Keller’s new ‘equity consultant’ says military is ‘home of White supremacy’

Albuquerque is undergoing a significant “culture change” in its government, with critical race theory playing a central role, aided by a far-left equity consultant.

After being elected in 2017, Albuquerque Democrat Mayor Tim Keller vowed to reform the government with “antiracist” principles. “From Day One of our administration, we knew that inequity was growing and that we would have to change the culture,” Keller said. “When has learning and growing ever been comfortable?”

In March 2018, Keller established the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) to realize his vision of racial equity. The OEI introduced trainings on critical race theory, which made some employees uncomfortable, according to the office’s director in a 2021 report.

Among the equity consultants hired was Zamil Salhab from RACED Consulting, who holds far-left views, including the belief that the U.S. military is the “home of White supremacy.” Salhab is described on the RACED Consulting website as a “genderqueer first-generation American and Post 9-11 veteran.”

Salhab shared his experiences in June 2020, stating, “Being first generation and being black, being queer. And then to go into what I believe is the home of White supremacy and patriarchy, the military. Little did I realize like what damage… I was doing to myself and what I’d have to go through in order to deconstruct myself after getting out of the service,” Salhab said. “Because society not only teaches that Black bodies are less than… And so and then to be a woman. So to deal with those different intersectionalities of the White supremacy construct, it was, you know, for a period of time I thought I was nuts, I thought I was crazy.”

The city confirmed that “The Office of Equity and Inclusion contracted with RACED Consulting LLC.”

RACED Consulting specializes in topics such as “white fragility” and “De-Centering Whiteness,” according to its website. The firm aims to explore the impact of white fragility on building racially inclusive practices.

Despite the extensive CRT training for lower-level employees, the 2021 city report noted the absence of department directors and city leadership from these sessions. The report emphasized the need for a comprehensive investment in the Culture Change Initiative at all levels of government.

Michelle Melendez, the director of OEI, acknowledged some resistance to Keller’s racial agenda. “We also see a small but vocal resistance to addressing racism,” she said. “Systemic racism is one of the root causes of some of our most serious challenges, and addressing it within municipal government will make our city better for the long-term. That’s culture change.”

The report also highlighted an increased understanding and openness to discussions about anti-racism and social justice.

As part of the cultural shift, each department received a DEI staffer to conduct “equity assessments.” These liaisons underwent over 10 months of training to prepare for their roles. The report noted the challenges of shifting institutional culture but acknowledged progress made by those who completed the training.

Various departments, including animal welfare, environmental health, transit, and the police department, developed their own “racial equity action plans” to assess their practices, policies, expenditures, and resource distribution.

Before Keller’s election in 2017, employees were “reluctant to talk openly about race, racism,” according to OEI Director Melendez. The Culture Change Initiative has been pivotal in building the city’s capacity to work towards equitable outcomes.

Both RACED Consulting and the City of Albuquerque did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


27 thoughts on “Keller’s new ‘equity consultant’ says military is ‘home of White supremacy’”

    1. So today I saw a post that lists Albuquerque was the worst big city in our country to live in, beating out Dallas, Fort Worth and the like. And since we live in a ‘minority ‘ majority state isn’t this reverse racism? And lots of our citizens are a mix of Hispanic, American Indian, & skin white European what is this crap anyway? And most Hispanics are white European & American Indian this all just seems like Marxist/communist propaganda!

  1. Our “4th generation” NM neighbor says that she votes straight Democratic, just as her parent, grandparents did.
    If Vladimir Putin was picked as Biden’s replacement, I believe he would win based on the “once a Dem, always a Dem” mentality.

    1. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Same applies to all those life-long Dems in this state. Meanwhile, their continuing to vote Dems into office is destroying our republic.

  2. This is a total insult to the brave 1% who sign on to defend the 350 million of this country. My son is currently serving & I resent the hell out of this. He is not renewing his contract next year, thank God.

  3. The craziest thing is not what they are doing, per se, but that there is a culture of people who have been manipulated into believing that it is a positive.
    The Democrat party was usurped by communists/socialists; the usurpers shifted the ideals of the organization to press for radical changes to the social structure of America in order to create division. This is Divide and Conquer; there is no such thing as strength through division. This process is similar to Hitler taking over the German Worker Party, transitioning it to the NAZI Party, and then shifting the pre-built audience toward hate against the Jewish.
    The communists/socialists use all forms of media (newspaper, speeches, TV shows, music, movies- you name it) to create pressure, insinuate guilt by innuendo, blame, distort reality, display desired behavior/demonstrate how people “should” interact, manipulate, generate & promote false flag stories, etc. – it’s no secret that this is one of their tactics (Venona Papers). This has generated “believers” throughout every walk of life – education system converts in particular are causing significant damage.
    The most insidious thing is that they have convinced these people to think they are doing the right thing; getting mad that they are doing something they think is right isn’t going to go anywhere. It’s like getting made at a rock for being hard. Guess what? No matter how bloody the future looks under the tyranny and oppression they are unwittingly foisting upon us, you also can’t argue with a rock.
    Do you want change?
    Stop funding the destruction of America.
    Don’t engage with any form of media that censors, pushes out propaganda and/or delivers any communist/socialist/divisionist message. Learn school curricula and demand education, not indoctrination. Get off social media that has a record of censorship or manipulation – right now – go delete your accounts. Stop going to movies. Terminate your association with streaming services. Stop buying Chinese goods. Shop somewhere other than amazon.
    Reach out to another human, don’t talk politics or religion, don’t be angry — demonstrate what American Ideals are, don’t feed the narrative of the radical left media.
    Find common ground to bond over.
    Is it easy? No. It’s right; and it will feel good to do something constructive.
    — UNSUBSCRIBE, We are America and We are United. —

  4. Just a coward and a traitor. Keller is a complete idiot and Albuquerque is the proof of just insanity.
    Liberal derangement syndrome

  5. William Johnson

    ABQ and it’s comrade cluster of government are the dark cancer cells on the beautiful state of New Mexico.

  6. I do not know what military he was in but that was not my experience as a dependent child and then active duty in the USAF. There was an issue of course with openly gay being removed or more likely not allowed to join but as far as race, all I can say is that during the Vietnam war when we had squadron parties and at work, for the most part it was all inclusive especially when figuring in that the person next to, no matter what race or creed, could be the one who saves your life. There are always exceptions to the rule but that is also inclusive of all races, not just whites. If OEI is to be truly representative, then it should be with all the variables based on percentages and across all work and sports but I bet they would not change the NBA or NFL or any other hiring agencies. What should be the outcome in ethnic eateries where they tend to hire most, or all personnel based on that ethnicity?

  7. Well if the good mayor was truly serious about this he would sell his home and either move down on Central or into the south valley. Show the people you are serious! Donate everything you have to support the homeless drug infested population that you have dramatically increased. Work in a homeless shelter at least three days a week. As a white man you need to show that you are not a racist, as least according to your standards. It will never happen. You sir are a coward and a disgrace.

  8. DEI is a new form of affirmative action, only communist and on steroids! The Federal Government has also hired a bunch of these racist DEI 1619 Project slugs! November can’t come soon enough. I hope Trump fires all these DEI idiots!

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