Report: Suspect arrested in connection with shootings targeting Dem politicians

On Monday, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) revealed that Solomon Peña, a former GOP candidate for state House of Representatives District 14 was arrested at his Albuquerque home. He is charged with conspiracy to pay four men to shoot at Democrat lawmakers’ homes.

As we previously reported, the politicians who were apparently targeted included outgoing Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley, Commissioner Adriann Barboa, and two legislators. Sen. Linda Lopez and newly appointed Sen. Antonio “Moe” Maestas were apparently targeted, although gunshots were heard near Maestas’ office, not his home.

Later, Democrat New Mexico House Majority Leader Javier Martínez (D-Bernalillo) reported he found gun holes and bullet remnants at his Albuquerque home. 

APD Chief Harold Medina told the Albuquerque Journal, “Peña, an unsuccessful legislative candidate in the 2022 election, is accused of conspiring with, and paying four other men to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.”

Police officers executing the arrest said outside of Pena’s home, “Solomon Peña please come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded.”

The suspect prevously served seven years in prison for involvement in a “slash and grab” robbery “scheme,” the Journal noted

Immediately following the revelation of Peña’s arrest, House Republican Leader Ryan Lane (R-Aztec) wrote in a statement, “We appreciate law enforcement’s diligence in pursuing this investigation and we are still learning of this development just as the rest of New Mexico is. New Mexico House Republicans condemn violence in any form and are grateful no one was injured. This is yet another example of a convicted felon unlawfully gaining access to firearms, which they are barred from owning or possessing, and using the weapon in a manner that causes public harm.”


15 thoughts on “Report: Suspect arrested in connection with shootings targeting Dem politicians”

  1. He wasn’t thinking. It’s a very big black eye for the Republican Party. It was a very selfish act that could have endangered more lives. I’m grateful it wasn’t more serious.

    1. Christopher S Ray

      I agree, but this guy was no more a Republican than most in DC these days. Shame on the party for allowing a guy with his past to run on their ticket.

  2. What an idiot, he just gave the evil dems more reasons to try and gun grab. Moron! He has to be a Democrat or a rino, he is no republican.

  3. Hope this is a Wake-Up call for the Democrats. They are the ones wanting criminal records to be expunged so nobody knows who the candidates really are. I’m grateful Pena didn’t win but hopefully let this be a “lesson” in common sense, so lacking in the Democratic Party!

  4. I am glad nobody was hurt. However, the speed with which they caught this criminal should be an example that they could do more to protect the “common” citizens. They were more concerned about the victims being politicians as Keller implied on the news. Furthermore, do not take guns away from law abiding citizens. It is not the answer. Focus on prosecuting criminals that are running rampant in our city!

  5. Absolutely condemn violence in any form against anyone. Will humans ever progress to a peace loving peoples? Actions such as this makes me wonder when, if ever, peace will happen.

  6. Politically Motivated

    Okay, So there’s this guy that was in prison for 7 years, and ran as a unqualified GOP candidate.
    His Democrat opponent tried to get him disqualified because his prison record was known, But somehow he was kept on the ballot, and wins an uncontested primary spot with around 300 votes.
    Then he Loses the election, and visits these democrat’s homes unannounced. He talks to them and hands them some kind of documents about their election fraud.
    Later he pays 4 people to shoot at the houses he visited.
    After one shooting, deputies pull over and arrest a 21-year-old guy with warrants and this other guy is driving a car registered to the GOP guy. The deputies find drugs, and guns with shell casings matching the confiscated weapons used in the shootings.
    They also find tweets about election fraud, and pictures with the ex-GOP guy at the Jan 6 rally wearing a MAGA shirt. They also say the found a bunch of related phone records.
    The news reports, that A.P.D. discovered, “what we had all feared, shootings were politically motivated.” Mayor Tim Keller. says “this attack is dangerous to democracy”.
    It seems like this “Political Motivated Mastermind” left a well documented trail and timeline.
    This story comes out at a time when democrats are trying to issue more unconstitutional gun laws.
    Maggie Toulouse Oliver – Certifies the official lists of candidates running for state offices.
    So how does she let an unqualified ex-con candidate stay on the ballot?
    This whole story sounds politically motivated.

    1. Agree wholeheartedly and would like to add that it all appears as a “false flag” orchestrated by the communists to justify their unconstitutional gun grabs. The commie state media is nonstop with their parroting “danger to democracy “ lies and nonsense. When the dust settles I’m sure it will not be what the communists are currently “ reporting “.

  7. Ok, so they arrested a former felon kook for what looks like conspiracy and “no firearms for felons” charges. The existing laws worked as published. Mission accomplished by law enforcement. Now move on. What’s next on the police blotter?

  8. God is watching NM

    Love when my posts on this site disappear. Democraps are liars, the truth will come out. This is not how it happened.

  9. Since the beginning, the goal has been to damage the political views of anybody supportive of Trump. To date, I have read only a handful of comments that have considered the situation happening differently than the headlines. Will you all listen to the lies and story-telling? To say anything if you’re not going to investigate for yourself, makes you foolish. The truth ALWAYS prevails. NM politics has been quite corrupt, the nepotism and lucrative monies paid to derail ones opponent are nothing new. For my fellow New Mexicans, this story should be researched in depth, because it is nothing like the paid for media has been reporting. It should strike at the heart of citizens as a whole. This man dedicated his life and passion to really try to be the hope for a city that he has loved, and continues to have high hopes for, despite the hatred and lies that have continued for the last two years. I have never met another in this city with such dedication or a man more giving and humble. The lack of support and refusal by everybody that has room to speak up and question the series of events and the parties involved is what should be the most concerning. Rather than taking a step toward justice, the citizens have been misinformed and continue to allow the ones brave enough to question the corruption our state is infamous for; to be mocked, ridiculed and forced to answer for allegations that he orchestrated and planned to cause his own demise. He was outspoken, not stupid. Not one person that this man helped, not one, has stood up to ask a single question about the multiple holes in the case, nor has anybody sat in on any of his hearings to really know the details. Be informed before speaking. Two ears, to listen, one mouth to spread lies… I’m speechless & disappointed in my peers for failing to be more aware. The two last comments, I applaud your insight & truth!

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