Three New Mexico community colleges ranked top 20 in the nation

According to a new WalletHub ranking survey, three New Mexico community colleges have been ranked in the top 20 among all others across the nation.

Santa Fe Community College ranked 12th, Central New Mexico Community College in Albuquerque ranked 13th, and San Juan College in Farmington ranked 16th.

Although not in the top 20, Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus ranked 26th among all other community colleges.

The number one community college nationwide was State Technical College of Missouri in Linn, MO.

“In order to determine the best and worst community-college systems in the U.S., we drew upon our analysis of 2023’s Best & Worst Community Colleges, which was conducted at the individual-school level across a sample of 668 institutions and 19 key metrics,” wrote WalletHub.

New Mexico ranked number one overall for the state with the best community college system, according to WalletHub’s nationwide system survey

New Mexico was followed by Connecticut, Maryland, Oregon, and Minnesota.

“For our state-by-state analysis, we calculated a weighted average of the scores earned by the community colleges in each state and the number of students enrolled in each school. The state with the highest average corresponds with a rank of No. 1, or the best community-college system. We also took into account only the states that had at least two community colleges present in our sample of the Best & Worst Community Colleges in order to ensure comparability of results,” the outlet noted. 


14 thoughts on “Three New Mexico community colleges ranked top 20 in the nation”

  1. Ok so the community colleges rank that high, but our K-12 are the worst in the country!? Perhaps this is the new math, but it doesn’t add up. (Don’t bother following the link, the survey data isn’t there either.)

    I call a big stinky one on this? Who believes this stuff?


      Las Cruces was rated a best-run city as the state auditor was issuing a 700-page report stating violations of laws, regulations, and management policies were “rampant” in city management (McHard Report).

  2. There’s no way they are colleges. They are more than likely to be bringing students up to the point where they could apply to college.

  3. We should take the win. I know I started at a community college, it made me realize I needed to read the assignments. I almost never did in HS. Our professors were caring and taught me a lot. Now our universities are a joke. They collect way to much money and pay their professors what to much to turn our children into Marxists. If schools do not have at least a 40/60% of marxist/conservatives professors they should loose all state funding. I believe Hitler had brain washing institutes as well, the only difference is parents are paying for their kids to be brainwashed. This is why our state government is keeping NM on the bottom of the spectrum of almost every mearsueable statistic.

  4. They must be grading them on their DEI scores. Remember that Diversity means anti-white racism. Equity means communism. And Inclusion means incompetence.

  5. I think it’s actually deserved for these schools to get recognition, especially when you go for a trade degree, they are great schools with great programs focused on specific careers. People laughed at Community College in the past but they’re proving to be practical options.

  6. Maybe Ivey-Soto rigged the survey. Or it could be that you get the ‘results’ that you ‘pay’ for. Wallethub didn’t really show what hat they pulled that rabbit out of. Pretty unbelievable.

  7. When I moved here one was TVI (Technical Vocational Institute) of Albuquerque. There was no way credits from TVI were transferable to UNM (one of the worst of all in the country). Now to make things affordable, people go to a “Community College” and then get a crappy degree from UNM. I would just as soon become a BMW auto mechanic or plumber and make $35 an hour instead of a DEI social worker making $15 or having no job at all. It’s all a scam.

  8. Not sure about the College of Santa Fe but CNM has had better ratings and success rates than UNM. The smaller class sizes and dedication to Technical and medical training as well as the trades are what make CNM students succeed. My husband retired from there in 2016. UNM Hospital has actually preferred CNM nurses over UNM nurses in the past. They really do a stellar job. In my humble opinion 🙂 and at a fraction of the cost of any major university.

  9. It’s amazing how all the jerks applaud every time New Mexico is the worst as something and then find everything they can to criticize any analysis that shows New Mexico is good in anything. And I use the term jerk as a conservative description.

    1. New Mexico has a literacy rate of 70.9% which is the lowest in the nation thanks to Democrat/liberal/leftist blue-state “leadership” as opposed to Republican/conservative red-state Leadership augmented by what you refer to as “jerks.” Perhaps it is time to move past juvenile name-calling, grow up, and face hard FACTS.

  10. NOTICE!!! The highest tuition and most media coverage goes to UNM and they have one of the worst ratings in the nation..HMMMMMM
    just shows you can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig!

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