Hundreds of duplicate ballots cause alarm in Bernalillo County

As the June 4 primary election approaches, some Bernalillo County voters have already begun submitting absentee ballots. However, a few voters were surprised to receive a second ballot in the mail.

According to Bernalillo County Clerk Linda Stover, this mistake does not mean that any votes will be counted twice, per KRQE 13. “The vendor now has made plans to not have that happen, we’re looking at it again,” Stover assured.

As of Monday, the clerk’s office had distributed nearly 16,000 absentee ballots to county residents. Of these, 452 voters received duplicate ballots. “On the 8th, we mailed out ballots,” Stover explained. “On the 9th, we mailed out ballots. Our vendor accidentally, on the 9th, picked up some of the ballots from the 8th.”

Stover mentioned that her team discovered the issue a day after the ballots were delivered. They noticed a discrepancy in the ballot count, which led them to realize that some ballots had been sent out twice. “We noticed a difference in the numbers,” Stover said.

Of the 452 duplicate ballots, 320 were sent to Democrat primary voters, and 132 were sent to Republicans. The county clerk’s office sent out a notification letter to those affected, explaining the error and providing instructions on what to do if they received a duplicate.

“Everybody that we had contact information on, like an email or a telephone number, we tried to contact,” Stover said. “We sent everybody a letter telling them what had happened and asked them to only vote the one ballot and to destroy the other.”

Stover clarified what happens if a voter returns both ballots. Each person has a voter ID and barcode linked to their ballot, ensuring that only one vote per person is counted. Any duplicate ballots that are submitted will be discarded.

“You can go to and look up your voter file, and you’ll see if your vote has been checked and done,” Stover added. “It’s very easy to do that.”

Stover emphasized that this is the first time such an incident has occurred during her tenure as county clerk. She encouraged anyone with questions about duplicate ballots to contact her office.


11 thoughts on “Hundreds of duplicate ballots cause alarm in Bernalillo County”

  1. I live in Bernalillo County and to put it bluntly, Linda Stover is full of sh*t. During covid, I received several mail-in ballots – duplicates for people that no longer lived at my address (it was a rental before I bought it) as well as a man my neighbor told me was deceased. When I called her to tell her about it, she replied, “Just toss them away.” I asked her if she wanted to know the names so she could clean them from the rolls, she said, “No. We don’t bother with that.” Not only are these extra ballots usable, but they WILL be counted if anyone tried. I vote in person and each time, I FORCE the person at the laptop to read my license and show me my voter record. And you should, too.

    1. Linda has been around wreaking havoc behind the scenes for decades. She has been part of the corrupt Democrat machine, integral in the shady goings on. Cheating is the name of the game!

  2. Since they know 2 ballots went out for over 400 people, they should charge anyone that submits 2 ballots with voter fraud! No they should not just throw way the extra one a way, they must prosecute or prosecute the county clerk for attempting to commit voter fraud!!! Quit pussyfooting around next thing u know the governor will be sexually assaulting men without being punished.

  3. Step down Linda Stover. We need honest people running the NM Vote. Sec of State and governor are both criminals.

    1. Clare A May, retired

      HITF… do you print 2 ballots with the same name, same address, same political party, and same identifies of the voter and not instantanly see the error? Any program, that permits printing duplicate ballot of the same voter REEKS of corruptive ignorant practices and computer programming manipulation.
      Hot tar, feathers, train tracks with working westbbound California cars or large cottonwood tree branches, shorter ropes and courthouse parks…

  4. REALLY? You think Democrats who receive 2 ballots with just vote once? Like in 2020 when New Mexico had 105% turnout? How do even create duplicate ballots to unique voters? Do we believe these corrupt DemocRats will correct this? How fkg stupid do they think we are….

  5. Why are duplicates even being printed? People need to be fired. Companies should be investigated and prosecuted if evidence of wrongdoing is found.New Mexicos government needs a giant overhaul, NOW!

  6. American government is a criminal cartel. There is no such thing as” government”. What the cartel is is a hugh fraud. This situation with Bernallilo county is a symptom of completely fake political process and fraudulent elections. Both parties are complicit in racketeering. No matter how the election is run the status quo runs two sets of books like a mafia business. The County Comission will never be able to certify elections because the numbers will never match. There is original data that is bogus ( unmanaged) and manipulated tampered data( with national level algorithum) that gets the results that bad actors who have influence through bribery and blackmail. Drug cartels control 40 percent of Arizona. Drug cartels control southern towns in New Mexico. Billionairs control EMERGE a subversive organization leveraging the Democratic party to place Useful Criminal Idiots into NM Government. Meanwhile thousands die from Mexico imported drugs, covid shots, sick medicine, starvation and disease by a no good government regulation. YOU are losing 10 years off your life. Stop paying and complying with criminal bastards.

  7. Once again you are all spot on in my opinion. BUT how do we fix it? They are all in bed together! During the waning months of the election infection (covid 19) the governor allowed a business to open and disallowed another business who was required to operate at the same time. I went to the state regulation dept. in Albuquerque to see who regulates the regulators. In this case NO ONE other than the governor. How pathetic is that? A hand picked political commission who has no regulator other than the pink pussy hat wearing dwarf!

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