While the mainstream New Mexico media has refused to cover Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s deep connection to Communist China, the Piñon Post has been the only outlet to do an in-depth dive into Lujan Grisham’s connections with the oppressive country.
In December 2020, we covered all the Governor’s meetings with Chinese officials, but not until now have we received correspondences showing details about the Democrat governor’s April 11, 2019 meeting with Chinese Consul General Zhang Ping and what specific topics were covered in the secretive closed-door meeting.
Zhang Ping is a high-ranking communist Chinese official who has repeatedly spread propaganda whitewashing Communist China’s humanitarian failures and oppression of its people. For example, here is an excerpt from Ambassador Zhang Ping’s speech given months after he met with Gov. Lujan Grisham:
“Over the past seven decades, staying true to its original aspiration and mission for pursuing happiness of the Chinese people and for rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, adhering to the people-centered approach, the Chinese Communist Party has united the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a strenuous struggle to build a strong and prosperous country, opened up a road that fits China’s own conditions, that is, socialism with Chinese characteristics, and accomplished the most profound and the greatest social transformation ever occurred in the country’s history.”
According to the newly unearthed documents exclusive to the Piñon Post, obtained via an Inspection of Public Records Act request, we now know that the Governor spoke with the Chinese ambassador in a “private meeting room” after her public photo-op that she posted on Twitter describing the supposed meeting.
In a May follow-up email from Zhang Ping’s office, Junying Shao, Director of Political Section for the consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles, who was at the April 11, 2019 meeting, wrote to Lujan Grisham’s senior advisor and former chief of staff while the now-governor was in Congress, Dominic Gabello, that “We understand the Governor is interested in China-US Governor’s Forum but may not be able to attend this year due to her schedule. We welcome The Governor to visit China next year and attend the Forum as it is scheduled to be hosted by China.” Gabello was also at the April meeting.
Previously in August of 2017–eight months after announcing her run for New Mexico’s governorship–Lujan Grisham was spotted at a photo-op at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing. It appears she was the only U.S. representative on the trip, and she posed multiple times with China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zheng Zeguang. For reference, other photographs of world leaders posing at the same location can be found here.
Regarding particulars of the meeting, the May 24, 2019 email from Junying Shao reads, “[T]he Consul General and the Governor also talked about the establishment of sister-state relationship between NM and certain state (we call it “province” in China). We are working on that. May I know what is [a] further idea on your end about this, any standard, or requirement on the potential sister state from China?”
In another email from April 13, 2019, a Xinlian Liu from the Chinese Consulate wrote to Gabello that the meeting between the Governor and the Ambassador was “pleasant and fruitful.”
Here’s what the email read:
Hi Dear Dominic,
It is a great honor to meet you in Albuquerque. Thank you so much for attending the meeting between the Honorable Governor and my ambassador. The meeting was pleasant and fruitful. Thank you so much for making all these happen. We highly appreciate your support and help.
I am back now in LA and start to miss the enchanted land. If anything brings you to LA, please let me know. Let us have authentic Chinese food.
Have a nice weekend.
Also, it appears that the Chinese consulate director of the political section attempted to guide the Governor’s hand in condemning the visit of Tibet’s democratically elected leader of the country’s government-in-exile state, Dr. Lobsang Sangay, who was chosen as the successor to the Dali Lama in 2012.
The Chinese official wrote referring to a May 24, 2019 proclamation by the City of Santa Fe that it had officially proclaimed a “Friendship Between Santa Fe Indian School, Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, and Tibetan People Day.” In 2017, Dr. Sangay, who traveled from India where he is being protected, spoke at the Santa Fe Indian School for a speaker series.
Junying Shao wrote to Cabello:
“The last but not least, there is one thing we would like to get your attention. We got to know someone whom Chinese government opposes and condemns is going to visit Santa Fe in coming days. His name is L[o]bsang Sangay, who conducts activities to gain sympathy or support in international community which aim against Chinese government, particularly for the independence of Tibet, part of China. It is anti-china act [sic]. We sincerely request officials of high ranking as Governor or local officials in NM not be in any contact with him during his visit. We sincerely hope to get your attention of our stance and pass it to the Governor.”

