‘Chris, the n—er’: Police report unmasks Vasquez’s racist, violent past

In the summer of 2004, an incident occurred at a call center in Las Cruces, New Mexico, that has resurfaced in the form of a police report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The report details a disturbing phone call received by a human resources employee at Research Data Design, a now-defunct consulting business. The caller, identified by the employee as former worker Gabe Vasquez, used a racial slur to ask for “Chris” before hanging up and calling back to ask for “Chris, the black man,” laughing before disconnecting.

Gabe Vasquez, now a Democratic congressman representing New Mexico’s second district, was a former employee of the company who had been terminated for falsifying data. The police report from 2004, which was obtained through a public records request, confirms the identification of Vasquez as the caller. A city records custodian verified that Vasquez was the suspect in the report, although his name is redacted in the document.

This revelation stands in stark contrast to Vasquez’s public persona. In 2020, Vasquez, a progressive Democrat and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, called for the dismantling of oppressive systems harming Black people. During his 2022 congressional campaign, he urged supporters to celebrate Juneteenth, recognizing the contributions of Black Americans. Additionally, he has frequently criticized others for racist behavior, including comparing the Trump administration to the Ku Klux Klan.

Despite the serious nature of these allegations, Vasquez has not responded to requests for comment. The police report, part of a series of documents obtained from Las Cruces city records, includes other incidents involving Vasquez during his time at New Mexico State University from 2002 to 2008. These records detail arguments with a girlfriend and arrests for marijuana possession.

The 2004 police report describes how the human resources employee at Research Data Design called Vasquez to inform him of her intention to report the harassment to the police. Following this warning, no further calls were received. The report lists the offense under a statute that criminalizes the use of a telephone to intimidate or harass, but the case was suspended in 2008 without any charges against Vasquez.

“At approximately 1600 hours he called Research Data Design and she answered the phone,” the police report says. “She stated that the person asked, ‘Is Chris there?’ She said, ‘Who, which Chris?’ as apparently there are a number of Chrises there and he said, ‘Chris, the n—er.’ She hung up,” the police report read.

Vasquez’s past interactions with law enforcement include a domestic dispute in 2007 where police responded to a possible domestic situation at his home and a 2005 incident where he was caught attempting to flush marijuana during a noise complaint investigation. Additionally, in 2002, Vasquez failed to appear in court for charges of driving without a license and insurance in El Paso, Texas, resulting in an arrest warrant executed just two months ago.

Following the shocking revelations, National Republican Congressional Committee Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar wrote, “This is unacceptable behavior from a Member of Congress. Gabe Vasquez clearly has a problem with authority and this pattern of behavior shows he is unfit to serve. Do Hakeem Jeffries and Vasquez’s House colleagues agree?”

“This is absolutely disqualifying behavior for a Member of Congress,” said the Congressional Leadership Fund’s  Regional Press Secretary Maureen O’Toole. “How can Democrats stand by after Gabe Vasquez hurled inexcusable racial slurs while harassing a former colleague? Will Democrats hold Vasquez accountable?”

Republican Former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, the GOP nominee for the District, wrote, “Absolutely disgusting conduct. Let’s hold Gabe Vasquez accountable in November!”


15 thoughts on “‘Chris, the n—er’: Police report unmasks Vasquez’s racist, violent past”

