See who won and who lost in Tuesday’s most contested primaries

On Tuesday, New Mexicans headed to the polls to vote for nominees who will battle for positions in November’s general election. 

Far-left fringe Democrats defeated multiple more moderate incumbents who bucked Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s radical agenda, although many held on. Reps. Ambrose Castellano (D-Ribera), Willie Madrid (D-Chaparral), and Harry Garcia (D-Grants) were defeated by Lujan Grisham-backed “progressives.”

Rep. Marian Matthews (D-Albuquerque), who faced a primary challenge after she was one of the Democrats who voted against the governor’s “paid family and medical leave” bill, won her primary against a progressive challenger, and so did Rep. Patricia Lundstrom (D-Gallup), who faced two challengers. Sens. George Muñoz (D-Gallup) and Pete Campos (D-Las Vegas) both handily won over far-left challengers.

Rep. Candy Spence Ezzell (R-Roswell) won her GOP bid for an open seat in Senate District 32, Rep. Larry Scott (R-Hobbs) beat incumbent Sen. Steven McCutcheon in District 42, Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R-Carlsbad) fended off a primary challenge from John Jack S. Volpato, Jr., and appointed Rep. Jared Hembree (R-Roswell) won his primary over challenger Tracy De La Rosa. In House District 62 being vacated by Scott, Elaine Sena Cortez won over two other opponents. 

In Senate District 27’s GOP primary, Patrick Henry Boone, IV defeated incumbent Sen. Greg Nibert (R-Roswell), who served in the House before being appointed to the Senate.

State Sen. Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque) narrowly lost his primary to M. Debbie O’Malley. Embattled incumbent Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Albuquerque) lost to challenger Heather Jean Berghmans in Senate District 15. 

Manny Gonzales, the Democrat-turned-Republican former Bernalillo County sheriff, narrowly lost the New Mexico Senate District 23 GOP nomination to Terry Lynne Aragon. In the Rio Rancho/Albuquerque area, Senate District 12, Jay Block won over former Sen. Candace Gould. In Senate District 21, Nicole L. Tobiassen won over two other Republicans for retiring Sen. Mark Moores’ seat. For retiring Rep. Bill Rehm’s seat, Nicole Chavez won the GOP nomination against Sarah Jane Allen and Patrick Huested.

Former State Rep. Linda Trujillo (D-Santa Fe) won the Democrat primary for retiring Sen. Nancy Rodriguez’s seat in the upper chamber of the Legislature over two challengers. 

Republican House Leader Rod Montoya (R-Farmington) easily won over Keith Mitchell Neil, who challenged him for the nomination.

In Albuquerque’s House District 16, progressive-appointed incumbent Rep. Yanira Gurrola fended off a primary challenger from former Rep. Marsella Duarte. The seat was previously held by Sen. Moe Maestas (D-Albuquerque), who was appointed to the Senate. He won his primary over a challenger.

Piñon PAC-endorsed Karl Melton won over Democrat-backed Rachel Black for Otero County Treasurer in a closely watched primary.

In a shocking turn, Steve Jones narrowly clinched the GOP nomination for the First Congressional District over Calibers gun store owner Louie Sanchez. Jones will now advance to take on far-left Democrat Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury in November. Uncontested, former Rep. Yvette Herrell won the nomination for the Second Congressional District, while Sharon Clahchischilliage won the nomination for the Third Congressional District. Nella Domenici clinched the uncontested Republican U.S. Senate nomination.

First Judicial District Attorney Mary Virginia Carmack-Altweis (D-Santa Fe) fended off a challenge from former DA Marco Serna. In Albuquerque’s Second Judicial District, Democrat DA Sam Bregman won over former U.S. Attorney Damon P. Martinez.

With the candidates advancing to the November general election, some of these primary wins could determine the fate of the Legislature, especially in seats where incumbents lost to progressives, meaning the opposing party may have a chance at winning. 


19 thoughts on “See who won and who lost in Tuesday’s most contested primaries”

  1. I hope and pray that come November, people wake up and vote out all of MLG comrades and make it impossible for her to complete her agenda to destroy NM. She is the worst governor and is still tempting to take away our 2nd amendment right to arm ourselves. And she has made NM capital of murdering babies in the womb. She celebrated her so called law to make abortion ok up until birth (that is total murder)
    All who celebrated with her will be paying the price come judgement day. God will make sure of that. I keep praying for Gods mercy!

    1. In a shocking turn, Steve Jones narrowly clinched the GOP nomination for the First Congressional District over Calibers gun store owner Louie Sanchez. Jones will now advance to take on far-left Democrat Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury in November. Uncontested, former Rep. Yvette Herrell won the nomination for the Second Congressional District, while Sharon Clahchischilliage won the nomination for the Third Congressional District. Nella Domenici clinched the uncontested Republican U.S. Senate nomination.

    2. He didn’t mention that Greg Nibert lost to Pat Boone for district 27 senate seat. Greg basically lost because Pat carried De Baca, Curry, Roosevelt, & Lea counties.

    1. NMConcerned Mom

      Unfortunately, that’s unlikely considering Jones did little to no campaigning. This “win” is very odd to me.

      1. I totally agree here. I didn’t hear anything in ads for Jones but I did hear and see ads for Sanchez. It is a very odd win, and should be looked into.

      2. I totally agree. Louis Sanchez is more familiar then Jones. Unfortunately, we have way to many who here who don’t study the issues a s candidate and just go in familiar, much to the ruination of this state.

        1. You are right and it seems no matter how bad things get the left has ways to deflect and make people think things are good instead of not.

  2. Bregman should never have been elected since he is a criminal and abuser of power. Google his name and you will see for yourself. His claim to achievements is he hired “50” new prosecutors. Where did that money come from? Don’t you think that if any of the other duly elected DA’s would have jumped at the chance to hire the help they so desperately needed? Bregman also took advantage of his appointed position to show his mug on any and all TV channels, making the persona of a do-gooder. IMH, he s as corrupt as can be and not above throwing NM under the bus for his own personal gain. This started with the lie that he didn’t want the DA’s job and would NOT seek re-election. Why did he change? Beware, he s seeking to get his claws into running for governor.

  3. Now get ready to put on Armor of God this coming November. Get rid of evil politicians!!! SAVE the children and babies!!! Block Bill Gates and China to buy NM land. Red wave!!! Protect our Constitution!!!!! No to Socialism!!!!

    1. you are right there Ellen. He doesn’t live here so he shouldn’t be a representative for this state and he needs to be beaten in the general election.

      1. Fat chance. I was a Democrat (not entirely) until covid when I woke up. I have been writing to Heinrich. His replies are just short of funny. Or would be funny if he weren’t such an obvious shill and criminal. But once a dem or, rarely, a repub is elected to the Senate they become senators for life no matter how terrible they are.

  4. Yes, was Trump on the ballot? As a registered dem I couldn’t see that. I did get to vote for Jill Stein or whoever it was they ran against biden.

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