Although Cabello did not appear to respond to Junying Shao’s email, a later email shows that in February 2020, Consul General Zhang Ping spoke with Lujan Grisham’s executive policy advisor for Health and Human Services, Jane Wishner.
An email from Junying Shao reveals more details about that conversation:
“Dear Anna (Gov. Lujan Grisham’s scheduler) and Dominic, many thanks for the facilitation. Consul General and Governor’s health policy advisor Jane had a good talk on the Covid-19 last Friday. He also sends best wishes to the Governor and expresses his will on the efforts for further exchange and cooperation between NM and China. Thanks again and keep in touch. If you happen to come to LA, please let me know. Regards, Junying.”

Also at the meeting, according to documents obtained from the Governor’s office, was Deborah Burns, managing partner at “InvestUS LLC,” a company that invests in real estate in major markets. She also reportedly “was involved in bringing the US/China business matchmaking conference to Albuquerque in October of 2017.”

The Governor’s office has been contacted for comment, but as with every time we have attempted to receive a response, we have never received one. Records from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s days in Congress and meetings with communist Chinese officials have not been available for release since Congress is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
No surprise. The Dems are inspired by the Chinese economic model. It’s a form of economic growth under strict government control that they’re pushing the US toward. It’s tyrannical socialism, plain and simple.
Pingback: EXCLUSIVE: Details from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s ‘private meeting’ with communist Chinese official – Piñon Post – SFWR
Pingback: EXCLUSIVE: Details from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s ‘private meeting’ with communist Chinese official – Piñon Post – Santa Fe World Review
Excellent reporting. On several occasions I have commented that New Mexico has appeared to be the “guinea pig” for the future of the U.S.; a prototype for the leftist Communist agenda. The information in your timely article supports the extremist agenda of Gov. Grisham in her efforts to keep NM locked down and the continued attempts to buy back guns. Grisham is dancing with the devil at our expense. Thanks for exposing her.
Thank you, Dana!
Great job uncovering this and exposing these fruitless deeds of darkness. MLG is a devout Marxist and I have no doubt she wants to implement as much of a Communist agenda as the people will allow her to get away with.
No doubt she was most likely informed of what was on the horizon, and got her instructions/marching orders for how to shut down the state and destroy small businesses. Another reason why multi-national businesses stayed open throughout this Chinese engineered act of terrorism being that most of their crap is made in China…. this genocidal maniac/woman is guilty of crimes against humanity and will be gathered with the rest of the genocidal“Tares”by the reapers and tossed into the eternal lake of fire! Matthew ch13, verses 36-42
Oooh. One can hope . . . 🙌
You are spot on! She, Pelosi, the faux presidency, and all tyrannical democrats that have run their states like they’re own personal gulags, will reap what they have sown!
Simple question here:
Why can’t this governor be impeached before she totally reduces New Mexico into ruins? She is an obvious globalist. This means she has UN involvement and possible links to the CFR and IMF. If this continues we will be Venezuela.
https://www.change.org/p/zachary-j-cook-removal-of-governor-michelle-lujan-grisham-from-office (Petition has 138,663 signatures as I write, I forget the minimum number needed, but it’s at least 1 million, so let’s all get crackin’!)
PS No one’s coming to save our republic. We have to do it ourselves, bit by bit in the smartest way possible, starting at the municipal and state levels. WE are the boss. The elected dunces are our public SERVANTS. Let’s remind them!
Once again, your research is valuable. Thank you for what you do. Sharing with everyone.
Awesome news info….thanks for this…..you guys do a great job exposing the crime and fifth that roams these offices…..soon she will be thrown out of office….a person like her is what we the people of NM do not need…..
When are New Mexicans going to wake up and put these corrupt politicians in jail? It’s far past time to handcuff and escort Michele Loserjan Gruesome out of the roundhouse! The Lujan regime needs to end!
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148
She is the Governor of the the State of New Mexico and has absolutely no business holding secret meetings and talking to communist Chinese officials,.
Hi – question – Why is the photo partially in black and white and partially color. Very strange?
Not only is China going after those in California like Eric Swalwell who was with a Chinese spy. They’re cozied up to Democratic members of Congress and now the Governor of New Mexico. These politicians have no shame they’re concern only how much money they can pocket. This used to be called treason now it’s called politics!
Follow the money and once again you will find New Mexico politicians (ie the governor) lining their/her pockets with New Mexican l tax dollars. She is doing this by dipping into communist China’s pocket and by using existing NM public policy and government money for personal gain. And now she is ‘Traveling’ in India….. watch out for another ‘business’ opportunity for New Mexico…. Aka lining her pockets! She may have personal aspirations to work in the state department under a Harris socialist government. This governor’s agenda has focused first and foremost on her personal gain, not for on the well being of the people of New Mexico! She reeks of corruption!