and know who they are voting for. Maybe, just maybe the elections will turn around. But then again, many just are lazy and do not do research to see what and who they are voting for.
So sad…
Huh! Your father was illegal. He came over here from Mexico. So are you illegal too because he was? Did you get your citizenship? Maybe we need to look that up! Is your social security card legal?
You should have never been voted in. I’m sure, since this state doesn’t check drivers licenses for voting that you were able to be voted in by illegals.
We are done with the B. S. That has gone on in this United States. We voted for Trump. We can’t stand the state government that we have. They are as corrupt as you are.
1. Impeach him
2. Revoke his illegal birthright citizenship
3. Deport him
This guy is am American hating socialist. Just look back and remember his political ads for the last election. Full of lies and misinformation. And he knew it. I only have two words for this boy.
It’s not surprising that the communofascists want to destroy America.
Can’t vasquez be charged with aiding terrorism? CBP are the people that stopped a bomb maker from entering ILLEGALLY. That would, by definition, make that person a CRIMINAL. Sure, he would also be undocumented, but that’s just a bonus for the communofascists that want to employ him.
Assisting child trafficking, drug cartels and invasion of illegals – charges need to be brought against Vasquez.
Illegal ALIENS have ZERO rights here in our United States Of America!! And Gabe Vasquez is an idiot! And those that voted for him…are the same! I pray every one of these politicians go to jail for breaking all the laws that they are breaking and feel the wrath of Tom Holman!!! I look forward to seeing them all marched in front of the people on television and put in jail!!! -_-
Totally agree with you Anna Marie!
I live in district 2 and I believe everyone of us that do should contact him and just let him know how we feel out his ill thought support for illegals and not for the people he works for. We the constituents in district 2. We pay his wages not the criminal illegals.
I’m going to write him a letter tomorrow. I already wrote Melanie Stansbury & Teresa Lager Fernandez when they voted not to deport illegals that had been convicted of a sex crimes. I asked if they had daughters or granddaughters & how they could live with themselves for doing that. They like most Democrats are despicable.
Defund and deport Vasquez
an this A-hole spell irrelevant? I hope so. How evil can someone be. Voting to let people in that kill innocent college women. Why is he not in jail?
Adding illegals is up to a 20 year prison sentence. Illegals committed a crime when they crossed the border. Anyone helping them is subject to 20 years. Maybe this is the way to get rid of the trash. Go Homan, go ICE.
Sure miss Yvette Herrell
I do too. Very much so.
When he stands in the way of ICE making arrests like he says he will, I want to watch.
The problem here is not Vasquez folks. it is the fact that we had Yvette Herrell running against him in this last election and we didn’t vote her into office, putting Vasquez back in. We can complain as much as we want but as long as we keep voting the wrong person into office, this state will not change. And this is sad. I grew up here, and back then the people were happy, and voted for people who supported America. And until we get back to that, nothing good will happen here. Right now the DEMON-o-rats must go. And anyone else who will not support America and Americans. This moron voted against the Laken Riley act. WHAT MORE NEEDS TO BE SAID?
I see change coming. But it can’t come fast enough. New Mexico is now floundering in the culture of WOKENESS and DEATH. Time to put a stop to that and bring back the culture of God and Country. Until then we will stay at the bottom of the states in everything that matters most.
Like this post reads arrest, prosecute, incarcerate – those aiding illegals.
Simply put, any person who illegally enters the U.S. is an “illegal alien” and should be deported. I hope you to go to jail If you interfere with federal officials doing their assigned duties.