NM conservatives react to ‘sham’ Trump trial verdict

On Thursday, a New York jury, stacked with foes of 45th President Trump, found him guilty on all 34 counts in an unfair trial relating to so-called “hush money payments.” The verdict came after the prosecution brought forward witnesses, such as convicted felon and liar Michael Cohen and porn actress Stormy Daniels, who impeached themselves on the witness stand with contradictory testimony. Cohen even admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from Trump.

Following the verdict, New Mexico conservatives responded with fury. 

Republican Former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of the Second District wrote, “This case was election interference through and through, designed from the start to take President Trump off the campaign trail and damage his prospects in November. But I’m confident Americans will see through this weaponization of our legal system and vote to get our country back on track by electing Donald Trump.”

GOP U.S. Senate nominee Nella Domenici wrote, “It is a sad day in our country when Americans see our justice system weaponized. Thankfully there is an appeals process that can correct miscarriages of justice. We stand at an unprecedented time, with our country growing more and more divided each day. This must end. We must come together. We must have leaders who restore trust in our institutions, trust in the rule of law, and trust in one another.” 

State Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo) wrote, “This sham verdict just won President Trump this election. The Dems dug their own grave, and it will forever be remembered in American history,” adding, “The Founding Fathers are rolling around in their graves.”

“Through a leftist prosecutor and judge with a political vendetta, the Biden administration and Democrats have dangerously weaponized the judiciary against their biggest political opponent to detract from the mess [Joe] Biden has made of our country,” wrote New Mexico Republican Party Chairman Steve Pearce in a statement. 

President Trump has made it clear he will appeal the ruling. The Democrat judge in the case has scheduled sentencing for mid-July, just days before the RNC Convention, where Trump is set to accept the GOP nomination. 


8 thoughts on “NM conservatives react to ‘sham’ Trump trial verdict”

  1. This has been a blatant attack on Trump by the democrats, they have been attacking since he announced before the 2016 election. I hope that Republicans grow a spine and fight back against BS.

  2. Trump has to win in November. Cause if he doesn’t, this mess that the country is in now, will only grow to be worse and worse as the time goes on. The Democrats, the media, the acadamia and the spineless RINO Reppublicans have all GOT TO GO or this nation is toast. Everyone thinks America is too big to fail, but I can guarnatee you this, it isn’t. With all the entities that I named above, have been working, without consequences, while breaking every law they can, and tearing down our Constitution, and this has to stop, or America is gone. They will come after you and me next cause they think there is no stopping them.

  3. Jesus was convicted in a sham trial and crucified and I still follow him. I continue to follow President Trump and all that are honest. Do not listen to the confusion.


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