    1. Before I get to the topic at hand here,the fact that one Congressman Gabe Vasquez is a racist, I unfortunately have a bit of bad news to discuss. President Trump, the man who actually supports the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and soon, who actually secured the border with Title 42, and such, the man who established peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords, and etc, has been found guilty, or should I say “guilty” of 34 felony charges. Now, to the Left and today’s Democratic Party, that is a victory. I know that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are just celebrating convicting a man supposedly because he did something wrong and stuff like that. Here’s the thing though. The fact that the Left and today’s Democratic Party convicted, or “convicted” a man who actually cares about this country and actually supports the true American values, Trump, not because he actually did anything wrong, but because they hate him and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and parental rights and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and voter ID laws and voter IDs and law enforcement and law and order and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc, shows why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe and the United States of America including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc. They didn’t convict him because he has actually done anything wrong. No that’s bullsh*t. They just want him to be put in prison because they hate him and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and parental rights and law enforcement and law and order, etc and they do not represent these true American values, but support abortion up to and including birth and after birth and censoring freedom of speech and targeting anyone who tells the truth about there only being two genders and targeting parents for being parents and targeting pro-lifers for being pro-life and forcing little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better, and so on. That is why the Left and today’s Democratic Party are doing this to Trump. It’s not because he’s actually guilty, because he’s not guilty. It’s because they hate and fear the true American values of the United States of America that Trump and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans support, like normal Americans support. Don’t believe the Left and today’s Democratic Party when they say that Trump deserves to go to prison because he has done something wrong. Don’t believe that because that is a lie and everyone knows it. It’s not because he has done anything wrong that the Left and today’s Democratic Party have “convicted ” him. It’s because they are scared of him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and the Second Amendment and First Amendment, etc and they do not and so if they throw him in prison, they will think that that will somehow “save the United States” from a guy, Trump, who actually cares about this country simply because they think that he’s a criminal or a “fascist” and think that is just going to be it for him and his supporters and that no one is going to support him ever again or that he won’t become more popular. Well guess what! It’s not going to work. Trump will become more popular than ever because of this. In fact, it’s already starting to happen because everyone knows that this “guilty verdict” is bullcrap. It’s bullcrap. The only reason why the Left and today’s Democratic Party even remotely want to put Trump in prison and stuff like that is because they are scared of him because they know that he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. Trump’s values are more popular than someone like Joe Biden, because Trump is an actual American who cares about this country and supports the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice, etc. The values of the Left and today’s Democratic Party are unpopular, for good reasons, and the polls and studies and data show this. And they do not lie. In fact, here are a few examples of this: 86% of American businesses are being hurt by the inflation rate under Biden, while another 79% of them are being hurt by higher taxes due to the inflation rate under Biden, or as it’s called, Bidenflation or Bidenomics(Alignable poll). Another 59% say that the damage from the Bidenflation has been significant(Alignable poll). The vast majority of Americans are less optimistic about the economy under Biden(Gallup poll). More than 80% of Americans, which is the vast majority, including yes, Democrats too, are concerned about the border crisis and disapprove of Biden’s open border policies(various polls). The vast majority of Americans are financially worse off under Biden than under Trump(CNN poll, NBC poll, other polls). The vast majority of Americans including 93% of Republicans, more than 48% of Democrats, over 70% of Independents, etc oppose transgender people competing in women’s sports(Gallup poll). The vast majority of Americans, including a growing number of Democrats, actually support Israel and not the Palestinians who have since 2006 have voted into office and have elected into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits acts of jihad and Sharia law and terrorism(various polls including a Harvard university poll). And so on. So how can you tell me that the Left and today’s Democratic Party are more popular, more American….than the guy, Trump, and his supporters and other common sense minded Americans who actually support the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and supporting Israel and school choice and border security and law enforcement, etc?! Answer that question for me. Everyone knows that Biden and his administration and his leftist comrades’s policies are way more unpopular than Trump and his supporters’s policies. And if the Left and today’s Democratic Party believe what they just did to Trump today is going to make him unpopular, well, they’ve got another thing coming! This will only make him more popular and it’s going to make him win this election by default! Don’t believe me? Try me. Trump is way more American than Joe Biden or any of Biden’s supporters could ever imagine. And that is why he will become more popular. And as for the policies of the Left and today’s Democratic Party and views from them. It’s no wonder why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in droves around the globe and the United States now including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Cuban Americans, etc.

      Oh yeah, and Joe Biden, you say that Trump’s still a “threat to democracy”? Guess what, Adolf Hitler said the same thing about the Jews during the Holocaust. And guess what happened. He exterminated six million Jews, simply based on a lie. And now you, Biden, are saying the exact same thing about the MAGA supporters. You are calling them a “threat to democracy” too. You are calling normal Americans who support the true American values of this country, the United States of America, like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and supporting Israel, etc “a threat to democracy”. That is what you Biden and your leftist comrades are doing. Simply put it, you, Mr. Joe Biden, you are targeting your own people, your own kind. Because you are an American too, Mr. Biden. You were born in Delaware in the year 1942. You served 47 years in the United States Senate, served as the Vice President of the United States, and so on. Yet, you, Mr. Biden, an American citizen, have the audacity to call other Americans, especially Americans who actually support the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and the Pledge of Allegiance, etc like Trump does, “a threat to democracy”? You know that saying? History repeats itself? Well unfortunately, history is repeating itself right now here in the United States with Joe Biden calling normal Americans a “threat to democracy” just like Adolf Hitler did. Biden is a modern day Adolf Hitler. And that is absolutely terrifying. Justin Trudeau apparently is too now. In fact, you know what he did like two weeks ago in Canada? He ordered, ordered, the Canadian military to put common sense minded people who don’t agree with his radical leftist WEF agenda, into what are called “reeducation camps”. In other words…. concentration camps! This is what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews! Trudeau is doing what Hitler did! How terrifying is that? History is repeating itself right before our eyes. And it’s absolutely terrifying.

