Opponents’ desperate attacks won’t deter me

Dear fellow New Mexicans,

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well during these challenging times. As we navigate the complexities of our current reality, I feel compelled to address a recent targeted attack on my candidacy for State Senate.

It has come to my attention that a certain group is attempting to undermine my campaign by resurrecting a post made during the COVID-19 pandemic, wherein I criticized Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s actions as akin to those of a dictator. This post, unfortunately, has been twisted and misconstrued to falsely paint me as antisemitic, a claim that holds no merit whatsoever.

Let me be unequivocally clear: I denounce any form of discrimination or bigotry in the strongest possible terms. The attempt to label me as such is not only baseless but also a disservice to the seriousness of real instances of antisemitism and hate speech.

This senseless attack is nothing more than a desperate ploy by my opponents to detract from the real issues at hand and create a foundation for their fact-less campaign. But let me assure you, I will not be deterred. I am committed to running a campaign based on integrity, honesty, and a genuine desire to serve the people of our great state.

Furthermore, I want to emphasize that my criticism of Governor Lujan Grisham was rooted in my dedication to upholding the principles of democracy and accountability. As your future State Senator, I am prepared to stand up to any form of tyranny, whether it comes from within our party or from the highest levels of government.

I firmly believe that I am the best candidate to represent our interests in the State Senate, and I am ready to fight for you every step of the way. Together, we can ensure that the last two years of the governor’s term are marked by transparency, accountability, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of all New Mexicans.

Thank you for your continued support.


Audrey Trujillo

Audrey Trujillo is running for New Mexico Senate District Nine. She formerly was the GOP nominee for Secretary of State in 2022. 

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2 thoughts on “Opponents’ desperate attacks won’t deter me”

  1. I have known Audrey for many years, and she has always been a strong supporter of our Jewish Faith. Many may not know this, but Audrey organized the largest church gathering Sept. 26, 2020, at the capitol called the “New Mexico Return” where over 3,000 believers gathered together. It included over 127 statewide churches form all faiths including Jewish Churches from Las Cruces all the way up to northern parts of NM. When Audrey ran for Secretary of State my Synagogue invited her to speak and worship with us. She graciously accepted and prayed and wept with us for the salvation of our state and country. She stayed after and spoke about why she was running, and we were so impressed with her genuine answers. This slander that she is enduring comes from being persecuted for following God’s calling. We are praying for a successful election for her. Audrey is a woman of grace, wisdom, dedication and genuine love for her state and country. We pray that voters see through these attack ads and vote for her in full force. God bless you, Audrey Trujillo! Shalom~

  2. Those who have no leg to stand on reach really far down and don’t care how ridiculous their claims are. Audrey has been fighting for all of us, long before she ran for any office. Grisham’s mandates hurt our kids, our businesses and our entire state. Audrey saw through the BS and for that, people called her a “conspiracist.” People STILL don’t see!!! Look around you. 70+ years of Democrat rule in this state has resulted in record crime in Las Cruces and the City of Albuquerque having to appoint a “poop patrol” to clean human feces from public places. Meanwhile, we have elected officials like Teresa Fernandez and Gabe Vasquez disrespecting the Constitution by supporting allowing non-citizens to vote!

    Audrey wants better for this state. Don’t you want better for yourself and your kids and grandkids? You can’t get more New Mexican than her..and she deeply cares about the people in the state and for the Constitution of this country. She has my vote.

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