Albuquerque City Council candidate Dr. Joseph Pitluck Aguirre, who is running in District Six, owns multiple small businesses in Albuquerque. One of his businesses, located at 1700 Central Ave SE, has been plagued by illegal vagrant tent encampments and trespassing.
“Criminal trespassing not resolved at my building at 1700 Central Ave SE. Called 311 and 242-COPS a few days ago. Just called again. You can see the no trespassing sign. Instead of collecting signatures to get on the ballot for city council, I have to deal w/ this,” he tweeted.

He gave an update, writing in all-caps, “THIS GETS WORSE. I JUST GOT A CODE VIOLATION LETTER FOR HAVING AN ILLEGAL CAMP ON MY PROPERTY!” He included a photo of the code violation letter.
The City wrote that he had until July 5, 2023, to resolve the issues, which Code Enforcement noted were to “Remove all litter and trash from the property, including all remnants of the illegal camps set up on the property” and “All Recreational Vehicles or tents parked or attached to the ground for use as an overnight accommodation shall be on a campsite,” referencing a city ordinance against having a “Campground or Recreational Vehicle Park.”
“The owner of any private property shall at all times maintain the premises free of litter. Provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the storage of litter in authorized private receptacles for collection,” the letter added.
Aguirre gave another update on Twitter following the letter, writing, “I just drove by 1700 Central Ave SE and someone is STILL camping there. I just called 311 again to find out if ACS was dispatched to help them find shelter. I was told there is currently 3 DAY DELAY before ACS can make contact.… WILL I GET ANOTHER CODE VIOLATION?”
One person noted in response to one of Aguirre’s tweets, “I had someone illegally dump a huge pile of trash in the alleyway behind my elderly neighbors house and when I called the city about it to help her they gave me a code violation for weeds behind my house in said alleyway.”
“How many other people have called Albuquerque 311 for assistance, only to get a code enforcement violation days later? This causes a fundamental mistrust between citizens needing help and a hostile city government. This needs investigation,” Aguirre responded.
The vagrancy and normalization of homelessness in Albuquerque has exacerbated crime problems in the deadly metro area, not only for business owners but also for those living in encampments.
Just Monday, a woman sleeping in a tent just south of Central Avenue was shot and killed. A homicide investigation has been opened into the matter.
We are living in San Franburque.
Tony, your humanitarian leadership is needed with a public call for your action. It is everyone’s responsibility. No one should be homeless.
Yes Lady_ann. There are hundreds of jobs in addition to the financial aid that the city/state provides also SNAP credits; nobody should be homeless. Lady_ann, how many homeless people have you allowed to sleep in your residence?
You sir are a Pip!
I will be trying to pronounce San Franburque to all my friends today. Careful in Albaqurquestan
Santa Fe is starting to get just as bad.
Such a beautiful city destroyed by DUMMYcrats!
or is it DemocRATS
Who voted the DUMMYcrats into office? Isn’t Biden land? We the people are called to action. Why are these people homeless? Who is the judge that stole their home? Andrew perhaps we should also be looking at fair election process. I know most of the people who are public servants would not be there if election fraud was not prevalent. What did we do about it?
So I guess citizens are now expected to do their own policing….
Yes Kathy this is how everyone can win because public official are too corrupt to care about anyone but themselves. Our leadership is required.
This is UNACCEPTABLE! I used to enjoy going to the city to shop and see the sites. Now, I avoid Abq like the plague! No tourist will want to come to a once incredible city. ☹️ Way to go mayor Keller!
The city is a mess, unresolved homeless issues
Red light and stop sign violators
No weed control on city property
Interstates 40&25 are the new autobahn, No speed limits , No enforcement
Streets with no line markings
Trash everywhere
I was downtown recently on Gold Street. I literally choked on the air. It smells like a Porta-potty down there. I had to hold my breath in the elevator in the parking garage. The smell of human waste was so strong. The thing needs a good power wash with bleach and antiseptics. I was afraid of touching the buttons. Being on oxygen, walking down the stairs was not an option and they smelled almost as bad as the elevator. $1.00 per half hour and they can’t keep the stairs and elevators clean. Mr Mayor, what are you using out tax dollars for?
The foundational question is, why are the people homeless?
Banks are paying off Judges to steal people’s homes this is the problem. We need to clean up the public official they have lined their pockets. The judges and attorneys should be kicked out of there house so these people who have been abused by they have a bed to sleep in…Where are the people suppose to go when they are forced out of their home and judges are paid off to give the home to criminals who have no entitlement. We have a sick government and yes We the people must govern responsibly.
The imposters in the black polyester robes need to be escorted off the bench. They are illegal and they are imposters. Where is their bond ? Where have they followed their oath?
Homeless mostly because of poor like choices involving drugs & crime. Very rarely does an ABQ resident ever see a displaced person on the streets of ABQ that’s there for some other reason.
I think they should have proved the the safe outdoor spaces so they can control where these people go and where there would be a place to throw trash use the restroom and sleep where they can be safe. At least they won’t be on someone’s property or anyone’s yard. But noooooooo, they got to complain about that too. So now people are mad because homeless people are on their properties and in front of their houses and behind their houses. Technical help someone wants to live their life but at least you can control where they can be where it’s safe and clean.
Everyone was for the idea until they found out it might be placed in their neighborhood. Fix the homeless problem but somewhere else. This is everywhere in American not just Albuquerque. It’s not political. It’s addiction. Yet drivers keep handing over money. For some reason poor decision made by others have become societies problem. We will never win the war on drugs. Like prohibition, if people want it they will get it.
Build a big camp out in the desert with necessary basics and keep returning them there over and over until they give up and stay out there with their own kind. Same goes for the criminal invaders, keep deporting them over and over until they stay in their own country.
Perhaps you are running on a Republican ticket, or opposing a more favored candidate for the Dems? Both of those are punishable crimes in New Mexico.
elections have consequences, NM continues to vote for the Marxist democrats so we will look like LA or San Francisco. Most homeless are due to drugs or medical issues which are often the same. I guess the guy could have shot all the homeless on his property and rented a roll off to put them and their belongings into. If the city can’t do its job maybe vote for a conservative????
We are experiencing a plauge of homeless drug addicts and the mayor does nothing but claims they are “sleeping under a tree”. What about the hard working tax paying citizens that have to clean up after them. We have rights to and we should not be forced to deal with them! We need a mayor that os capable of cleaning up our city and it needs to be illegal for pan handling and bum camps we need a mayor like Denver one that will clean this mess up. We need sweeps to eliminate these violent drug addict homeless that attract rodents cockroaches and other filth they bring to our streets and our homes we work hard to maintain!