      1. Anyway, Congressman Gabe Vasquez is a racist. I mean, he’s extremely racist. Why do you think that he supports defunding law enforcement, all law enforcement, including law enforcement officers who are Black, in this country? Is it because he actually supports African Americans? You really think that he supports African Americans? No he does not. African Americans, the vast majority of them that is, in fact support the police in the United States. They support the police, not oppose it. Why? Because the police, all police officers and departments in this country are not racists towards African Americans! Their not even racist towards any other race in this country, or any country for that matter. The vast majority of police officers and departments are good people who care about their communities and so on. Yes, I will agree that there are some, only some police officers and departments who are corrupt and or are racist. But, not the vast majority of them. But Gabe Vasquez supports defunding the police simply because he thinks that police officers and departments, all of them, literally, in the United States are racists or corrupt, and that’s just simply not true at all. And besides, defunding the police actually doesn’t work. It does not work,as we have seen in places like Portland, Oregon and Minneapolis and places like that. It does not work. Nor should it ever work in general. Defunding the police actually causes crime to skyrocket even more. This has been proven by actual studies and polls, etc. Defunding the police doesn’t work and leftists like Mr. Gabe Vasquez knows that. He knows this, he just refuses to admit it. But he knows it. Yet, he continues pushing for the police in the United States to be defunded. It’s things like that that is why New Mexico has so many issues with it’s leftist policies that is destroying our state right now, as well as the crime issues and so on. I mean, the crime in the state is so bad that we are actually the most dangerous U.S state of all 50 states and territories in the country! Yes, you heard me right. New Mexico, not California, not New York, but New Mexico is the most dangerous U.S state of all 50 states and territories in this country! We’re also like the least safest state in the United States which is even worse! Plus, our education system in New Mexico absolutely sucks, especially now with the whole transgender thing now being shoved down children’s and parents’s throats now and so on. And so on. I mean, like I said, we suck as a state because of these issues. I mean, it’s never been this bad regarding the crime rate in NM. I’ve lived here in New Mexico since I was in the fifth grade. I went to middle school and high school here in New Mexico. I moved here to New Mexico in October 2005 and I was in the fifth grade at the time. And the crime here in New Mexico wasn’t this bad back then. I mean, it was pretty bad back then. Now, it’s worse. But, again, it wasn’t this bad when I moved here to New Mexico in October 2005. Again, now unfortunately it’s worse now than then. I mean, now there’s rumors that a gang is running around in like Tularosa and I have even heard that La Luz, near Alamogordo, is starting to get bad with crime and stuff like that too. It’s just getting bad and dangerous out there folks. And one of the people responsible for that is Mr. Gabe Vasquez, as well as our Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, of course and others like them. Makes you wonder why people are fleeing from this state in droves now right?

  1. Another racist democrat. They portray themselves as the party that loves all people but it is not true.

  2. Jeepers Creepers people…what do you expect from the little 9 year old raised on the streets of Juarez washing your windshield in Mexico in front of a dice bar with hookers with a spit and a oily rag 4 blocks from the bridge of the Americas?

    Prove me wrong there Gabby…lol… you cannot…lol…

  3. Gabe is a typical democrat. Anyone who votes for democrats are like them. Birds of a feather. Republicans may be the cause of some of your troubles but democrats are the cause of All your troubles. Per Dan Bongino

  4. Will be another “Rules for thee, not for me” situation….yea I’m very jaded in my expectations these days

  5. Critical to think

    Focus on the facts, crime, inflation, constitutional rights, oil and gas, jobs, etc, vote your values NM.

  6. Surprise surprise surprise. Gabe Vasquez?? I knew he was a liar and a POS this just goes to show we need to get him out of office

  7. This is pretty vanilla. Used the “N” word? Smoked reefer? Fired for falsifying data without any details? As Republicans we MUST do better. Our candidate just got convicted for similar fringe BS. Tell us what you’ll do better. I’ve contacted Vasquez and always got a response. I contacted Herrell, (several times) nothing. I’m a diehard Republican, but which way would you vote?

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