On Tuesday, President Trump oversaw the signing of two historic peace deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Also attending the event, albeit in far-away seats, were Democrat members of the House of Representatives, including Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District.
Torres Small voted on two counts in December to impeach President Trump and she votes against the President’s interests 91.5% of the time, voting just 8.5% of the time with the President.

After the ceremony, Torres Small posted on social media and through a press release entitled “Torres Small Joins Trump at White House for Signing Ceremony of Middle East Normalization Agreements” after her attendance.
“It was an honor to witness the signing of the Abraham Accords this afternoon, and I commend President Trump for spearheading this effort. These historic agreements between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain represent a major shift in the Middle East and will hopefully open the door to many peaceful partnerships across the region. I look forward to finding other ways to work towards a more prosperous future for the United States and our allies,” wrote Torres Small.
The anti-Trump congresswoman has made many ploys late in the game to court Trump voters, which didn’t seem to be sticking.
So, let me get this straight…if Democrats don’t praise the President for making progress with Middle East Peace then they’re just full of hate, but if they do show up and support him then they’re just courting Trump voters.
I commend Congresswomen Torres Small for repeatedly reaching across the aisle and trying to get things done. She kind of reminds me of Joe Skeen who, although he was a solid Republican, Joe represented all of his District regardless of Party.
Do you really believe the statement you just made? I certainly find it more than amusing. Do you people ever tell the truth? Small is no more going to work with President Trump anymore than I a going to like Biden. Please get real!
Ixioti Torres isn’t even a decent liar! She has proven she is only in the game to line her pocketbook off the taxpayers!!