Lujan Grisham breaking ground on $10M taxpayer-funded abortion center

Far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham will be traveling to Las Cruces to mark the groundbreaking of a new taxpayer-funded abortion center, made possible by $10 million in taxpayer money rushed through the Legislature in 2023. 

The facility, located in Doña Ana County, is a key part of her administration’s response to the rising demand for abortion services following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. 

Since that ruling, states like Texas have enacted strict bans on abortion, pushing many out-of-state residents to seek services in New Mexico, where the procedure remains legal.

The $10 million allocated for the clinic was included in the 2023 capital outlay bill, which became a source of contention during the legislative session. 

The funding was rammed through the process, forcing bipartisan legislators to vote against the broader bill due to the inclusion of this particular expenditure. 

Many see the move as unnecessarily divisive, pointing to the fact that New Mexico already had several abortion facilities serving the area​, and the abortion mill will merely be Texas’ back-alley abortion facility. 

While Governor Lujan Grisham has positioned the new clinic as part of her broader commitment to “protecting women’s health,” which doesn’t actually do anything but end children’s lives, many New Mexicans see it as a misallocation of taxpayer dollars that will exacerbate tensions over abortion access in the region, while Texas has life-affirming laws in place. 


39 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham breaking ground on $10M taxpayer-funded abortion center”

    1. This is wonderful! NOT! Just what I have always wanted. To live in a state famous for its horrible education system and killing babies. Wow! Been a New Mexican for over 40 years, seems like a good time to start looking to move to a state that doesn’t advocate for killing children in the womb. The standard of living isn’t just taking a hit. Actual “living” is taking a hit.
      These ideologs are anti God and anti human. People need to figure out that the globalist, climate hysterical, virtue signaling, everyone is a racist, abortion pushing, pro noun policing, woke, social injustice warriors have an agenda. Thinning the herds. (that would be us) The unwashed masses who they hold in utter contempt. WE are the carbon they want to reduce. If you dodge the bullet of the MRNA shot making your steril or killing you, they endeavor to wipe out your future generations by one means or another. They will not stop until you and your offspring are dead and gone.

  1. Typical of this evil little troll, this should have gone out to the public to vote on….I damn sure don’t want MY tax dollars spent on this.

    1. New Mexico voted this evil in, knowing exactly what she would bring here… Ensure you place the blame on the correct people here; MLG AND every democrat who voted for her!

    2. As long as the voters keep electing lock-step democrats to office, this will never change. Not that we need 100% Republicans either, but right now there is no real discussion or interaction between legislators, just a mater of the greater numbers prevailing. If we are going to have a “Bipartisan” legislature, let’s make sure we do some research before checking of those candidates because they have a (D) or and (R) behind their name. Better yet, let’s try a “Nonpartisan” legislature.

  2. As a bipartisan effort I’m sure Governor Lujan will next break ground on a real women’s health ultrasound prenatal assistance pregnancy and birthing center that promotes adoption as an option to abortion. That will be a wonderful morning indeed.
    Or maybe she’ll just be the same evil tyrant that we have come to expect.

  3. What a mess. Hopefully, different groups will closely watch the way the money is allocated and spent. Dems being Dems there will be corruption, bribery and outright thievery of this money. Not if, but when it is found and made public, might that serve to stop this abomination in its tracks?

    1. If you have worked on commercial or gov construction projects, the first price estimate is the base…this will end up costing 40 or 50 million.

  4. Reproductive health clinic? Call it what it is, a clinic to kill babies! A reproductive health clinic is where folks go to see the best way to safely not get pregnant or maybe find out help to get pregnant when folks have issues. It is like calling a gas chamber (like the Nazis used on the Jews) a rejuvenation center! It is hard to believe the democrats in NM are that fricken stupid to allow such a thing to happen in our state.

  5. Reproductive is to produce babies. Death clinic is what it should be called. If you want abortion then be truthful and call it what it is. An abortion clinic. A baby killing clinic. Author Vincent Everett Ellison states that “the democrat party is the evilest organization in the history of the world. Are you willing to go to hell for the democrat party? They are a death machine. What ever they do they destroy it.” MLG is the grim reaper

  6. Abortion is murder. Plain and simple.

    MLG is evil, sick, depraved. Her soul is dark black and belongs to Satan. You can see it in her eyes and face.

  7. I oppose my tax dollars being used for this purpose!!!! How totally evil and despicable! With many methods available and free to prevent pregnancy – are there THAT many abortions still performed?? This is mind-boggling!

  8. This is why she hid inside an important bill that contained capital outlay funds that are ACTUALLY NEEDED! Thats the way the thieves work!

  9. I forgot something. Remember she wants to take our guns so we can’t revolt against her. Only she is allowed to tell us who dies.

  10. “reproductive health “ is a complete oxymoron. Reproduction means to produce something, what does abortion produce except pain , and ruined lives. Satan inverts and so do his followers ie, ugly is beautiful, bad is good, and murder becomes “womens reproductive health”! Totally Orwellian and totally communist ! These democommies are extremely evil people!

  11. Go To:
    Help stop the center from being constructed by signing the petition
    Southwest Coalition Inc. Mark Caveliere, CEO
    Act now to stop the death camp.
    Your voice and prayers are critical at this moment.
    Thank You.

  12. Unbelievable. Instead of using our hard earned money on the significant needs we have in NM, you’re going to use this money to murder the innocent?! I don’t want my money used for this! This is just more proof of your poor judgement and narcissism Michelle.
    Shame on you.

  13. In 2019, 3,942 abortions in NM. They say that it has tripled since then. More to come with the new Las
    Cruces “health center’ in the wonderful ‘Land of Enchantment 🤮” It makes me sick. Martin Heinrich’s campaign abortion ad “We want to be able to kill our own child’ and I approve this message. Between the sex trafficking, molesting, exploitation and abortion on demand, NM is dark, apathetic and enchantingly evil.

  14. Are out -of -staters coming for FREE ABORTIONS? Or, are they paying? And what about lodging and meals for would- be Moms…How much are poor New Mexicans paying for this MURDER FACTORY, beyond the 10$millions? And, why has not the Catholic Church in New Mexico and Rome – not excommunicated this SATANIC HYPOCRITE? Does she know how repulsed true Christians are by her actions?

  15. WOW, once again the commentators on this site make me proud to hear their comments showing that many in NM do have a brain and refuse to be herded with the sheep.

    The only thing I can add is that this narcissistic governor and her ilk is they have finally found a means to make the number one list. Number one “baby butchery” in the nation and quite possibly the world. I hope those of you who enable these despicable acts by these despicable “elected officials” are proud of yourselves. I guess it goes with the rest of the rules that are not followed by self righteous pond. scum

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